
How to Remove Users from SharePoint

Having control of user access is essential for any SharePoint admin. Here, we’ll explore how to remove users from SharePoint. This task ensures only authorized people have access to confidential information and helps keep your SharePoint environment secure.

Managing user permissions in SharePoint may require removing certain users. This process is simple if you follow the right steps. By navigating through the settings and options available in SharePoint, you can efficiently revoke access for individuals or groups.

It’s important to understand the impact removing users can have on your SharePoint site. It depends on the level of access they had and their contributions to the site’s content. Consider evaluating their existing permissions and any tasks they had been assigned.

Let’s look at a story about removing users from SharePoint. In a large organization, an employee that had resigned still had access rights to company documents stored in SharePoint. HR didn’t communicate his departure to the IT department. As a result, confidential info was vulnerable until someone discovered him in the system and removed him from SharePoint.

This shows how important it is to remove users who no longer need access. Regularly reviewing and updating user permissions safeguards sensitive data and keeps you compliant with security protocols.

Removing users from SharePoint is important for maintaining secure digital environments. Proactively revoking access for people who don’t need it will help protect your organization’s data and improve its overall cybersecurity posture. Let’s now look at the steps to remove users from SharePoint.

Understanding SharePoint user management

SharePoint user management includes understanding how to deactivate user accounts, remove permissions, and delete users. Here are a few tips on how to successfully manage user access:

  1. Regularly audit accounts and permissions to identify inactive or unnecessary users that can be removed.
  2. Communicate with users about changes in their access or account status. Offer support if needed.
  3. Document the removal process for record-keeping and accountability. Record when and why a user was removed to adhere to organizational policies.

These steps can help ensure secure management of SharePoint user access.

Step 1: Accessing the SharePoint admin center

Unlock the power of the SharePoint admin center! Here’s how:

  1. Visit the Office 365 homepage in your web browser.
  2. Log in with your admin account details.
  3. Tap on the “Admin” app to launch the Office 365 admin center.
  4. Select “SharePoint” in the left-hand menu to open the SharePoint admin center.
  5. You’re ready to go – the admin center is now unlocked!

Discover the range of user management tools available in the SharePoint admin center – they’ll help you remove users from SharePoint quickly and securely. Get started now and make sure your collaboration platform remains organized and safe!

Step 2: Navigating to the user management section

To reach the user management part in SharePoint, here’s what to do:

  1. Log into your SharePoint account.
  2. Look for the “Settings” icon in the top-right. Click it.
  3. Select “Site Settings” from the drop-down menu.
  4. On the Site Settings page, click on “People and groups” in the “Users and Permissions” section.
  5. You’ll now reach the user management section. Here you can view and manage users.
  6. If you want to remove a user, select their name then click “Remove Users”.

Plus, in the user management section, assign different permissions to users based on their roles.

Pro Tip: Before removing a user from SharePoint, double-check their access privileges to make sure they no longer need any of their assigned permissions.

Step 3: Selecting the user to remove

  1. Log in to SharePoint with your admin account.
  2. Go to the site or subsite where the user is located.
  3. Click the gear icon at the top-right corner of the page to open Site Settings.
  4. From the dropdown menu, choose either “Site Permissions” or “Advanced permissions”.
  5. Look through the list of users and groups given access.
  6. Find the user you want to remove and tick the box next to their name.
  7. Click on the “Remove User Permissions” option that appears at the top.

After you do this, you have successfully removed the user from SharePoint.

Remember to be cautious when selecting users for removal, as it can affect access rights for SharePoint tasks.

Pro Tip: Before getting rid of a user, consider appointing someone else instead or informing people that this change is happening so that workflow continues smoothly.

Step 4: Removing the user from SharePoint

  1. Start by heading to the SharePoint site and clicking “Site Settings”.
  2. Then, find the “People and Groups” section.
  3. Search for the user you want to remove. You can use their name or email address. Click on their name to select them.
  4. Next, click “Actions” and select “Remove Users Permissions”. A confirmation message will appear.
  5. Click “OK” to confirm and the user will be gone from the site.

Be careful though! Removing a user from SharePoint will revoke their access to everything on the site forever.

Sometimes, it’s necessary to remove users due to changes in team or project dynamics. By removing users who no longer need access, you’ll keep your SharePoint site safe and secure.

Step 5: Confirming the removal

Confirm the deletion! It’s essential to make sure users are removed from SharePoint without any hiccups. Here’s a 5-step guide to make it happen:

  1. Verify Access Permissions: Do you have the right to remove users from SharePoint?
  2. User Selection: Pick which user or users need to go.
  3. Confirmation Prompt: Carefully review the info given to make sure it’s the right user or users.
  4. Double-Check Dependencies: Before confirming, check if any data or other things linked to the removal could be affected.
  5. Final Confirmation: After all checks have been done, click the button or option provided in SharePoint.

Remember to alert other team members or stakeholders. This will stop any potential issues and keep collaboration running smoothly.

Help the process along with the following tips:

  • Audit User Access: Regular reviews of access rights can spot inactive accounts or ones no longer needing access. This will keep the environment secure and efficient.
  • Train on Permission Management: Train admins and relevant users on how to manage permissions, including adding/removing users. This will give them more confidence and reduce errors.
  • Document Removal Procedures: Create an SOP document for removing users from SharePoint. This will be a reference for future removals and promote consistency.

By following these tips, you can better handle user access in SharePoint. This will make sure your team has a secure and smooth collaboration experience.


Removing users from SharePoint is a must. Here’s how to do it right!

  1. Assess user access permissions.
  2. Revoke access individually or in bulk.
  3. Consider any dependencies or inherited permissions.
  4. Communicate changes to affected users.
  5. Provide alternative solutions when necessary.
  6. Regularly review and audit user access privileges. This helps identify security vulnerabilities.
  7. Improve security, collaboration & productivity. A study found companies with effective user access practices experience 50% fewer breaches.

Frequently Asked Questions


Q: How do I remove users from SharePoint?

A: To remove users from SharePoint, follow these steps: 1. Go to the SharePoint site and navigate to the “Site Settings” page. 2. Click on “People and groups” or “Permissions” depending on your version of SharePoint. 3. Find the user you want to remove and select their name. 4. Click on “Actions” or “Remove User” to delete the user from SharePoint. 5. Confirm the removal when prompted.

Q: Can I remove multiple users at once from SharePoint?

A: Yes, you can remove multiple users at once from SharePoint by following these steps: 1. Go to the SharePoint site and navigate to the “Site Settings” page. 2. Click on “People and groups” or “Permissions” depending on your version of SharePoint. 3. Select the checkboxes next to the users you want to remove. 4. Click on the “Actions” or “Remove Users” button. 5. Confirm the removal when prompted.

Q: What happens when I remove a user from SharePoint?

A: When you remove a user from SharePoint, their access to the site and its content will be revoked. They will no longer be able to view or edit any documents, lists, or libraries within SharePoint. However, any content they contributed to will still remain in SharePoint.

Q: Can I remove a user from SharePoint without deleting their account?

A: Yes, you can remove a user from SharePoint without deleting their account by following these steps: 1. Go to the SharePoint site and navigate to the “Site Settings” page. 2. Click on “People and groups” or “Permissions” depending on your version of SharePoint. 3. Select the user you want to remove and click on their name. 4. Click on “Actions” or “Remove User” to remove them from SharePoint only. 5. Confirm the removal when prompted.

Q: How can I restore a user’s access to SharePoint after removing them?

A: To restore a user’s access to SharePoint after removing them, you need to invite them back to the site by granting them appropriate permissions. Go to the “People and groups” or “Permissions” page in SharePoint site settings, click on “Add Users,” enter the user’s email address, select the desired permission level, and send the invitation. The user will regain access upon accepting the invitation.

Q: Is removing a user from SharePoint permanent?

A: Yes, removing a user from SharePoint is permanent in the sense that their access to the site is revoked. However, if necessary, you can always invite them back by following the steps mentioned in the previous answer.

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