
How to Return to Classic SharePoint

In the realm of SharePoint, a timeless classic entices some users to return. This guide helps those searching for Classic SharePoint’s essence. Delve into this article to uncover its secrets.

As you venture deeper, prepare to be immersed in a simple world. The UI may seem familiar, like a past when simplicity reigned. Reassuredly, navigating libraries and lists will evoke a tranquil feeling.

But why choose Classic SharePoint? What captivates hearts and minds? Unlike its modern version, this vintage edition lets users customize extensively. From personalizing web parts to customizing master pages – unparalleled control over your digital domain is yours.

Let me share a story. A colleague was navigating modernity but yearned for simpler times. Frustrated by intricacies and constraints, he decided to revert to Classic SharePoint. Vigor and joy filled his eyes. He embraced the layout and unleashed his creativity.

Embark on this journey with us. Unravel secrets and explore Classic SharePoint’s possibilities. Let nostalgia guide you as we rediscover hidden gems beneath layers of modernization. Unlock your true potential by immersing in a world with simplicity. Accessing SharePoint Settings is like finding a needle in a haystack – with a sprinkle of frustration and a dash of confusion.

Step 1: Accessing SharePoint Settings

Accessing SharePoint Settings might seem overwhelming. But no need to worry! We’ve created a simple guide to help you out. Here we go!

  1. Open Your SharePoint Site: Go to your SharePoint site by typing the URL into your browser. Make sure you have the right permissions.
  2. Navigate to Site Contents: Look for the gear icon in the top right corner of the page. Click it and select “Site Contents”.
  3. Access Site Settings: Scroll down until you find “Site Settings”. Click on it.
  4. Explore Site Administration: Take a look at the options under “Site Collection Administration” and “Users and Permissions”. This info can be useful later.
  5. Locate Advanced Settings: Under “Site Actions” click on “Site Settings” again.
  6. Access Classic SharePoint: Scroll down to “Classic SharePoint Experience” and click it.

It’s key to remember that knowing your way around SharePoint Settings makes navigation easier. With our guide, you’re ready to explore classic SharePoint.

Fun fact: Microsoft introduced the transition from classic to modern SharePoint in 2016. While modern SharePoint has improved features, some users still prefer classic due to its familiarity and functionality.

You’re all set to navigate the dark labyrinth of SharePoint. Let’s start your journey back to classic SharePoint!

Step 2: Navigating to the Classic SharePoint

Navigate to Classic SharePoint in no time! Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Open your browser and go to the main page of your SharePoint site.
  2. Look for the gear icon in the top right corner and click it.
  3. From the drop-down menu, select “Site Contents”.
  4. Scroll down until you find “Return to classic SharePoint” and click on it.
  5. You’ll be directed to the classic SharePoint interface with all its features and functionalities.
  6. Bookmark or save the URL for easy future access.

These steps work for most versions of SharePoint. And, they provide a straightforward solution for reverting to classic SharePoint.

Did you know? When SharePoint first transitioned to modern, many users wanted to go back to the old interface. Microsoft heard them and introduced the “Return to classic SharePoint” option. This feature has been well-received by users who prefer the classic interface and it’s still available in current versions of SharePoint. Step 3: Enabling Classic SharePoint – because sometimes you just have to go back to the good old days!

Step 3: Enabling Classic SharePoint

To enable Classic SharePoint, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the site collection settings of your SharePoint site.
  2. Select “Site Settings” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Click on “Site Collection Administration” and then “Site collection features”.
  4. Activate the feature called “SharePoint Server Enterprise Site Collection features”.

Once you’ve done that, Classic SharePoint will be enabled.

Be aware: You get access to classic features and functionalities when activating Classic SharePoint. They may not be present in the modern experience.

Pro Tip: Before enabling Classic SharePoint, figure out what you need and if it’s the best choice for your organization.

Step 4: Customizing Classic SharePoint Experience – For when you want to go back to the good old days of Classic SharePoint, like dial-up internet and floppy disks.

Step 4: Customizing Classic SharePoint Experience

Customizing your Classic SharePoint site is key for personalizing it to your needs. Here’s how:

  1. Edit Your Site Layout: Access the settings menu and select “Edit Page”. Add, remove, or rearrange web parts to create a layout to please you. Put in commonly used web parts like document libraries or calendars for easy access.
  2. Customize Navigation: In the site settings menu, choose “Navigation” to modify the navigation structure by adding, removing, or reordering links for better user navigation.
  3. Apply Themes and Colors: Use SharePoint’s built-in theme options to change the look and feel of your site. Try different color schemes to find one that matches your brand identity or personal preference.
  4. Create Custom Master Pages: Using SharePoint Designer or other tools, you can create custom master pages to further customize your Classic SharePoint site’s appearance and functionality. This involves modifying headers, footers, or navigation controls.

For even more customization possibilities:

  • Use Web Parts: Take advantage of web parts available in Classic SharePoint to add news feeds, image carousels, or social media integrations.
  • Enable Third-Party Extensions: Check out the SharePoint Store for third-party extensions with specialized functionalities.
  • Leverage Custom CSS: Advanced users with coding expertise can apply custom CSS directly to individual pages or cascaded throughout an entire site.

Customize your Classic SharePoint experience to meet aesthetic and functional requirements. Edit layouts, customize navigation links, apply themes and colors, create custom master pages, utilize web parts, enable third-party extensions, and leverage custom CSS to make a unique SharePoint site. Finding the way back to Classic SharePoint is like finding a unicorn – elusive but worth it.


Considering classic SharePoint? Here’s what to keep in mind:

  • Disable modern features
  • Change site settings and navigation
  • Also, recognize that there may be limitations compared to the modern experience
  • But, for orgs with requirements that align with classic SharePoint, this transition can be beneficial

Plus, classic SharePoint has a familiar UI. This may help reduce any learning curves. The decision should be based on your org’s needs and priorities. Weigh up the pros and cons. Then, make an informed decision that best serves your team.

Ready to take action? Consider whether returning to classic SharePoint is the right move. Don’t miss out on workflow efficiency and improved collaboration!

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ 1: How can I return to Classic SharePoint?

Answer: To return to Classic SharePoint, follow these steps:
1. Go to your SharePoint site.
2. Click on the gear icon in the top-right corner and select “Site contents”.
3. In the left-hand navigation pane, click on “Site settings”.
4. Under the “Site Collection Administration” section, click on “Go back to classic SharePoint”.
5. Confirm the action and you will be redirected to the Classic SharePoint experience.

FAQ 2: Can I switch back to Classic SharePoint after using the Modern experience?

Answer: Yes, you can switch back to Classic SharePoint even after using the Modern experience. Just follow the steps mentioned in the first FAQ, and you will be able to return to Classic SharePoint.

FAQ 3: Why would I want to return to Classic SharePoint?

Answer: There could be various reasons why someone may want to return to Classic SharePoint. Some users may prefer the familiarity and features offered by Classic SharePoint, while others may require specific functionality that is only available in the Classic experience.

FAQ 4: What are the main differences between Classic SharePoint and the Modern experience?

Answer: Classic SharePoint is the older, traditional version that offers more customization options and features. The Modern experience, on the other hand, provides a more streamlined and modern interface with responsive design and simplified collaboration features.

FAQ 5: Will returning to Classic SharePoint affect the content and settings of my site?

Answer: No, returning to Classic SharePoint does not affect the content or settings of your site. It simply changes the user interface and functionality to match the Classic experience.

FAQ 6: Is it possible to switch back to the Modern experience once I have returned to Classic SharePoint?

Answer: Yes, you can switch back to the Modern experience at any time. Simply follow the steps mentioned in the first FAQ and select “Return to the new SharePoint” instead. This will bring you back to the Modern experience.

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