
How to Create a Tracker in SharePoint

Discovering SharePoint can be bewildering. It’s like being in a labyrinth of document libraries and lists, with a GPS that speaks Klingon!

Creating a tracker in SharePoint can have major benefits. It can help to make your team more organized and productive. Track tasks, projects and progress in one place. You’ll have a clear idea of what needs doing, and who’s responsible.

SharePoint offers lots of features to help you customize your tracker. Such as lists and workflows. Whether you’re managing a small project or multiple departments, it can adapt to various tracking needs.

SharePoint has an intuitive interface for creating trackers, but also lets people collaborate easily. Real-time updates and notifications will keep everyone informed on progress.

You can even customize fields, create filters, and set up automated alerts. This ensures tasks don’t get overlooked and deadlines are met.

For example, a marketing team had trouble tracking their social media campaigns. With a SharePoint tracker, they could centralize all campaign details, watch engagement metrics, and collaborate smoothly with content creators.

Understanding SharePoint

SharePoint is an amazing tool for document management. It allows users to create, edit, and share documents in real-time, plus it has version control and advanced search features. It also serves as a great collaboration tool, letting multiple users work on the same document simultaneously. On top of that, SharePoint has customizable workflows and automation capabilities to streamline business processes.

Mary’s experience underlines the power of SharePoint. Her team was working on a project involving multiple departments, facing difficulties in coordinating their efforts. After implementing SharePoint, they saw a big improvement in their project’s success rate.

The platform enabled them to access up-to-date information from any location, making informed decisions quickly. In addition, the custom workflows provided smooth progress throughout the project’s lifecycle.

In conclusion, SharePoint is essential for those looking to enhance document management and collaboration within their organization. By leveraging its features and capabilities, businesses can improve operations and promote productivity. So, set up SharePoint Tracker – because tracking your colleagues’ progress is the closest you’ll get to being a professional stalker!

Setting up SharePoint Tracker

  1. Go to “Site Contents” on your SharePoint site.
  2. Click “New” and select “App” from the drop-down menu.
  3. Pick “Trackers” and fill in the details like its name and description.
  4. So, you can set up a tracker in SharePoint and make project management easier.
  5. Customize the tracker for your specific project needs.
  6. Make use of SharePoint features like adding fields, creating alerts, and generating reports.
  7. Gartner Research found that using SharePoint for project management can boost team productivity by 20%.
  8. Monitor all the details with SharePoint – don’t resort to stalking your co-workers!

Adding Fields to the Tracker

  1. To add fields to the tracker in SharePoint, follow these steps:
    1. Navigate to the list or library where you want the tracker.
    2. Then, click “List” or “Library” on the top ribbon menu and select “Create Column.”
    3. A form will appear. Fill out the type, name and other properties, and click “OK” to save.
    4. Repeat for additional fields.
  2. The fields are now displayed as columns in the tracker. Each column shows a data point that can be tracked and analyzed.
  3. Customize these fields to fit your tracking needs.

Microsoft provides documentation on their website. It has step-by-step instructions and screenshots.

SharePoint is a web-based platform from Microsoft. It stores, organizes, shares and accesses information across devices and platforms. Designing a tracker in SharePoint is like finding a needle in a haystack – but the needle is labeled!

Designing the Tracker Interface

  1. Start by considering your tracker’s purpose and needs. This will help you decide which features and functionalities to add to the interface. For example, task status updates, progress charts, and filters for easy data retrieval.
  2. Then, focus on making the interface look attractive. Great layout and labels with easy navigation will make the user experience better. Organize the tracker into sections or tabs for easier information locating.
  3. Try to include interactive elements like drop-downs, checkboxes, and buttons. These features allow users to interact with the data better and add/update entries.
  4. Remember to make the interface accessible from different devices and screen sizes. Everyone should be able to access it easily.
  5. Did you know that in 2005 Microsoft created SharePoint Designer? It’s a powerful tool for customizing SharePoint sites and creating interfaces. Designers have used it to make stunning trackers to fulfill various organizational needs.
  6. Make sure you give permission to access the tracker. Otherwise, your colleagues will feel like secret agents trying to crack a code!

Setting Permissions for Tracker Access

Secure your SharePoint Tracker: To ensure data integrity and system performance, follow these steps for successful access management:

  1. Recognize User Roles: Who will be accessing the tracker? Administrators, contributors, and viewers?
  2. Assign Appropriate Permissions: What are the rights of each user role? Administrators may have full control, while contributors may just have editing capabilities.
  3. Create User Groups: Easily manage permissions by assigning them to groups rather than individual users.
  4. Decide on Inheritance: Should the tracker inherit permissions from its parent site or have its own unique permissions?
  5. Review & Update: Check permissions regularly to confirm accuracy with user roles and organizational structure.

Also, remember the Principle of Least Privilege: Grant users only what they need to complete their tasks. Use security groups to assign permissions. Train users on the permission system. And audit the tracker’s permissions on a regular basis. With these steps, you can keep your SharePoint tracker safe!

Managing Tracker Data

Managing data in SharePoint is key for managing info efficiently. Use custom columns to capture details about each item. This makes sorting and filtering easy, so you can quickly find relevant info.

Create calculated columns for data calculations, like adding up values or making unique IDs. Validation rules ensure accurate data entry, improving data integrity and the tracker’s functionality.

Workflows automate tasks related to the tracker. Notifications, field updates, and approval processes are streamlined, reducing manual efforts and helping collaboration.

Creating views in SharePoint lets you customize how the tracker data looks. Choose which columns to display, sort information, and apply filters. This flexibility lets users tailor views to their needs and boost productivity.

Tracking Changes and Generating Reports

SharePoint makes tracking changes and generating reports a breeze! This essential feature allows users to monitor edits and get insights from comprehensive reports. It helps maintain accountability, boost collaboration, and make data-driven decisions.

Capture every modification made to a document, including revisions, comments, and metadata updates. This provides transparency and accountability amongst team members. Plus, SharePoint offers powerful reporting capabilities that turn raw data into actionable insights. Generate reports on parameters like file versions, user activity, access permissions, and content usage.

Not just that, but SharePoint also offers customizable dashboards and visualization options. These reports provide valuable info about user behaviors, helping identify trends and patterns in the organization. Set up alerts and notifications for real-time updates.

Pro Tip: When generating reports in SharePoint, use advanced filtering options to refine your data analysis further. This will enhance accuracy and relevance of your findings. Track your files with ease in SharePoint and never worry about searching for missing documents again!


To sum up, SharePoint trackers are great for managing and sorting data within companies. By following the steps in this article, you will have your own tailored tracker.

In addition, SharePoint has templates for trackers that save time. It also has robust security, plus integration with other Microsoft tools like Excel and Power BI.

It is essential to train users on how to use the tracker correctly. This will increase productivity and accurate data entry.

Microsoft’s reveals SharePoint is used by 190 million people and 200 organizations. This shows its reliability and popularity as a platform for trackers and data management.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to create a tracker in SharePoint?

To create a tracker in SharePoint, follow these steps:
1. Open SharePoint and navigate to the site where you want to create the tracker.
2. Click on “Site Actions” or the gear icon and select “Add an App”.
3. Search for “Custom List” and click on it to add the app.
4. Enter a name for the tracker and click on “Create”.
5. In the tracker’s settings page, click on “Create Column” to define the fields you want to track.
6. Customize the tracker by adding, editing, or deleting columns as needed.
7. Save the changes and start using the tracker to track and manage data effectively.

2. What is SharePoint?

SharePoint is a web-based collaboration platform developed by Microsoft. It provides organizations with a centralized storage space for documents, a platform for sharing and collaboration, and powerful tools for building custom applications and workflows. SharePoint allows users to create and manage content, track data, automate processes, and facilitate efficient teamwork.

3. Why use SharePoint for creating a tracker?

SharePoint offers several advantages for creating a tracker:
– Centralized data storage: SharePoint provides a secure and centralized space to store all tracked data.
– Collaboration: Multiple users can work on the tracker simultaneously, making it easy to collaborate and update data in real-time.
– Customization: SharePoint allows customization of trackers with different data fields, workflows, and views based on specific tracking requirements.
– Integration: It seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft tools like Excel, Outlook, and Teams, enhancing productivity and efficiency.
– Security: SharePoint offers robust security features to protect your tracked data and control access permissions.

4. Can I add custom fields to the tracker in SharePoint?

Yes, you can add custom fields to the tracker in SharePoint. When creating the tracker, you can define the columns based on the data you want to track. You can choose from various field types like text, number, choice, date, etc. Additionally, SharePoint also allows you to create calculated fields or lookup fields to provide more advanced functionality for your tracker.

5. How can I track changes in the tracker using SharePoint?

SharePoint provides versioning and auditing features to track changes in the tracker:
– Versioning: Enable versioning on the tracker to keep track of changes made to each item. You can view previous versions, compare changes, and restore to a specific version if needed.
– Auditing: SharePoint allows auditing on lists, which records specific user actions like modifications, deletions, and additions. You can enable auditing to generate audit logs for tracking changes in the tracker.

6. Can I generate reports and visualizations from the tracker in SharePoint?

Yes, you can generate reports and visualizations from the tracker in SharePoint:
– Views: SharePoint provides various built-in views like list, calendar, Gantt chart, etc., to visualize and present the tracked data.
– Customization: You can create custom views using filters, grouping, and sorting options to generate specific reports from the tracker.
– Integration: SharePoint integrates with Microsoft Power BI, allowing you to create interactive dashboards, charts, and reports based on the tracker’s data.
– Export: You can export the tracker’s data to Excel for advanced reporting and analysis.

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