
How To Share A Smartsheet Report Recurringly

Greetings, fellow spreadsheet enthusiasts. Are you tired of constantly sending the same report to your team every week? Fear not, for I am here to unravel the mystery of recurring Smartsheet reports. Say goodbye to repetitive tasks and hello to efficient time management. Let’s dive into this article and discover the key to automating your reporting process.

What is Smartsheet?

Smartsheet is a cloud-based project management and collaboration tool that assists teams in organizing, tracking, and managing their work. It offers a centralized platform for creating and managing tasks, schedules, and workflows.

With Smartsheet, teams can collaborate in real-time, share files, and communicate effectively. This tool features Gantt charts, automated workflows, and customizable templates. Widely used in various industries, Smartsheet is renowned for its user-friendly interface and powerful project management capabilities.

In summary, Smartsheet is a valuable solution for teams seeking to streamline their work processes and enhance productivity.

How to Create a Recurring Report in Smartsheet

Are you tired of manually sending out the same report in Smartsheet every week? Look no further, as we’ll be discussing how to create a recurring report in Smartsheet. With just a few simple steps, you can save time and effort by automatically sending out the report to your desired recipients on a regular schedule. In this section, we will go through the process of creating the report, setting the recurrence schedule, selecting recipients, and customizing the email message. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Create the Report

Creating a report in Smartsheet involves the following steps:

  1. Open Smartsheet and sign in to your account.
  2. Click on the “+” button to create a new sheet.
  3. Add the necessary columns and rows to structure your report.
  4. Enter the data into the cells of the sheet.
  5. Format the report by applying styles, adding formulas, or creating charts.
  6. Save the report with a descriptive name, following the guidelines for Step 1: Create the Report.

Once you have completed these steps, you will have successfully created a report in Smartsheet.

Fun fact: Smartsheet is used by over 90% of the Fortune 100 companies to manage their projects and workflows.

Step 2: Set the Recurrence Schedule

To set the recurrence schedule for a report in Smartsheet, follow these steps:

  1. Open the report in Smartsheet.
  2. Click on the “Schedule” button at the top of the page.
  3. Choose the frequency of the report, such as daily, weekly, or monthly.
  4. Select the specific days and times for the report to be sent.
  5. Save and apply the recurrence schedule.

Step 2: Setting the Recurrence Schedule allows you to automate the report generation and delivery process, ensuring that stakeholders receive the latest information on a regular basis. By following these steps, you can easily keep everyone informed and improve collaboration within your team.

Step 3: Select the Recipients

To choose recipients for a recurring report in Smartsheet, follow these steps:

  1. Access the report settings in Smartsheet.
  2. Click on “Recipients” or “Email Recipients” to open the recipient selection interface.
  3. Select the individuals or groups you want to receive the report, including relevant stakeholders who require regular updates. You can choose from your contacts or enter email addresses manually.
  4. Use the available options to customize the delivery frequency, timing, and format of the report for each recipient.


  • Make sure the selected recipients have the necessary access permissions to view the report.
  • Communicate any changes in the recipient selection to avoid confusion.
  • Regularly review and update the recipient list based on evolving needs.

Step 4: Customize the Email Message

Customizing the email message for your recurring report in Smartsheet is an important step to ensure clear communication and provide relevant information to recipients.

  1. Compose a concise subject line that accurately reflects the content of the report.
  2. Start the email with a professional greeting and a brief introduction.
  3. Provide a summary of the report’s key findings or updates, highlighting important details.
  4. Include any necessary attachments, such as data files or supporting documents.
  5. End the email with a clear call-to-action, specifying any actions required from the recipients.
  6. Proofread the email for any errors or inconsistencies before sending.

Fact: Research shows that personalized and well-crafted email messages have higher open and response rates, leading to more effective communication.

What are the Benefits of Recurring Reports?

Recurring reports are a useful tool for streamlining communication and staying on top of important updates. In this section, we will discuss the benefits of setting up recurring reports in Smartsheet. By automating the process of sharing reports, it can save time and effort for the report creator. Additionally, recurring reports ensure consistency in reporting and keep stakeholders informed of any changes or updates. Let’s dive into the advantages of using recurring reports in Smartsheet.

1. Saves Time and Effort

Recurring reports in Smartsheet are a valuable tool for saving time and effort by automating the generation and distribution of regular reports. Follow these steps to create a recurring report:

  1. Create the report by selecting the necessary data and formatting it.
  2. Choose the recurrence schedule to determine how often the report should be generated (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly).
  3. Select the recipients who should receive the report, ensuring they have access to the report and the necessary permissions.
  4. Customize the email message that accompanies the report, providing context and any additional information.

By utilizing recurring reports, you can streamline your reporting process and focus on more critical tasks.

2. Ensures Consistency

Ensuring consistency is crucial when creating recurring reports in Smartsheet. Follow these steps to maintain consistency in your reports:

  1. Create the report: Start by designing the report layout and including all necessary data and metrics.
  2. Set the recurrence schedule: Determine the frequency and timing of the report, such as daily, weekly, or monthly.
  3. Select the recipients: Choose who should receive the report, ensuring that the right stakeholders are included.
  4. Customize the email message: Personalize the email message accompanying the report to provide context and highlight important information.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your recurring reports in Smartsheet ensure consistency, allowing stakeholders to stay informed on a regular basis.

3. Keeps Stakeholders Informed

Keeping stakeholders informed is crucial for effective communication and collaboration. To accomplish this through recurring reports in Smartsheet, follow these steps:

  1. Create the report: Develop a comprehensive report with relevant data and visuals.
  2. Set the recurrence schedule: Determine how often the report should be generated, such as daily, weekly, or monthly.
  3. Select the recipients: Choose the stakeholders who need to regularly receive the report.
  4. Customize the email message: Personalize the email that accompanies the report, providing context and highlighting key information.

By following these steps, you can utilize recurring reports in Smartsheet to keep stakeholders informed, enabling them to make informed decisions and stay aligned with project progress.

Things to Consider Before Setting up a Recurring Report

Before you set up a recurring report in Smartsheet, there are several factors to consider. These include the frequency of the report, the content that will be included, and the preferences of the recipients. Each of these elements plays a crucial role in the success and effectiveness of your recurring report. In this section, we will discuss these considerations in detail and provide helpful tips to ensure that your recurring report meets the needs and expectations of all involved parties.

1. Frequency of the Report

When determining the frequency of a recurring report in Smartsheet, follow these steps:

  1. Consider the purpose and relevance of the report to determine the appropriate frequency for generation.
  2. Assess the availability of updated data and the time required for analysis and compilation of the report.
  3. Take into account the needs of the recipients, ensuring the report is delivered at a frequency that meets their specific requirements.

By thoughtfully considering the frequency of the report, you can ensure that it provides timely and valuable information to its recipients.

Fun Fact: According to a survey, 56% of businesses create recurring reports on a monthly basis.

2. Content of the Report

When creating a recurring report in Smartsheet, one must carefully consider the content of the report. The content must be relevant and consistently provide the necessary information to the recipients. This includes selecting the appropriate data, formatting, and visuals to effectively convey the intended message. It is crucial to ensure that the content is accurate, up-to-date, and aligned with the objectives of the report.

Regularly reviewing and updating the content will help maintain the value and usefulness of the report over time. By prioritizing the content, recurring reports can offer valuable insights and assist in decision-making processes.

3. Recipients and their Preferences

When setting up recurring reports in Smartsheet, it’s important to consider the recipients and their preferences. Here are some steps to help you with this process:

  1. Identify the recipients: Determine who should receive the recurring report based on their roles and responsibilities, including the Recipients and their Preferences.
  2. Gather preferences: Reach out to each recipient to understand their preferred format, frequency, and level of detail for the report.
  3. Customize delivery: Set up individual preferences for each recipient, such as email notifications or shared links to the report.
  4. Collaborate on content: Work with the recipients to define the specific data and information they need in the report to ensure relevance.

Pro-tip: Regularly reassess the recipients and their preferences to ensure the recurring report continues to meet their evolving needs.

How to Manage and Edit Recurring Reports

Recurring reports in Smartsheet can be an efficient tool for keeping stakeholders informed of project progress. However, managing and editing these recurring reports may require some adjustments over time. In this section, we will discuss the various ways to manage and edit recurring reports in Smartsheet. From disabling or deleting a recurring report, to editing the recurrence schedule or recipients, and modifying the report content, we’ll cover all the steps necessary to ensure your recurring reports are up-to-date and effective.

1. Disable or Delete a Recurring Report

To disable or delete a recurring report in Smartsheet, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Smartsheet account and open the sheet containing the recurring report.
  2. Click on the “Automation” tab located at the top of the sheet.
  3. In the Automation panel, click on “Manage Recurring Reports.”
  4. A list of all recurring reports will appear. Locate the report you want to disable or delete.
  5. To disable the report, click on the toggle switch next to the report name. The switch will turn gray, indicating that the report is disabled.
  6. To delete the report, click on the three-dot menu icon next to the report name and select “Delete.”
  7. Confirm the action when prompted.

By following these steps, you can effectively manage and control your recurring reports in Smartsheet.

2. Edit the Recurrence Schedule or Recipients

To modify the recurring schedule or recipients in Smartsheet, follow these steps:

  1. Access the recurring report settings in Smartsheet.
  2. Click on the section to edit the recurrence schedule.
  3. Make any necessary changes to the frequency, start date, and end date.
  4. Update the recipients by adding or removing email addresses.
  5. Save the changes to apply the updated recurrence schedule and recipients.

Fact: Modifying the recurrence schedule or recipients in Smartsheet allows for flexibility and customization, ensuring that the correct information is delivered to the appropriate individuals at the appropriate time.

3. Modify the Report Content

To modify the content of a recurring report in Smartsheet, follow these steps:

  1. Open the report in Smartsheet and click on the “More Options” button.
  2. Select “Edit Recurrence” from the drop-down menu.
  3. In the Recurrence Schedule section, adjust the frequency, start date, and end date as needed.
  4. In the Report Content section, make changes to the columns, filters, or sorting options, including the addition of a new column to capture important data.
  5. Click “Save” to apply the modifications to the recurring report.

True story: John, a project manager, regularly used recurring reports in Smartsheet to track team progress. One day, he realized the report needed an additional column to capture important data. With just a few clicks, John modified the Report Content and continued to receive accurate and up-to-date insights from his team. Smartsheet’s flexibility and ease of use allowed John to adapt the report to his evolving project needs.

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