
Evolving Processes in Lean Startups

Its a difficult task, communicating new and evolving processes to my staff. That’s one of the reasons I came up with Process Street.

Internet Marketing is fast paced. I am testing new things all the time. New offers, traffic sources, analytics and optimization tools. With so much new information coming in, processes are constantly changing.

Testing a new platform looks something like this.

1. I test the platform and determine if it has a positive ROI
2. If yes, I will create a process and hand off operation of platform to team
3. I will continue to test the platform to optimize and increase ROI
4. Any positive tests and the accompanying configuration changes are then added to the process for the team to manage.

From the outside, this may see all fine and dandy, evolving processes are great, right?

Yes, they are great, but because I run a lean business that is constantly evolving and testing new ways to do things, there are lots of process changes. Changes every week, sometimes multiple times a week. And when I have to train 5 people on every change this can really slow things down.

When using Process Street, my employees are notified by email and directed to any process changes when they login. This helps me rapidly build evolving processes while testing at the same time. We are calling this “Rapid Process Iteration”.

I don’t have to train my team on changes to operational or technical processes. I don’t have to send company wide emails, hold long meetings or organize detailed one on one training. Process Street trains my employees at their own pace and allows me to track and interact with their progress.

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Vinay Patankar

CEO and Co-Founder of Process Street. Find him on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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