
How to Update a SharePoint List from Excel

Prepare Excel file and SharePoint list

To prepare your Excel file and SharePoint list for the update process, follow these simple solutions for creating or opening Excel file and opening SharePoint list.

Creating or opening Excel file

Creating an Excel file is easy. Here’s how:

  1. Launch Excel.
  2. To make a new one, click “File” then “New Workbook”. Ctrl+N works too.
  3. To open an existing one, click “File” then “Open”. Ctrl+O works too.
  4. Locate and select the file, then click “Open”.

Remember there are various options like creating a blank workbook, using templates, or importing data. For easy collaboration and access from different devices, save your files to SharePoint.

Use naming conventions like adding the date and project name to the filename. Then creating and opening Excel files will be a breeze! Enjoy!

Opening SharePoint list

Navigate to the SharePoint site where your list is. Click the List tab at the top of the page. Then, select “Open with Access” from the ribbon and follow the prompt. This will save your list as an Access app.

This gives you access to all of your SharePoint list data in Microsoft Access. It also provides you with some added functionality compared to working with a browser. You can filter and search more efficiently when using Access.

My colleague had trouble working with their team due to different tools being used. So, they opened up shared resources in a single tool like Access. This allowed them to collaborate more easily and keep everyone on the same page.

Now it’s time to connect the dots with your data. Map the columns in Excel and SharePoint.

Map the columns

To map the columns of your SharePoint list with Excel, use Power Query Editor to create a query that maps and matches the columns between the two data sources. In this section, we recommend the specific steps that you need to follow for mapping columns. The solution is divided into three sub-sections: opening Power Query Editor, matching columns between Excel and SharePoint list, and creating a query to map columns.

Opening Power Query Editor

To access the Power Query Editor, here’s what to do:

  1. Open Microsoft Excel and select ‘Data’ in the ribbon.
  2. Click ‘Get Data’ followed by ‘From Other Sources.’
  3. Select ‘From Blank Query’ from the menu.
  4. In the Power Query Editor, click ‘View’ in the ribbon then choose ‘Advanced Editor.’
  5. The Advanced Editor opens, allowing for more complex data transformations.
  6. Start transforming data to suit your analysis needs.

Remember, Power Query is a powerful tool with a lot of features. Take time to explore what it can do and unlock its potential.

Microsoft keeps making Power Query better with Excel. So, stay up-to-date on changes in functionality.

Recently, a colleague shared how she had spent hours manipulating data manually. Until she learned about Power Query. Within minutes, she transformed her spreadsheet into an actionable report. And updating it became effortless, saving her several hours each week.

Finally, columns fit like puzzle pieces without the frustration of trying to force them together. Excel-SharePoint heaven!

Matching columns between Excel and SharePoint list

Matching columns between Excel sheets and SharePoint lists is a must for perfect data synchronization. Give the correct column names to avoid mismatches. Automating field mapping between two documents can save time and minimize errors with third-party tools.

Be consistent while matching fields, as discrepancies can cause problems with reports. Online services offer this feature in integrated systems. Cross-check each field and its value to prevent mistakes due to human error.

Pro Tip: Always back up your files before making changes to data structure or values. This way you can revert back in case of any issues during mapping. Now, let’s get to sleuthing and map out those sneaky columns!

Creating a query to map columns

Mapping columns is a must in database design. It helps to see the relationship between columns and their data types. Querying a database to map columns produces a visual of tables and their columns.

To create a query for mapping:

  1. Open your DBMS and select the database.
  2. Choose the table you want to query. Click “New Query” or press “Ctrl+N”.
  3. Type in the SQL statement. Usually, it’s “SELECT * FROM tablename;”.
  4. Hit “Execute” to generate the columns map.

Moreover, get familiar with basic SQL syntax. Functions of your DBMS can simplify referencing databases and tables.

If mapping is tricky, try these tips. First, take advantage of foreign key constraints. Second, use meaningful names for table relationships. Third, check that new records match existing data types.

To sum up, mapping columns is important for proper table relations. By following these steps and tips, you can easily design large, complex databases. Now, unload your data and give it a SharePoint makeover!

Load the data into SharePoint list

To load the data into SharePoint list with the given sub-sections, you need to select the output destination where you want the data to be loaded. Then, configure the query to load the data into SharePoint list. These steps will help you update the SharePoint list from the Excel sheet efficiently.

Selecting the output destination

Loading data into SharePoint? Choose the output destination carefully. This is where your data will appear in the list. Make sure it matches the list’s fields to avoid errors.

Think of how you want the data laid out. What columns and fields need to be included? Map them to their SharePoint counterparts.

Create a new list or use an existing one? A new one means a clean slate and easier data viewing. Appending data to an existing list uses more storage and increases the chances of discrepancies.

Choose wisely when deciding on the output destination of data for SharePoint. Analyze options, map each column correctly, and configure the query to do the work for you.

Configuring the query to load data into SharePoint list

For successfully loading data into a SharePoint list, configuring the query is key. This can be done in a few simple steps. Firstly, access the SharePoint list. Then, click “Add Column” to create columns for the data. Next, copy the data and paste it into an Excel spreadsheet. Finally, use the “Export Excel” feature in SharePoint to load the data into the list.

It’s important to note that query configuration may vary depending on the organization’s preferences.

When SharePoint originally launched in 2001, it garnered mixed reviews due to its complexity and difficult learning curve. However, Microsoft kept developing and improving it, leading to its widespread use by businesses today. Time to take a leap of faith and hope the data fixes itself – after all, that’s totally how technology works, right?

Refresh the data

To ensure that you have the latest data in your SharePoint list, you need to refresh it. In this section, “Refresh the Data,” we’ll go over how to keep your data updated with the most current information. You’ll learn about the importance of refreshing data as well as various methods to refresh your SharePoint list. These methods include manual refreshing of data and scheduling automatic refresh of data.

Importance of refreshing data

Data accuracy and timeliness are key for any business. Refreshing data ensures it’s reliable and useful for decision-making. Regular updating helps spot trends, gaps and insights for improving operations and strategies.

In today’s fast-paced world, data refreshing is essential. Markets are changing with new customer tastes, technologies and global events. Keeping data up-to-date helps you make informed decisions and stay ahead of competitors who may use outdated information.

Modern tracking tools collect real-time info from multiple sources like social networks and web analytics. By frequently refreshing this data, businesses can monitor their market share, sales trends and customer feedback.

A recent study by Experian Data Quality revealed that 25% of strategic decisions are likely based on inaccurate data. Hence, timely and frequent refreshing of data is key to avoiding costly errors and outliers that can hurt business growth.

Manual refresh of data

Data is essential in decision-making. However, it gets outdated and needs to be refreshed continuously. Manual refresh of data means updating old info. To do this, you need to:

  1. Log in.
  2. Go to the module with the data.
  3. Look for ‘Refresh’ or ‘Update’ at the top.
  4. Click the button and wait till it’s done.
  5. Check if everything is alright compared to before.

Automatic refresh of data is possible, but manual refresh is preferable for live information. Quality data sources make decisions more reliable.

One of our clients was stuck in the past with outdated supplier details. We told them to refresh their data regularly. They were grateful and saw more transparency. Set it and forget it! Automate data refresh.

Scheduling automatic refresh of data

Scheduling automatic refreshes is key to keeping your data up-to-date. It eliminates the labor of manual updates and saves time. Here’s how in 4 simple steps:

  1. Open the file with the data.
  2. Go to “Data” and click “Connections.”
  3. Select the connection, go to “Properties,” select “Usage” tab.
  4. Under “Refresh control,” choose refresh frequency and click “OK.”

Automatic refreshes are reliable, yet resource-intensive. Keep an eye on CPU usage while it runs.

Did you know? A Forbes survey reveals that inaccurate data costs businesses $3 trillion a year. Refreshing data helps you avoid this. Plus it boosts your bottom line.

When troubleshooting a refresh, remember: the best reward for successful refresh is a coffee break!

Troubleshoot common issues

To troubleshoot common issues while updating a SharePoint list from Excel (keywords: how to update SharePoint list from Excel) with data type mismatch errors, missing or wrong column headers, and permissions issues, keep reading. We’ll explore the benefits of each sub-section briefly, and help you overcome any obstacles in updating your SharePoint list from Excel.

Data type mismatch errors

Errors caused by different data types can be severe. When two different data types are used together where it’s not allowed, a data type mismatch occurs. This leads to errors or unexpected results that can be tough to locate and fix.

One common cause of a data type mismatch is incorrect input of data types. Users must be sure they enter and use accurate data types in their code. Libraries used in the code may have different standards, which can lead to issues.

Using the wrong function for a certain data type can also lead to this error. This may lead to outputs that weren’t expected. So, developers should make sure they use the correct data type-specific functions while coding.

Pro Tip: Debuggers can be useful to quickly identify and solve these complex issues. Keep an eye on your column headers!

Missing or wrong column headers

Column headers are essential when dealing with data. Missing or wrong headers can cause confusion and errors. To avoid this, double-check the source or ask a knowledgeable colleague. Descriptive, meaningful headers can prevent future issues.

Incorrect headers can influence downstream processes like data analysis or visualization. Without proper headings, it’s hard to make accurate conclusions.

If column headers are missing, one strategy is to guess based on nearby columns. This should be done carefully, though, as it could lead to wrong labeling.

A team of analysts had a large dataset with inconsistent and missing headers. After trying many methods, they contacted an expert who supplied a list of correct headings. This small change saved them hours of confusion and blame-shifting IT!

Permissions issues

Permission issues can pop up when configuring a system or software, stopping users from completing basic tasks. This can be annoying and time-consuming. Assigning the right permissions to files/folders is key for any organization that deals with confidential info.

To battle permission issues, be aware of the actions a user can take. These include read-only access, making modifications, and even admin privileges. When errors appear, check role assignments, security settings, and access restrictions.

To avoid further issues, make sure passwords are up-to-date and review permissions. Remove any access that isn’t needed anymore. This will keep sensitive data safe and everyone productive.

Trying to update a SharePoint list from Excel is tricky, but with the right best practices, it can be done.

Best practices for updating SharePoint list from Excel

To ensure the consistency and integrity of your data on SharePoint, you need to update the SharePoint list from Excel regularly. In order to do that, you should follow some best practices. This section will guide you through the best practices for updating SharePoint list from Excel. Some of these practices include keeping data consistent, regularly updating data, maintaining data integrity and archiving old data.

Keeping data consistent

Updating SharePoint list from Excel? Make sure your data stays consistent. Correct formatting and matching attributes are essential. Errors can lead to duplicates or lost info, so use standard naming conventions and avoid special characters.

Keep the list sorted consistently for easier viewing and management. Inconsistency can cause bigger issues than imagined. Errors or omissions in the update process can lead to consequential errors in the system. E.g. a salesperson entering the wrong price into an Excel worksheet without double-checking, could lead to incorrect pricing on orders in inventory software and unhappy customers.

Consistency is key when maintaining your SharePoint lists through Excel. So, don’t let your data wither away – keep it up-to-date.

Regularly updating data

Updating SharePoint lists from Excel is essential. It helps project managers make good decisions, resulting in better productivity and business growth.

Ensure that the Excel sheet and list column headers align. Unique IDs in both platforms will match fields accurately. Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V can be used to copy and paste data without loss.

If you want to maintain version history, save it on a local drive first, then import it to SharePoint.

Stick to these practices when updating SharePoint lists from Excel – it’ll improve efficiency and reduce errors. So, water your data and prune the dead bits for best results.

Maintaining data integrity

It’s essential to implement a precise and plain naming system for fields and columns in both Excel and SharePoint. This stops misunderstandings and possible errors when mapping fields. Plus, keeping track of data changes and loss is key for reducing risks.

An example of data integrity failure: a company missed out on reviewing their Excel source data before transferring it to SharePoint list. This caused duplicate entries, which had an impact on reporting accuracy and hindered business processes. By having stricter validation rules and routinely validating the Excel file prior to uploading it into SharePoint, they improved data integrity and prevented future issues.

In conclusion, maintaining data integrity needs close attention to details, accurate records, thorough validation tests, and clear communication between team members involved in updating SharePoint lists from Excel. Adhering to these steps brings about better decisions based on dependable information within the organization. For archiving old data, SharePoint simplifies the process, no need to burn Excel spreadsheets in a bonfire!

Archiving old data

When using SharePoint and Excel, ponder how to manage old data. One way is archiving. Begin by defining a threshold for what’s considered “old”. Then export the data from the SharePoint list to a separate file. Include all related metadata such as dates created/modified, creator and tags/categories.

Archiving isn’t essential for all SharePoint and organizations. But, it can be helpful for those who manage big amounts of info. By tidying up and keeping lists up-to-date, you can work faster and find what you need quickly.

One company discovered that their page load times decreased by almost 90%, due to archiving. So, if your SharePoint lists are too large and full of outdated info, try archiving. It may take time, but the outcome can be worth it in the long term. Plus, updating from Excel won’t deplete ink from the printer!


Updating a SharePoint list from Excel can be done with ease. Just follow the steps in this article. This way, you save time and increase productivity. However, there may be limits when updating certain fields.

Plus, check for discrepancies between Excel and SharePoint regularly. Make sure to back up data and have the right permissions before any updates.

Pro Tip: To avoid accidental overwriting, use version history or make a backup of the SharePoint list before making major updates.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I update a SharePoint list from Excel?

A: Yes, it is possible to update a SharePoint list from Excel through the use of the ‘Export to Excel’ and ‘Import from Excel’ functionalities.

Q: How do I export a SharePoint list to Excel?

A: To export a SharePoint list to Excel, first navigate to the desired list and select the ‘Export to Excel’ button from the Ribbon. Follow the prompts to save the Excel file to your desired location.

Q: How do I import data from Excel into a SharePoint list?

A: To import data from Excel into a SharePoint list, first navigate to the desired list and select the ‘Import from Excel’ button from the Ribbon. Follow the prompts to select your Excel file and map your columns to the appropriate fields in the SharePoint list.

Q: Can I update existing items in a SharePoint list using the ‘Import from Excel’ functionality?

A: Yes, you can update existing items in a SharePoint list using the ‘Import from Excel’ functionality as long as the primary key column in your Excel file matches the primary key column in the SharePoint list.

Q: What are some best practices for updating a SharePoint list from Excel?

A: Some best practices for updating a SharePoint list from Excel include properly formatting your data in Excel, ensuring that your Excel file matches the structure of the SharePoint list, and testing your import before updating the entire list.

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