
Complete Guide to Customer Success for SaaS Companies

Business Process AutomationMake your customers happy, and keep them paying the subscription.

This guide will teach you how to stop users abandoning your software before they’ve seen how awesome it is.

You’ve put 90% of your effort into building and promoting your app…

…But it all goes to waste if you’ve not got a system to manage existing customers. This includes a proper support and success process aimed at making sure that most recently subscription payment you got through won’t be the last.

Get the book to start keeping your customers, compounding your revenue and boosting every customer’s lifetime value.

Not convinced? Read on…

You’ll learn to build, maintain and optimize your Customer Success process.

Customer Success isn’t given the same attention as marketing or development. That’s a shame, because it’s just as important.

In the age of SaaS, we can’t lock customers down in 5-year contracts, but we can make sure they’re going to keep paying their subscription fees.

How many signups stay for over a month?

The drop-off for SaaS subscriptions can be huge. If you’re losing customers before you have a chance to find out why, this book will walk you through the steps to take to make sure it doesn’t keep on happening.

Since active users massively compound revenue, focusing on retaining the users that sales and marketing brought in is vital for the high MRR we see from successful products.

You’ll Learn:

  • The exact processes 14 SaaS companies use for Customer Success
  • The right way calculate and reduce your churn rate
  • What you can automate, and what you can’t
  • How to measure customer happiness
  • How to provide amazing support without hiring a dedicated team
  • Optimizing your app’s user experience

Who Is This Guide For?

Whether you’re a startup or an enterprise, SaaS companies need to be customer-centric. The power lies entirely in the hands of the customer, and SaaS is popular because it doesn’t lock customers in for 5 miserable years.

Thinking of starting a SaaS company? This guide explains a lot of the non-technical fundamentals, from maximizing revenue to thinking about the experience from a user’s perspective.

Simply put, this guide is for anyone in SaaS.

Table of Contents:

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