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Updated April 18, 2024

Reports in Process Street allow you to see, manage and create saved views for all of your workflow runs in one place.

What can you do with Reports?

  • Check your team’s progress on a particular project or workflow
  • Create saved views for a particular client, project, department, or your whole organization
  • Organize your work so that you can be more productive
  • Quickly identify where tasks or projects may be going off-track
  • Export all the data from your workflow runs to CSV

Users: Admins, Members, Guests (Internal) and Guests (External) can see Reports. However, what they can see is determined by the permissions you have set on workflows and workflow runs.

How to use Reports

Navigate to Reports by clicking the button shown below.

Saved views

Default saved views

To help you get started, we’ve created some default saved views for you. You’re welcome 🙂

  • Active workflow runs – Any workflow runs in the whole organization that are overdue, on track, or due soon
  • Assigned to me – All workflow runs assigned to you that are due soon, on track, or overdue
  • Overdue – Anyworkflow runs in the whole organization which are overdue
  • Recently completed – All completed workflow runs, with the most recently completed at the top

Note: It is not possible to edit or delete default saved views. You can, however, make changes to the column headers, filters, and workflows and then create a new saved view from a default. Essentially this makes a copy of the default which you can then edit and save.

Create a new saved view

You can create a saved view for anything you want, for whatever is important for you to see in your organization, or for whatever is essential for you to do your job.

There are two ways to create a new saved view. You can create one from scratch, or create it from an existing view.

To create a brand new saved view, look over to the menu on the left side of the page.

  • Click on the + button above the default saved views (shown above)
  • Name your view and select the permission levels (shown below)
  • Set filters, choose your workflows, re-order and sort your columns then click Apply Changes
  • Click Save View and then click Update to finish

Create a new view from an existing view

You can also create a new saved view from an existing view, or a default saved view.

  • Select a saved view from the menu on the left of the page
  • Make any changes you need by choosing the workflows whose workflow runs you’d like to see, changing filters, re-ordering or sorting your columns then click Apply Changes
  • Click Save View. Then give your new view a name, set permissions, and select Create new

There are no limits to the number of saved views you can create or the number of workflows you can view workflow runs from.

Note: Saved views are created in alphabetical order. If you want to reorder them, you can add numbers in front of your saved view names.

Single workflow view

When you select only one workflow from the workflow dropdown menu, this allows you to view and select the tasks and/or form fields from that workflow, in addition to the standard column headers.

You can select all the tasks or form fields that you want to see as columns by checking and unchecking the boxes next to their name. Once selected, they will appear as column headers in your view. You can drag and drop these columns to rearrange them then save the view when you’re done.

Use the scroll bar at the bottom of the page to navigate multiple tasks and form fields.

Tasks will show a tick if they have been completed, or blank if not. Form fields will show the data collected within them e.g. an email address, a website URL, or a contact name. Tasks or fields hidden by conditional logic will have an icon of an eyeball with a diagonal line across them.


You’ll see several column headings that you can use to create a saved view that works best for you. All the columns you see are optional, so you can select the ones you want to see and hide the ones you don’t.

To hide or show columns, click on the “Columns” drop-down in the center of your screen. Check or un-check the boxes next to the columns you’d like to show or hide respectively.

You can also drag and drop the columns into position, sort the data in the columns, and re-size the columns to further customize your view.

This is a list of all the columns you can choose, and what they do.

  • Name – The name of your workflow runs
  • Workflow – The name of the workflow that your run was created from
  • Assignees – Who is assigned to this workflow run or the tasks within it (individuals or groups). You’ll be able to identify them by a user’s profile picture, their initials, or the group icon or initials
  • Status – Shows if the workflow run is Completed, Archived, On track, Due soon (within 24 hours) or Overdue. These are color-coded based on priority e.g. overdue is red = most urgent
  • Comments – See which workflow runs have comments in them. Open the workflow run to view the comments
  • Started – The date the workflow run was created
  • Activity – Shows when the most recent activity on this workflow run took place
  • Due – The workflow run due date
  • Completed – The date the workflow run was completed
  • Completed by – Who completed it, the user or group
  • Overdue tasks – The number of tasks over the due date within a workflow run. Click to see more details for each task, or to open the workflow run
  • Tasks completed – The number of tasks that have been completed along with a progress bar. It’s also color-coded to match the status of the workflow run
  • VersionThe workflow version number for this workflow run

Filters and sorting

Filters allow you to generate a report with specific information, matching certain criteria. You can add multiple rules as filters or keep it simple, it’s up to you!

These are the different types of column filters you can apply with the options you have.

  • Name – Workflow run name contains, is equal to, is not equal to, or does not contain a certain word/s
  • Status – Workflow run status contains or does not contain any of Completed, Archived, On track, Due soon, or Overdue status flags. You can multi-select or filter one at a time
  • Started, Activity, Due, Completed – Before, after, or in between a range of dates
  • Overdue tasks – Is equal to, greater than, or less than a specified number
  • Tasks completed – Is equal to, greater than, or less than a specified number of tasks

You can easily change your view by editing or deleting these filters.

To delete a filter click the Filter button and click the x button next to the filter name on the left. To add a new filter click +Add Filter.

And/or filters

When you add a new filter, the default is to have a filter that searches for your first filter And a second filter. However, if you click on the word And it changes to Or, so that you can have the results of filter one Or filter two in your view. Then click Apply Changes to view the results.

When you’re done customizing, save your selection by clicking “Save View” and then click “Save” to finish.

Note: While using the date filter, the is between search criteria doesn’t include the dates you’ve selected in this filter. The results show only the workflow runs between the dates you’ve selected.

Once you have filtered your view, you can sort your columns in ascending or descending order by clicking the arrows next to the column names, as shown below.

Apart from the columns for your filters, you can also sort the form field columns, as shown above.


Use the search box in the center of your screen to look for workflow runs by name.

Note: You can only search for workflow runs by their names here. If you’d like to search for workflows, head to your Library.

Saved views: Permissions and sharing

You can set permissions and share a saved view when you create a new saved view, or when you edit an existing one.

If you set a saved view to “Private” only you can see this view. Choose either “Individuals & groups” to share it with selected people, or “Organization” to share it with all admins and members in your organization.

If you choose “Individuals & groups”, select the team member with whom you want to share it. Under “Who has access?” type a name or enter an email address to search for a user or a group from the dropdown. When you’ve finished adding users, click Update to finish. The saved view will have a group icon next to it in the menu on the left of your screen.

If you select “Organization”, all admins and members in your Process Street organization will see that saved view when they open Reports. This saved view will have a globe icon next to it in the menu on the left of your screen.

Note: Only Admins can create organization-wide saved views.

Shared saved views automatically appear for users in their Reports when they refresh their browser or log in (no email notification will be sent to inform them that there is a new saved view).


  • You can only invite Admins or Members or Guests (Internal) who are already part of your organization to view your saved views. If you need to add more people, you can invite them into your organization first
  • Members or Groups you share this with, will need to have permission to view that workflow or workflow run first, otherwise, their saved view will not show any workflow runs. Members or Groups who you share saved views with cannot edit or delete them
  • Guests will only be able to see workflow runs that have been assigned to them. In a guest’s Reports, they can see default saved views and set filters or sort column headers, however, they cannot create saved views of their own, or edit existing saved views

Edit a saved view

Select the saved view you’d like to change from the left panel, and start by changing or adding filters, moving column positions, selecting workflows, or column sorting.

Make all the changes you need then click Apply Changes, and click Save View in the center of your screen. Here you can also edit the saved view’s name and permission settings then click Update.

If you’d only like to edit the permissions on a saved view, click the cog next to its name in the left- panel. Make your changes and hit Update when you’re done.

Note: Admins can edit saved views shared with all users or those shared with individuals or groups. Any user that has created their own saved views can edit their own. Private views can only be edited by the user that created them.

Delete a saved view

First, make sure you have selected the correct saved view from the left-hand menu. Next, click the cog on the right of the saved view and then select “Delete view“.

Note: Admins can delete saved views created by any user (except for private views). Any user that has created their own saved views can delete their own, but they cannot delete views others have created.

Export to CSV

You can export workflow runs from any of your saved views in Reports.

First, select the view where you would like to export workflow runs from, then click on the “Export” button on the right of your screen. You can choose to export all columns or only the visible columns.

Once you click the export button, your CSV will automatically start downloading within your current browser.

If you don’t have permission to view workflow runs in a particular saved view, the CSV file will be blank.

Note: Timezones for all dates included in CSV exports are in UTC. To convert the UTC to your local time, please visit this site. Learn more about Managing Timezones

Learn more about Reports in our Blog post: The Best Way to Keep Track of Your Team with Process Street.

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