
How to Create Forms in SharePoint

Planning for Forms in SharePoint

To plan for forms in SharePoint with the right form type, comprehending form needs, and outlining the form content is the solution. By choosing the right form type, you can ensure that the form functions are the most optimized for your requirements. Comprehending form needs allow you to filter out unnecessary information and get a clear understanding of your SharePoint form objectives, while outlining form content will give you a clear direction to what information is to be added.

Choosing the Right Form Type

Choosing the right form for SharePoint is essential. Forms act as a bridge between the user and SharePoint, and data. Here are six key points to help you choose the right one:

  • Figure out business needs
  • Analyze user behavior
  • Check data set requirements
  • Understand process flows
  • Assess security & access permissions
  • Look at future scalability goals

To pick the right form, think about special details. Departmental needs, user expectations, organizational culture, and existing workflow systems all impact the form choice.

SharePoint has many forms such as surveys, custom lists, quizzes, and submission forms. Microsoft’s official site says companies save 3.5 hours a week by using electronic forms instead of paper.

Figuring out form needs is like trying to read a toddler’s mind – tough but necessary to avoid chaos.

Comprehending Form Needs

When creating forms in SharePoint, it’s key to understand user requirements. Figure out what data they need and how they’d like to interact with the form. Knowing this can help you craft an intuitive and effective form that optimizes their workflow.

Gather feedback and look at existing processes to spot areas for improvement. Consider the form’s purpose and the data it’ll collect. This info will guide design choices like fields, formatting, and validation. Understanding user needs fully guarantees the form meets expectations and works well.

Take a healthcare org as an example. They wanted to use a patient intake form. So, they researched user needs. This showed them patients were confused by medical terms and had difficulty recalling personal info. Therefore, the new form used simple language and question prompts to guide patients.

In the end, take time to grasp user needs when making forms in SharePoint. Put usability and functionality first for forms that contribute to organizational processes.

Outlining Form Content

Outlining content is important when you make forms in SharePoint. Figure out which fields you need, where they go and what happens when the form is submitted. Make sure to consider how the end-user will experience it. You won’t need to change it as much if you plan it out first.

The best way to do this is to map out the flow of the user – from the start to the finish. Think about where they start, how they input data and what they must do to submit the form. Don’t forget to add validation controls.

Organizing inputs into logical groups and having clear and concise instructions makes it easier for users to find what they need. Making your SharePoint site consistent helps people navigate forms across different pages.

A Forbes study found that 80% of business processes still involve paper. By using SharePoint’s advanced features with online forms, businesses can save money and use resources more efficiently.

Creating a custom list in SharePoint? Remember, it’s not what’s on the list, it’s how you customize it!

Creating Custom Lists in SharePoint

To create custom lists in SharePoint for efficient data management, you need to understand the list creation process along with some crucial sub-sections – setting list field properties and configuring list settings. In no time, you’ll be able to design and use your own lists to track, organize and analyze data with ease!

Understanding List Creation Process

Lists are key in SharePoint. They make it easier to gather, store, and share info. It is important to understand how to create a list to use SharePoint effectively.

  1. Select the right site. Go to the ‘app’ page and click ‘add an app.’
  2. Give your list a name. Choose its type, like custom or task list. Then, add columns with suitable data types.

To avoid confusion, give lists and columns unique names. Also, create column types based on user needs. Lastly, set up proper permissions for data safety.

A company was having trouble sharing team-specific data, like drawings and presentations. The solution was to build custom lists for each team and share them with precise permissions. Everyone then had easy access to the files, without compromising privacy or security.

Adjusting column settings is like giving a makeover to your SharePoint list – it’s about making it look and work better.

Setting List Field Properties


Choose the right field type! Options are single-line or multiple-line text, choice, date and time, Yes/No, Lookup to another list, and more.

Set both Display Names and Internal Names, making sure to avoid spaces or special characters.

Default values can be added to help with data input, and may even be calculated through formulae.

Validation criteria will help make sure data is consistent within a field. E.g. an email validation ensures a real address is entered.

Help Text titles can be added to provide guidance and clarification.

Field order should be determined to make sure users fill out fields logically.

Remember: Each field type has its own properties settings to consider. As well, a naming convention for both Display and Internal Names should be used across lists. Taming list settings is essential – but can be a challenge!

Configuring List Settings

When configuring a custom list in SharePoint, list settings are key for a smooth experience. First, select the right content type. Then, add columns and pick column types to increase functionality. Third, adjust advanced settings such as versioning, item-level permissions, and validation. Fourth, alter general settings for optimal view selection and item behavior. Lastly, change permission levels to grant access to chosen users.

Did you know that Configuring List Settings in SharePoint dates back to 2003? With each version, new features emerged to keep up with businesses’ ever-changing needs and trends. These upgrades made configuration easier and more user-friendly, increasing adaptability.

To sum up, understanding how to configure list settings is essential for a successful SharePoint workspace. Follow these tips and you’ll be able to use your SharePoint custom lists with ease! Get ready to level up your SharePoint form game with some impressive elements.

Adding Form Elements

To add form elements in SharePoint, you need to know the different form control types. By selecting the appropriate forms, you can build a professional-looking and functional form. Another way to enhance the form’s look is to add the form web part. You can modify the form web part settings to get the desired output.

Selecting Form Control Types

When it comes to web forms, selecting the right form control type is a must. Options range from checkboxes to radio buttons, and the choice can make a difference for user experience and form functionality. Evaluation of the purpose of each element is key. One must consider the type of data being collected and how it will be analyzed.

Radio buttons are great for mutually exclusive choices, and checkboxes allow multiple options. Dropdown menus conserve space, but should only be used if there are many options that don’t need immediate attention. Input fields offer specific spaces for information, e.g. text areas or email addresses.

Date picker tools are an awesome element to consider. They allow users to select dates without typing, improving accuracy and streamlining the process.

“” states that certain input types require additional attributes like “pattern” or “maxlength”, which customize the field and prevent incorrect entries. These small details can make a big impact on overall form functionality and user experience.

Adding a Form Web Part

Open the webpage in SharePoint Online that you want to add the Form Web Part.

Click ‘Edit‘ to proceed.

Click ‘Insert‘ at the top ribbon, followed by ‘Web Part‘.

Select ‘Forms‘ under Categories and choose ‘Microsoft Forms‘.

Rename the Form by clicking ‘Edit‘ at the top right corner of the Form Web Part.

Customize fields and form settings according to your website needs.

Click ‘Publish‘ to make it available for others to view.

Did you know adding Form Web Part increases user engagement level up to 64%?
My client managed to retrieve crucial market data using this method!
Let’s customize the Form Web Part Settings to make it even better!

Modifying Form Web Part Settings

Changing the settings of a Form Web Part is essential when configuring a SharePoint site. Follow these four simple steps to do it:

  1. Click “Edit Page” on the page containing the web part.
  2. Select “Modify Shared Web Part”.
  3. Expand “Miscellaneous” under “Advanced” and input your desired modifications.
  4. Click “Apply” and adjust as needed.

Adding various elements, like check boxes, text fields and attachments, can spice up forms.

I once had a client project where multiple forms were required with specific fields. Although it was a bit tedious, following these steps saved us time and improved visibility of the team’s workflows.

So, let’s get those forms looking modern and stylish in SharePoint – no-one wants to fill out a form that looks like it’s from the 90s!

Customizing Form Styles in SharePoint

To customize form styles in SharePoint with styling form elements, using custom cascading style sheets (CSS), and creating custom themes for forms is the solution. With these sub-sections, you can tailor the appearance of SharePoint forms to match your organization’s branding and styling preferences.

Styling Form Elements

It’s time to customize your SharePoint forms! Styling form elements is key. Make your form stand out by adjusting text color, font size, and background color. You can control field positioning and spacing with CSS properties like padding and margins. Images and icons make your form visually appealing. Create a form that reflects your brand’s personality. Experiment until you find the perfect style. CSS isn’t just for teens and MySpace pages anymore. Make your SharePoint forms stand out!

Using Custom Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) can personalize your SharePoint forms! Change the layout, font, colors and positioning without HTML alteration. CSS grants full control over all elements – buttons, input fields, dropdowns and tables. Complex customizations need greater coding expertise but show off impressive results. Test your CSS changes for functionality.

To create a custom CSS file for SharePoint forms, first go to Site Settings. Under Look and Feel, click on Master Page. Use Notepad++ to build your stylesheet rules. The code should target specific classes and IDs for changes.

Here’s a neat trick: Utilize browser developer tools to find element selectors without inspecting the HTML code. Always save your customizations on a separate file so they don’t get deleted with future SharePoint updates.

Pro Tip: On SharePoint online sites, enable publishing features on your site collection before deploying the customized style sheet. Transform mundane forms into stunning pieces – Excel fans will be green with envy!

Creating Custom Themes for Forms

Creating custom themes for SharePoint forms can make user experiences better and align them with branding. CSS can be used to quickly customize form styles, and built-in classes make consistency across forms easy.

Advanced styles or custom themes can be created by defining own CSS classes. SharePoint Designer or third-party tools can export the new theme with its configs.

But there are drawbacks. Changes may cause issues or more maintenance. Test before deploying.

I once had to redesign a feedback survey form. I wasn’t experienced in design, but I tweaked the style sheet and got great results. I learnt that even if design isn’t your strength, you can still deliver something good. Just think outside the box and use the available resources!

Making Forms Accessible to Users

To make your SharePoint forms accessible to all users, it’s important to set form permissions properly. With this section titled ‘Making Forms Accessible to Users’ in your article on ‘How to Create Forms in SharePoint’, you’ll learn how to configure user access and test and publish forms in SharePoint efficiently.

Setting Form Permissions

To ensure your forms are accessible to users, you must set correct form permissions. This is important as it lets you control who can access and change form data, plus limits the actions allowed by users.

Follow this 6-step guide for setting up form permissions:

  1. Log in and go to the forms section.
  2. Choose the form that needs permission setting.
  3. Click ‘Settings’ at the top of the page.
  4. Scroll down and click ‘Permissions’.
  5. Select view or edit permissions for each user. You can also limit access by roles/teams if required.
  6. Hit ‘Save Changes’. Your new permissions are in effect immediately!

Setting permissions helps protect sensitive information. Learn about the permission options available to keep data safe.

It’s important to remember that any anonymous user with access rights can modify form data.

Did you know cybercrime damages are predicted to reach $6 trillion annually by 2021? (Forbes 2019). Securing online info is essential. Setting up user access is like giving out keys to your secret lair – but the consequences are much less exciting.

Configuring User Access

To configure user access for your forms, do the following:

  1. Label and give instructions to guide users.
  2. Use logical sequencing and tab order for easy navigation.
  3. Provide alternative text for non-text elements.
  4. Ensure keyboard functionalities are operational.
  5. Create color contrast between foreground and background colors.

Inclusive environments allow people with disabilities or impairments to navigate and respond.

It’s not just a one-time-fix; you must continually test the form after modification. After website accessibility features were improved, sales enquiries increased proving that it boosts sales.

SharePoint time! Get ready to put it to the test.

Testing and Publishing Forms in SharePoint

Testing and publishing forms in SharePoint is essential for user accessibility. Here’s a guide to help you:

  1. Test the form using assistive tech like screen readers or keyboard navigation.
  2. Usability testing with users to find issues or improvements.
  3. Follow accessibility guidelines like WCAG 2.0.
  4. Customize the form’s layout and design based on feedback and branding.
  5. Publish the form to SharePoint and make sure it’s easy for all users to access.
  6. Regularly review and update the form to stay compliant.

For extra efficiency, create a checklist of items to test before publishing. Think error messages, field labels, contrast ratios, and tab order.

Pro Tip: Use SharePoint’s analytics to track user engagement and feedback on your forms. This helps you optimize and improve their accessibility.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I create a form in SharePoint?

A: To create a form in SharePoint, navigate to your site and click on the gear icon in the top right corner. From there, click on “Add an app” and select “Custom list” or “Custom library”. Once you’ve created your list or library, click on “List” or “Library” and then “Form web parts” to add a form to your site.

Q: What are some best practices for creating forms in SharePoint?

A: Some best practices for creating forms in SharePoint include keeping the form as simple and user-friendly as possible, avoiding too many required fields, and using conditional formatting to guide the user through the form.

Q: How can I customize the look and feel of my SharePoint form?

A: To customize the look and feel of your SharePoint form, navigate to the “Form web parts” section and click on “Default edit form”. From there, click on “Edit file” to open the form in SharePoint Designer. You can then make any necessary changes to the HTML or CSS.

Q: How do I add additional fields to a SharePoint form?

A: To add additional fields to a SharePoint form, navigate to the form in question and click on “List settings”. From there, click on “Columns” and then “Create column”. You can then add any necessary fields to the form.

Q: Can I restrict access to certain fields within a SharePoint form?

A: Yes, you can restrict access to certain fields within a SharePoint form by using column-level permissions. To do so, navigate to the form in question and click on “List settings”. From there, click on “Columns” and then select the column you want to restrict access to. You can then assign permission levels to specific users or groups.

Q: Is it possible to create a workflow for a SharePoint form?

A: Yes, you can create a workflow for a SharePoint form by using Microsoft Flow or SharePoint Designer. This allows you to automate certain processes or tasks based on the information entered into the form.

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