Employee onboarding software Digital Onboarding Software
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The Best Digital Onboarding Software for Customers and Employees

Digital onboarding software is important. But why?

Digitizing onboarding processes is a pivotal step for businesses aiming to improve both customer experiences and employee engagement. That’s because these solutions standardize onboarding processes and create a centralized knowledge base for all things onboarding-related.

This listicle serves as a comprehensive guide, showcasing a curated selection of digital onboarding software solutions adept at streamlining and optimizing the onboarding experiences for both customers and employees. 

From intuitive customer onboarding platforms tailored to deliver seamless interactions to robust employee onboarding solutions designed to foster retention and productivity, this compilation highlights the diverse array of tools available to propel organizations towards success in the digital era.

We’ll cover:

Top 15 Digital Customer Onboarding Software

Process Street

Image showing Process Street as digital onboarding software

Process Street is a powerful business process management platform that simplifies workflow automation. It enables organizations to create, track, and optimize recurring processes through intuitive checklists. With features like conditional logic and AI-generated workflows, Process Street enhances efficiency, accountability, and collaboration, making it an invaluable tool for businesses striving for operational excellence.

Key features:

  • Checklist automation: Create and automate dynamic checklists for recurring processes.
  • Conditional logic: Customize workflows with conditional logic based on responses.
  • Collaborative workflows: Facilitate team collaboration on tasks and processes.
  • Integration capabilities: Seamlessly integrate with tons of apps and tools.
  • Task assignment: Assign and track responsibilities within processes.
  • Data collection: Gather and store data through forms within checklists.
  • Reporting and analytics: Generate insights with analytics on process performance.
  • Version control: Maintain and track versions of checklists for auditing.
  • API access: Connect with other applications through APIs.
  • Document storage: Attach and manage documents relevant to processes.


  • Intuitive interface makes it user-friendly.
  • Offers secure data handling and storage.
  • It has a mobile application.
  • Custom automated workflows can be made with AI.
  • It has lots of premade workflow templates to choose from.


  • There’s learning curve for new users.


Image showing Rocketlane as digital onboarding software

Rocketlane is a customer onboarding platform designed to streamline the onboarding process and drive successful customer experiences. With features like task management, collaboration tools, and personalized playbooks, Rocketlane empowers teams to onboard customers efficiently and effectively, ensuring long-term success.

Key features:

  • Customer onboarding playbooks: Creates personalized onboarding journeys tailored to each customer.
  • Task management: Assigns tasks and tracks progress within the onboarding process.
  • Collaboration tools: Enables teams to collaborate seamlessly on customer onboarding tasks.
  • Timeline visualization: Visualizes the onboarding journey timeline for better planning and coordination.
  • Customizable templates: Accesses pre-designed templates or creates custom ones for different customer segments.


  • Sets up automated reminders for tasks and deadlines to keep the onboarding process on track.
  • Facilitates communication with customers throughout the onboarding journey.
  • Monitors customer progress through the onboarding journey.
  • Tracks key metrics and generates reports to measure onboarding success and performance.


  • The analytics doesn’t provide very much information.
  • There aren’t many customer success features.


Image showing ChurnZero as digital onboarding software

ChurnZero is a customer success platform designed to reduce churn and increase retention rates. With features like automated workflows, customer health scoring, and personalized engagement, ChurnZero empowers businesses to proactively manage customer relationships and drive long-term growth.

Key features:

  • Customer journey mapping: Visualizes and analyzes the customer journey to optimize touchpoints and interactions.
  • Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) tracking: Measures customer satisfaction with automated CSAT surveys.
  • Renewal tracking: Monitors contract renewals and proactively addresses any issues or concerns.
  • Upsell/cross-sell opportunities: Identifies opportunities to expand revenue through upselling or cross-selling.
  • Customer health alerts: Receives notifications for changes in customer health or behavior.


  • Connects with CRM, helpdesk, and other systems to centralize customer data.
  • Manages the entire customer lifecycle from onboarding to advocacy.
  • Analyzes feedback data to identify trends and areas for improvement.
  • Aligns marketing efforts with customer success strategies for cohesive outreach.


  • There is no free plan or free trial.
  • There is a delay in data collection.


Image showing Planhat as digital onboarding software

Planhat is a customer success platform designed to help companies retain and grow their customer base. With features like customer health scoring, lifecycle management, and analytics, it empowers businesses to foster strong relationships and maximize customer lifetime value.

Key features:

  • Customer health scoring: Assesses the health of your customer accounts based on various metrics and indicators to prioritize attention.
  • Lifecycle management: Manages customer relationships throughout their entire lifecycle.
  • Customer journey tracking: Visualizes and understands the journey your customers take with your product or service.
  • Automated tasks and workflows: Streamlines processes and automates routine tasks to improve efficiency.
  • Segmentation and targeting: Segments your customer base for targeted outreach and personalized engagement.


  • Users can communicate with customers directly through the platform.
  • Identifies at-risk customers and takes proactive steps to prevent churn.
  • Gathers feedback from customers to understand their needs and preferences better.
  • Tracks how customers are using your product or service.


  • Users sometimes find the sheer number of features to be overwhelming.
  • It requires a pretty significant time investment to set up.


Image showing Vitally as digital onboarding software

Vitally is a leading customer success platform trusted by businesses to optimize customer health and retention. With robust analytics and intuitive tools, Vitally empowers teams to drive growth by understanding customer needs and delivering personalized experiences at every stage of the journey.

Key features:

  • Lifecycle management: Manages the entire customer lifecycle from onboarding to renewal.
  • Automated health signals: Receive automated alerts and notifications when there are changes in a customer’s health or behavior.
  • Task automation: Automates repetitive tasks and workflows to improve efficiency and productivity.
  • Customer segmentation: Segments your customer base based on various criteria to personalize your interactions and strategies.
  • Renewal management: Tracks and manages subscription renewals to maximize retention and revenue.


  • Integrates with your existing CRM and other tools to centralize data and workflows.
  • Understands the customer journey to identify touchpoints and areas for optimization.
  • Utilizes predictive analytics to forecast customer behavior.


  • There’s a pretty big learning curve.
  • There aren’t many filtering options, which can be tricky as it handles a lot of data.


Image showing Document360 as digital onboarding software

Document360 is a comprehensive knowledge base software designed to streamline documentation processes for businesses. With a focus on simplicity and efficiency, Document360 empowers teams to create, manage, and share knowledge seamlessly, fostering collaboration and enhancing productivity across organizations.

Key features:

  • Intuitive editor: Users can create and edit knowledge base articles effortlessly.
  • Version history: Access and restore previous versions of articles, ensuring content integrity and traceability.
  • Multi-language support: Publish articles in multiple languages to cater to a diverse audience base.
  • Content organization: Organizes articles into categories, tags, and hierarchies.
  • SEO optimization: Optimizes articles for search engines with meta tags, keywords, and search-friendly URLs.


  • Easily migrates content from existing knowledge bases or platforms.
  • Enables users to log in to Document360 using existing credentials through SSO integration.
  • Imports existing Markdown documents directly.
  • Implements workflows for content review and approval before publication.


  • The integration with Zapier is pretty limited.
  • The interface runs pretty slowly at times.


Image showing EverAfter as digital onboarding software

EverAfter is a dynamic customer success platform that transforms businesses through personalized interactions and insightful analytics. With a focus on fostering long-term relationships, companies can exceed customer expectations and drive sustainable growth.

Key features:

  • Predictive analytics: Utilizes predictive analytics to forecast customer behavior.
  • Renewal management: Tracks and manages subscription renewals.
  • Integration with CRM: Integrates with your existing CRM and other tools.
  • Customer feedback collection: Gathers feedback from customers through surveys and other channels.
  • Success planning: Defines success criteria for each customer and develops personalized success plans.


  • Assign tasks to team members and collaborate on customer-related activities.
  • Communicate with customers directly through the platform via email and in-app messaging.
  • Identifies potential risks to customer relationships and develops strategies to mitigate them.


  • Setting it up properly to get the most out of the tool requires a dedicated person.


Image showing Dock as digital onboarding software

Dock is a versatile platform revolutionizing document collaboration and automation. With intuitive features, it streamlines document creation, editing, and sharing, enhancing team productivity. Its cloud-based solution offers seamless integration, empowering businesses to efficiently manage their documents and workflows, all in one place.

Key features:

  • Version control: Tracks document changes and revert to previous versions if needed.
  • Cloud storage integration: Connects with popular cloud storage services like Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive for easy access and storage of documents.
  • Access control and permissions: Sets permissions to control who can view, edit, or share specific documents, ensuring data security and privacy.
  • Document templates: Access pre-designed templates to expedite document creation for commonly used formats like contracts, proposals, or reports.


  • Maintains a detailed log of document activities, including edits, comments, and approvals.
  • Integrates with e-signature solutions to facilitate the signing of documents electronically.
  • Tracks document usage metrics such as views, downloads, and interactions.


  • It’s a newer tool so its features aren’t yet as robust as other similar tools.


OnRamp is a cutting-edge platform dedicated to simplifying the onboarding process for businesses and customers alike. With intuitive tools and streamlined workflows, it fosters seamless integration, enabling companies to optimize productivity and accelerate success from day one.

Key features:

  • Onboarding checklists: Provides customizable checklists to guide clients through the onboarding process and track their progress.
  • Welcome messages and videos: Delivers personalized welcome messages and orientation videos to clients.
  • Feedback surveys: Gathers feedback from new hires about their onboarding experience to identify areas for improvement and enhance future processes.


  • Incorporates gamification elements such as badges, rewards, and challenges to make the onboarding experience engaging and enjoyable.
  • Provides onboarding materials and communication in multiple languages to accommodate diverse customer populations.


  • The customization options are limited.


Image showing ClientSuccess as digital onboarding software

ClientSuccess is a customer success platform that helps businesses drive retention and growth. With features like health scoring, automated workflows, and customer insights, ClientSuccess empowers teams to proactively manage customer relationships, optimize engagements, and foster long-term success.

Key features:

  • Customer health scores: Assesses and tracks the health of individual customer accounts based on various metrics.
  • Automated workflows: Sets up automated processes for onboarding, renewals, and upsells.
  • Goal tracking: Defines and monitors customer success goals and milestones.
  • Customer insights: Gains actionable insights into customer behavior and preferences.
  • Task management: Assigns tasks and follow-ups to team members for efficient customer management.


  • Monitors contract renewals and proactively address any issues.
  • Identifies opportunities to expand revenue through upselling or cross-selling.
  • Creates and tracks personalized onboarding journeys for each customer.
  • Sends targeted email campaigns to nurture customer relationships.


  • Its task management capabilities are limited.


Image showing WalkMe as digital onboarding software

WalkMe is a digital adoption platform that can serve as a change management tool. It provides on-screen guidance and automation to assist users during software adoption and process changes. WalkMe streamlines training, supports users during transitions, and ensures a smooth shift to new tools or processes, enhancing the success of change initiatives.

Key features:

  • Churn management: Tracks client statuses to minimize churn.
  • Data quality control: Manages data storage and handles quality control.
  • Support ticket management: Tracks support tickets to keep customer support organized.
  • Behavior tracking: Tracks client behavior to prevent churn.


  • It’s easy to make and implement tutorials and training materials.
  • Highly customizable.
  • It has lots of integrations.


  • Using mobile is an additional cost.


Image showing Userflow as digital onboarding software

Userflow is a user onboarding and retention platform that enables businesses to create interactive onboarding flows and personalized user journeys. With features like visual builders, segmentation, and analytics, Userflow helps companies improve user adoption and retention rates effectively.

Key features:

  • Visual flow builder: Creates interactive onboarding flows and user journeys.
  • Segmentation: Segments users based on behavior, demographics, or other criteria to deliver personalized experiences.
  • In-app guidance: Guides users through key features and workflows directly within the application.
  • Tooltip and hotspot creation: Adds tooltips and hotspots to highlight important elements and provide context.
  • Product tours: Designs step-by-step product tours to introduce new features and functionalities.


  • Tracks user interactions and behavior within the application to understand usage patterns.
  • Gathers additional user information gradually over time to minimize form friction.
  • Delivers onboarding experiences in multiple languages.
  • Assigns and tracks onboarding tasks for team members.


  • There’s no way to test out all the features before subscribing.
  • There’s no mobile version.


Image showing HoneyBook as digital onboarding software

HoneyBook is an all-in-one business management platform designed for creative entrepreneurs. With features like client management, invoicing, contracts, and project tracking, HoneyBook streamlines workflows, saves time, and helps businesses grow with ease and efficiency.

Key features:

  • Client management: Organizes and manages client contacts, communications, and project details.
  • Project tracking: Tracks project progress, deadlines, and milestones in one centralized platform.
  • Invoicing: Creates and sends professional invoices to clients, with payment tracking capabilities.
  • Contract management: Drafts, sends, and signs contracts electronically for seamless client agreements.
  • Online payments: Accepts payments securely through integrated payment processors.


  • Designs and customizes professional proposals to pitch to clients.
  • Automates repetitive tasks and reminders to streamline processes.
  • Provides clients with a personalized portal to access documents, invoices, and messages.


  • It’s only useful for freelancers and small businesses.


Image showing UserGuiding as digital onboarding software

UserGuiding is an interactive user onboarding software that enables businesses to create personalized onboarding experiences. With features like interactive product tours, tooltips, and user segmentation, UserGuiding helps companies streamline user adoption and improve product engagement effectively.

Key features:

  • Interactive product tours: Creates step-by-step guided tours to onboard users effectively.
  • Tooltip creation: Adds interactive tooltips to guide users through specific features or elements.
  • User segmentation: Segments users based on behavior or attributes for personalized onboarding experiences.
  • Feature highlighting: Highlights important features or updates within the product interface.


  • Provides onboarding experiences in multiple languages.
  • Monitors user progress through onboarding journeys and feature adoption.
  • Embeds forms or surveys to collect user feedback or preferences.


  • It has a high learning curve for some users.

Know Your Customer

Image showing Know Your Customer as digital onboarding software

Know Your Customer (KYC) offers cutting-edge compliance solutions for businesses worldwide. Their platform streamlines customer due diligence processes, ensuring regulatory compliance and mitigating risks. With advanced technology and global expertise, KYC empowers organizations to onboard clients efficiently while maintaining the highest standards of integrity and security.

Key features:

  • Customer due diligence: Conducts thorough checks on customer identities, backgrounds, and risks to comply with regulatory requirements.
  • Identity verification: Verifies customer identities using various methods such as document verification, biometric authentication, or database checks.
  • Sanction screening: Screens customers against global sanction lists to identify politically exposed persons associated with financial crimes.
  • AML compliance: Ensures compliance with anti-money laundering (AML) regulations by detecting and preventing suspicious activities and transactions.


  • Generates comprehensive reports and audit trails.
  • Guides clients through the onboarding process with step-by-step workflows and instructions.
  • Implements robust encryption and security measures to protect sensitive customer data.


  • It’s not a very intuitive tool.

Top 15 Digital Employee Onboarding Software


Image showing Coassemble as digital onboarding software

Coassemble offers a dynamic learning management system (LMS) designed to revolutionize online training. With a focus on user experience and innovation, Coassemble empowers organizations to create engaging learning experiences that drive growth and development across diverse industries and sectors.

Key features:

  • White-labeling: Offers courses under your brand name by white-labeling the platform.
  • SCORM compliance: Ensures compatibility with SCORM standards.
  • Assessment tools: Creates quizzes and assessments to gauge learner comprehension and progress.
  • Progress tracking: Monitors learner progress and completion status in real-time.
  • Certification management: Issues certificates upon course completion.


  • Fosters collaboration and interaction among learners through discussion forums.
  • Incorporates gamification elements such as badges and leaderboards.
  • Enables collaboration among multiple authors and contributors during course development.
  • Delivers regulatory and compliance training with built-in tracking and reporting features.


  • They don’t offer a free trial.
  • There are no printable certificates.


Image showing 15Five as digital onboarding software

15Five is a performance management and employee engagement platform designed to facilitate continuous feedback and communication within organizations. 15Five fosters a culture of transparency and growth, empowering teams to stay aligned and motivated.

Key features:

  • Weekly check-ins: Facilitates regular feedback and communication between managers and employees.
  • Goal tracking: Enables the setting, tracking, and monitoring of individual goals.
  • Employee recognition: Promotes peer-to-peer recognition and appreciation.
  • Feedback surveys: Conducts surveys to gather employee feedback and insights.
  • Performance reviews: Streamlines the performance review process.


  • Fosters a company culture of ongoing feedback and communication.
  • Connects with other tools for a more comprehensive workflow.
  • Aligns teams with organizational objectives using objectives and key results (OKRs).
  • Helps organizations improve their performance management strategy.


  • Limited customization options may not meet specific organizational needs.
  • Customer support responsiveness may vary based on user experiences.


Image showing Betterworks as digital onboarding software

Betterworks is an agile employee performance management tool designed to align, develop, and activate a company’s workforce. Betterworks helps organizations foster a culture of continuous improvement and collaboration, driving employee engagement and overall business success.

Key features:

  • Continuous performance conversations: Enables ongoing feedback and communication between employees and managers.
  • Performance analytics: Provides data-driven insights for evaluating and improving performance.
  • Development plans: Supports the creation and tracking of individual employee development plans.
  • Recognition and rewards: Encourages employee recognition and rewards for achievements.
  • Integration capabilities: Seamless integration with other tools and systems for a unified workflow.


  • Identifies and nurtures future leaders within the organization.
  • Measures and improves employee engagement levels.
  • Supports the creation and tracking of personalized employee development plans.
  • Facilitates alignment of individual and team goals with organizational objectives.


  • Responsiveness of customer support may vary based on user experiences.
  • Primarily focused on performance management rather than recruitment.


Image showing Workday as digital onboarding software

Workday is a cloud-based enterprise software suite offering a unified platform for HR, finance, planning, and analytics. Renowned for its user-friendly interface and scalability, Workday empowers organizations with real-time insights, agile planning, and efficient workforce management, making it a comprehensive solution for modern business needs.

Key features:

  • Human capital management (HCM): Comprehensive tools for HR functions, from recruitment to talent management.
  • Financial management: Streamlined finance processes, including accounting, procurement, and analytics.
  • Workforce planning: Agile planning tools for optimizing workforce efficiency.
  • Payroll management: End-to-end payroll processing and compliance features.
  • Time tracking: Accurate recording and management of employee work hours.


  • Integrates HR, finance, planning, and analytics in a single cloud-based solution.
  • Frequent updates and improvements to keep the system current and efficient.
  • Robust security features to protect sensitive data.
  • Supports multinational organizations with diverse regulatory requirements.


  • You need to contact sales to get pricing.
  • Requires dedicated resources for maintenance and system administration.


Image showing Waybook as digital onboarding software

Waybook elevates organizational learning, providing a dynamic platform centered on knowledge sharing and growth. Focused on intuitive user experiences, it fosters continuous improvement through accessible and engaging content. With a commitment to seamless onboarding and development, Waybook empowers teams, fostering a culture of learning and adaptability.

Key features:

  • Knowledge base: Centralizes information and resources for easy access.
  • Content creation: Enables creation and sharing of educational content.
  • Interactive guides: Provides step-by-step guides for various processes.
  • Training modules: Develops interactive training courses and modules.
  • Customizable templates: Offers templates for content creation.


  • Collects and incorporates user feedback for improvements.
  • Guides and tracks new employee onboarding processes.
  • Organizes content into categories or topics.
  • Monitors and tracks user progress within modules or guides.


  • The security features are limited.
  • There are a limited number of languages available.


Image showing BambooHR as digital onboarding software

BambooHR is a cloud-based human resources software designed for small to medium-sized businesses. Known for its simplicity and versatility, it offers features like employee data management, onboarding, performance tracking, and time-off management. BambooHR streamlines HR processes, fostering efficient workforce management and enhancing the employee experience.

Key features:

  • Employee database: Centralized repository for managing employee information.
  • Onboarding tools: Streamlined processes for efficient employee onboarding.
  • Time-off tracking: Comprehensive management of employee leave and time off.
  • Performance management: Tools for tracking and evaluating employee performance.
  • Customizable workflows: Tailor workflows to align with specific HR processes.


  • Efficient management of employee information.
  • Manages employee benefits and tracks enrollment.
  • Secure storage and organization of HR-related documents.
  • Intuitive design for easy navigation.


  • May not be as suitable for multinational organizations with complex needs.
  • May not be as robust for organizations with extensive recruitment needs.


Image showing Trakstar as digital onboarding software

Trakstar is an employee performance management platform designed to streamline performance appraisal processes. Trakstar allows organizations to enhance employee engagement and development. Its user-friendly interface and customizable tools make it a valuable solution for optimizing workforce productivity and satisfaction.

Key features:

  • Performance analytics: Provides data-driven insights for performance evaluation and improvement.
  • Competency management: Evaluates and develops employees based on specific competencies.
  • Succession planning: Identifies and prepares potential future leaders within the organization.
  • Development plans: Supports the creation and monitoring of personalized employee development paths.
  • Customizable workflows: Tailors processes to meet specific organizational needs.


  • Promotes a continuous feedback loop between employees and leadership.
  • Gives managers a comprehensive overview of employee insights.
  • Creates personalized development plans for employees.
  • Offers lots of third-party integrations.


  • Some of the features of complex and difficult to learn.


Image showing Deel as digital onboarding software

Deel is a global payroll and compliance platform designed for remote teams. It simplifies international payments, compliance, and onboarding processes, offering a seamless experience for businesses with distributed workforces. Deel ensures smooth operations, facilitating legal and financial compliance in various countries, making it an invaluable tool for remote workforce management.

Key features:

  • Global payroll: Simplifies international payroll processing for remote teams.
  • Compliance management: Ensures legal and financial compliance in various countries.
  • International payments: Facilitates seamless and secure cross-border payments.
  • Contractor onboarding: Streamlines onboarding processes for remote contractors.
  • Localized employment contracts: Provides customizable contracts adhering to local regulations.


  • Automates tax calculations and deductions for different jurisdictions.
  • Supports payments in multiple currencies for global teams.
  • Offers benefits management for diverse employee needs.
  • Users have reported good customer service.


  • While designed for global use, specific functionalities may vary by country.
  • There is a learning curve that may prove to be steep for some teams.


Image showing Rippling as digital onboarding software

Rippling streamlines HR and IT operations, offering an integrated platform for employee management. By automating tedious tasks like payroll and benefits administration, Rippling empowers businesses to focus on growth. Its user-friendly interface simplifies complex processes, enhancing efficiency and employee satisfaction.

Key features:

  • Employee onboarding: Streamlines the onboarding process with automated workflows and digital document management.
  • HR management: Manages employee data, including profiles, time off, and compensation details, in a centralized system.
  • Payroll processing: Automates payroll calculations, tax filings, and direct deposits to ensure accurate and timely payments.
  • Benefits administration: Enrolls employees in health insurance, retirement plans, and other benefits programs, with automated eligibility tracking.
  • Time and attendance tracking: Tracks employee hours worked, manage schedules, and calculate overtime with ease.


  • Sets goals, conducts performance reviews, and provides feedback to employees within the platform.
  • Provides employees with access to their personal information, pay stubs, and benefits enrollment options.
  • Enables remote access to company systems and resources, with tools for remote device management and security.


  • There are so many features that things can be hard to find and that sometimes makes things disorganized.


Image showing Guru as digital onboarding software

Guru is a knowledge management platform revolutionizing how teams access and share information. With AI-powered features, it centralizes knowledge, ensures its accuracy, and delivers contextual insights, empowering teams to work smarter and faster, fostering collaboration, and driving productivity.

Key features:

  • Knowledge management: Centralizes and organizes all company knowledge in one accessible platform.
  • AI-powered search: Utilizes advanced search algorithms for quick and accurate retrieval of information.
  • Content creation: Easily creates, edits, and publishes knowledge articles and resources.
  • Team collaboration: Collaborates with team members in real-time on knowledge creation and updates.
  • Contextual insights: Provides relevant information contextually within workflows and applications.


  • Implements granular access controls and permissions to safeguard sensitive information.
  • Ensures knowledge accuracy with verification and validation processes.
  • Curates knowledge from various sources and formats into a single repository.
  • Manages the entire lifecycle of knowledge from creation to retirement.


  • Searching for information could be easier.
  • The editor is good but could still use some improvements.


Image showing ClearCompany as digital onboarding software

ClearCompany is a comprehensive talent management platform that streamlines the entire employee lifecycle. From recruitment and onboarding to performance management and workforce planning, ClearCompany offers an integrated solution. 

Key features:

  • Applicant tracking system: Manages the recruitment process from job posting to candidate selection.
  • Onboarding: Facilitates a smooth onboarding experience for new hires.
  • Workforce planning: Helps organizations plan and manage their workforce effectively.
  • Employee recognition: Encourages positive reinforcement and acknowledges achievements.
  • Learning management system: Supports employee training and development initiatives.


  • Comprehensive suite covering the entire employee lifecycle for seamless talent management.
  • Tools for monitoring and improving overall employee engagement.
  • Identifies and develops potential leaders for future organizational needs.


  • The setup and implementation process may take time, impacting immediate usability.

Zoho People

Image showing Zoho People as digital onboarding software

Zoho People is an HR software solution designed to simplify human resource management. Known for its user-friendly interface and customization capabilities, Zoho People streamlines HR processes from recruitment to employee engagement. It gives businesses the tools to enhance workforce productivity, foster collaboration, and ensure efficient HR operations.

Key features:

  • Performance appraisals: Conducts and manages employee performance evaluations.
  • Recruitment: facilitates the hiring process from job posting to onboarding.
  • Time tracking: Monitors employee working hours and overtime.
  • Custom forms: Create and customize forms for data collection.
  • Training management: Supports employee training and development.


  • Seamlessly integrates with other Zoho applications and third-party tools.
  • Offers various pricing plans, suitable for different budgets.
  • Monitors employee working hours and overtime.
  • Highly customizable to fit diverse HR needs.


  • Functionality is limited without an internet connection.
  • Some users have reported limitations in international payroll features.


Image showing Gusto as digital onboarding software

Gusto is a cloud-based platform that simplifies payroll, benefits, and human resources tasks for small businesses. Recognized for its user-friendly interface and integrated services, Gusto transforms complex HR processes into seamless experiences. With a focus on automation and compliance, Gusto empowers businesses to efficiently manage their workforce and navigate the intricacies of payroll and benefits administration.

Key features:

  • Payroll processing: Streamlines payroll tasks and calculations.
  • Benefits administration: Manages employee benefits, insurance, and retirement plans.
  • Tax compliance: Automates tax filings and ensures compliance.
  • Time tracking: Monitors employee working hours and overtime.
  • Employee onboarding: Facilitates smooth onboarding processes.


  • Handles employee leave requests and accruals.
  • Manages and administers health and savings accounts (HSAs).
  • Responsive customer support services.
  • Combines payroll, benefits, and HR functionalities in one platform.


  • Costs may be relatively high for businesses on a budget.
  • Some users express a desire for more extensive customization options.


Image showing Eloomi as digital onboarding software

Eloomi empowers businesses to unleash their full potential through personalized learning and performance management solutions. With a focus on engagement and growth, Eloomi helps organizations drive employee development, achieve strategic objectives, and thrive in today’s dynamic work environment.

Key features:

  • Course authoring tools: Creates custom training content, including videos, quizzes, and interactive modules.
  • Employee development plans: Defines and tracks individual development goals and career paths for employees.
  • Competency management: Assesses and tracks employee skills, competencies, and proficiency levels.
  • Performance reviews: Conducts regular performance evaluations and feedback sessions for employees.


  • Sets SMART goals for individuals or teams and monitor progress towards achievement.
  • Identifies and develops high-potential employees for future leadership roles within the organization.
  • Creates curated learning paths or training programs tailored to specific roles, departments, or skill levels.


  • It’s pretty expensive compared to other similar tools.


Image showing Leapsome as digital onboarding software

Leapsome is a comprehensive employee management platform that combines performance management, employee engagement, and learning and development tools. Leapsome helps create a culture of growth and collaboration. Its user-friendly interface and integrative approach make it an effective solution for optimizing workforce productivity and satisfaction.

Key features:

  • People analytics: Provides data-driven insights for strategic decision-making.
  • Customizable surveys: Tailors surveys to gather specific insights on employee sentiment and experiences.
  • Recognition and rewards: Encourages positive reinforcement and acknowledges employee achievements.
  • Integration capabilities: Seamlessly integrates with other tools for enhanced functionality and workflow optimization.


  • Gives HR professionals a complete view of insights from multiple perspectives.
  • Enables instant and ongoing communication between employees and managers.
  • Facilitates setting, tracking, and aligning individual and team goals.


  • Requires a stable internet connection for optimal use.

What is Digital Onboarding Software

At its core, digital onboarding software provides a centralized platform where all the necessary documentation can be completed, reviewed, and submitted online. The software typically offers a user-friendly interface, which allows individuals to easily navigate through the onboarding process and access the required forms and information. By eliminating the need for physical paperwork, organizations can save time and resources, while also minimizing the risk of errors or lost documents.

From a user perspective, digital onboarding software provides a personalized and interactive experience. Individuals can track their progress, receive notifications and reminders for pending tasks, and easily access support or additional information if required. This enhances engagement and reduces the likelihood of individuals abandoning the onboarding process due to confusion or frustration.

Benefits of Using Digital Onboarding Software

Digital onboarding software offers numerous benefits for both customers and employees.

For Customers

Using digital onboarding software streamlines and simplifies the onboarding process. They no longer need to fill out stacks of paperwork or spend hours on endless documentation. Instead, they can conveniently complete all necessary forms online, saving time and hassle. This also allows for quicker access to products or services, as the onboarding process is expedited.

Moreover, a digital onboarding process enhances the customer experience. It provides a user-friendly interface that guides customers through the onboarding process, making it easy to understand and navigate. It also eliminates the need for repetitive data entry since information provided by customers can be automatically populated across various forms. This reduces errors and frustration, enhancing overall customer satisfaction.

For Employees

Onboarding software simplifies and automates the onboarding process for new hires, ensuring a smooth transition and better employee experience. All necessary paperwork, such as tax forms and contracts, can be completed digitally, eliminating the need for physical paperwork. This saves time for both employees and HR personnel.

Additionally, digital onboarding software allows for improved communication and engagement. New hires can access relevant information, documents, and training materials through the software, enabling them to get up to speed quickly. It also fosters an efficient and organized onboarding process, ensuring that employees have the necessary resources and information they need to succeed in their roles.

Key Features of Digital Onboarding Software

Digital onboarding software offers several key features that streamline the process of bringing new clients or employees on board. These features include:

  • Automated form filling: Digital onboarding software allows for the easy completion and submission of necessary forms by new clients or employees. This feature eliminates the need for manual data entry and decreases the chances of errors.
  • Electronic signature: With integrated electronic signature capabilities, digital onboarding software enables the signing of important documents electronically. This eliminates the need for physical signatures and expedites the onboarding process.
  • Document management: The software allows for the secure storage and organization of important documents and files. This ensures that all necessary information is easily accessible and eliminates the risk of losing important paperwork.
  • Compliance tracking: Digital onboarding software helps organizations stay compliant with various legal and regulatory requirements. It ensures that all necessary documents are collected, and that employees or clients meet all necessary qualifications or certifications.
  • Workflow automation: With the ability to automate various tasks and processes, such as sending reminders or notifications, digital onboarding software streamlines the onboarding journey. This reduces manual work and allows HR or administrative staff to focus on other essential tasks.
  • Integration: Digital onboarding software can integrate with existing HR or CRM systems, allowing for a seamless transfer of data and improved efficiency.

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