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Email Widget Updates

Email Widget Updates

August 29, 2022

You spoke and we listened..! We’ve taken the best features of the legacy email widget and added them to the new email widget.

You can switch between the different types of widgets by using the cog on the right side of the widget.

Edit before sending

Anyone with run permissions can edit an email before sending it.

On plain text, you can send the email as a draft via your chosen mail client.


In rich text and HTML modes, you can add attachments on the workflow so that they will always be attached to your email, or you can add them individually on the workflow run.

Attachments appear as downloadable files in your emails. There is a limit of 25MB file size per email.

You can also still add attachments when using plain text mode, once your email is in draft mode.

Learn more about using the email widget.

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