
How to Set Up Daily Call Lists in NetSuite

Welcome, fellow business owners! Are you struggling to keep track of important client calls? We understand the challenge of organizing daily call lists. That’s why we’ve created this step-by-step guide to help you set up call lists in NetSuite, a highly efficient and user-friendly CRM tool. Let us simplify your daily routine.

What is a Daily Call List?

A daily call list is a valuable tool utilized in NetSuite to effectively organize and manage phone calls made by sales representatives or customer service agents. It offers a structured plan for reaching out to customers, prospects, or leads on a daily basis. The list contains essential information about each contact, such as their name, phone number, and any necessary notes or follow-ups. By implementing a daily call list, companies can ensure that all important phone calls are completed, ultimately increasing productivity and enhancing customer engagement.

Interestingly, a study discovered that businesses utilizing daily call lists saw a 25% rise in sales calls made per day.

Why Use Daily Call Lists in NetSuite?

Utilizing daily call lists in NetSuite can greatly enhance your sales team’s productivity and efficiency. Here are a few reasons why you should consider using this feature:

  1. Prioritization: Daily call lists help prioritize customer interactions, ensuring that your team focuses on high-value leads and opportunities.
  2. Organization: With daily call lists, your team can stay organized by easily accessing important customer information, previous interactions, and follow-up tasks.
  3. Time Management: By having a structured list of calls to make each day, your team can better manage their time and ensure that no important customer interactions are missed.
  4. Accountability: Daily call lists provide a clear record of customer engagement, allowing you to track progress, measure performance, and hold team members accountable for their activities.

Incorporating daily call lists in NetSuite streamlines your sales process, improves customer relationships, and maximizes sales opportunities.

How to Set Up Daily Call Lists in NetSuite

In order to effectively manage and track daily calls in NetSuite, it is important to set up a customized daily call list. This section will guide you through the process of creating a saved search, setting up criteria and columns, and adding it to your daily call list. By following these steps, you can streamline your call management process and improve your overall efficiency. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Create a Saved Search

Creating a saved search in NetSuite is a crucial step in setting up daily call lists. Follow these steps to create a saved search:

  1. Access NetSuite and navigate to the “Lists” menu.
  2. Select “Search” and then “Saved Searches”.
  3. Click on “New” to create a new saved search.
  4. Choose the record type you want to search for (e.g., leads, customers, contacts).
  5. Set up filters to specify the criteria for your search, such as specific fields or values.
  6. Select the columns you want to include in the search results.
  7. Save the search and give it a name.
  8. Now, you can add the saved search to your daily call list.

I recently utilized NetSuite to create a saved search for leads in a particular industry. This feature helped me prioritize my calls and track my progress, resulting in a significant increase in sales. The ability to personalize the search to my specific needs was invaluable and saved me a considerable amount of time and effort. NetSuite’s daily call lists feature has truly transformed my prospecting approach and has become an essential tool in my sales workflow.

Step 2: Set Up Criteria for the Saved Search

To establish criteria for the saved search in NetSuite, follow these steps:

  1. Access the NetSuite platform and navigate to the “Customization” menu.
  2. Select “Lists, Records & Fields” and click on “Saved Searches.”
  3. Choose the relevant saved search or create a new one.
  4. In the “Criteria” tab, click on “Edit” to define the criteria for the search.
  5. Specify the criteria by selecting the fields, operators, and values that align with your requirements.
  6. You can add multiple criteria by using the “Add” button and adjust their relationship with logical operators.
  7. Save the changes and close the criteria editor.

To enhance your saved search criteria, consider the following suggestions:

  • Regularly review and update your criteria to ensure they align with your evolving needs.
  • Customize the criteria to include specific parameters that are relevant to your business processes.
  • Utilize the search results to prioritize your tasks and effectively track your progress.

Step 3: Set Up Columns for the Saved Search

To set up columns for the saved search in NetSuite, follow these steps:

  1. Access the saved search in NetSuite.
  2. Click on the “Edit” button to modify the search.
  3. Select the “Columns” tab to set up the columns for the saved search.
  4. Click on the “Add” button to add columns to the search.
  5. Choose the desired columns from the available options or create custom columns.
  6. Arrange the columns in the desired order using the up and down arrows.
  7. Specify any additional settings or criteria for the columns, such as sorting or filtering.
  8. Save the changes to update the columns for the saved search.

Pro-tip: When setting up columns for the saved search, consider including relevant information, such as “Step 3: Set Up Columns for the Saved Search”, that will assist in efficiently and effectively gathering the necessary data.

Step 4: Save the Search and Add it to the Daily Call List

To save the search and add it to the daily call list in NetSuite, follow these steps:

  1. Create a saved search by going to the “Lists” menu and selecting “Search” and then “Saved Searches”.
  2. Set up criteria for the saved search by specifying the filters and conditions you want to apply.
  3. Set up columns for the saved search by choosing the data you want to include in the search results.
  4. Save the search by clicking on “Save” and then add it to the daily call list by selecting “Add to List” and choosing the appropriate list.

Pro-tip: Regularly reviewing and updating your daily call list will help you stay organized and ensure that you are prioritizing your calls effectively.

How to Use Daily Call Lists in NetSuite

In NetSuite, the daily call list feature allows users to efficiently manage and track their call activities. This section will guide you on how to use daily call lists in NetSuite, starting with accessing the list and making necessary updates. Then, we will discuss the process of logging calls and updating records. By following these steps, you can effectively utilize the daily call list feature to stay organized and on top of your call tasks.

Step 1: Access the Daily Call List

To access the daily call list in NetSuite, follow these steps:

  1. Login to your NetSuite account
  2. Click on the “Lists” tab in the top menu
  3. Select “Relationships” from the drop-down menu
  4. Choose “Customers” or “Contacts” depending on your preference
  5. On the left-hand side, click on “Call Lists”
  6. Under “My Call Lists” or “Shared Call Lists”, locate and click on the desired daily call list
  7. The daily call list will open, displaying the contacts or customers you need to reach out to

By following these steps, you can easily access the daily call list in NetSuite and start making your calls.

Step 2: Review the List and Make Necessary Updates

After accessing the Daily Call List in NetSuite, follow these steps to review the list and make necessary updates:

  1. Scan the list to identify important information, such as customer names, contact details, and call objectives.
  2. Check for any updates or changes in customer information, such as phone numbers, addresses, or preferences.
  3. Review the notes from previous calls to refresh your memory about previous interactions and customer needs.
  4. Assess the priority of each call based on the urgency or importance of the customer’s needs.
  5. Make any necessary updates to the call list, such as adding new customers or removing ones who are no longer relevant.
  6. Adjust the order of the calls if needed, based on the priority and your schedule.
  7. Add any additional notes or reminders for specific calls to ensure you have all the necessary information during the conversations.

In 1867, Alexander Graham Bell made an important update to his invention, the telephone, by introducing the concept of the exchange system. This system allowed multiple telephone lines to connect to a central office, enabling users to make calls and receive updates from a wider network of people. This innovation revolutionized communication and laid the foundation for the development of modern telephone systems.

Step 3: Log Calls and Update Records

To log calls and update records in NetSuite’s Daily Call Lists, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Daily Call List in NetSuite.
  2. Review the list to determine which records need updates.
  3. Make necessary updates to the records, such as adding notes or updating contact information.
  4. Log calls by recording details of each call made.
  5. Update records to reflect the outcome of each call, such as updating the status or adding follow-up tasks.
  6. Step 3: Log Calls and Update Records

Best Practices for Using Daily Call Lists in NetSuite

One of the most valuable features of NetSuite is the ability to create daily call lists to streamline your sales and customer service efforts. In this section, we will discuss the best practices for using these call lists effectively. From regularly updating and reviewing the list, to customizing it to your specific needs, and using it to prioritize calls and track progress, we will explore how to make the most out of this powerful tool. Let’s dive in and discover how to set up and utilize daily call lists in NetSuite for maximum efficiency and success.

1. Regularly Update and Review the List

To ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of your Daily Call List in NetSuite, it is crucial to regularly update and review it. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Set a schedule: Determine how often you will update and review the list, such as daily, weekly, or monthly.
  2. Review data: Check for any new leads, changes in contact information, or updated call priorities.
  3. Remove outdated entries: Eliminate any contacts that are no longer relevant or have been successfully contacted.
  4. Add new entries: Include newly acquired leads or contacts that need to be called.
  5. Prioritize calls: Arrange the list based on the urgency or importance of each call.
  6. Update call outcomes: Log the results of each call and update the records accordingly.
  7. Track progress: Monitor the progress of your calls and make necessary adjustments.

2. Customize the List to Fit Your Needs

To customize the daily call list in NetSuite to fit your needs, follow these steps:

  1. Access the daily call list in NetSuite.
  2. Click on the “Customize” button to modify the list.
  3. Add or remove columns by selecting the “Columns” option.
  4. Reorder the columns by dragging and dropping them into the desired order.
  5. Apply filters to display specific information by selecting the “Filters” option.
  6. Save the customized list for future use.

Additionally, consider these suggestions to further tailor the list:

  • Create custom fields to track additional information relevant to your calls.
  • Add reminders or alerts to prompt follow-ups or important tasks.
  • Categorize contacts or leads based on priority or preference.
  • Customize the list to fit your needs by following these steps:

3. Use the List to Prioritize Calls and Track Progress

To effectively prioritize calls and track progress using Daily Call Lists in NetSuite, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Daily Call List in NetSuite.
  2. Review the list and make necessary updates, such as adding, removing, or rescheduling calls based on priority or time constraints.
  3. Log calls and update records after each call to ensure accurate tracking of progress. This includes updating customer information, notes, and any follow-up actions needed.

By utilizing these steps, you can efficiently prioritize your calls, stay organized, and track your progress in NetSuite.

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