
How to Become a SharePoint Developer

Understanding SharePoint Development

To be a successful SharePoint Developer, you need to know how to build custom solutions and create workflows. Moreover, you should master client-side technologies such as AngularJS and React. Analytical skills, attention to detail, and comfort working in teams are essential. It is also beneficial to understand Agile or Scrum design methodologies.

In addition to these fundamentals, you should understand SharePoint’s architecture and its features. These include document management, content types, staging environments, security models, and collaboration tools.

Microsoft states that 80% of Fortune 500 companies use SharePoint. Therefore, acquiring the necessary skills as a SharePoint Developer can open up opportunities in various industries.

So, if you want to become a SharePoint Developer, start by learning to spell it!

Skills Required to Become a SharePoint Developer

To acquire the skills required to become a SharePoint Developer, you need to familiarize yourself with the SharePoint architecture and object model. You must also be proficient in programming languages like C# and JavaScript. In addition, it is vital to have familiarity with web development technologies like HTML, CSS, and jQuery, and possess an understanding of the software development lifecycle.

Knowledge of SharePoint Architecture and Object Model

To become a proficient SharePoint Developer, one must understand the architecture and object model of SharePoint. The architecture components – Web Application, Site Collection, Site, List/Library, and Web Part/Workflow – dictate how information is stored and retrieved within SharePoint. Mastering the object model is crucial for manipulating data in these components.

It’s also necessary to know CAML (Collaboration and Markup Language) to query and retrieve data. C# and JavaScript are two languages to learn for yelling at a computer. Microsoft’s documentation states that SharePoint 2019 Architecture empowers teamwork to improve efficiency.

Proficiency in Programming Languages such as C# and JavaScript

C# and JavaScript are essential for SharePoint developers. Understand concepts like variables, data types, loops, conditions and functions to get started. C# is the main language used for SharePoint customization and JS for lists, forms, workflows and web parts.

Being a great SharePoint developer requires more than just technical knowledge. Problem-solving, intuition, creativity and understanding how people work in an organization are all key. HTML, CSS and jQuery are like speaking three separate languages – none of them are official UN ones.

Familiarity with Web Development Technologies like HTML, CSS, and jQuery

SharePoint Developers need to be proficient in HTML, CSS, and jQuery to excel. These web development technologies let them construct user-friendly web pages. HTML creates content structure and CSS styles elements to give pages consistent design. jQuery adds unique features to sites with ease.

These technologies also help meet compliance standards. Skilled developers can integrate web services into SharePoint that require these languages.

Pro Tip: Stay up-to-date with software updates and attend training sessions regularly to keep evolving technical capabilities. Knowing the software development lifecycle is essential for successful code.

Understanding of Software Development Lifecycle

Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) is essential knowledge for becoming a SharePoint Developer. Experts need to be able to analyze, design, implement, test and maintain applications in accordance with SDLC. It is wise to have a good grasp of project management techniques, business analysis methodologies, and software configuration management processes.

SharePoint developers create solutions based on client needs. They apply SDLC phases when developing SharePoint applications, staying within industry best practices. During planning, they recognize user requirements, compare current and desired functions, and then suggest solution options for the decision-making process. In the design phase, they create specifications for the proposed solution.

In coding, they create system architecture components such as web parts or pages using frameworks such as .Net or Visual Studio. They write code that meets industry standards, and include neat documentation for easy reading by other developers. Testing begins after coding. During this phase, they check all aspects of the application including UI/UX components, using manual and automated tools.

Having in-depth knowledge of SDLC is crucial in SharePoint Developer job roles. Many organizations demand SharePoint Developers to have knowledge of working within a Software Development Lifecycle framework before being recruited for a role. Understanding risks at any stage of development is necessary before continuing with the project.

Educational Requirements for SharePoint Development

To advance professionally as a SharePoint developer, a bachelor’s degree in computer science or its equivalent is highly recommended. Relevant certifications such as Microsoft Certified: SharePoint Developer can also provide you with an advantageous edge in the field. In this section, we will discuss the educational requirements for SharePoint development, and explore the benefits of obtaining a degree or certification.

Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or Equivalent Field

A degree is key for a career in SharePoint development. Bachelor’s degrees in computer science, software engineering, web development, or information systems are beneficial. To keep up with technology, pursue continuing education like online courses, workshops, or conferences. Certifications are also helpful for showcasing expertise and boosting resumes. So don’t miss out! With effort, a SharePoint developer career can be yours. Get certified to show you’re a Microsoft Certified SharePoint Developer.

Relevant Certifications such as Microsoft Certified: SharePoint Developer

Certifications like Microsoft Certified: SharePoint Developer are key for SharePoint development. They prove the skills and knowledge needed to create custom solutions using its tools and technologies. Plus, these certifications can boost one’s career, showing potential employers you’re credible.

SharePoint offers a range of features and capabilities, like collaboration, document management and business intelligence. By becoming certified, you’ll gain expertise in areas like designing workflows, customizing sites and developing apps that integrate with SharePoint.

It’s also important to have an educational background in web development and coding languages such as HTML, C#, JavaScript, etc. – all essential for creating custom solutions with the platform.

Not only that, but developers should keep up-to-date with the latest tech trends. This means attending industry events or joining online communities to chat with other professionals. Unlocking the next level of SharePoint mastery? It’s all part of the game!

Steps to Become a SharePoint Developer

To become a SharePoint developer, you need to follow a systematic approach with a step-by-step solution. The section ‘Steps to Become a SharePoint Developer’ with ‘Choose a Focus Area in SharePoint Development, Acquire Technical Skills and Knowledge, Gain Experience through Internship or Volunteer Work, Build a Portfolio of SharePoint Projects, Network with SharePoint Community and Attend Conferences’ sub-sections will guide you through the process.

Choose a Focus Area in SharePoint Development

Choosing a focus area for becoming a SharePoint Developer is key. With its many applications and features, deciding can be daunting. Follow these 6 steps to select your focus area with ease:

  1. Identify Interests and Strengths – What catches your interest and plays to your strengths?
  2. Evaluate Market Demands – Research what the industry requires for a SharePoint developer and see if it aligns with your interests.
  3. Understand Use Cases – See how the proposed solution fits into Microsoft SharePoint.
  4. Consider Options – Review all options available within SharePoint development, such as software engineering, UI/UX design, or business development roles.
  5. Focus on Learning – Choose a niche that involves continued learning and exploration to help career advancement.
  6. Get Hands-On Experience – Implement your skills with shadow projects to get hands-on experience before pursuing professional opportunities.

For more help in selecting a focus area, use external resources, like industry blogs, mentoring programs, or online communities. Pro Tip: Don’t be scared to experiment with multiple focus areas and take advantage of networking opportunities in the industry. Now get ready to master SharePoint and impress your IT department!

Acquire Technical Skills and Knowledge

To stay current in today’s job market, you need to be proficient in modern tech like SharePoint. Becoming a SharePoint developer requires understanding its design and development processes. Interest in custom development and server-side configuration is key. Start acquiring tech skills and knowledge by building new web parts, implementing workflows, and creating content types.

Train yourself, get MCSD certification, or gain experience on SharePoint-related projects to sharpen your coding skills. Learn C#, ASP.NET, and SQL Server Database Management for successful back-end app development. Know object-oriented principles to build efficient apps. Master the use of visual studio tools for easier debugging.

Expand your horizons by learning about JavaScript conventions, jQuery libraries, HTML/CSS for interface customization, and RESTful services. Not having enough tech skills can slow down your development journey. Make use of online resources and mentors to improve your technical abilities. Internships or volunteer work are the best way to learn SharePoint development and perfect your coffee-making skills.

Gain Experience through Internship or Volunteer Work

To become successful in SharePoint development, practical experience is key. Gaining experience through internships or volunteering is a great way to get ahead.

  • Look for internship or volunteer opportunities in SharePoint.
  • Participate in open-source projects with other developers.
  • Create your own SharePoint project and showcase it on platforms like Github.
  • Join SharePoint community forums to stay updated.

These activities can help you develop communication and networking skills. Plus, they add relevant experience to your resume. Start today to build your portfolio and show off those SharePoint skills! Excel sheets and PowerPoint presentations won’t do the trick.

Build a Portfolio of SharePoint Projects

When aiming to be a SharePoint developer, having a portfolio of projects is key. It demonstrates your interest and skills. To start, decide what type of projects match your experience. Then, follow these five steps:

  1. Begin with small projects based on your interests and abilities
  2. Join forums and online communities to gain from other developers
  3. Contribute to open-source projects
  4. Post completed projects on GitHub or CodeProject
  5. Collaborate with other developers on big-scale projects.

Building a portfolio takes time and effort. Investing in quality projects that show off your abilities will pay off.

Apart from boosting applications or interviews, having successful SharePoint projects gives self-assurance.

Keep in mind, lots of successful SharePoint devs started by building a portfolio. As long as you stay dedicated to learning, creating and progressing, your possibilities are endless. Don’t forget to join conferences and connect with other SharePoint fans!

Network with SharePoint Community and Attend Conferences

Networking with the SharePoint community and attending conferences is essential to become a SharePoint developer. Here are six ways to get the most out of it:

  1. Join online forums to stay up-to-date.
  2. Join user groups to connect with others who share similar interests.
  3. Attend local events.
  4. Speak at conferences or author articles to share knowledge.
  5. Collaborate on projects with other network members.
  6. Follow industry influencers on social media.

Also, attend conferences outside of your niche to learn from different ideas. To demonstrate the importance of networking, I’ll tell you a true story. At a conference, I met another developer working on a project I had worked on before. After exchanging contact info, we kept connected and ended up collaborating years later. This collaboration led to our successful professional paths. So, stay active and knowledgeable!

Job Opportunities for SharePoint Developers

To explore job opportunities for SharePoint developers in the industry, you can start by understanding the roles and responsibilities of SharePoint developers. This will give you a better idea of what you can expect when pursuing a career in SharePoint development. You can also research the top industries currently hiring SharePoint developers, which will help you focus your job search. Additionally, it’s helpful to have an idea of the typical salary range for SharePoint developer positions to ensure that you are being compensated fairly in your job search.

Roles and Responsibilities of SharePoint Developers

SharePoint Developers design, develop and maintain apps based on client needs. They figure out biz needs and create solutions to improve processes. They must understand web technologies and have great communication skills, to work with cross-functional teams.

Designing and implementing SharePoint solutions is their job. Creating sites, workflows, lists and libraries is part of the duties. They also have to ensure that the apps match user requirements and industry standards.

A Sharepoint developer must know ASP.NET, HTML/CSS/Javascript/jQuery/ajax, C#/VB.Net etc. Migration methodologies from 2010 to 2013 or 2016 is an added benefit.

Cloud-based computing has created a demand for skilled SharePoint developers who can create scalable and secure cloud-based solutions. Mobile devices have created new opportunities too, as they require apps compatible with varying OSs across different mobile platforms.

In short, the role of a Sharepoint developer is multi-dimensional and requires a mix of technical and non-technical skills. With the growing need for IT professionals, this field provides many opportunities.

Top Industries Hiring SharePoint Developers

SharePoint Developers are in huge demand these days. Many industries need professionals who can manage SharePoint solutions. Here are some of the top industries that are hiring SharePoint developers:

  • Healthcare: Healthcare is increasingly relying on tech to provide the best care. SharePoint developers can help with patient records, collaboration between healthcare workers, and more.
  • Finance: Financial institutions need to manage lots of data while adhering to regulations and security protocols. A SharePoint developer can create a streamlined system for day-to-day operations and compliance.
  • Government: Governments have loads of documents that need secure sharing and efficient management. With the help of a skilled SharePoint developer, agencies can create solutions for document libraries, search functionalities, and more.
  • Education: Sharing lesson plans and tracking student progress requires collaboration. SharePoint developers can create user-friendly systems for educators.

If you’re interested in pursuing a career as a SharePoint developer, or want to improve your skills, there are some options to consider:

  • Online courses: You can learn about SharePoint development through online resources.
  • Certifications: Certifications demonstrate expertise and knowledge, helping you stand out.
  • Networking: Joining communities or attending events allows you to make contacts.

Stay up-to-date with technology to remain competitive. With these tips, you can jump-start your career as a successful SharePoint developer! And, check out the salary range for developer positions if you’re ready to make a lot of money!

Salary Range for SharePoint Developer Positions

SharePoint Developers are in high demand! Salaries range from $70,000 to $120,000 annually. Companies from different industries may offer different salaries. For instance, those in healthcare and finance may pay more than government or non-profit sectors.

Proficiency also affects compensation. Skilled developers who can create custom workflows and dashboards, and integrate with other systems have higher earning potential. Some companies offer six-figure salaries for experienced SharePoint Developers! This shows how valuable and rare the top tier of talent is.

Are you looking to become a SharePoint Developer? Resources are available to help you master this art.

Resources for Learning SharePoint Development

To level up your skills as a SharePoint developer, you need access to quality resources. Gain knowledge and develop proficiencies in SharePoint Development with the help of Microsoft SharePoint Developer Documentation and Training Materials, Online Courses and Tutorials by Udemy, Pluralsight, and, Books on SharePoint Development by Wiley, O’Reilly, and Microsoft Press, and SharePoint Development Communities and Forums.

Microsoft SharePoint Developer Documentation and Training Materials

Learning SharePoint development can be tricky, but Microsoft’s got all the resources you need. From docs to tutorials, they have a massive library of materials.

Benefits? You get an organised and well-documented guide that’ll take you from start to finish. With Microsoft’s help, beginners can become pros in no time. There are tutorials, vids, forums, and code samples – for developers of any level.

In-depth understanding of the platform? Analyse any issues or errors that occur – it’ll give you a deeper understanding of how it works.

Don’t miss out! Take advantage of the training materials Microsoft SharePoint Developer gives you. Check out the resources and stay ahead in this ever-growing industry!

Online Courses and Tutorials by Udemy, Pluralsight, and

Online learning platforms such as Udemy, Pluralsight and offer a wide selection of courses and tutorials for SharePoint Development.

Udemy has over 30 courses on SharePoint Development, covering topics like SharePoint Framework, PowerApps Development and SharePoint Workflow development.

Pluralsight provides in-depth training with more than 50 courses on SharePoint Development, including advanced topics like custom workflows and creating custom themes. offers 1000+ video tutorials on various SharePoint Development topics, multimedia production and web design.

All three platforms feature high-quality video content accessible anytime, anywhere. It’s perfect for learning at your own pace! Plus, they all have expert instructors who provide real-world examples from their experience working with Microsoft technologies.

For those looking to sharpen their skills in SharePoint Development, these e-learning platforms are an excellent opportunity. By honing your skills through these resources, you can create complex applications that scale with ease. Don’t miss out on the chance to take advantage of these valuable resources and boost your career prospects in SharePoint Development. Sign up now!

Alternatively, if you’re looking for a more in-depth understanding of SharePoint Development, why not pick up a book? You won’t regret it!

Books on SharePoint Development by Wiley, O’Reilly, and Microsoft Press

Need sources to learn SharePoint Development? Look no further than books by Wiley, O’Reilly, and Microsoft Press! Here’s why:

  • Comprehensive and deep – they cover a lot from basic to advanced topics.
  • Provide practical ways to customise with Visual Studio, .NET programming models & other tools.
  • Give tips & tricks to save effort & time while developing SharePoint apps.
  • Tutorials & examples make them accessible even for SharePoint development beginners.

These books come in digital & physical formats. So, investing in them is well worth it!

Pro Tip: Keep up with the latest editions as tech developments happen often.

Want in on the SharePoint development club? The password is ‘collaboration‘ and the bouncer is a helpful moderator.

SharePoint Development Communities and Forums

SharePoint developers can join communities or attend live events to come together and share ideas. Peer support, expert advice, and knowledge sharing are offered, so developers can learn from each other. In forums, experts provide valuable insights into building SharePoint applications.

One developer had a custom feature problem. He failed to find a workaround, so he asked a SharePoint dev community for help. Fellow developers replied with working solutions within hours. The developer was relieved to get help before his deadline.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What are the skills required to become a SharePoint Developer?

A: To become a SharePoint developer, you need to have proficiency in programming languages like C#, JavaScript, .NET framework, HTML, and CSS. Knowledge of SharePoint tools like SharePoint Designer and Visual Studio is also vital, along with an understanding of SharePoint architecture, features, and functionalities.

Q2: What are the educational requirements to become a SharePoint Developer?

A: Generally, a bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related discipline is necessary to become a SharePoint developer. However, some employers may consider candidates with relevant experience and a degree in another field.

Q3: How can I gain experience in SharePoint development?

A: You can start by working on SharePoint projects as part of a team or taking on freelance work. Online courses, tutorials, and hands-on experience with SharePoint can also help you gain practical knowledge and expertise.

Q4: What are the job prospects for SharePoint developers?

A: With the growing demand for SharePoint solutions across industries, there is a high demand for SharePoint developers. The job prospects are expected to remain favorable in the coming years.

Q5: What are the career advancement opportunities for SharePoint developers?

A: After gaining experience as a SharePoint developer, you can move up the career ladder to become a SharePoint architect, project manager, or a technology consultant. You may also opt for certifications like the Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE) or Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD) to enhance your skills and increase your career opportunities.

Q6: What is the average salary of a SharePoint developer?

A: The average salary for a SharePoint developer is around $90,000 per year, depending on factors like experience, location, and industry.

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