
How to Send Microsoft Word 2013 to Email

Do you need to send Microsoft Word 2013 documents through email? We have the perfect solution. Sending documents with email is a great way to share files. Here, we will guide you on how to do it.

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Open the Microsoft Word 2013 program.
  2. Locate the document you need to send.
  3. Click on “File” and select “Save As” to save your document.
  4. After saving it, go back to “File”. This time, select “Share” from the options.
  5. In the drop-down menu, choose “Email”.

A new email message window will open in your default email client with your Word document attached. Enter the recipient’s email address, subject line, and message. When done, press the “Send” button.

To make sure your document arrives, check that all details are correct before sending. Also, check your internet connection.

Preparing the Microsoft Word 2013 Document for Emailing

This article provides a guide on how to send a Microsoft Word 2013 document via email. Follow the steps below to prepare the document for emailing.

  1. Save the document: Before sending the document, ensure that you have saved it with a relevant name to easily identify it later.
  2. Check for compatibility: It is important to check if the document is compatible with the recipients’ version of Microsoft Word or any other word processing software they may be using.
  3. Remove sensitive information: Check the document for any sensitive or personal information that should not be shared with the recipient. Remove or replace such information as necessary.
  4. Compress images: If the document contains high-resolution images, it is recommended to compress them to reduce the file size. This helps in faster email transmission and ensures that the recipient can easily download and open the document.
  5. Proofread the document: Before sending, proofread the document for any spelling or grammar errors. This helps maintain professionalism and ensures that the document is well-presented.

Additionally, it is essential to follow proper email etiquette and include a concise and clear subject line. Double-check the recipient’s email address before sending the document.

As for the history of this topic, there are no significant historical events or anecdotes specifically related to the process of preparing Microsoft Word 2013 documents for emailing. However, with the increasing popularity of email as a communication tool, the need for properly preparing and formatting documents for email has become crucial in professional settings.

Saving the Document: Remember to save your Microsoft Word masterpiece before sending it to your email, because accidents happen, and you wouldn’t want your masterpiece to mysteriously vanish into the depths of the digital realm.

Saving the Document

Want to make sure your Microsoft Word 2013 documents are safe and accessible? Just follow these 3 simple steps!

  1. Click the “File” tab in the top left corner.
  2. From the drop-down menu, select “Save As.” This opens a new window where you choose a folder and give your document a clear, concise name.
  3. Remember to save regularly throughout the writing process. Also consider cloud storage services like Microsoft OneDrive or Google Drive for added security.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to protect your hard work! Start saving your documents now and enjoy peace of mind knowing they’re secure from any unexpected issues.

Checking File Format Compatibility

Checking the file format compatibility is a must when prepping a Microsoft Word 2013 doc for emailing. It’s essential to make sure the recipient can open and view it without issues.

Firstly, consider their software version. Different Microsoft Word versions support different formats. So, be sure to save the document in a format their software version can handle.

Next, think of the platform the recipient will use to access the document. If they’re using Mac/Linux, check if the chosen file format can be read on those platforms. This will avoid any compatibility problems.

Also, note the recipient’s restrictions/preferences. Some individuals or organizations may have special policies regarding file formats for security reasons. Adapting your format according to these preferences can prevent any complications.

Maximize compatibility by using universally accepted formats like PDF or DOCX. These are compatible with various software versions and OS, so the doc can be accessed by a wide range of recipients.

Checking file format compatibility before emailing saves time and frustration. Consider the recipient’s software version, platform, and requirements to guarantee smooth communication and successful sharing of info.

Attaching the Microsoft Word 2013 Document to an Email

To attach a Microsoft Word 2013 document to an email, follow these 5 steps:

  1. Open your email application and start composing a new email.
  2. Click on the “Attach File” button, usually represented by a paperclip icon.
  3. Browse for the Microsoft Word 2013 document you want to attach and select it.
  4. Once selected, click on the “Attach” or “Open” button to include the document in your email.
  5. Wait for the document to finish uploading, and then you can proceed to send the email with the attached document.

In addition, ensure that the document size does not exceed the email service provider’s attachment limit.

Pro Tip: Before sending the email, double-check that the attached Microsoft Word 2013 document is the correct file and that it opens without any issues.

When it comes to composing a new email, remember that attaching Microsoft Word 2013 is like giving your passively aggressive coworker a months-old fruitcake – it’s a bitter sweet gesture.

Composing a New Email

Creating an email? Follow these steps to make sure it is professional and effective.

  1. Start with a greeting; use the recipient’s name or a polite salutation like “Dear Sir/Madam”.
  2. State the purpose in the opening paragraph; be direct and specific.
  3. Provide details in the next paragraphs; include dates, times, locations, etc.
  4. Use appropriate language; avoid slang and informal expressions.
  5. Attach any relevant files; documents, images, spreadsheets, etc.
  6. End with a closing statement; thank them and include your contact info.

These steps will help you compose an effective email and create a positive impression. Clear, concise, and professional communication will increase the chances of getting the desired response quickly.

Locating and Attaching the Document

It’s simple to attach a document in Microsoft Word 2013. Here’s the way to do it:

  1. Open the document located on your pc or network drive.
  2. Click the “File” tab at the top-left corner of the screen.
  3. Select “Share” then “Email” from the menu. A new window will open.
  4. Pick your email program (like Outlook) and follow the instructions to attach the document.

Also, when you attach a document from Microsoft Word 2013, it’s editable. This means others can edit it if needed.

And, did you know? You can attach files directly from your OneDrive account, according to Microsoft Office Support. That makes sharing documents even easier!

Sending the Microsoft Word 2013 Document via Email

In today’s digital age, it is crucial to know how to send your Microsoft Word 2013 document via email efficiently. Follow these steps to ensure a smooth and hassle-free process:

  1. Prepare your document: Open the Microsoft Word 2013 document that you wish to send via email. Make sure it is properly formatted and error-free before proceeding.
  2. Click on the File tab: Located at the top left corner of the Word interface, the File tab gives you access to various options and settings.
  3. Choose the “Share” option: Under the File tab, click on the “Share” option to open a submenu with different sharing options.
  4. Select “Email” as your sharing method: From the submenu, select the “Email” option to initiate the email sharing process.

Pro Tip: Before sending the document via email, consider compressing it using a file compression tool to reduce the file size. This will make it easier to send and receive the document without any issues.

By following these simple steps, you can easily send your Microsoft Word 2013 document via email without any hassle. Keep in mind that the process might vary slightly based on the email client you are using.

Emailing your Word document is like sending it on a digital vacation, except it doesn’t come back with a sunburn or a tacky souvenir.

Adding Recipients’ Email Addresses

Microsoft Word 2013 makes it easy to add recipients’ email addresses to your documents. Follow these 5 steps to ensure the document reaches the right people without any issues:

  1. Open your document in Microsoft Word 2013.
  2. Click the “File” tab in the top left corner.
  3. Select the “Save & Send” option from the drop-down menu.
  4. Choose “Send as Attachment”.
  5. A new email message will open with the document attached. Enter the recipient’s email address and compose a subject.

Remember to double-check the accuracy of the email address before sending. This way, the document won’t get lost in cyberspace!

Adding a Subject and Message

  1. Open your Microsoft Word 2013 document.
  2. Click the “File” tab at the top-left corner.
  3. Select “Share” from the menu and choose “Email”.

This will help you add a subject and message to your email. It ensures the recipient understands the purpose of the document without confusion. Moreover, it helps them prioritize their emails. I once received an email with no subject or message. It took me longer to understand its importance, causing unnecessary delay in responding.

Clicking the Send Button

  1. Open the Word doc you wish to send.
  2. Click the “File” tab in the top left corner of the window.
  3. Select “Share” from the drop-down menu.
  4. Then, choose “Email” to open your email client.
  5. Wait a few moments for the document to attach to your email. It takes time, depending on the size of the file and your internet connection speed.

Pro Tip: Before sending, double-check that all formatting and images are displaying correctly. This will give a professional presentation.

Troubleshooting Tips (optional)

Troubleshooting tips can prove helpful in resolving any issues that may come up while sending Microsoft Word 2013 documents to email. Here’s a quick 3-step guide to easily overcome potential obstacles:

  1. Check email settings: Ensure that your email client is properly configured and connected to the internet. Verify the email address, password, and server settings to avoid any login or connectivity problems.
  2. Compress the document: If you encounter issues with attaching the Word document to your email, try compressing it into a ZIP file. This can help reduce the file size and make it easier to send via email.
  3. Update or reinstall Microsoft Word: If the above steps don’t work, consider updating or reinstalling Microsoft Word 2013. Outdated software versions or corrupted installations can sometimes cause compatibility issues with email clients.

It’s worth noting that if you’re still facing difficulties, seeking technical support or contacting your email provider can provide additional assistance. The objective is to overcome any obstacles hindering the process of sending Microsoft Word 2013 documents to email smoothly and efficiently. Embracing these troubleshooting tips will enhance your experience by resolving common issues and ensuring successful document delivery.

Don’t worry, sending Microsoft Word 2013 to your email won’t test your internet speed… unless you’re still using dial-up.

File Size Limitations

File size limitations can be overcome with file splitting. Break large files into small parts – this helps them fit within limits. It’s especially useful for networks with limited bandwidth and emails with size constraints.

Converting files into different formats can also help. Some formats are smaller than others. Choose one that balances size and quality.

For multimedia files like images and videos, adjusting resolution and bitrate can reduce size without affecting quality. This optimizes content and minimizes file size.

Compatibility Issues

Compatibility issues can be a pesky problem. Such issues can cause errors, glitches, and even system failures. Therefore, quickly addressing compatibility matters is essential for smooth functioning of systems.

Nowadays, with the use of multiple devices and applications, compatibility issues are widespread. One challenge is making sure that different operating systems communicate effectively. Conflicts can crop up when incompatible systems try to share info or do tasks together.

Software and hardware integration is another factor. If a software update does not work with existing hardware, the result could be lost functionality or system instability. Hence, manufacturers and developers must test their products carefully before releasing them.

Human error can also be a cause of incompatibility. Lack of knowledge or incorrect settings can lead to incompatibility between systems. Regular training and awareness programs can assist individuals in avoiding these issues.

A pertinent example of the impacts of compatibility problems is seen with Adobe Flash Player. It used to be an important plug-in for web browsers. But it became incompatible with newer technologies like HTML5, which caused many websites to stop using it and opt for more suitable options.


To finish up, sending MS Word 2013 documents via email is vital in today’s digital era. By following some simple steps, you can easily send your files to people anywhere in the world!

Step 1: Once you’ve done editing your document in MS Word 2013, save it on your computer.

Step 2: Then, open your email client and compose a new message.

Step 3: Attach your saved Word doc by selecting the file from the folder.

Step 4: After that, enter the recipient’s email address and any other info before sending.

Also, it’s good to know that when you send MS Word 2013 docs through email, it’s recommended to convert them to PDF format. This ensures the formatting is the same on different devices and systems. To convert, just select “Save As” in Word 2013 and choose PDF as the file type.

For ideal compatibility, you can compress the Word document into a ZIP file before attaching it to an email. This reduces the file size and makes sending faster and more efficient. To do this, right-click on the Word doc and select “Send to” then “Compressed (zipped) folder”. Finally, attach the compressed file like any other regular file.

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