
How to Send an Email in ServiceNow

Sending emails in ServiceNow is easy and essential in today’s world. Communication via emails is very important for both personal and professional life. So, let’s explore the process of sending emails in ServiceNow!

The platform’s user-friendly interface enables users to quickly send emails. Its built-in features streamline communication processes and enhance collaboration inside an organization. Plus, it eliminates the need to switch between different applications, increasing productivity and creating smoother workflows.

Apart from the basics, ServiceNow also gives users advanced options, like automatic email notifications and templates. This helps to automate repetitive tasks, saving time and effort. Plus, you can customize emails with dynamic content like variables and conditions – making sure each recipient receives relevant information.

A great tip when sending emails in ServiceNow is to use its powerful notification system. Set specific triggers and conditions so the right people receive timely notifications based on certain rules. This proactive approach helps manage critical issues quickly, avoiding potential delays.

Understanding ServiceNow and its Email Functionality

ServiceNow is an advanced platform with email integration capabilities. It allows users to send emails directly from within the platform, simplifying communication and boosting productivity. This feature means no need for external email clients or applications.

Plus, ServiceNow offers advanced features like configurable and personalizable email templates, automated notifications, system integrations, and built-in logging for tracking sent emails. This boosts accountability and ensures sensitive info stays secure during transmission.

An example of ServiceNow’s email functionality’s success is a large organization. Before ServiceNow, employees had difficulty getting important updates and announcements. But with ServiceNow, internal communication improved as employees got timely updates directly in their inbox.

Setting up Email Configuration in ServiceNow

  1. Go to the ‘System Properties’ section and click ‘Email’.
  2. Select ‘Properties’ and configure email settings.
  3. Specify the details of the outgoing mail server, like the server name, port number, and authentication requirements.
  4. Set up inbound email actions such as ticket creation or assigning emails to individuals or groups.
  5. Select the types of notifications to trigger an email from ServiceNow.
  6. Test the connection to verify that emails are sent and received.
  7. And, don’t forget to customize email templates and notifications for the best user experience.

Configuring email settings correctly in ServiceNow is essential. Maximize productivity and collaboration. Take action now for efficient email communication in ServiceNow!

Sending an Email in ServiceNow

Sending an email in ServiceNow? Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Log in with your credentials.
  2. Choose an incident or create a new one in the ‘Incident’ module.
  3. Select ‘Send Email’ in the ‘Related Links’ tab.
  4. Fill the details: recipient’s email address, subject line & body.
  5. Click on ‘Attach File’ if necessary.
  6. Press ‘Send’ to deliver the email.

Plus, ServiceNow offers automated emails through its workflow engine. Set up triggers & conditions to send emails automatically based on certain actions.

ServiceNow ensures you have a smooth experience when sending emails, and offers reliability and security.

Fun Fact: Gartner Peer Insights ranks ServiceNow as a leader in IT service management tools, offering solutions for organizations of all sizes.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Having issues with emails in ServiceNow? Here’s the most common ones and how to fix them!

  1. Wrong sender email address? Make sure it is valid and configured right.
  2. Misconfigured email server? Check the SMTP details, like the port and encryption settings.
  3. Blocked or filtered emails? See if firewalls, spam filters, or antivirus software are stopping them.
  4. Invalid recipient email addresses? Double-check that they are right, without typos or missing characters.
  5. Insufficient email quota? Make sure your mailbox can store new emails, as reaching the quota may block sending.
  6. Email notification preferences? Ensure they haven’t disabled getting notifications via email.


Look at system logs for any messages related to sending emails. This provides clues to the issue.

Pro Tip: Monitor your email delivery status with automated tools or plugins. This will help you identify potential issues and act fast to prevent communication issues.

Best Practices for Sending Email in ServiceNow

Want to make emails in ServiceNow better? Here’s a 4-step method to follow!

  1. Validate Email Recipients: Check their email addresses are accurate and real. Use validation processes that check for accuracy and if the account exists.
  2. Optimize Content: Make sure emails are meaningful and concise. Use bullet points or numbered lists. Have relevant subject lines, so readers know what it’s about.
  3. Consider Frequency: Don’t send too many emails. Ask if it’s necessary and can it be shared through other channels.
  4. Test Templates: Design templates that are visually appealing, but also align with your organization’s branding guidelines. Test how they look on different devices.

Also, review and optimize your process based on user feedback and analytics data. By doing this, you’ll get better emails in ServiceNow, leading to improved collaboration, streamlined workflows and higher customer satisfaction.


In ServiceNow, the art of email communication is essential. To do it right, you must understand the platform and use its features. Best practices and workflows can streamline communication and boost productivity.

Configure outbound email settings to ensure messages are sent correctly. Utilize existing templates and rich text formatting for quality content. Automate notifications with business rules and add dynamic variables for personalized messaging.

Integrating ServiceNow with external mail servers increases customization and provides a unified experience. Use these tips to take advantage of ServiceNow’s email capabilities. It leads to efficient collaboration, increased stakeholder engagement and improved productivity. Harness its power and get the benefits of efficient email communication now!

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