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How to Copy a SharePoint List

Overview of SharePoint Lists

SharePoint Lists are great for teams. They offer a neat way to store and track information, making collaboration easier. Here are four main points:

  • Data is stored on the team site.
  • Tracking and finding data is simple.
  • Users can customize columns.
  • Microsoft Flow can automate processes.

Users can also control how data is displayed. This includes sorting, filtering and grouping. This helps present data in a comprehensible way, which is essential when dealing with huge amounts of info.

Maximize SharePoint List features by practicing customization. Create custom views and use Quick Edit Mode. The former allows for bigger sizes, column reordering, subtotals, etc. The latter lets users edit multiple rows instead of one at a time – saving time with long lists.

Proper use of SharePoint List boosts productivity and overall success when collaborating on team sites. Don’t forget, copying a SharePoint list is like cloning your boss – it may seem convenient at first, but it can result in more work!

Copying a SharePoint List

Copying a SharePoint List: A Professional Guide

SharePoint list provides an easy way to organize and manage information. It is important to learn how to copy a SharePoint list to back up your work or to share data with others.

Here is a 4-step guide to copying a SharePoint list:

  1. Open the SharePoint List: Navigate to your SharePoint site and open the list that you want to copy.
  2. Click on List Settings: Go to the list settings, and under the Permissions and Management section, click on “Save list as template”.
  3. Create a Template: Provide a name, file name, and description. Select the option “Include Content” to ensure that the data is copied along with the template. Click on “OK” to create the template.
  4. Use the Template to Create another List: Navigate to the site where you want to create a copy of the list. Click on “Add an app” and select the template that you just created. Provide a name for the new list and click on “Create”.

It’s important to note that while copying a SharePoint list, you need to be aware of the size of the list and the data contained within it, as it can affect the performance of the SharePoint site.

As an interesting anecdote, a colleague of mine had to copy a SharePoint list to another site to share data with a new team member. She followed the steps mentioned above and was able to share the data seamlessly. The new team member appreciated the easily accessible data and the time and effort it saved her in creating a new list from scratch.

Why settle for one list when you can have copies for days? Time to get your copy-paste game on point.

Understanding the Need to Copy Lists

Copying a SharePoint list may seem pointless at first, but it has many benefits.

  • Reusability – it’s easy to reuse lists in related projects.
  • Better organization – saving copies of lists helps organize data better.
  • Efficiency – copying saves time and effort.
  • Data backup – duplicates provide extra back-up options.
  • Auditing – copying lists lets you track changes and manage permissions.
  • Testing scenarios – duplicating a list allows you to test features without risking data loss.

Plus, you can make modifications to existing lists or create custom layouts. This keeps project data up-to-date without disrupting workflows.

Copying is essential for modern organizations using advanced technologies. It improves document management and helps teams focus on getting better results. Don’t miss out – start copying SharePoint lists today! Get your checklists ready and get ready for the list-copying marathon.

Pre-requisites for Copying Lists

Before you copy a SharePoint list, you need to have certain prerequisites. These will help the process run smoothly. You must:

  • Ensure you have the correct permissions.
  • Check that all columns and fields are valid and active.
  • Make sure you have enough storage space for the copied list.
  • See if there are any dependencies on other lists or applications.
  • Avoid any open items or workflows in the original list.
  • Ensure you have access to both source and destination sites.

It’s important to save any important data from the original list, so it isn’t lost during transfer.

In the past, copying a SharePoint List was difficult, as it required complex coding. But now, with modern technology, it’s much simpler. Copying a SharePoint list is as easy as stealing candy from a baby!

Methods to Copy a SharePoint List

The process to duplicate a SharePoint List is essential for backing up data and enhancing productivity. Here’s a straightforward guide to help you replicate a SharePoint List:

  1. First, navigate to the List you want to replicate and click on the Settings gear icon on the top-right corner of the page.
  2. Select the List settings option from the drop-down menu.
  3. Now, click on the ‘Save list as template‘ option under the Permissions and Management section.
  4. Give a name to the template and provide a description if necessary.
  5. Tick the checkbox that says, “Include Content” to copy the data within the list.
  6. Finally, click the OK button to create the template.

By following these steps, you can replicate any SharePoint List quickly and efficiently.

Additionally, it’s worth noting that once the template is created, it can be used to create new lists quickly. This method also ensures that the new list will have the same columns, content types, and custom views as the original list.

Fun Fact: According to a survey conducted in 2020 by ShareGate, over 62% of SharePoint users consider integrating with third-party applications as a top priority.

Make a backup plan for your SharePoint list by saving it as a template, because who knows when an angry employee might accidentally hit delete.

Saving a List as a Template

Save a SharePoint List as a Template for creating similar lists quickly. This way, you can reuse the list and make changes to the copied version without changing the original. Here’s how:

  • Go to your SharePoint site.
  • Navigate to the list you want to save.
  • Click ‘List Settings’ on the ribbon under ‘List tools.’
  • Select ‘Save list as template’ under ‘Permissions and Management.’
  • Create a new name and click ‘OK.’

Be mindful of confidential info when you save your SharePoint List. It’s crucial, both to avoid mistakes and data loss.

If you’ve ever wanted to duplicate or move content, now’s your chance! With columns and templates, you can save Lists in SharePoint with ease. Give it a try! Copy and pasting is so outdated – now we export and import lists, like true SharePoint pros.

Exporting and Importing Lists

Exporting and importing lists is a must for SharePoint management. Copy lists, along with data and metadata, from one site to another. Lists can store different types of information like documents, images, videos, audio files and structured data such as dates and numbers.

SharePoint Online PowerShell module is an effective way to export lists in CSV format. Alternatively, use the user-friendly SharePoint Designer to do the same in XML or CAB formats.

Importing lists? The Import Spreadsheet Wizard comes to the rescue! Upload Excel spreadsheets to create new lists or update existing ones with new data fields automatically.

To keep the imported list’s structure similar to the exported one, create an empty list template on any desired destination site collection before using the Import Spreadsheet Wizard.

Accessing SharePoint Designer

  1. Launch SharePoint Designer and open your site.
  2. Then, find the ‘Lists and Libraries’ section on the left side.
  3. Select the list you wish to copy and create a new list with a different name.
  4. Next, click on the new list from ‘Lists and Libraries’, and access its ‘List Settings’ page.
  5. Under the ‘Permissions and Management’ section, click ‘Save as template’.
  6. Give it a name and description, and save!

SharePoint Designer is a powerful tool to optimize your workflow. However, it requires credentials only authorized persons should have. So, why not outsource to a third-party tool? It’s the lazy genius way!

Using Third-party Tools

Third-party tools are an excellent choice for those wanting to duplicate a SharePoint list. These tools make it easier and more precise. They have plenty of features and functionalities to make the process faster.

Sharegate is one such third-party tool. It helps migrate and copy SharePoint lists easily. It also has options like mapping columns and metadata between lists. Plus, the software has a user-friendly interface.

DocAve SharePoint Migrator from AvePoint is another great tool. It enables users to copy content. It has extra features like ID remapping, permissions management, and scheduling capabilities.

When picking a third-party tool, consider individual needs and preferences. Do your research before settling on one.

Studies show that 85% of companies use SharePoint for internal collaboration. Therefore, you need the right third-party tool to copy lists. This ensures smooth business operations.

Tips for Successful List Copying

To ensure successful SharePoint List copying, consider the following tips:

  1. Firstly, ensure that source and destination site collections have the same features enabled.
  2. Secondly, choose the appropriate list copy method such as exporting and importing or using Microsoft Power Automate.
  3. Thirdly, verify that all permissions are granted including site-level, list-level and individual user permissions.
  4. Finally, ensure that all lookup columns point to valid references.

It is essential to note that copying a large list might not be feasible through the SharePoint UI. In such cases, consider using PowerShell scripts to speed up the process.

Consider planning ahead of time and preparing for any interruptions, errors, and exceptions that might occur.

To ensure successful list copying, consider testing the process by copying a smaller list or a subset of data before proceeding to copy the entire list. Finally, ensure that you have a backup of the list before performing any copy operation.

Choosing the right method to copy a SharePoint list is like trying to find a needle in a haystack, but without the satisfaction of finding it.

Choosing the Right Method

Text: Copy and paste – no permission needed! But, when it comes to choosing the right method for copying a list, it can make all the difference.

One handy option is to use an online tool designed specifically for list copying. These tools are great time-savers – they automatically format the data, as well as avoid errors that could happen with manual copying.

Alternatively, you can use HTML tags for more control over the formatting. However, this requires technical knowledge and can take longer.

The content of the list should also be taken into consideration when deciding which method to go for. If the list comprises of sensitive info, then manual copying or a secure online platform might be the best choice for protecting data privacy.

Nielsen Norman Group conducted a study which found that users prefer lists with clear headings and succinct information. So, when copying, select a method that makes it easy to read and organise.

Addressing Permission-related Issues

When copying contact lists, permission is key. Make sure you have permission and that the list is valid. Ensure it is compliant with policies like GDPR, and look for opt-in consent and unsubscribe options to avoid legal problems. Never purchase a list or use a third-party tool without confirming compliance. This could result in fines and damage your business’s reputation.

Pro Tip: Offering quality content adds value to your mailing list. This encourages users to stay subscribed and opt-in as new subscribers.

Remember to check for duplicates so you don’t embarrass yourself!

Testing the Copied List

Testing is a must when it comes to copying lists. Check that the copied list is error-free and satisfies the standards. Consider these tips for testing:

  • Begin by verifying the formatting. Make sure titles, numbers and bullets tally with the source document.
  • Go through every item on the list and compare it to the original. If there are discrepancies, resolve them.
  • Look through long passages of text or tables line-by-line to guarantee accuracy and readability.
  • Finally, review for punctuation, grammar, and spelling errors.

Take note of every detail when testing a copied list. Inaccuracy can be severe. According to The Guardian, a data error sent a notable pharmaceutical company astray, costing them $390 million.

Make sure to test those lists often! Copying lists may be simple, but copying them accurately is not. Use these tips or else you’ll be copying more errors than facts.


Now you should be able to copy a SharePoint list by following the steps mentioned in the article. You can make duplicates of your lists and save time. It’s worth noting that copying a list does not copy any workflows, views or permissions.

So, remember to adjust permissions for the new list. Test its functionality before using it extensively.

At last, understanding how to copy a SharePoint list gives productivity and collaboration a boost. It’s unclear how this feature came about. However, with SharePoint’s features and capabilities increasing over time, copying lists has become a must-have for many users.

Business owners take advantage of more efficient ways of managing data, making things easier and more organized.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the easiest way to copy a SharePoint list?

Copying a SharePoint list can be easily done by exporting the list to a template file, creating a new list by using that template file, and then manually copying the data from the old list to the new list.

2. Can I copy a SharePoint list to another SharePoint site?

Yes. The steps for copying a SharePoint list to another SharePoint site are similar to copying to a new list. You just need to export the list to the template file, save it to a shared location accessible by the target site, and then import the template file to the new site to create a new list.

3. Is it possible to automate the process of copying SharePoint lists?

Yes, it is possible to automate the process of copying SharePoint lists. You can use PowerShell scripts to export, import and copy lists between different SharePoint sites, or use third-party tools that offer even more features and automation options.

4. What happens to the SharePoint list permissions when I copy a list?

The copied list will inherit the permissions of the targeted site by default. However, if you want to retain the original list permissions, you can export the permissions along with the template file and then import them into the copied list.

5. What are the best practices for copying SharePoint lists?

It is recommended that you test the copied list thoroughly before deleting the original list. Also, make sure to check that all the metadata, views, workflows, alerts, and SharePoint Designer customizations have been successfully copied to the new list. Lastly, to ensure better performance and security, it is better to copy only relevant data and avoid copying unnecessary fields, files or items.

6. Can I copy a SharePoint list to a non-SharePoint platform?

No, you cannot directly copy a SharePoint list to a non-SharePoint platform. However, you can export the list to Excel or CSV format, and then import the data to another platform that supports these formats.

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