Your deep cleaning report has been generated using the information provided from each 'note' section of each task.
The next task is an approval task, where your supervisor will check over the deep cleaning report. If satisfied, they'll approve it. If dissatisfied, they'll reject it or reject with comments to tell you what to do next.
Due to you inputting your supervisor's email in an earlier task, they've been automatically assigned to the approval task.
Deep Cleaning Checklist
Room: {{form.Room_number}}
Deep clean ran from the {{form.Beginning_date_of_the_deep-cleaning_event}} to {{form.Date_of_deep_clean_completion}} by {{form.Housekeeper's_full_name}}
Turn Mattresses and Change Bedspreads
Dust High and Hard to Reach Areas
Clean Window Glass and Draperies
Cleaning Walls, Carpets and Doors
Cleaning TV and Other Electronics
Clean Light Shades and Fire Exit Map
Clean Furniture
Clean Bathroom