Workflow software Process Street vs SafetyCulture
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Process Street vs SafetyCulture

Choosing the right business process software is pivotal in the business landscape.

The efficiency and effectiveness of internal processes directly impact a company’s overall productivity and profitability.

However, with many options available, selecting the most suitable tool can take time and effort.

It involves a significant investment of time, resources, and capital, and the ramifications of the decision reverberate throughout the organization.

For this reason, you should thoroughly analyze your chosen tools to ensure that they meet your expectations and contribute to the company’s growth.

We’ll cover: 

  • Executive Summary of the Software Tools
  • Background of Process Street and
  • Process Street’s Core Features 
  •’s Core Features 
  • User Interface and Ease of Use
  • Integration & Compatibility
  • Customization & Scalability
  • Security and Compliance
  • Implementation & Onboarding
  • Support & Community
  • Pricing & Total Cost of Ownership
  • Pros & Cons
  • Conclusion
  • Recommendations
  • Additional Resources to Help You Make a Decision

Executive Summary

In this comparison, we delve into two prominent process management platforms: Process Street and SafetyCulture. 

While both platforms offer solutions for optimizing workflows and enhancing efficiency, there are distinct differences in their features, capabilities, and suitability for various business environments.

Process Street Executive Summary

Process Street stands out as a comprehensive process management platform designed to empower businesses of all sizes with efficient workflow automation and optimization tools. 

With a robust suite of features, 100’s integrations, and extensive customization options, Process Street enables organizations to streamline processes, enhance collaboration, and drive operational excellence.

SafetyCulture”s Executive Summary

SafetyCulture, initially conceived as a safety inspection app, has evolved to include basic process management functionalities. 

While it excels in safety and compliance-related tasks, its capabilities may fall short for organizations with complex process requirements seeking advanced automation and customization options.

Background of the Products

Process Street’s Background

Founded in 2013, Process Street has rapidly emerged as a leader in the process management space, catering to a diverse clientele across industries. 

With a focus on innovation and customer-centricity, Process Street has continuously evolved its platform to meet the evolving needs of modern businesses.

SafetyCulture’s Background

SafetyCulture traces its origins back to 2004 when it pioneered the concept of digital safety inspections. 

Over the years, its offerings have expanded to include basic process management features, primarily targeting industries with stringent safety and compliance requirements.

Core Features and Capabilities

Process Street’s Core Features

Process Street offers a plethora of advanced features to streamline process management, including conditional logic, dynamic due dates, role-based permissions, and workflow automation.

Trusted by top companies to revolutionize workflow management, easy-to-use, no-code process platform!

Here are some of Process Street’s core features:


Create, track, automate, and complete tasks to streamline processes and improve efficiency. From task assignments to approvals, leverage conditional logic, integrations, automations, scheduler, and groups for seamless workflow management.

Process AI:

AI-powered workflow design adapts to your business’s unique operational needs, driving productivity and growth. Utilize ChatGPT powered workflows and generate workflows to optimize your processes with AI-driven precision.


Efficiently gather necessary information with customizable forms, surveys, and quizzes that seamlessly integrate into your workflows. Leverage conditional logic, custom branding, and integrations for enhanced data collection.

Data Sets:

Centralized repository for storing data, accessible as form field values and variables in workflows. Benefit from integrations, automations, saved views, linked dropdowns, and auto-fill features for efficient data management.


Capture, organize, and share standard operating procedures (SOPs) and team knowledge with a simple document editor. Enjoy rich text, permissions, and change tracking features for effective knowledge management.


Maximize efficiency by integrating your existing tools with Process Street’s workflows, forms, and data sets. Seamlessly connect your systems to streamline operations and enhance productivity.

AI-powered workflows:

Ensure consistent adherence to procedures and minimize errors across the organization with intuitive AI-powered workflows. Automate repetitive tasks, reduce manual labor, and increase efficiency with generative AI and built-in integration tools.

Data-driven decisions:

Track key performance indicators (KPIs) and monitor progress throughout processes with powerful analytics features. Enable informed decision-making and optimize performance based on real-time insights.


Eliminate information silos and ensure everyone on the team has access to necessary knowledge. Foster collaboration and transparency with seamless knowledge sharing across workflows and teams.

Backed by happy clients:

Join a community of satisfied users who have experienced tangible benefits with Process Street. From industry leaders like Colliers International and Salesforce to innovative startups like BentoBox, our platform has consistently delivered results.

Easy to use:

Access a ready-made template library, comprehensive getting started guide, or schedule a demo with our sales team. Whatever your preferred method, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

An industry-leading solution:

With a track record of excellence and a commitment to customer satisfaction, Process Street is the preferred choice for over a million workflow collaborators worldwide. Experience unparalleled support with our professional support team.

SafetyCulture’s Core Features

SafetyCulture provides essential process management functionalities, such as checklist creation, inspection scheduling, and task assignment.

While suitable for basic process needs, it may lack the depth and sophistication required for organizations with complex workflows and stringent compliance requirements.

Here are the main features of SafetyCulture:


Digitize processes, procedures, and policies to save time and paper. Capture data and share reports instantly, albeit lacking the advanced automation and customization capabilities offered by competitors.


Onboard faster and upskill team members with easy-to-create courses. However, lacks the depth and versatility of training features provided by other platforms.


Gain visibility with a digital asset register. Track asset history and upcoming activities, but without the depth of integrations and automation features available elsewhere.

Issue reporting:

Capture observations, near misses, hazards, or incidents in real-time for quicker resolution. However, lacks advanced analytics and reporting capabilities for comprehensive insights.


Streamline workflows with seamless task assignment, but without the sophistication of automation tools offered by competitors.


Keep teams informed with engaging video messages and ensure message receipt with Heads Up. However, lacks the comprehensive communication and collaboration features provided by other platforms.

User Interface and Ease of Use

Process Street’s UI & UX

Process Street boasts an intuitive and user-friendly interface designed to facilitate seamless navigation and process creation. 

Focusing on simplicity and usability, the platform ensures that users can quickly adapt to its features without extensive training or technical expertise.

SafetyCulture’s UI & UX

SafetyCulture offers a straightforward user interface, emphasizing ease of use and accessibility. 

However, its interface may lack the depth and customization options provided by Process Street, potentially limiting flexibility and scalability for certain use cases.

Integration & Compatibility

Process Street’s Integration & Compatibility

Process Street seamlessly integrates with 100’s third-party applications and platforms, including CRM systems, project management tools, and cloud storage services. 

Its robust API allows for custom integrations, while native integrations with popular platforms like Zapier and Slack enhance interoperability and workflow efficiency.

SafetyCulture’s Integration & Compatibility

SafetyCulture provides limited integration options compared to Process Street, with compatibility primarily focused on safety-related software and tools. 

The absence of an API may hinder customization and interoperability with other business systems, restricting flexibility for organizations with diverse technology stacks.

Customization & Scalability

Process Street’s Customization & Scalability

Process Street offers extensive customization options, allowing businesses to tailor processes to their specific needs and requirements. 

From custom fields and conditional logic to reusable templates and workflow branching, the platform provides unparalleled flexibility for organizations of all sizes.

SafetyCulture’s Customization & Scalability

SafetyCulture offers limited customization capabilities compared to Process Street, with fewer options for tailoring workflows and processes. 

While suitable for smaller businesses with straightforward requirements, it may struggle to accommodate the diverse needs of larger organizations or those with complex process structures.

Security and Compliance

Process Street’s Security and Compliance

Process Street prioritizes security and compliance, implementing industry-leading measures to safeguard sensitive data and ensure regulatory adherence. 

With SOC 2 compliance, GDPR readiness, and robust data encryption protocols, Process Street provides peace of mind for organizations handling confidential information.

SafetyCulture’s Security and Compliance

SafetyCulture implements basic security measures to protect user data and ensure compliance with relevant regulations. 

While suitable for organizations with basic security needs, it lacks comprehensive compliance features, posing potential risks for companies operating in highly regulated industries.

Implementation & Onboarding

Process Street’s Implementation & Onboarding

Process Street offers dedicated implementation support and personalized onboarding assistance to ensure a smooth transition for new users. 

With comprehensive documentation, live chat support, and on-demand training resources, Process Street empowers organizations to quickly onboard and maximize their investment in the platform.

SafetyCulture’s Implementation & Onboarding

SafetyCulture provides basic onboarding materials and resources to assist new users in getting started with the platform. 

However, the absence of dedicated implementation support may result in longer onboarding times and potential challenges for organizations with limited internal resources or technical expertise.

Support & Community

Process Street’s Support & Community

Process Street delivers comprehensive support options, including 24/5 live chat, email support, and an active user community. 

With access to knowledge base articles, user forums, and webinars, Process Street ensures that users receive timely assistance and ongoing support to optimize their experience with the platform.

SafetyCulture’s Support & Community

SafetyCulture provides standard support options, including email support and limited live chat availability.

While suitable for addressing basic inquiries, the lack of a robust user community may limit opportunities for peer-to-peer support and knowledge sharing.

Pricing & Total Cost of Ownership

Process Street’s Pricing

Click here for Process Street’s pricing page.

SafetyCulture’s Pricing

Click here for SafetyCulture’s pricing page.

Pros & Cons

Process Street’s Pros & Cons


  • Advanced features
  • Extensive customization options
  • Excellent customer support


  • Maybe a little pricey for startups

SafetyCulture’s Pros & Cons


  • User-friendly interface
  • Good option for startups


  • Limited customization, integration, and scalability

Case Studies or Customer Testimonials

Process Street’s Case Studies

Partner Spotlight: Kelli Segretto of K Segretto Consulting:

Kelli Segretto, a leading Property Management Consulting business, leverages Process Street to create customized workflows, setting a new standard in property management consulting. 

The strategic integration of the Solutions Partners program has played a crucial role in driving K Segretto Consulting and her clients to new heights of success. 

Learn more about Kelli’s journey and how she uses Process Street to transform property management companies.


Leverage, an operations consulting firm, optimizes its processes using Process Street. 

They use it for their own daily recurring tasks and even feature it in their CEO Nick Sonnenberg’s book “Come Up for Air: How Teams Can Leverage Systems and Tools to Stop Drowning in Work.” 

Southport Technology Group:

Southport Technology Group offers affordable services to smaller businesses without an in-house tech team and uses Process Street to optimize their onboarding programs for clients, developers, and employees. 

Their lean standard operating procedures ensure efficient service delivery while keeping costs low.

Murray Dare:

Murray Dare, a multi-award-winning marketing consultant, saw a 25% increase in productivity and cut costs by 18% using Process Street. 

His remote team based in Norwich, England, relies on Process Street for first-class marketing strategies, content, and processes.

Find more Process Street case studies here!

SafetyCulture’s Case Studies

D&N Plumbing:

D&N Plumbing, a plumbing services provider, faced challenges with outdated occupational systems. 

They adopted SafetyCulture, which allowed their staff to edit and update safety documents according to the unique requirements of each builder they worked with.

Conclusion & Recommendations

Conclusion: Process Street

Process Street is the superior choice for organizations seeking advanced process management solutions. 

Process Street is robust with features, extensive customization options, and excellent support.

It empowers businesses to streamline their workflows, drive operational efficiency, and achieve sustainable growth.

Conclusion: SafetyCulture

While suitable for organizations with basic process management needs, SafetyCulture may fall short for those requiring advanced automation, customization, and scalability. 

Businesses seeking comprehensive process management solutions should consider better options to invest in to meet their needs and objectives.

Additional Resources to Help You Make a Decision

Additional Process Street resources

Additional SafetyCulture resources

Take control of your workflows today