
Activity and Comment Feed Released for Process Street


Activity Feed

You can now monitor the work being done across your team and keep an audit trail on everything that is done with the activity fee.

Not only does the activity feed let you see what is going on with your team, users, templates, checklists, and comments, it gives you another way to navigate through the app as each action is clickable.

Comment Feed

The main activity feed view is broken down into two columns, the activity feed, and the comment feed. The comment feed lets you view all the comments related to the feed you are looking at. So if you are looking at the activity feed for the whole team, you will see the whole teams comments. If you are looking at the feed for just one checklist, you will see just the comments related to that checklist.

Another cool feature of the comment feed is the ability to reply to comments directly from the feed. Hit the “Reply” button below the comment to access.

Main Activity Feed View

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Template Activity Feed View

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Vinay Patankar

CEO and Co-Founder of Process Street. Find him on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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