Workflow software Pipefy Alternatives
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The Best Pipefy Alternatives to Boost Your Workflow Efficiency

Are you on the hunt for a process management tool that goes above and beyond what Pipefy offers? Well, you’re not alone! While Pipefy is a popular choice for managing projects and workflows, there are several Pipefy alternatives that offer unique features and benefits.

So, whether you’re looking to save some bucks, crave enhanced reporting capabilities, or just want a single platform that’s super user-friendly for your team, don’t worry! We’ve got here to help you find a Pipefy alternative that fits you and your team like a glove. Let’s get started. 

What does Pipefy do for you? 

Pipefy is a workflow management tool that provides various features like:

  • Workflow management
  • Task automation 
  • Team collaboration
  • Project resource management
  • Content management

Users are provided with a good interface for task tracking, workflow documents, resources, approvals, feedback, and reviews. You can also integrate Pipefy with other work systems. But, Pipefy does come with some disadvantages. 

Why should you look for Pipefy alternatives? 

Here are some of the common disadvantages of the all-in-one project management platform, which can lead you to consider Pipefy alternatives: 

Pipes (Pipefy’s in-house term for processes)

You need to scroll horizontally through the workflow software to view your process information, which isn’t user-friendly. Plus, there’s the limitation of moving cards between phases of a process (or pipe) only, which can only be done through card settings. Users find this inconvenient.

Learning curve

Pipefy’s onboarding process and interface have a steep learning curve. This makes it challenging for new team members and users that are unfamiliar with the software.


While Pipefy offers customization features, the lack of options for customizing aesthetics may lead to a less personalized user experience. The visual appearance of Pipefy, including the Accounts view, is known to be inconsistent or disappointing for some users.

Search function

The basic search function in Pipefy’s workflow management system has been reported as ineffective, making it difficult for users to find specific information within cards and retrieve relevant data accurately. This limitation raises inefficiency concerns, especially when managing a large number of projects and cards.

Customer support

Pipefy’s customer support has received criticism for leaving users with unresolved problems and being unable to restore functions or provide solutions to simple issues. Users have expressed frustration with the chat interaction and the level of support received.

How do you know if an alternative is better than Pipefy

considerations pipefy alternatives

When searching for a Pipefy alternative, it’s essential to find a workflow management tool that addresses the limitations you’re likely to encounter when using Pipefy. 

Consider these key features as you explore Pipefy alternatives:

Task automation

Look for a Pipefy alternative that offers advanced automation capabilities to streamline workflows and enhance task management. Customizable automations triggered by specific events, such as receiving emails or meeting deadlines, can significantly improve your work efficiency.

Customizable workflows

Unlike Pipefy’s limited customizable capabilities, seek an alternative that provides enhanced customization for your workflow templates. Tailoring workflows to match the needs of your project/process, which reduces manual work and boosts productivity.

Real-time collaboration

While Pipefy allows for collaboration, consider alternatives with robust real-time collaboration features. Look for tools that facilitate seamless teamwork through features like chat functions or the ability to comment on tasks and files.

Advanced reporting and analytics

Yes, Pipefy does offer some reporting and analytics capabilities. But many alternatives often provide more advanced options. Find software that empowers you to generate custom reports and dashboards, gaining valuable insights into workflow performance and identifying areas for improvement.

Integration with other tools

Your choice of Pipefy alternatives should offer more comprehensive integration capabilities. You want to pick a tool that seamlessly connects with other work apps, which will help streamline custom workflows and enhance overall productivity.

The best alternatives for Pipefy

Many alternatives to Pipefy are available to better manage your individual workflows and business processes. But here are some of the top choices to pick from:

Process Street

Process Street is a highly efficient workflow management platform that prioritizes user-friendliness. In contrast to Pipefy, Process Street boasts a simple and intuitive design that empowers users to create and automate workflows without requiring coding expertise. 

With its drag-and-drop interface, users can easily delegate tasks, manage approvals, integrate processes with other work apps, and benefit from its “if-this-then-that” technology, which facilitates flexible adaptation to process information.

By leveraging Process Street, businesses can standardize their workflows and establish a centralized hub for effective management. The platform’s dashboard and reporting features enhance visibility and transparency within the organization, enabling straightforward tracking of tasks and workflows.

Overall, Process Street serves as an outstanding alternative to Pipefy, offering a user-friendly and adaptable workflow management solution that is complemented by powerful reporting and tracking capabilities.

Make Process Street your best Pipefy alternative


When it comes to workflow automation features, Wrike emerges as a viable substitute for Pipefy. Although both platforms provide comparable functionalities like task management, resource management, and team collaboration, Wrike stands out for its flexibility, user-friendliness, and ability to adapt to diverse project types and workflows.

In addition, Wrike surpasses Pipefy in terms of advanced reporting and analytics capabilities, catering to teams that seek comprehensive insights into project performance and resource utilization.

Ultimately, the decision between these two tools hinges on the unique requirements, goals, and preferences of your team or organization.


Trello is seen as a good alternative to Pipefy for workflow management. With its user-friendly and intuitive interface, Trello offers visual task management and collaboration capabilities, making it an ideal choice for small teams or individuals seeking a straightforward solution for project tracking and management.

On the other hand, Pipefy places greater emphasis on process and project management, offering advanced features like resource management, Gantt charts, and customizable reporting. It tends to be better suited for larger teams or organizations that require more intricate workflows and detailed reporting.

Ultimately, the decision between Trello and Pipefy will depend on the specific needs, objectives, and preferences of your team or organization.


ClickUp is an agile project management system. It offers project managers an array of features that position it as a dependable alternative to Pipefy. With its extensive capabilities in task management, resource management, Gantt charts, time tracking, and custom reporting, ClickUp stands out as a highly flexible platform that can cater to diverse process needs. This adaptability makes it a suitable choice for teams of all sizes, including enterprise-level organizations.

One notable advantage that ClickUp holds over Pipefy is its intuitive user interface. The platform boasts a clean and modern design that enhances user navigation and facilitates collaboration on projects, ultimately streamlining project management processes. ClickUp also goes a step further by providing advanced features and integrations, such as time tracking, Jira integration, and automation, making it an excellent option for handling complex projects. 

The platform’s versatility, coupled with its user-friendly interface, positions it as a wise selection for businesses aiming to enhance their workflow management.


Asana has emerged as a robust workflow management tool, gaining popularity among businesses and organizations for its user-friendly nature and comprehensive set of features. Notably, Asana stands out with its intuitive interface that facilitates swift team onboarding. The platform offers a customizable dashboard, enabling users to quickly access their tasks, projects, and calendars, ensuring a seamless workflow experience.

Beyond its user-friendly interface, Asana provides advanced features that contribute to workflow optimization and increased productivity. A notable example is the ability to create custom fields, allowing teams to track specific information relevant to tasks, projects, or clients. Additionally, task dependencies can be established to ensure clear sequencing and enable team members to identify tasks that must be completed prior to others.

Another key feature of Asana is its ability to integrate with other tools and platforms, such as Google Drive, Slack, and Trello. This allows teams to work seamlessly across different platforms and collaborate more effectively.

How to make the most out of your Pipefy alternative 

pipefy alternatives best practices

Adopting any Pipefy alternatives can be a significant endeavor. But with the right approach, you can maximize the benefits and guarantee a smooth transition. 

Here are some tips to help you make the most out of your chosen Pipefy alternative:

Assess your needs

Evaluate your current workflows and processes to determine the specific features and functionalities required from a Pipefy alternative. This will help you choose a solution that aligns with your unique requirements.

Get stakeholder buy-in

Involve key stakeholders in the decision-making process to gain their support and make sure there’s little resistance to the new tool. It’s important to clearly communicate the benefits of the new platform to all stakeholders involved.

Create a plan for data migration

If you’re migrating from Pipefy to an alternative platform, develop a comprehensive plan for transferring your data. Establish clear timelines, backup strategies, and contingency plans to mitigate any potential issues during the migration process.

Provide training and support

Offer thorough training and ongoing support to your team members to ensure they can effectively utilize the new workflow system. This will minimize any learning curve and empower them to take full advantage of its features.

Gather feedback and improve

Encourage feedback from your team members regarding their experience with the Pipefy alternative. Regularly assess its performance, gather suggestions for improvement, and make necessary adjustments to optimize its usage within your organization.

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