
How to Create a Transform Map in ServiceNow

Creating a transform map in ServiceNow is essential for data integration. It lets you link fields between tables, making data flow smoother and more efficient. With the right approach, you can easily manage your data and optimize your workflow.

To start, you define the source and target tables. The source table holds the data that needs transforming, and the target table stores the transformed data. After you’ve identified the tables, you map the fields between them.

Mapping fields means indicating which field from the source table goes to which field in the target table. This way, data is accurately transferred and in the right order across tables. You can also make transformations for some fields, like changing date formats or doing calculations.

Remember to consider any relationships or dependencies between tables while creating a transform map. This guarantees related data is connected and maintained during the transformation process.

Pro Tip: Analyze your data needs and ensure there is good communication between teams involved in the integration. This will prevent any difficulties with mapping fields and ensure data flows perfectly within your ServiceNow instance.

What is a transform map?

Transform maps in ServiceNow are a powerful tool for transferring and manipulating data from one table to another. They’re like a bridge connecting tables, helping with smooth data integration and automation. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Transform maps define how fields from an import set table can map to fields in a target table.
  2. They can modify values, split or combine fields, and do calculations during the import.
  3. They also maintain table relationships through field mapping, making sure data is accurate.
  4. Transform maps are very flexible with complex data transformations and manipulations.
  5. You can import large amounts of data into multiple tables with precise control.
  6. They streamline business processes by automating data updates across tables.

One particular benefit of transform maps is that they can handle data migration effortlessly. Whether you’re coming from another system or consolidating data from many sources, it’s simpler with a well-defined transform map.

Here’s a real example of transform maps in action: A multinational company had trouble integrating customer data from their various sources into their CRM. Each department had their own databases with different structures. So, they used transform maps in ServiceNow.

By defining mappings for each source database and CRM field, they automated the data transfer without any manual work. This saved them hours and kept customer information across all departments accurate and up-to-date.

Benefits of using transform maps in ServiceNow

Transform maps in ServiceNow offer many benefits. They simplify data import, provide mapping flexibility, automate data processes, enhance accuracy, and improve integration with external systems.

Advanced features like field mapping scripts, field value translations, and run-time template selection make them even more versatile and adaptable.

The introduction of transform maps as a feature was part of ServiceNow’s Kingston release. Now, they are essential for many organizations to take advantage of ServiceNow’s unified platform.

Step 1: Accessing the ServiceNow platform

To create a transformation map, the first move is to access the ServiceNow platform. Here’s what you must do:

  1. Open your web browser and type in the ServiceNow URL.
  2. Input your username and password in the login page.
  3. Then, navigate to the application navigator.
  4. Click on the ServiceNow app to access its features.

It’s essential to remember that valid credentials and authorization are required for accessing the platform.

Utilizing ServiceNow has several advantages for companies. It facilitates workflow processes and boosts team collaboration.

An illustration: A multinational corporation had difficulty monitoring their IT assets located in different places. By using ServiceNow and following the above-mentioned steps, they were able to get live info on their assets’ status, location, and maintenance history. Consequently, they were able to optimize their asset management processes and cut costs significantly.

Step 2: Navigating to the Transform Map module

Let’s move on to the next step of creating a transform map in ServiceNow: Navigating to the Transform Map module. To help you do this, here’s a 6-step guide:

  1. Login to your ServiceNow account.
  2. Use the search bar to look for “Transform Maps”.
  3. Click “Transform Maps” in the search results.
  4. Look for a menu option mentioning Transform Maps.
  5. You will be directed to a page with all transform maps.
  6. Select the relevant map and proceed with configurations.

Note: The navigation process may vary depending on your instance settings or user roles.

Also, it is important to understand how to access the Transform Map module as it is the foundation for mapping data between tables. By accessing the module, you get access to tools and features that simplify data transformation processes.

ServiceNow has improved its user experience over time, making it easier than ever before to find modules like Transform Maps. The updated interface allows users to access the module seamlessly and efficiently.

Step 3: Creating a new transform map

Let’s create a new transform map in ServiceNow! Here are the steps:

  1. Navigate to the ‘Transform Map’ module.
  2. Click ‘New’ to make a new one.
  3. Give it a good name & description.
  4. Enter source & target tables.
  5. Map fields between these tables with field mapping rules.
  6. Configure any advanced mapping options.

Cool tip: Analyze source & target tables before creating a new transform map. This will help ensure correct transformation.

Plus, you can apply data manipulation rules to transform data between fields. Coalesce functions can combine multiple fields into one or split fields by criteria.

Step 4: Mapping fields between source and target tables

For mapping fields in ServiceNow, do the following:

  1. Find which fields in the source table need to be mapped.
  2. Look for the target table fields where the data should be mapped.
  3. Figure out any transformations or formatting rules that must be applied.
  4. Go to the “Field Map” related list in the transform map record.
  5. Map each source field to its target field by choosing them from the dropdown menus.
  6. Save the transform map.

You can also configure additional details, like default values, script actions, and field mapping conditions, to further customize the transformation process.

Fun Fact: ServiceNow is a cloud computing company that specializes in IT service management software!

Step 5: Defining field mappings and transformations

Step 5 of creating a transform map in ServiceNow is all about field mappings and transformations. This step is essential. It decides how data from the source table will be mapped to the destination table.

Six steps should be followed for a successful and accurate transformation:

  1. Identify the fields in the source table that you wish to map to the destination table.
  2. Decide if any data transformations are needed during the mapping process.
  3. Link each field from the source table to its corresponding field in the destination table.
  4. Define any data transformations, like converting data types or applying formulas.
  5. Review and validate the mappings and transformations for correctness.
  6. Save your work and test the transform map for desired results.

This step is very important as it guarantees data is correctly transferred from one table to another. By properly defining field mappings and applying necessary transformations, you can be sure of a smooth transfer of information.

Before saving your work, be sure to review and validate your mappings and transformations. This will help avoid potential mistakes and guarantee the transform map functions effectively.

Step 6: Configuring advanced options

Configuring advanced options in ServiceNow’s transform map requires some steps. Here is a guide for you:

  1. Access the ‘Transform Map’ module in ServiceNow.
  2. Choose a transform map from the list.
  3. In ‘Advanced Options’, you will find settings to configure.
  4. Enable/disable field mapping as needed.
  5. Check/adjust data source matching criteria.
  6. Configure any additional options for your dataset.

Carefully go through each step and customize settings for your use case. Doing this will help your transform map run efficiently.

And here are tips to further optimize configuration:

  • Review/update field mappings to match any data source changes.
  • Use ServiceNow scripting to enhance transformation and handle complex data.
  • Use lookup tables if you have reference fields that need mapping.
  • Leverage ServiceNow’s logging for monitoring/troubleshooting issues.

By following these suggestions, you can maximize your transform maps and streamline data integration in ServiceNow.

Step 7: Testing and validating the transform map

Testing and validating the transform map is key for an effective ServiceNow implementation. Without proper testing, data errors and inconsistencies can harm your business processes.

To test and validate your transform map, follow four steps:

  1. Prepare test data that looks like real data. This will help to see how the transform map performs with different scenarios.
  2. Map source fields to target fields and apply transformations. Pay attention to error messages or warnings.
  3. Compare transformed data to what you expected and look for discrepancies.
  4. Make adjustments if needed, repeat steps 2 and 3 until desired results.

Also, here are some tips for optimization:

  • Use real-world scenarios.
  • Test different data volumes.
  • Involve stakeholders in testing.
  • Document test cases and results.

By following these tips and testing your transform map, you can improve the accuracy and reliability of your ServiceNow implementation. Testing is essential to avoid data errors.


We have examined all the important steps and considerations for creating a transform map in ServiceNow. We looked at the purpose, benefits, mapping fields, transforming data, and validating our mappings.

A few notes to remember:

  1. Test your transform map before deploying it in production. This will help find any discrepancies when transforming the data.
  2. Track changes to source and destination tables. These may need adjustments to your transform map.

You are ready to create successful transform maps in ServiceNow. Follow the steps in this article to ensure smooth data migration and accurate transformations. Experiment and refine your maps to get the best results.

Take advantage of ServiceNow’s transform maps. Streamline data migration, improve data quality, and boost efficiency. Start creating your own transform maps now!

Additional tips and resources for using transform maps effectively

Transform maps are essential in ServiceNow for quickly transferring data between tables. Here are a few tips and resources to help you get the most out of them:

  • Study the field mapping choices in transform maps. These offer options to customize how the data is mapped from the source to the target table.
  • Use script actions in transform maps for complex data transformations and validations. This lets you adjust data before it is sent to the target table.
  • Make use of lookup rules when mapping fields. These help to locate existing records based on conditions, allowing you to update or add new records.
  • Frequently test and validate your transform maps using the Data Transform Wizard. This helps guarantee that data moves accurately between tables.
  • Consult ServiceNow documentation and online forums for more resources and guidelines on using transform maps effectively. The community is a great source of knowledge, with advice from experienced practitioners.

Plus, while configuring related lists, opt for the “Insert Multiple” action in place of the “Insert” action for better performance.

Pro Tip: As part of your ServiceNow upkeep, periodically review and improve your transform maps. This will help better data consistency, accuracy, and system performance.

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