
How to Read Excel File in Power Automate Desktop

Are you struggling with manually reading Excel files and looking for an efficient solution? Look no further because we have the perfect solution for you. In this article, we will guide you step-by-step on how to use Power Automate Desktop to easily read Excel files and save time and effort.

What is an Excel File?

An Excel file, also referred to as a spreadsheet, is a digital document created using Microsoft Excel software. It is composed of rows and columns that organize data and facilitate calculations, data analysis, and visualization. Excel files can contain a variety of information, including numbers, text, dates, and formulas, and are widely used in business, finance, accounting, and data management. Having a good understanding of the structure and features of Excel files is crucial for efficiently working with data.

In Power Automate Desktop, a user-friendly automation tool, you can utilize built-in actions or custom scripts to extract and manipulate data from an Excel file. For further guidance, consider exploring tutorials and documentation.

Why Would You Need to Read an Excel File in Power Automate Desktop?

There are several reasons why reading an Excel file in Power Automate Desktop can be advantageous. Firstly, it allows for the automation of repetitive tasks, such as data entry and report generation. Secondly, it facilitates seamless integration between different software applications, improving productivity and efficiency. Lastly, it provides easy access to important data stored in Excel, allowing for analysis and manipulation as necessary.

For example, a marketing team utilized Power Automate Desktop to read an Excel file containing customer data. By automating the process, they were able to save hours of manual work, reduce human error, and gain valuable insights for targeted marketing campaigns.

How to Read an Excel File in Power Automate Desktop

Are you looking to automate the process of reading an Excel file in Power Automate Desktop? Look no further! In this section, we will guide you through the steps of reading an Excel file using Power Automate Desktop. From creating a new flow to specifying the sheet and range to read, we will cover all the necessary details. Plus, we’ll show you how to save the output to a variable and incorporate it into your flow seamlessly. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Create a New Flow

To initiate a new flow in Power Automate Desktop, simply follow these steps:

  1. Open Power Automate Desktop.
  2. Click on the “Create a new flow” button.
  3. Provide a name and description for your flow.
  4. Choose the type of flow you wish to create (desktop flow or web flow).
  5. Press the “Create” button.
  6. You will then be directed to the flow editor, where you can begin constructing your flow by adding actions and configuring their settings.

Step 2: Add an Excel File Action

In the second step of reading an Excel file in Power Automate Desktop, you will need to incorporate an Excel File action into your flow. Here is a simple guide to help you through the process:

  1. Once you have created a new flow, click on the “+” icon to add an action.
  2. In the search bar, type “Excel File” and select the “Excel File” action from the list of available options.
  3. In the action configuration window, specify the Excel file you wish to read by either selecting it from the list or providing the file path.
  4. Configure any additional settings, such as selecting the authentication method or providing credentials if necessary.
  5. Click on “Save” to add the Excel File action to your flow.

By following these simple steps, you can easily incorporate an Excel File action into your Power Automate Desktop flow and proceed with reading the data from your Excel file.

Step 3: Select the Excel File to Read

When reading an Excel file in Power Automate Desktop, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Create a new flow.
  2. Add an Excel file action.
  3. Select the Excel file to read (Step 3: Select the Excel File to Read).
  4. Specify the sheet and range to read.
  5. Save the output to a variable.
  6. Use the variable in your flow.

Following these steps ensures that you can successfully read the desired Excel file in Power Automate Desktop.

Step 4: Specify the Sheet and Range to Read

To specify the sheet and range to read in Power Automate Desktop, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Excel File action in your flow.
  2. In the action properties, locate the “Sheet” parameter.
  3. Specify the sheet name you want to read data from, such as “Step 4”.
  4. Next, find the “Range” parameter.
  5. Enter the range of cells you want to read, such as “A1:D10”.
  6. Save your flow and run it to read the specified sheet and range.


  • Double-check the sheet name and range to ensure accuracy.
  • If you need to read multiple sheets or ranges, create separate actions for each.
  • Consider using variables to store the sheet name and range for flexibility.

Step 5: Save the Output to a Variable

To save the output to a variable in Power Automate Desktop, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new flow in Power Automate Desktop.
  2. Add an Excel File action to the flow.
  3. Select the Excel file you want to read.
  4. Specify the sheet and range you want to read from the Excel file.
  5. In Step 5, save the output to a variable named “SavedOutput”.
  6. Finally, use the “SavedOutput” variable in your flow as needed.

Saving the output to a variable allows you to store and manipulate the data for further processing in your automation. It provides flexibility and efficiency in working with the Excel file data within Power Automate Desktop.

Step 6: Use the Variable in Your Flow

To utilize the variable in your Power Automate Desktop flow, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new action in your flow where you want to use the variable.
  2. Drag and drop the action onto your flow canvas.
  3. In the action’s configuration settings, locate the input field where you want to use the variable.
  4. Click on the input field and select the option to use a variable.
  5. Choose the variable you created in Step 5 from the list of available variables.
  6. Save your flow and run it to see the variable being used in your desired action.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

As with any technology, there may be some hiccups when trying to read an Excel file in Power Automate Desktop. In this section, we will discuss some common issues that users may encounter and provide troubleshooting tips for each one. From the file being locked by another user to selecting the wrong sheet or range, we will cover potential roadblocks and how to overcome them. Additionally, we will also address the issue of using an invalid variable type while reading an Excel file. By the end, you will have the knowledge and tools to successfully read Excel files in Power Automate Desktop without any problems.

1. Excel File is Locked

If you are experiencing the issue of an Excel file being locked while using Power Automate Desktop, follow these steps to resolve the problem:

  1. Check if the file is currently open in another application or by another user.
  2. If it is open, kindly close the file in the other application or ask the user to close it.
  3. If the file is not currently open, try restarting your computer.
  4. If the issue persists, check if the file has read-only permissions.
  5. If it does, request write access or make a copy of the file and work with the copy instead.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you should be able to successfully resolve the issue of a locked Excel file in Power Automate Desktop.

2. Incorrect Sheet or Range Selected

When utilizing Power Automate Desktop to extract data from an Excel file, it is crucial to select the correct sheet and range. Neglecting this step can lead to errors or incorrect data extraction. Follow these steps to avoid any mistakes in sheet or range selection:

  1. Open the Power Automate Desktop application.
  2. Create a new flow to extract data from the Excel file.
  3. Add an Excel file action to the flow.
  4. Select the desired Excel file.
  5. In the action configuration, specify the correct sheet and range to extract data from.
  6. Save the output to a variable for further use in the flow.
  7. Double-check and validate the selected sheet and range to ensure accuracy.

By following these steps, you can ensure that the data extracted from an Excel file in Power Automate Desktop is accurate and reliable.

In a similar vein, it is essential to note that incorrect sheet or range selection in data extraction processes has resulted in significant data discrepancies in the past. In one notable incident, a company mistakenly extracted financial data from the wrong sheet, leading to inaccurate reports and financial analysis. This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of carefully selecting the sheet and range to avoid costly mistakes and ensure data accuracy.

3. Invalid Variable Type

Invalid variable types in Power Automate Desktop can cause issues when reading Excel files. To avoid this, follow these steps:

  1. Check the variable type: Ensure that the variable you’re using to store the output from reading the Excel file is of the correct type. For example, if you’re expecting a number, use a numeric variable.
  2. Convert the variable type: If the variable you’re using is not the correct type, you can use the “Convert” action in Power Automate Desktop to change the variable type before using it.
  3. Test the flow: After making any changes to the variable type, test your flow to ensure that the Excel file is being read correctly without any errors.

Pro-tip: When troubleshooting variable type issues, double-check the data type requirements of the action or function you’re using in Power Automate Desktop.

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