
How to View SharePoint in File Explorer

Overview of SharePoint

SharePoint? It’s a Microsoft tool used by businesses to help teams collaborate and store documents in one spot. You can access files, chat with colleagues, and make workflows easier. Now, what if you could view your SharePoint files like any other folder on your computer? You can! By mapping a network drive, you can access your SharePoint library quickly.

To check out SharePoint in File Explorer:

  1. Open your SharePoint site and head to the library or folder you want to map.
  2. Click on the Library tab in the ribbon and choose Open with Explorer.
  3. Then, click Map Network Drive and follow the prompts to give it a drive letter.

That’s it! You’ll now see a new icon under This PC in File Explorer that corresponds to your SharePoint library or folder. You can move files between SharePoint and your local machine with ease. To save time and effort, select Reconnect at sign-in when mapping your network drive. That way, the mapped drive will always be available whenever you log in to your computer. Now, you can explore SharePoint like never before!

Ways to View SharePoint in File Explorer

Struggling to view SharePoint in File Explorer? Worry not! Here are some great ways to make it happen:

  1. Get a modern version of Internet Explorer installed. This is a must.
  2. Open the desired SharePoint site in IE and select “Sync” from the toolbar. This will prompt you to install OneDrive for Business if it’s not there.
  3. Log in with SharePoint account credentials.
  4. Go to File Explorer and select “OneDrive – [Your Organization’s Name].” This will show all synced SharePoint files and folders.
  5. To add specific folders, select and choose “Add to my OneDrive.” They’ll appear under the “SharePoint” folder.
  6. Enable offline access for files and folders you wanna work on without the internet.

Be aware that this feature may not be available on all versions of Windows or Office Suite applications. Some file types may not sync or be accessed via File Explorer.

Did you know that this functionality was released back in 2016 with the Windows 10 Creators Update? Microsoft has been updating it ever since, to make it more reliable and user-friendly for those wanting to integrate SharePoint content into their local file system. So, say goodbye to the hassle of SharePoint access with this simple yet effective WebDAV solution!

Using WebDAV for SharePoint Access in File Explorer

To gain easy access to SharePoint in File Explorer, you can use WebDAV. This section explains how to do this efficiently with the help of sub-sections – Installing and Configuring WebDAV on Windows 10, and Mapping SharePoint as a Network Drive in File Explorer.

Installing and Configuring WebDAV on Windows 10

To install and configure WebDAV on Windows 10, follow these steps:

  1. Install Desktop Experience:
    • Go to ‘Control Panel’.
    • Open ‘Programs and Features’.
    • Click on ‘Turn Windows features on or off’.
    • Select ‘Desktop Experience’ from the list.
    • Click ‘OK’.
    • Restart your computer.
  2. Enable WebDAV Publishing:
    • Press Windows key + R.
    • Type “inetmgr” and press Enter.
    • In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager window, expand the server name in the left pane.
    • Right-click the ‘Sites’ folder and select ‘Add Website’.
    • Enter a name for the website.
    • Select a physical path for the site files.
    • Check the box for ‘Allow anonymous access to this website’.
    • Under ‘Bindings’, add a new binding with Type: http, IP address: All Unassigned, Port: 80, Host name: leave blank.
    • Click OK to create the website.
  3. Create a WebDAV Publishing Rule:
    • Open IIS Manager again.
    • Right-click the newly created website and click ‘Add Virtual Directory’.
    • For Alias, type in ‘WebDAV’.
    • For Physical Path, browse to ‘C:WindowsWebDAV’.
    • Check all three boxes at the top under the ‘Virtual Directory’ section: Read, Write, Log visits.
  4. Set up WebDAV in File Explorer on Windows 10:
    • Open File Explorer (Win + E).
    • Click Computer > Map network drive > Connect to a Web site that you can use to store documents and pictures.
    • Select Choose a custom network location > Next.
    • Type in https://<Your Domain>/WebDAV/.
    • Note: Replace <Your Domain> with your actual domain name.
    • Click Finish then enter your username & password.

When setting up WebDAV, it’s important to make sure your Internet Information Services (IIS) manager is working correctly. A client experienced the importance of WebDAV when their website went down during an important project. The only way to access their server files was through File Explorer using WebDAV. Transform your SharePoint into a drive-thru experience with WebDAV and File Explorer!

Mapping SharePoint as a Network Drive in File Explorer

Map SharePoint as a Network Drive in File Explorer! Here’s how:

  1. Open File Explorer and click on “This PC”.
  2. Click on the “Map network drive” button.
  3. Choose the drive letter and enter the URL of your SharePoint site.

Experience the convenience of accessing SharePoint libraries in File Explorer! Save time and streamline collaboration among employees and create ease for working remotely.

However, if you’re uploading files over 50MB or need version history for what you are doing, mapping as a network drive may limit the functionality. To get the full range of features, Microsoft recommends using WebDAV client installations above OS default and browser login.

Happy Sharing!

Accessing SharePoint Libraries in File Explorer

To access SharePoint libraries in File Explorer, syncing SharePoint libraries with OneDrive for Business is the solution. This sub-section is one of the most effective ways to manage your SharePoint files.

Syncing SharePoint Libraries with OneDrive for Business

Ready to sync SharePoint libraries with OneDrive for Business? Here’s how in three easy steps:

  1. Log in to your OneDrive for Business account.
  2. Go to the ‘Sync’ button on the SharePoint ribbon and pick the library you want to sync.
  3. Choose where to save the library and hit ‘Sync Now’.

But remember, manual intervention is still needed to update files. To simplify syncing, use Microsoft Flow or PowerShell automation tools. This guarantees prompt and accurate updates.

Also, keep file names organized with simple conventions. For example, create meaningful folder names and use standard naming conventions. This will help everyone find files quickly and keep the data tidy.

Syncing SharePoint libraries with OneDrive for Business makes collaboration and sharing much smoother, while keeping everything in one place. Enjoy!

Having trouble accessing SharePoint in File Explorer? Become a detective and solve the mystery. You’ll be successful in no time!

Troubleshooting SharePoint Access in File Explorer

To troubleshoot SharePoint access issues in File Explorer, you need to understand the common errors that occur while accessing SharePoint in File Explorer. By doing this, you can learn how to fix these SharePoint access issues. In this section, we will introduce two sub-sections – common errors while accessing SharePoint in File Explorer and how to fix SharePoint access issues in File Explorer.

Common Errors while Accessing SharePoint in File Explorer

Tackling SharePoint access issues in File Explorer? These common errors and troubleshooting tips will help:

  • Access Denied – No permissions? Ask your admin!
  • Folder Not Found – Check with PowerShell if it’s been deleted or moved.
  • SPFSOE Throttling – Avoid mass file moves or retry after an hour.
  • Stale Credentials – Enter up-to-date Office 365 account details.
  • Outdated Sync Client – Update procedures can help.

Uncheck ‘automatically detect settings’ in LAN Settings to bypass most errors.

Plus, clear Windows Credential Manager for regular storage releases! Problem solved!

How to Fix SharePoint Access Issues in File Explorer

Accessing SharePoint files through File Explorer can be a pain. Here are 5 easy steps to fix it:

  1. Check your internet connection and permissions.
  2. Clear your browser cache, cookies, and temp files.
  3. Use a supported version of Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge.
  4. Disable “Automatically detect settings” in Internet Options -> LAN Settings.
  5. If all else fails, contact the SharePoint admin or IT department for help.

If File Explorer access isn’t smooth, collaboration can suffer. Timely troubleshooting is key to a polished workflow. Follow these tips and your File Explorer will be as fresh as a document!


Discover how to view SharePoint in File Explorer! This article provides detailed steps and guidelines for users to access their files in a familiar interface. These simple steps help to manage documents, saving time and increasing productivity. Plus, SharePoint and File Explorer integrate, creating a unified experience – eliminating the need to switch between applications. With this tool, users can focus on their tasks without worrying about managing files.

A helpful example is how this feature enables collaboration among team members by providing access to synchronized versions. This boosts workflows and accountability. A non-profit organization found this out. They had trouble finding documents within SharePoint, but after discovering how to view SharePoint in File Explorer, productivity increased. This small improvement had a big impact on the organization’s mission.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I view SharePoint in File Explorer?

To view SharePoint in File Explorer, you need to open SharePoint in your web browser and navigate to the document library you want to view. Click on “Open with Explorer” in the top ribbon, and SharePoint will automatically open in File Explorer.

2. Why isn’t SharePoint showing up in my File Explorer?

If SharePoint isn’t showing up in your File Explorer, it could be due to a few different reasons. One common issue is that your computer may not be joined to the domain. Alternatively, your SharePoint site may not be configured to use the WebDAV protocol. Check with your IT department to troubleshoot further.

3. Can I access SharePoint in File Explorer from any device?

Yes, you can access SharePoint in File Explorer from any device that has access to your SharePoint site, as long as that device supports WebDAV protocol. This includes Windows and Mac operating systems.

4. How can I configure SharePoint to work with File Explorer?

To configure SharePoint to work with File Explorer, you first need to make sure that your SharePoint site is using the WebDAV protocol. From there, you need to ensure that your computer is set up to allow WebDAV connections. Check with your IT department for specific instructions for your organization.

5. What do I do if I can’t open SharePoint in File Explorer?

If you can’t open SharePoint in File Explorer, you may need to clear your browser cache and cookies or check your browser security settings. You may also need to ensure that the WebDAV service is running on your computer. Check with your IT department for more specific troubleshooting steps.

6. Can I edit SharePoint files directly in File Explorer?

While you can view SharePoint files in File Explorer, you cannot edit them directly. You will need to open the files in their respective applications (such as Microsoft Word or Excel) to make any changes. Save the changes within the application, and they will be automatically synced with the SharePoint site.

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