Folders in your Reports dashboard can make your saved views easily accessible. By grouping your related saved views together, you can quickly find the right one, without having to search for it in a long list.
Users: To create folders in reports, you must be an Administrator, a Member, or a Guest (Internal).
Go to your Reports dashboard, click the + icon next to Saved Views, and select Folder.
Give your folder a name and click Create, as shown below.
As soon as you create the folder, it is created as private and shows at the bottom of your saved view list.
When you add views to new folders, they move to the top of the saved view list, in alphabetical order, so it’s easier to find them.
If you don’t have any saved views in your Reports dashboard yet, start by creating one first.
From your list of saved views, select the saved view you want to add to a folder. Click the cog icon next to its name and select Edit view. Choose the folder to which you want to add it and click Update, as shown below.
Note: Everyone who can access the folder can add public, shared, or private saved views to it. However, to move a saved view into a folder, you must have access to edit the saved view.
Go to a folder that has the saved view you want to move. Click the cog icon next to the saved view’s name and select Edit view. Choose the folder to which you want to move it and select Update, as shown below.
Anyone who can access folders can move around the saved views within them.
To rename a folder, click the cog icon next to its name and click Rename folder. Change its name and click Update, as shown below.
Note: Anyone who can view a folder can rename it.
To delete a folder, click the cog icon next to its name and select Delete folder, as shown above.
If your folder has any saved views within it, you will first need to move these saved views into a different folder or outside this folder, as shown below.
Note: Only the folder creator can delete a folder. However, if someone has a private saved view within this folder, it will prevent the folder from being deleted and will need to be moved outside the folder for it to be deleted.
If you have a folder with saved views that are private to you, the folder will also remain private to you.
If you add saved views that are shared with certain users or groups, the folder will become visible to only those users who can access the shared views.
If you add saved views that are shared with your entire organization, the folder will become visible to everyone.
Learn more about Reports and Saved Views.