
How To Track Views In Smartsheet

Are you struggling to keep track of your project’s progress? Do you find it difficult to monitor views and engagement in your Smartsheet documents? Look no further! This article will provide you with simple, yet effective methods to track views in Smartsheet, ensuring that you have a clear understanding of how your projects are being viewed and used. Buckle up and get ready to optimize your Smartsheet experience!

What Is Smartsheet?

Smartsheet is a cloud-based platform that offers a variety of project management and collaboration tools. It enables users to easily create, organize, and monitor tasks, schedules, and projects. With features such as Gantt charts, customizable templates, and automated workflows, Smartsheet streamlines work processes and enhances team productivity.

Additionally, Smartsheet provides real-time updates and notifications, facilitating effective communication and collaboration among team members. Whether you are overseeing a small project or a large-scale initiative, Smartsheet simplifies task tracking and improves project visibility. Consider utilizing Smartsheet to boost team efficiency and achieve success in your projects.

Why Should You Track Views in Smartsheet?

There are several important reasons to track views in Smartsheet.

  1. Facilitate Collaboration: By monitoring who has accessed and viewed your sheet, tracking views allows for efficient collaboration and ensures that all team members are up-to-date.
  2. Ensure Accountability: Tracking views allows you to hold individuals accountable for reviewing important information and completing tasks.
  3. Gain Insights: By tracking views, you can gain insights into the popularity and effectiveness of your sheets, helping you identify areas for improvement and optimize your workflows.
  4. Enhance Security: Monitoring views helps to identify any unauthorized access attempts, ensuring the security of your sensitive data.

Overall, tracking views in Smartsheet offers benefits such as improved collaboration, accountability, performance evaluation, and security, making it a valuable feature for efficient project management.

How to Track Views in Smartsheet

Keeping track of views on a Smartsheet can provide valuable insights into how your team is interacting with the sheet. In this section, we will discuss the step by step process of tracking views in Smartsheet. From enabling view tracking to viewing the tracking report, we will cover all the necessary steps to effectively monitor sheet views. So, let’s get started on learning how to track views in Smartsheet.

Step 1: Enable View Tracking

To activate view tracking in Smartsheet, simply follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your Smartsheet account and select the sheet you wish to track views for.
  2. Click on the “Sharing” button located at the top right corner of the sheet.
  3. In the sharing settings, navigate to the “Options” tab.
  4. Check the box next to the “Track views” option to enable it.
  5. Click “Save” to apply the changes and activate view tracking for the sheet.

Enabling view tracking in Smartsheet allows you to monitor sheet usage, identify top viewers, and follow up with them if necessary. By tracking views, you can gain valuable insights into how your sheet is being accessed and utilized by others.

In today’s world, tracking views in Smartsheet has become a crucial feature for teams and individuals who want to keep track of the visibility and engagement of their shared sheets. It helps improve collaboration, streamline workflows, and ensure accountability in project management.

Step 2: Choose the Sheet to Track Views

To track views in Smartsheet, follow these steps:

  1. Enable View Tracking: Go to the “Admin Center” and enable the “View Tracking” feature.
  2. Choose the Sheet to Track Views: Select the specific sheet you want to track views for.
  3. Share the Sheet with Viewers: Share the sheet with the individuals you want to track views from.
  4. View the View Tracking Report: Access the “View Tracking Report” to see the information.

By following these steps, you can easily track views on your Smartsheet and gain valuable insights into sheet usage. Use the report to monitor usage, identify top viewers, and follow up with them effectively.

Step 3: Share the Sheet with Viewers

To share a sheet with viewers in Smartsheet, follow these steps:

  1. Open the sheet you want to share in Smartsheet.
  2. Click on the “Share” button located at the top-right corner of the screen.
  3. In the sharing settings, enter the email addresses of the viewers you want to share the sheet with.
  4. Select the appropriate permissions for the viewers, such as “Can View” or “Can Edit”.
  5. Click on the “Share” button to send the invitation to the viewers.

By sharing the sheet with viewers, you allow them to access and collaborate on the sheet, while also enabling view tracking to monitor their activity and engagement. Additionally, the third step involves sharing the sheet with viewers.

Step 4: View the View Tracking Report

To access the tracking report in Smartsheet, follow these steps:

  1. Enable View Tracking: Go to the sheet options menu and enable the view tracking feature.
  2. Choose the Sheet to Track Views: Select the specific sheet that you want to track views for.
  3. Share the Sheet with Viewers: Share the sheet with the users you want to track views from.
  4. View the View Tracking Report: Access the view tracking report to see the information on total views, unique views, last viewed date, and viewer names/email addresses.

Once you have the view tracking report, you can use it to monitor sheet usage, identify top viewers, and follow up with viewers if needed. Tracking views in Smartsheet provides valuable insights for managing and optimizing your sheet’s visibility and engagement.

What Information Is Included in the View Tracking Report?

When it comes to tracking views in Smartsheet, the View Tracking Report provides valuable insights into how your sheet is being accessed and viewed by others. This report includes a variety of information, such as the total number of views, unique views, and the last date the sheet was viewed. Additionally, it also includes the names and email addresses of those who have viewed the sheet, allowing you to have a better understanding of who is accessing your sheet and how often. Let’s dive into each section of the View Tracking Report to gain a better understanding of the valuable data it provides.

1. Total Views

The “Total Views” metric in Smartsheet allows you to keep track of how many times a sheet has been viewed. To access this information, follow these steps:

  1. Enable View Tracking in Smartsheet settings.
  2. Choose the specific sheet you want to track views for.
  3. Share the sheet with viewers, ensuring they have the necessary permissions to view it.
  4. View the View Tracking Report to see the total number of views.

By monitoring total views, you can gain insights into the popularity and usage of your sheets. This information can help you make informed decisions about sharing and collaborating on your projects.

2. Unique Views

Tracking unique views in Smartsheet is crucial for monitoring individual engagement with your sheets. Here are the steps to track unique views:

  1. Enable View Tracking: Go to the sheet’s properties and enable the unique views tracking feature.
  2. Choose the Sheet: Select the specific sheet you want to track unique views for.
  3. Share the Sheet: Share the sheet with viewers who you want to track unique views for.
  4. View the Unique Views Report: Access the unique views report to see the details of individual engagement.

Tracking unique views provides valuable insights into individual engagement and helps you identify the most active viewers. Use this information to monitor sheet usage, identify top viewers, and follow up with viewers to enhance collaboration and productivity.

3. Last Viewed Date

The “Last Viewed Date” is a crucial piece of information for tracking views in Smartsheet. This data shows the most recent time a viewer accessed the sheet, allowing you to keep an eye on activity and engagement.

To keep track of the last viewed date, follow these steps:

  1. Enable View Tracking in Smartsheet.
  2. Select the specific sheet that you want to track views for.
  3. Share the sheet with the viewers that you want to track.
  4. Access the View Tracking Report to see the last viewed date.

By using the last viewed date, you can stay informed about sheet usage and make sure you are aware of the most recent activity.

4. Viewers’ Names and Email Addresses

The View Tracking Report in Smartsheet provides valuable information about viewers, including their names and email addresses. This feature allows you to identify who has accessed your sheet and track their engagement. By knowing the names and email addresses of viewers, you can directly follow up with them, ensuring effective communication and collaboration.

This feature is particularly useful for monitoring sheet usage and identifying top viewers. With this data, you can tailor your approach, prioritize engagement, and foster stronger relationships with your audience.

Smartsheet’s View Tracking Report empowers you with the necessary information to optimize your workflow and build successful collaborations.

How Can You Use the View Tracking Report?

Using the view tracking report in Smartsheet can provide valuable insights into how your sheets are being used. This section will discuss the various ways in which you can utilize the view tracking report to enhance your workflow and improve communication with your team. From monitoring sheet usage to identifying top viewers and following up with them, we’ll explore the different ways this report can benefit you and your team.

1. Monitor Sheet Usage

To effectively monitor sheet usage in Smartsheet, follow these steps:

  1. Enable View Tracking: Access the Smartsheet settings and activate the View Tracking feature.
  2. Choose the Sheet to Track Views: Select the specific sheet you want to monitor.
  3. Share the Sheet with Viewers: Grant access to individuals who need to view the sheet.
  4. View the View Tracking Report: Access the report to see the gathered information.

By following these steps, you can keep track of and analyze important information such as total views, unique views, last viewed date, and viewers’ names and email addresses. This allows you to have a comprehensive understanding of how your sheet is being utilized and make informed decisions based on the collected data.

2. Identify Top Viewers

Identifying the top viewers in Smartsheet can provide valuable insights and help you understand who engages most with your sheets. Follow these steps to identify the top viewers:

  1. Access the View Tracking Report in Smartsheet.
  2. Sort the report by the “Total Views” column in descending order.
  3. Review the names and email addresses of the top viewers listed in the report.
  4. Analyze the frequency and duration of their views to determine the most active viewers.
  5. Consider reaching out to these top viewers to gather feedback, collaborate, or discuss any important updates related to the sheet.

Pro-tip: Utilize this information to cultivate relationships with your top viewers, involving them in important discussions or seeking their expertise to improve your sheets.

3. Follow Up with Viewers

Following up with viewers in Smartsheet is crucial for effective collaboration and communication. Here are the steps to do so:

  1. Identify the top viewers by reviewing the View Tracking Report.
  2. Reach out to these viewers to gather feedback or address any questions or concerns they may have.
  3. Use the information provided in the View Tracking Report, such as viewers’ names and email addresses, to send personalized follow-up messages.
  4. Discuss any updates or changes made to the sheet and ensure viewers are aware of them.
  5. Encourage viewers to provide input or suggestions for improvement.

By following up with viewers, you can promote better collaboration, strengthen relationships, and ensure that everyone stays informed and engaged with the project or sheet.

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