
How To Print A Template From Docusign Document Before Signing

Are you looking to print a template from a DocuSign document before signing?

In this article, we will guide you through the process step by step. From opening the document to selecting the template option and choosing the pages to print, we will cover it all.

We will provide tips for printing a template successfully and address common issues and troubleshooting.

Stay tuned to learn how to efficiently print a template from a DocuSign document and ensure a smooth signing process.

What is DocuSign?

DocuSign is a leading electronic signature platform that enables users to securely sign, certify, and finalize agreements and contracts digitally.

By offering an intuitive and user-friendly interface, DocuSign simplifies the process of collecting electronic signatures and ensures the authentication and security of each signed document. This innovative software empowers businesses to streamline their operations and reduce the time and resources traditionally required for manual paperwork. With DocuSign, organizations can securely manage their entire contract lifecycle, from creation to execution, while maintaining compliance with industry regulations. The platform’s integration capabilities make it a versatile solution for businesses of all sizes looking to digitize and optimize their agreement processes.

Why Would You Need to Print a Template from a DocuSign Document?

Printing a template from a DocuSign document before signing may be necessary for legal review, ensuring confidentiality, or making physical copies for record-keeping purposes.

From a legal standpoint, having a printed version of the document allows parties involved to carefully examine the terms and conditions before finalizing the agreement. This printed copy can serve as tangible evidence in case of any disputes or legal concerns that may arise in the future.

Printing a template ensures compliance with confidentiality requirements by reducing the digital footprint of sensitive information, thereby enhancing data protection measures. Physical records provide a backup in case of technology failures or accessibility issues, maintaining a reliable source of documentation.

How to Print a Template from a DocuSign Document Before Signing

To print a template from a DocuSign document before signing, follow a series of structured steps to ensure the correct printing process.

  1. Begin by accessing the DocuSign document that contains the template you wish to print.
  2. Once the document is open, locate the ‘Print’ option typically found in the upper-right corner or under the ‘More’ dropdown menu.
  3. Click on ‘Print’ to initiate the printing dialog box.
  4. Ensure that your printer is connected and selected as the designated device for printing.
  5. Adjust the print settings such as orientation, paper size, and quality as needed.
  6. Click ‘Print’ to complete the process and obtain a physical copy of the template from the DocuSign document.

Step 1: Open the DocuSign Document

  1. The first step in printing a template from a DocuSign document is to access and open the document on your computer or device.
  2. Once the document is opened on your screen, look for the options bar at the top, which usually includes functions like ‘File’, ‘Edit’, and ‘View’. Click on ‘File’, then select ‘Print’ from the dropdown menu. A new window will appear, allowing you to choose your printing preferences, such as the number of copies, color settings, and paper size. Ensure that your printer is connected and properly set up to avoid any printing errors. Click on ‘Print’ to initiate the printing process.

Step 2: Click on the ‘Print’ Button

After opening the DocuSign document, locate and click on the ‘Print’ button provided within the software or platform interface.

This button is usually situated in the toolbar or menu options at the top of the screen, easily recognizable by its printer icon. Clicking on the ‘Print’ button will prompt a pop-up window where you can select your printing preferences such as the number of copies, page range, and print quality. Once you have adjusted these settings according to your requirements, click on the ‘Print’ or ‘OK’ button within the print dialog box to initiate the printing process. Ensure that your printer is properly connected and loaded with paper before proceeding.

Step 3: Select the Template Option

Once the ‘Print’ dialog opens, choose the template option and customize any fields or settings as needed before proceeding.

By selecting the template option, users can tailor the layout, font, color scheme, and other elements to suit their preferences. This customization capability allows for a personalized touch to the document being printed, ensuring that it meets specific requirements.

Whether adjusting margins, adding headers, or modifying text size, the ability to customize fields within the printing dialog empowers users to create professional-looking materials. With a few simple clicks, users can easily make changes and see a preview of how the final output will appear, making the printing process streamlined and efficient.

Step 4: Choose the Pages to Print

Select the specific pages or page range that you intend to print from the DocuSign document, ensuring you only print the required sections.

To choose the pages to print, look for the option to ‘Select Pages‘ or ‘Print Range‘ in the printing settings. This allows you to input the exact page numbers or a range of pages you wish to include in your printout. By specifying the pages to print, you can avoid unnecessary wastage of paper and ink.

Taking the time to select only the relevant sections provides a more efficient and organized approach to managing the printed material. Remember to review the content beforehand to accurately determine the pages required for printing.

Step 5: Click on ‘Print’ to Generate the Template

Click on the ‘Print’ command to initiate printing process and generate the template with the specified settings and quality.

Previewing the template before finalizing is crucial to ensure that all details are correct and the print quality meets your expectations. Once you have set the desired settings and checked the preview, proceed with the ‘Print’ command. This will prompt the printer to begin generating the document according to your specifications. Taking the time to review the preview can help in avoiding any mistakes or misprints, ultimately saving you time and resources.

What to Do After Printing the Template?

After printing the template from the DocuSign document, it’s crucial to review, edit if necessary, sign the document, and save a digital or physical copy.

Reviewing the printed document allows you to catch any errors or inconsistencies that may have been missed during the initial drafting process. Making edits if required ensures that the final version accurately reflects the content and intent.

Signing the document signifies your agreement or approval of its contents, providing a legal record of your consent. Saving copies in both digital and physical formats serves as a backup in case of loss or dispute, offering peace of mind and security for important agreements.

Step 6: Review the Printed Template

Begin by thoroughly reviewing the printed template to ensure the quality, layout, and format meet your expectations and requirements.

Pay close attention to the print quality, checking for any smudges, blurred text, or color inconsistencies.

Next, assess the layout to confirm that the elements are well-aligned, margins are consistent, and there are no overlapping elements.

It is vital to scrutinize the format to verify that the fonts, sizes, and styles are uniform throughout the document.

Ensure that headers, footers, and page numbers are correctly placed and that the overall aesthetic appeal aligns with the intended design.

By meticulously reviewing these aspects, you can guarantee a polished and professional printed template.

Step 7: Make Any Necessary Changes

If any changes are needed after the review, proceed to edit, customize, or fill out any unfilled fields within the printed template.

  1. Editing the template involves revising the existing text, images, or layout to better suit your needs.
  2. Customizing allows you to add personal touches like logos or color schemes.
  3. Fill out any blank spaces by inputting the required information.

These steps help ensure that the template aligns perfectly with your specific requirements.

By incorporating these adjustments, you can tailor the template to match your individual style or branding, making it more personalized and effective for its intended use.

Step 8: Sign the Document

Sign the document using the designated fields for your signature, timestamp, name, and any other required details as per the agreement.

Ensure that you input your signature in the appropriate section provided, followed by the timestamp to indicate the date and time of signing.

It’s crucial to include your full name as it appears on the document for authenticity purposes.

Make sure to fill in any other relevant details specified in the agreement to complete the signing process accurately.

Keeping these fields updated with the necessary information will help validate the document and ensure compliance with the established guidelines.

Step 9: Save the Document

Save the signed document in the desired format, whether digital for online storage or PDF for easy sharing and printing on paper.

  1. For digital storage, you can opt for formats like DOCX, JPEG, or PNG. These formats offer versatility and compatibility with various devices and applications.
  2. If you plan to print the document, saving it in PDF ensures that its layout and formatting remain intact. PDF files are widely accepted and prevent any accidental changes to the content. It’s also a secure option for sharing sensitive information with others.
  3. Remember to choose a location on your computer or cloud storage for easy access when needed.

Tips for Printing a Template from a DocuSign Document

When printing a template from a DocuSign document, consider exploring different printing options, settings, and preferences to tailor the output to your needs.

Customizing printing options can significantly impact the quality of your printed document. Start by adjusting the paper size, orientation, and color settings to match your desired output.

Take advantage of advanced settings such as selecting high-resolution printing for crisp text and images. Experimenting with layout preferences like double-sided printing or page scaling can also optimize the document’s appearance.

Remember to review and adjust these settings before finalizing the printing process for the best results tailored to your specific requirements.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

Encounter common issues while printing a template from a DocuSign document? Find troubleshooting solutions to resolve problems efficiently.

  1. One common issue users may face is the template not aligning correctly on the printed page due to incompatible printer settings or the document’s layout. To troubleshoot this, adjusting the page margins in the printer settings or resizing the template within the DocuSign document can often resolve the alignment issues.
  2. Another issue could be poor print quality, which could be due to low ink levels or a dirty printer head. Regularly checking ink levels, cleaning the printer head, and selecting the high-quality print settings can help improve the printing outcome.

Issue 1: Unable to Print the Template

If you are unable to print the template from the DocuSign document, check for errors or glitches in the software or platform that may be hindering the printing process.

  • Ensure that your printer is turned on and connected to your device properly.
  • Verify that there is enough paper in the printer tray and that the ink or toner levels are sufficient.
  • Try restarting both your printer and the device you are printing from to refresh the connection.
  • If the issue persists, you may want to update the printer drivers or try printing from a different software program to see if the problem lies with the specific application.

Taking these troubleshooting steps can often resolve common printing difficulties efficiently.

Issue 2: Template is Not Printing Correctly

In case the template is not printing correctly, troubleshoot the issue by examining the layout, print quality, and settings to ensure a successful printing outcome.

  1. Begin by conducting a thorough check of the layout to ensure that all elements are positioned correctly on the template. Pay close attention to margins, alignment, and the overall design.
  2. Next, assess the print quality by inspecting for any smudges, streaks, or faded areas that may indicate issues with the printer or the paper quality being used.
  3. Consider adjusting the print settings such as paper type, size, and print quality options to address any inaccuracies. These steps can help resolve the problem and lead to a more precise printing result.

Issue 3: Document is Not Printing at All

If the document is not printing at all, troubleshoot the issue by investigating possible causes such as blank pages, connectivity problems, or printer issues.

  1. Start by checking if there are any blank pages in the document that might be causing the printer to halt. Ensure that the printer has enough ink or toner to complete the job without any interruptions.
  2. Next, inspect the connectivity between the device sending the print job and the printer itself. Verify if the printer is properly connected to the network or computer. If the printer is connected wirelessly, ensure that the Wi-Fi signal is strong and stable. Restart both the printer and the device sending the print command to refresh the connection.
  3. If these steps do not resolve the issue, consider checking for any visible malfunctions within the printer itself, such as paper jams or hardware errors. By systematically troubleshooting these potential causes, you can eliminate the reasons behind why the document is not printing and restore the printing functionality effectively.

Additional Resources and Support

Explore additional resources and support options for further assistance with printing templates from DocuSign documents, including community forums, help guides, and direct assistance.

  1. Community forums can be a great place to find solutions to common printing issues, as you can benefit from the collective knowledge and experiences of other users facing similar challenges.
  2. Help guides provided by the platform offer step-by-step instructions on troubleshooting various printing problems, making it easier to navigate through technical issues.
  3. In addition, seeking direct assistance from customer support can be a reliable way to address any complex or persistent printing issues you may encounter.

By utilizing these resources, you can efficiently resolve your printing concerns and enhance your overall user experience.

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