
All posts in Product Demo

How to Move a Process Template Between Teams


Process Templates

    between teams is easy using Process Street

      . Follow the below 4 steps:
    1. Select the template you want to move,
    2. Open the template dropdown menu at the top
    3. Select Move Process
    4. Select Desired Team

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    How to Create SOP Templates

    In this video, I teach you how to use the Template Editor in Process Street to create Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) templates.

    Our interface is simple to use with a task-based format. Each task you create becomes a checkable item for when you run a checklist.

    You can then add content to your tasks, including text, images, video and files.

    Adding content is easy with our drag and drop widgets.

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    How to Attach Files to your Standard Operating Procedures

    When writing a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) you may need to attach files to increase the depth of the document. Traditional tools such as word editors don’t allow for this kind of functionality. But using a product like Process Street, you can certainly add files and other rich media to your Standard Operating Procedures.

    Some files you might want to add could include:

    • Forms
    • Excel spreadsheet templates
    • Example documents or reports
    • Info packs to send to customers or clients

    Below is a quick guide on how to add files to Process Street:

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    Introducing Process Progress Tracking

    Process Tracking

    We have just rolled out process progress tracking to the world!

    Our progress tracking appears in two places:

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