
How to Create a Survey in Microsoft Teams with Multiple Questions

Microsoft Teams is a great tool for communication and project management. It lets you create surveys with multiple questions to get feedback from team members or clients. Whether you want opinions, research, or data-driven decisions, Teams can help.

To make a survey, go to the chat or channel and click “+” next to the message box. Choose “Forms” from the drop-down menu. This will open Microsoft Forms within Teams.

In Forms, you can customize each question and define response options. Plus, Teams offers advanced features like real-time tracking and analytics. You can monitor progress and analyze responses as soon as participants start filling out the survey.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity. Start creating surveys in Microsoft Teams today and make the most of its seamless integration.

What is Microsoft Teams?

Microsoft Teams – a powerful collaboration tool – allows teams to communicate and collaborate – without even being in the same place! It’s got a chat-based workspace for messages, and a virtual meeting space for video and audio calls. It also integrates with other Office 365 apps like SharePoint, OneDrive, and Outlook, to make document sharing and collaboration easy. Plus, it’s got file sharing, task management, and third-party app integration.

In 2017, Microsoft Teams was released to challenge Slack – another popular team collaboration tool.

Benefits of using surveys in Microsoft Teams

Surveys on Microsoft Teams bring many advantages to collaboration and decision-making. They provide an easy way to gather valuable insights with the Teams platform. Benefits include:

  • Smooth Data Collection: Surveys on Microsoft Teams let users get data from team members or outsiders in one place, not needing multiple tools.
  • Live Responses: With surveys on Teams, you can get immediate responses, aiding fast analysis and decisions.
  • Adjustable Templates: Microsoft Teams has a variety of customizable survey templates, saving time creating surveys for feedback or team assessments.
  • Data Analysis Tools: The surveys feature has built-in data analysis tools to show survey responses in charts and graphs, making it easier to understand insights.
  • Group Workflows: Surveys on Microsoft Teams support collaboration among team members, so they can work together on survey creation, distribution, and analysis.
  • Integration with Other Apps: Microsoft Teams links up with apps like Excel and Power BI, letting users analyze survey data or incorporate it into reports.

Plus, surveys on Microsoft Teams have special privacy controls. This ensures only approved people can access sensitive survey data, protecting confidentiality while still allowing information gathering.

Step 1: Accessing the Survey tab in Microsoft Teams

To create a survey with multiple questions, the first step is to access the Survey tab in Microsoft Teams. Follow these 4 easy steps:

  1. Step 1: Open Microsoft Teams and go to the team/channel.
  2. Step 2: Click on the ‘+’ button next to the tabs section at the top.
  3. Step 3: Choose “Survey” from the available tabs.
  4. Step 4: Personalize the survey with a title, description, and questions.

Customize your survey further by selecting different question types. Set up response options and adjust settings to meet your needs. This way, you can make surveys that fit your requirements.

Now that you know how to access the Survey tab, you can easily create surveys for different purposes. Use surveys to gather feedback or conduct research. They are very effective for collecting data and making decisions based on useful insights.

Sarah, a project manager, had to get feedback from her team about a project. She accessed the Survey tab and created a survey with multiple questions. Team members shared their opinions quickly and efficiently. This enabled informed decision-making and better project outcomes. Accessing the Survey tab was crucial for effective communication and collaboration within Sarah’s team.

Step 2: Creating the survey

Creating a survey in Microsoft Teams is easy! Here’s how:

  1. Open MS Teams and go to the channel or chat where you want to make the survey.
  2. Click the “…” button in the message input box and choose “Forms”.
  3. Select “Survey” as the form type.

Now, start adding questions:

  • Q1: Enter your question in the provided text box and pick the type (e.g., multiple choice, text, rating).
  • Q2: Click the “Add new question” button below the first one.
  • Q3: Keep adding new questions until they are all included.

When done, click “Send” to share it with your team. They’ll be able to respond within MS Teams.

Keep your survey short and focused on gathering important info. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to gain insights from your team! Start creating surveys in MS Teams now and make decisions based on their feedback.

Step 3: Sharing the survey with team members

Ready to share your survey with your team in Microsoft Teams? Here’s how:

  1. Open Teams and navigate to the channel or chat you want.
  2. Click the “+” button in the message box to open the options menu.
  3. Select “Forms” and choose the survey from the list.
  4. Type in the message box the message you want to accompany the survey.
  5. Click “Send” to share it with your team.

Remember to provide clear instructions and any deadlines.

Don’t wait – share the survey now and get valuable insights and feedback. Make everyone’s voice heard! Take action and don’t miss this important opportunity. It’s quick and easy – so do it!

Step 4: Collecting and analyzing survey responses

To utilize surveys on Teams, collecting and analyzing responses is essential. Here’s how to make the most of your survey data:

  1. Make a plan for how you will collect and analyze the answers.
  2. Use Microsoft Forms, an integrated tool in Teams, to get survey data quickly.
  3. Enable response notifications to be aware of new submissions.
  4. Export survey data to Excel for further analysis.
  5. Utilize features like charts and graphs in Excel to interpret the data well.
  6. Share results with team or stakeholders for discussions and decision-making.

Remember to maintain respondent anonymity for honest feedback. To do this, enable settings that hide respondent identities from admins and everyone.

Pro Tip: Analyze the collected survey data often to spot trends and patterns over time. This will help you understand your team’s likes, worries, and overall satisfaction.

Tips for creating effective surveys in Microsoft Teams

Creating effective surveys in Microsoft Teams calls for careful planning and consideration. Here are some useful tips to make your surveys engaging and get valuable insights:

  1. Use simple language: Keep your questions understandable and easy to answer. Avoid jargon and complicated terms that could confuse participants.
  2. Keep it short: Too long surveys can be intimidating and cause drop-offs. Keep your surveys brief by focusing on the main questions. Aim for a survey length of 5-10 minutes.
  3. Mix it up: Use multiple-choice, rating scales, and open-ended questions to get different types of feedback.
  4. Explain clearly: Clearly explain how to respond to each question. If needed, give examples or prompts to make sure everyone understands what is expected.
  5. Test it: Before sending out the survey, test it with a small group to identify any issues or improvements.
  6. Analyze and act: After collecting responses, analyze the data and draw meaningful insights. Use these to inform decisions or drive improvements in your team or organization.

Moreover, you can personalize your surveys with features like branching logic or skip patterns. This way, you can tailor the survey based on participant responses, making it more relevant and engaging.

The story dates back to 2018 when Microsoft Teams was becoming popular. Businesses realized the need to gather feedback within their teams’ communication channels. This resulted in the introduction of survey features in Microsoft Teams, allowing users to create surveys quickly and get real-time responses from team members without leaving the platform.

By using these tips and the built-in survey capabilities in Microsoft Teams, you can create engaging surveys that give valuable insights to help your team’s success. So go ahead, create surveys that spark meaningful conversations and enhance collaboration within your team!


Creating a survey in Microsoft Teams with multiple questions is simple and user-friendly. To get started, access the Forms app within Teams. Select the “New Form” option. Then, add various question types, such as multiple choice or text input. Customize the survey design and even set up branching logic. Finally, distribute your survey to your team members and collect their responses within Teams.

For better results, include both closed-ended and open-ended questions. Closed-ended questions have predefined response options. They are easy to analyze quantitatively. Open-ended questions allow for more detailed qualitative feedback. Keep your survey concise and focused to avoid overwhelming participants.

Pro Tip: Test the survey thoroughly yourself before sharing it with your team members. This will help identify any potential glitches or issues. This ensures a smooth experience for everyone involved.

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