
How To Use Docusign To View Other Users Envelopes

If you’ve ever wondered how to view other users’ envelopes in DocuSign, you’ve come to the right place.

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process step by step. From logging in to your DocuSign account to changing envelope permissions, we’ve got you covered.

Whether you need to access envelopes as a recipient, editor, or carbon copy (CC), we will show you how to navigate the platform with ease.

Stay tuned to learn all about DocuSign envelope viewing and sharing!

What Is DocuSign?

DocuSign is a widely-used electronic signature platform that streamlines the process of signing and managing documents digitally.

Through its intuitive interface, DocuSign offers a user-friendly experience for both senders and recipients. With its advanced features, users can easily customize document fields, set signing orders, and automate reminders, making the entire signature process efficient and hassle-free. DocuSign’s secure platform ensures that important documents are protected and legally binding. For those looking to learn more about maximizing the potential of DocuSign, the platform provides comprehensive tutorials and guides to help users navigate its functionalities seamlessly.

How Does DocuSign Work?

DocuSign operates by allowing users to upload documents, add electronic signature fields, and securely share them for signing and completion.

  1. Using DocuSign, individuals can conveniently create digital envelopes by simply uploading their desired document, then placing signature fields wherever necessary.
  2. Once the document is prepared for signing, users have the option to assign different roles to signers, such as ‘signer,’ ‘approver,’ or ‘observer.’

This enhances workflow efficiency by streamlining the signing process.

DocuSign’s intuitive interface makes it easy to track the progress of documents, ensuring users stay informed about the status of each signature request in real-time.

Why Would You Need to View Other Users’ Envelopes in DocuSign?

Understanding the contents of other users’ envelopes in DocuSign can be essential for collaboration, verification, or monitoring purposes, ensuring transparency and accountability in document transactions.

For instance, in cross-functional projects involving multiple teams or departments, having access to view others’ envelopes can streamline communication and decision-making processes. It helps to ensure that all stakeholders are aligned and have the necessary information to move the project forward smoothly.

From a compliance perspective, being able to review and verify the contents of envelopes submitted by others is crucial for ensuring regulatory requirements are met. In terms of team coordination, shared document visibility allows team members to stay informed and updated on the progress of various tasks and projects.

How to View Envelopes in DocuSign?

  1. First, users need to log in to their DocuSign account using their credentials.

  2. Once logged in, they should navigate to the envelopes tab on the dashboard.

  3. From there, users can select the envelopes they wish to view by clicking on them.

  4. Within the selected envelope, users can utilize various viewing options such as zooming in on documents, downloading attachments, or adding comments.

By following this tutorial guide, users can efficiently manage and review envelopes in DocuSign.

Step 1: Log in to Your DocuSign Account

  1. The first step in viewing envelopes in DocuSign is to log in to your account using your credentials on the official DocuSign website.

Once you have navigated to the DocuSign website, you will be prompted to enter your username and password to gain access to your account. It is crucial to ensure that you input this information accurately to enhance the security of your account. User authentication plays a vital role in safeguarding your sensitive documents and information within envelopes.

By verifying your identity through the login process, you can prevent unauthorized access and protect the confidentiality of your documents.

Step 2: Navigate to the Envelopes Tab

After logging in, locate and click on the ‘Envelopes’ tab in your DocuSign account dashboard to access a list of envelopes associated with your account.

This step is crucial for efficiently managing your document transactions as it allows you to view all your pending envelopes in one centralized location. Once you are on the ‘Envelopes’ tab, you can easily track the status of each envelope, such as whether it has been sent, signed, or is awaiting your action. This feature simplifies the process of monitoring your important documents and ensures that you stay informed about their progress.

If you are unsure how to navigate this section, DocuSign provides a helpful tutorial to guide you through accessing and utilizing the ‘Envelopes’ tab effectively.

Step 3: Select the Envelope You Want to View

Once in the ‘Envelopes’ section, identify and click on the specific envelope that you wish to view or review, opening it for detailed inspection.

To distinguish between envelopes in the list, take note of unique identifiers such as sender, subject, or date of receipt. Once you have singled out the desired envelope, simply click on it to access its contents. Following this, a new window or tab will appear, displaying the full details of the selected envelope. From here, you can navigate through the contents, read messages, view attachments, or follow any embedded links. This straightforward process allows for smooth and efficient viewing of individual envelopes within your inbox.

Step 4: Click on the ‘View’ Button

Within the envelope interface, locate and click on the ‘View’ button to open the document and its associated fields for a comprehensive examination.

Upon clicking the ‘View’ button, you will be navigated to the document’s view mode, a user-friendly interface that allows for detailed scrutiny of the content. In this mode, users can zoom in and out, highlight specific sections, add comments, and even make necessary edits if permitted. The view mode offers a range of tools for easy navigation within the document, ensuring that nothing goes unnoticed during inspection. Utilizing the functionalities available in the view mode can streamline the process of examining the document thoroughly.

Step 5: View the Envelope and Its Contents

Once the envelope is opened for viewing, explore its contents, signatures, and any attached documents to understand the transaction details comprehensively.

Take note of the signatures present, as they provide confirmation of the parties involved in the transaction. Attached documents often hold vital information that complements the main content.

It is important to meticulously review these attachments as they can offer further insights or explanations. Looking closely at all elements within the envelope will help in gaining a more holistic understanding of the message being conveyed.

Any additional information available, such as notes or references, should be carefully examined to ensure a thorough grasp of the context.

How to Access Others’ Envelopes in DocuSign?

Accessing other users’ envelopes in DocuSign can be accomplished by requesting access from the envelope sender or being added as a recipient by the sender.

In a collaborative workspace, the ability to share and access envelopes efficiently plays a pivotal role. To initiate this process, users can simply send a request to the envelope sender expressing their need for access.

Alternatively, the sender can opt to include additional recipients directly when sending out the envelope. This streamlined method ensures that all relevant parties have the necessary permissions to view and interact with the document securely.

Prioritizing user permissions and following best practices for sharing in DocuSign guarantees smooth collaboration and enhanced productivity.

Option 1: Request Access from the Envelope Sender

One way to access other users’ envelopes in DocuSign is to request access directly from the sender by communicating your need to review the document.

To begin the process, compose a polite message to the original sender explaining why you require access to the specific envelope. Ensure that your request is clear and concise, stating your intentions transparently. Once you have sent the communication, allow some time for the sender to respond.

It is crucial to maintain open lines of communication throughout this process to ensure a smooth request for access. Remember to follow up if you do not receive a timely response, as prompt communication is key to obtaining permission to view the envelope contents.

Option 2: Have the Envelope Sender Add You as a Recipient

Alternatively, users can be added as recipients by the envelope sender, granting them access to view and interact with the document within DocuSign.

This sharing process enables individuals to collaborate seamlessly on documents shared via DocuSign. To become a recipient, the sender initiates the sharing procedure by selecting the option to add recipients within the application. A step-by-step tutorial within DocuSign guides the sender on how to specify recipients and decide on the level of access each recipient should have. Recipients receive an email notification prompting them to access the shared envelope securely. By following the link provided, recipients can then view, sign, or comment on the document conveniently.

What Are the Different Types of Envelope Permissions in DocuSign?

DocuSign offers various types of envelope permissions, including sender, recipient, editor, carbon copy, and certified delivery roles, each with specific access levels and capabilities.

These different roles play vital roles in the document management and signing process. The sender, for instance, holds the responsibility of initiating the document transaction, setting signing order, and providing required instructions.

Recipients, on the other hand, are tasked with reviewing and signing the document within the specified timeline. Editors have the privilege of making changes to the content before the final signing. Carbon copy recipients are kept in the loop for informational purposes only, while certified delivery helps ensure the validity and authenticity of the document delivery.

Such user-specific permissions enhance efficiency and security in collaboration.


The sender role in DocuSign involves initiating the document transaction, adding recipients, setting signing fields, and managing the overall envelope process.

As the sender in DocuSign, you carry the responsibility of ensuring that the correct recipients are added to the envelope, specifying the signing fields for each recipient, and monitoring the progress of the document throughout the signing process.

Your role grants you control over the entire envelope process, allowing you to track the status of each recipient’s interaction with the document. You have the authority to make any necessary adjustments to the envelope, such as adding new recipients or editing the signing order, to facilitate a smooth document workflow.


Recipients in DocuSign have the responsibility of reviewing, signing, or acknowledging the document contents as per the sender’s instructions.

Their actions play a crucial role in ensuring that document tasks are completed accurately and in a timely manner. By carefully reviewing the content, recipients help verify the accuracy of the information provided. Signing the document signifies their agreement or approval of its contents, adding a layer of validation to the document. Acknowledging the document confirms receipt and understanding, further solidifying the validity of the transaction. Ultimately, recipients contribute to the integrity and completion of the document workflow through their active participation.


Editors in DocuSign can modify and update certain document fields or contents within the envelope, assisting in document preparation and accuracy.

When assigned the editor role in DocuSign, users have the responsibility to ensure the correctness and completeness of the documents they work on. This includes verifying information accuracy, checking for formatting errors, and confirming that all necessary fields are filled out correctly.

Editors are granted permissions to make changes such as adjusting text, adding comments, inserting signature fields, and updating dates or other key information. By having these editing capabilities, editors play a crucial role in the document workflow process, guaranteeing that final documents are error-free and legally compliant.

Carbon Copy (CC)

Carbon copy recipients in DocuSign receive a copy of the document for informational purposes only, without the need for any direct actions or signatures.

They play a passive role in the document workflow, gaining visibility into the content without having to actively participate. This allows them to stay informed about the communication flow, decisions made, or updates shared without being required to take any specific follow-up actions.

Carbon copy recipients can track the progress of the document and stay in the loop without the pressure of signing or responding immediately, offering them a more observational perspective on the information being shared.

Certified Delivery

Certified delivery ensures that the document reaches the recipient securely and provides a verification of the delivery status for sender records.

This feature in DocuSign offers an added layer of assurance to senders, giving them peace of mind that their important documents have been delivered successfully. By receiving a confirmation of delivery, senders can be confident that their crucial contracts, agreements, or any other sensitive information have reached the intended recipient.

Certified delivery allows senders to track the status of their documents in real-time, ensuring transparency throughout the entire delivery process. This helps in maintaining accountability and facilitating better communication between parties involved.

How to Change Envelope Permissions in DocuSign?

Modifying envelope permissions in DocuSign involves accessing the specific envelope, navigating to the permissions settings, and adjusting the access levels for designated recipients.

  1. To begin the process, log in to your DocuSign account and locate the envelope for which you wish to modify permissions.
  2. Once you have selected the desired envelope, look for the permissions settings tab within the envelope options.
  3. Within the permissions settings, you will find the list of recipients who have access to the envelope.
  4. To alter their access levels, simply click on the recipient’s name and adjust the permission settings accordingly.
  5. Remember to save your changes to ensure that the updated permissions are applied successfully.

Step 1: Log in to Your DocuSign Account

Begin the process of changing envelope permissions by logging in to your DocuSign account using your credentials for secure access.

  1. Once you have successfully logged in, navigate to the top right corner of the dashboard and locate the ‘Permissions’ tab in the main menu. Click on it to reveal the drop-down options, where you will find the ‘Envelope Permissions’ setting. Select this option to enter the permission management portal.
  2. This tutorial will guide you through the various permission levels and settings available, ensuring that only authorized individuals can view, edit, or send specific envelopes. User authentication is crucial to maintain the integrity and security of your documents, safeguarding them from unauthorized access.

Step 2: Navigate to the Envelopes Tab

Once logged in, locate and access the ‘Envelopes’ tab in your DocuSign account dashboard to view the list of envelopes available for permission adjustments.

Navigating to the ‘Envelopes’ section is crucial for managing and editing access levels within your account. By modifying permission settings, you can control who has the authority to view, edit, or send envelopes.

This step ensures that sensitive documents are only accessible to authorized individuals, enhancing the security and confidentiality of your transactions. Understanding the functionalities within the ‘Envelopes’ tab through a detailed tutorial can further empower you to customize permissions effectively based on your specific requirements.

Step 3: Select the Envelope You Want to Change Permissions for

Identify and select the specific envelope from the list that you wish to modify permissions for, allowing you to customize access levels for designated recipients.

Once you have chosen the envelope you want to adjust permissions for, it’s crucial to consider the intricacies involved in personalizing these access levels. By tailoring permissions to each recipient’s role and responsibilities, you can streamline collaboration and ensure that sensitive information remains secure. Taking the time to go through a tutorial on setting up customized permissions within the chosen envelope can also be immensely beneficial. This ensures that every team member has the appropriate level of access, fostering efficient and productive teamwork.

Step 4: Click on the ‘Permissions’ Button

Within the selected envelope interface, locate and click on the ‘Permissions’ button to access the permission settings and make necessary adjustments.

Understanding how to manage permissions is crucial for maintaining the security and privacy of your documents, especially in collaborative settings. By customizing permissions, you can control who can view, edit, or share a document, ensuring that sensitive information is protected.

This tutorial will walk you through the process step by step, allowing you to tailor permissions to specific users or groups according to your requirements. With the ability to fine-tune access levels, you can enhance document security while facilitating seamless collaboration among team members.

Step 5: Choose the New Permissions for the Selected Recipient(s)

Select the desired permission levels and access rights for the designated recipients, ensuring that the document interactions align with the intended collaboration requirements.

When assigning permissions within the DocuSign platform, it’s crucial to consider the specific roles and responsibilities of each recipient. For instance, giving ‘Editor‘ permissions allows the recipient to make changes to the document content, while ‘Viewer‘ permissions only grant access for viewing without editing capabilities. By carefully choosing the appropriate permission level, you can control the extent of each recipient’s involvement in the document process. These permission changes can significantly impact the security and integrity of your documents, ensuring that confidential information remains protected and that collaboration runs smoothly.

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