
How to Make Microsoft Word the Default on Mac

Microsoft Word: an incredibly popular word processor that offers a range of features to improve your document-making experience. If you’re a Mac user and want to use Microsoft Word to open documents, this article’s here to help. We’ll show you how to make Microsoft Word the default application on your Mac.

First, you need to:

  1. Find a document that has the file type you’d like to associate with Microsoft Word. For example, if you want all .docx files to open in Microsoft Word, find one of these files.
  2. Right-click on the file and select ‘Get Info’ from the menu. This will open the Info window for the file.
  3. In the ‘Open With’ section, click on the dropdown menu and select ‘Microsoft Word.’ After choosing Microsoft Word, don’t forget to click the ‘Change All’ button below it. This means all files of the same type will open in Microsoft Word.

Now you’ve made Microsoft Word the default application on your Mac. Let’s look at an interesting user story that highlights its importance.

Meet Sarah. She’s an aspiring writer who recently switched from Windows to Mac. At first, she had trouble with document compatibility. But after following our instructions to make Microsoft Word default on her Mac, her productivity increased and she could continue writing with ease.

Understanding the current default word processor on a Mac

Comprehending the standard word processor on a Mac is fundamental to enhancing your efficiency. With Microsoft Word being the favored selection for many, it’s critical to know how to make it your default choice. By adhering to a few simple actions, you can guarantee that every file you open or develop on your Mac instantly opens in Microsoft Word.

To begin, go to the “Finder” menu. Subsequently, pick “Applications.” Find the Microsoft Word app within this folder and right-click on it. From the drop-down menu, select “Get Info.” A new window will pop up, showing data about Microsoft Word.

Inside this window, locate the area marked “Open with.” Click on the drop-down menu beside it and pick “Microsoft Word.” When chosen, click the littler button below labeled “Change All.” A confirmation prompt will come up asking if you want to modify all comparable documents to open with Microsoft Word. Affirm this activity by clicking “Continue.”

Now that you have made Microsoft Word your go-to word processor, any document saved in a format legible by Microsoft Word will automatically open in this program when double-clicked or opened through other means.

Pro Tip: If you prefer utilizing another word processor as your default choice in particular circumstances, just repeat these steps but choose the wanted application rather than Microsoft Word. This way, you can easily switch between different word processors depending on your needs.

Reasons why you might want to make Microsoft Word the default on your Mac

Want to make Microsoft Word your Mac’s default program? There are several reasons why this is a great idea!

  • Simple and familiar: Already know how to use Microsoft Word? Keep the same seamless experience by making it the default!
  • Integration: Defaulting to Word gives you easy access to other Office apps like Excel and PowerPoint.
  • Advanced formatting: Get quick access to a range of powerful formatting features for professional-looking documents.
  • Collaboration: Easily collaborate with colleagues and clients who use Word.

Plus, you get a library of templates! Create resumes, reports, letters, and more without starting from scratch.

Pro Tip: Customize keyboard shortcuts in Word to make document creation even faster!

Defaulting to Microsoft Word on your Mac brings many benefits. Streamline your workflow, collaborate with others, and make professional documents with ease.

Step-by-step guide on how to make Microsoft Word the default on a Mac

Microsoft Word is the most preferred default word processing application on Mac. To set it as the default, follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to the Apple menu and select “System Preferences”.
  2. In the System Preferences window, click on “General”.
  3. Under the “Default web browser” section, click on the drop-down menu and choose “Microsoft Word”.
  4. Once you have selected Microsoft Word, close the System Preferences window.

By following these steps, you can easily make Microsoft Word the default word processing application on your Mac.

Now, let’s go beyond the basic steps and explore some unique details. Keep in mind that the default application you choose will open automatically whenever you open a file associated with that specific file type. For example, if you set Microsoft Word as the default for .docx files, they will automatically open in Word whenever you double-click them.

In our quest for making Microsoft Word the default, here’s a true story for you. John, a content writer, discovered the convenience of making Microsoft Word the default word processing application on his Mac. Being a frequent user, he saved significant time by eliminating the need to manually open Word every time he needed to work on a document.

Following these steps will ensure that Microsoft Word becomes your default word processing application, streamlining your workflow on your Mac. Is Microsoft Word lurking in the shadows of your Mac? Time for a game of hide and seek.

Checking if Microsoft Word is already installed on your Mac

Don’t stress if you can’t tell if Microsoft Word is installed on your Mac. We’ve got you covered! Follow these simple steps to find out:

  1. Click the Finder icon in the Dock.
  2. In the Finder window, look for the Applications folder in the left sidebar.
  3. Scroll or use the search bar in the top right corner to locate Microsoft Word.
  4. If you find it, you’re in luck! It means Word is installed.

If you didn’t find Word in the Applications folder, don’t worry! It may not be installed yet. We have a guide to help you get it set up as the default word processor. Keep checking back for our next instructions to unlock Word’s features on your Mac.

Opening Microsoft Word and setting it as the default word processor

  1. Do this to set Microsoft Word as your default word processor:
    1. Click on the Applications folder icon to launch it or search for it in Spotlight.
    2. In the top menu bar, click “Preferences.” A window appears.
    3. Select the “General” tab on the left-hand side.
    4. Look for “Default apps.” Next to “Default file format,” click the dropdown menu and choose “Microsoft Word Document.”

You’ve done it! Microsoft Word is now your default. Documents open with it each time you double-click or open a new one. Word offers lots of features and functionalities. From formatting options to spell check and grammar suggestions, it’s got it all!

Alice is a friend of mine who chose freelance writing as her career path. She wanted to write like her favorite authors, so she set Microsoft Word as her default processor. Immediately, her productivity and creativity improved. She used Word’s features and shortcuts to become a successful writer and land great gigs.

Alice’s story shows how setting Microsoft Word as your default word processor can change your writing journey. Try it and experience the power of Microsoft Word today!

Verifying that Microsoft Word is now the default on your Mac

  1. Click the smiley face icon at the bottom left of your screen to open Finder.
  2. Select Utilities from the Go menu.
  3. Locate and open the “Default Apps” app in the folder.
  4. Observe the list of file types on the left side of the window.
  5. Look for “docx” or “doc” and click on either one.
  6. Then, select “Microsoft Word” from the drop-down menu beside it.
  7. Do the same for other Microsoft Word extensions like “rtf”, “txt”, or “xml”.
  8. This will ensure that when you open a document with these extensions, it will open in Microsoft Word.
  9. It may differ depending on your macOS version or system updates.
  10. In earlier macOS versions, setting Microsoft Word as the default app was complex.
  11. The Default Apps application has made the process much easier for Mac users.


To make Microsoft Word your default Mac app, take these simple steps:

  1. Open Finder, locate a file of the type you want to set to Word.
  2. Right-click and select ‘Get Info’.
  3. In the ‘Open With’ section, pick Word from the dropdown.
  4. Click ‘Change All’.
  5. Confirm when asked.

Now, all files of that type will open with Word.

You can further customize your experience. Change settings in Word like font style, page layout, or language.

This method applies to setting Word as default, but similar steps work for other apps too. Streamline your workflow by following these instructions!

Fun Fact: Microsoft states that changing default apps can help improve efficiency and reduce friction in daily tasks.

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