
How To Set Up A Recurring Investment In Fidelity

If you’re looking to make saving and investing a seamless process, setting up a recurring investment in Fidelity could be the perfect solution for you.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of recurring investments and how to set one up in your Fidelity account. We will also discuss the available investment options and the fees and charges involved.

Whether you’re new to investing or looking to automate your savings, understanding the ins and outs of recurring investments with Fidelity is essential.

What Is a Recurring Investment in Fidelity?

A recurring investment in Fidelity refers to the process of setting up automatic investments into your Fidelity investment account on a regular basis.

This strategy allows investors to regularly contribute a fixed amount or a certain percentage of income towards their investment portfolio without the need for manual intervention.

Automated investments provide several benefits, such as dollar-cost averaging, which spreads out the purchase of investments over time to potentially reduce the impact of market volatility. Fidelity’s platform offers tools to customize and manage these recurring investments efficiently, giving investors the convenience to set up automatic contributions according to their financial goals and risk tolerance.

Why Should You Set Up a Recurring Investment in Fidelity?

Setting up a recurring investment in Fidelity can help you adhere to an investment schedule, work towards your financial goals through regular contributions, and explore diverse investment options available.

By establishing a recurring investment plan, you not only save time and effort as the contributions are automatically deducted, but you also benefit from the consistent growth of your investment portfolio.

The flexibility of choosing the amount you want to invest each month allows you to easily adjust based on your financial situation and goals, ensuring you stay on track.

Fidelity offers a wide array of investment options, ranging from mutual funds to stocks, providing you with the opportunity to diversify and optimize your investment strategy.

Automatic Savings

One key benefit of setting up a recurring investment in Fidelity is the facilitation of automatic savings, enabling you to contribute regularly without manual intervention.

This form of investment planning proves to be essential for individuals looking to build long-term wealth as it ensures consistent contributions towards their financial goals.

By automating the savings process, you are more likely to stay committed to your investment strategy, fostering financial discipline and reducing the temptation to deviate from your planned savings path.

The frequency of contributions plays a crucial role in account management, as regular deposits can help maximize the growth potential of your investments over time, ultimately leading to greater financial security and stability.

Dollar-Cost Averaging

Another advantage of a recurring investment strategy is dollar-cost averaging, a method that supports consistent investment management and aligns with long-term financial planning.

This strategy involves investing a fixed amount of money at regular intervals regardless of market conditions. By purchasing more units when prices are low and fewer units when prices are high, investors can potentially lower the average cost per share over time.

Setting up a recurring investment plan is relatively straightforward – investors can automate contributions to their chosen investment vehicles such as mutual funds or exchange-traded funds. By integrating dollar-cost averaging into their financial plan, individuals can mitigate the impact of market volatility and have a disciplined approach to building wealth over the long term.

How To Set Up a Recurring Investment in Fidelity?

To establish a recurring investment in Fidelity, you need to log in to your account, select the desired investment account, and follow a series of steps to configure the automated investing process.

Once you have logged in to your Fidelity account, navigate to the ‘Account Features’ section where you can set up the automated investment plan.

It’s essential to align your investment strategy with your long-term financial goals. By specifying the amount you want to invest regularly and the frequency of contributions, you can ensure a disciplined approach to wealth management.

Double-check that your bank account is linked for seamless fund transfers to support the automated investing process. Taking the time to set up your investment accounts correctly can lead to significant benefits in the long run.

Log in to Your Fidelity Account

The initial step in setting up a recurring investment involves logging in to your Fidelity account. Here, you can access your investment portfolio and manage asset allocation, as well as initiate the process of automated investing.

Once you have successfully logged in to your account, you can review the various investment options available. These may include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and ETFs.

Understanding the significance of asset allocation is crucial. It helps spread risk across different asset classes, ultimately optimizing the risk-return tradeoff. By strategically diversifying your investments, you can aim for long-term growth while mitigating potential losses.

Utilizing automated investing tools within your Fidelity account can streamline the investment process. This allows for automatic contributions and rebalancing based on your chosen investment strategy.

Select the Account You Want to Set Up a Recurring Investment For

After logging in, you should choose the specific investment account where you wish to establish a recurring investment for enhanced financial security and ease of management.

When selecting the account for recurring investments, it’s vital to consider your long-term financial goals and risk tolerance.

Look for accounts that offer diversified investment options to help balance your portfolio. By opting for automated contributions, you not only benefit from the convenience of consistent savings but also shield your investments from emotional decisions during market fluctuations.

Setting up automated contributions is a straightforward process that typically involves selecting the frequency and amount to invest, providing you with a hassle-free way to grow your wealth over time.

Click on the ‘Transfer’ Tab

Once you have selected the account, navigate to the ‘Transfer’ tab within your Fidelity account to proceed with configuring the recurring investment.

Accessing the ‘Transfer’ tab is crucial for setting up recurring investments as it allows you to define how often and how much you want to contribute towards your chosen investment.

When you have clarity on your investment schedule, you can better align your financial goals with your contributions. During the setup process, you will be prompted to select the desired contribution frequency, whether it’s weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or any other frequency that suits your financial strategy. This step ensures that your investments are made consistently and in line with your preferred timeline.

Choose ‘Recurring Transfer’ Option

Opt for the ‘Recurring Transfer’ option within the Fidelity interface to initiate the automated investment plan, aligning your financial planning goals with a strategic investment strategy for long-term wealth accumulation.

By selecting the ‘Recurring Transfer’ feature, users can ensure consistent contributions to their investment portfolio, fostering financial discipline and building wealth over time.

This automated approach not only simplifies the investment process but also helps in dollar-cost averaging, mitigating the impact of market fluctuations.

Embracing a structured investment strategy can provide a roadmap for achieving financial milestones and securing a stable financial future.

It’s essential to stay committed to this strategy to realize the full potential of your investments and work towards your long-term financial objectives.

Enter Transfer Details and Frequency

Enter the necessary transfer details, including the amount and frequency of contributions, to tailor the recurring investment plan according to your monthly budget, account management preferences, and chosen investment options.

This personalized approach allows you to take control of your financial future by fine-tuning your investments to align with your unique financial situation and goals.

By providing specific input on the contribution amount and timing, you can ensure that your investment strategy reflects your risk tolerance and time horizon.

Understanding the importance of customization in investing, these details play a crucial role in determining the growth and success of your portfolio, ultimately shaping your overall financial well-being.

Review and Confirm the Recurring Investment

Before finalizing the process, review the configured recurring investment details to ensure accuracy, confirm the chosen contribution frequency aligns with your account management strategy, and verify the setup for seamless recurring payments.

This step is crucial in maintaining a well-organized investment portfolio and ensuring that your financial goals are on track. By regularly reviewing and confirming the recurring investment data, you can identify any discrepancies or potential errors that may impact your long-term financial stability.

The frequency of your contributions plays a significant role in the overall management of your account. Consistent contributions allow for better planning, growth, and risk management, ultimately leading to a more secure financial future.

What Are the Available Investment Options in Fidelity?

Fidelity offers a range of investment options, including mutual funds, individual stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and bonds, allowing investors to diversify their portfolios and explore various asset classes.

Mutual funds are a popular choice among investors due to their diversification, as they pool money from multiple investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, or other securities.

Stocks represent ownership in a company and offer the potential for capital appreciation. ETFs combine characteristics of stocks and mutual funds, trading on exchanges like stocks and providing diversification.

Bonds are debt securities issued by governments or corporations, offering fixed interest payments. Diversifying across these asset classes reduces risk and helps achieve long-term portfolio growth by spreading investments across different market sectors and risk levels.

Mutual Funds

Mutual funds are a popular investment option available through Fidelity, allowing investors to pool their funds with others to invest in a diverse portfolio managed by professionals.

This method enables investors to access a wide range of securities with relatively lower capital requirements compared to individual investing. By spreading investments across various assets, mutual funds reduce risk through diversification.

Fidelity’s platform offers a selection of mutual fund options tailored to different risk appetites and investment goals. Choosing mutual funds as part of your investment strategy can provide diversified exposure to different asset classes and market sectors, which can help to optimize long-term growth potential for your investment account.


Investing in individual stocks through Fidelity provides investors with the opportunity to own shares of specific companies, offering potential growth and dividend income based on company performance.

By investing in individual stocks, investors can take advantage of the benefits of stock ownership. These include voting rights in company decisions and the potential for capital appreciation.

Diversifying one’s investment portfolio with stocks can enhance risk management and create opportunities for long-term wealth accumulation. Fidelity accounts make it convenient for investors to research and select individual stocks that align with their financial goals and risk tolerance, paving the way for a well-rounded investment strategy.

Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)

ETFs are another investment option offered by Fidelity, representing a collection of securities that trade on exchanges like individual stocks, providing investors with diversification and liquidity benefits.

ETFs are designed to track the performance of a specific index, commodity, or sector. This allows investors to gain exposure to a wide range of assets with a single investment.

Including ETFs in your investment portfolio can lead to greater diversification, reducing the risk associated with individual stock picking. Additionally, ETFs typically have lower expense ratios compared to mutual funds, making them a cost-effective option for investors looking to optimize their investment returns.


Investors can opt for bonds through Fidelity, which represent fixed-income securities issued by governments, municipalities, or corporations, offering regular interest payments and the return of principal at maturity.

Bonds play a crucial role in diversifying investment portfolios and managing risk. They are known for their stability compared to stocks, as they tend to be less volatile.

By including bonds in an investment account, investors can potentially reduce overall portfolio risk. Bonds provide a steady stream of income through interest payments, making them attractive for those seeking a reliable source of cash flow. This income generation aspect can be beneficial for individuals looking to supplement their regular earnings or build a source of passive income for the future.

What Are the Fees and Charges for Setting Up a Recurring Investment in Fidelity?

When setting up a recurring investment in Fidelity, investors should be aware of potential fees and charges, including transaction fees, management fees, and other expenses associated with maintaining the investment account.

Transaction fees are charges incurred each time an investor buys or sells securities within their investment account. These fees can vary depending on the type of transactions and the amount invested.

Management fees, on the other hand, are ongoing charges to cover the cost of managing the investment portfolio. Investors may encounter other expenses such as account maintenance fees, account closure fees, or fees for specific services like wire transfers or paper statements. Understanding and accounting for these costs is crucial for investors to accurately assess the impact on their investment returns.

Transaction Fees

Transaction fees are charges incurred when buying or selling securities through Fidelity and play a role in investment management decisions, impacting financial security and the overall setup process of recurring investments.

Transaction fees can vary depending on the type of transaction, such as buying or selling mutual funds, stocks, or ETFs. It’s crucial for investors to understand how these fees work in order to optimize their returns.

When setting up recurring investments, it’s important to factor in transaction fees to ensure they align with your investment goals. Fidelity provides detailed information on these fees, making it easier for investors to make informed decisions.

By carefully monitoring and managing transaction fees, investors can safeguard their financial security and maximize the potential of their investment portfolios.

Management Fees

Management fees represent ongoing charges for overseeing and administering investment accounts at Fidelity. These fees require consideration in financial planning strategies, investment decisions, and the setup of accounts for recurring investments.

These fees serve as compensation for the professional management services provided to investors by Fidelity.

By understanding the impact of management fees, individuals can make informed decisions when choosing investment options that align with their overall financial goals.

Incorporating these costs into the account setup process for recurring investments is essential to ensure a clear picture of the total expenses involved and to optimize the balance between fees and potential returns in a well-rounded financial plan.

Other Charges

Various other charges may apply when setting up a recurring investment in Fidelity, such as account maintenance fees, trading costs, or specific service charges. These additional charges can have a substantial effect on the overall return on investment for individuals utilizing Fidelity’s platform.

Account maintenance fees, which are periodic charges for managing and overseeing the account, can eat into potential profits over time. Trading costs, incurred when buying or selling securities, need to be factored in when determining the actual value gained from trades.

Specific service charges, like fees for access to certain research tools or advisory services, can enhance the investment experience but also add to the total expenses involved.

Considering these costs upfront during the account setup process is crucial to effectively managing one’s investment portfolio and maximizing long-term gains.

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