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20 Best Volunteer Management Software

Nonprofits rely heavily on the support and dedication of their volunteers. However, coordinating and organizing these volunteers can be overwhelming without the right tools. Volunteer management software can provide a solution by helping nonprofits efficiently recruit, schedule, and communicate with their volunteers.

With so many options available, it can be difficult to determine which software is best suited for your organization’s needs. In this article, we have compiled a list of the top 20 volunteer management software options that can help nonprofits effectively manage their volunteers and maximize their impact.

  • 20 best volunteer management software tools for 2024
  • Key features of volunteer management software
  • Frequently asked questions: Volunteer management software

20 best volunteer management software tools for 2024

Process Street

Process Street is an excellent volunteer management software that offers a comprehensive set of features for efficiently managing and organizing volunteer activities. The tool allows organizations to streamline their volunteer management processes by creating workflows and templates for volunteer onboarding, scheduling, and task allocation.

Key features:

  • Customizable templates: Process Street allows organizations to create tailored templates for various aspects of volunteer management, including volunteer applications, background checks, and training materials, offering a flexible solution that aligns with specific program requirements.
  • Automated workflows: Through Process Street, volunteer managers can design and implement automated workflows, streamlining the assignment of volunteers to tasks, events, or projects. The platform enables the integration of conditional logic to guide volunteers through different stages based on their responses or progress.
  • Task and event management: Volunteer tasks and events can be effectively organized and managed within the platform, empowering volunteer managers to set deadlines, priorities, and task dependencies to ensure the timely completion of activities.
  • Hour tracking: Process Street facilitates the tracking of volunteer hours by providing features that allow volunteers to log their hours and activities directly within the platform, offering a comprehensive solution for monitoring and reporting volunteer contributions.
  • Communication tools: The platform includes integrated messaging features that enable direct communication between volunteer managers and volunteers. Announcements and notifications can be utilized to keep volunteers informed about upcoming events, changes, or important updates.
  • Collaboration features: Process Street offers real-time collaboration capabilities for volunteer managers and team members, promoting seamless coordination. Shared document storage within the platform facilitates easy access to important resources for effective collaboration.
  • Reporting and analytics: Volunteer managers can leverage Process Street to generate detailed reports on volunteer performance, engagement, and impact. The platform’s analytics tools provide valuable insights into trends, helping organizations make informed decisions and improvements.
Try Process Street for free and take control of your workflows today
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Bloomerang is a comprehensive volunteer management software that offers a wide range of features to effectively manage and engage with volunteers. The tool allows organizations to easily track volunteer participation, communicate with volunteers, and recognize their contributions.

Key features:

  • Customizable volunteer profiles: The Bloomerang volunteer software empowers organizations with the ability to create and customize volunteer profiles, offering a comprehensive solution for tracking individual preferences, availability, and skills. This feature ensures that organizations can efficiently match volunteers with tasks that align with their capabilities and interests.
  • Volunteer scheduling and management tools: The software provides robust tools for volunteer scheduling and management, simplifying the process of organizing and assigning tasks to volunteers. Bloomerang’s intuitive interface facilitates efficient coordination, allowing organizations to optimize their volunteer resources effectively.
  • Communication tools: Bloomerang includes communication tools such as email and messaging, enabling seamless and direct communication between organizations and volunteers. This feature ensures that volunteers are well-informed about upcoming opportunities, events, and any relevant updates, fostering strong and transparent communication channels.
  • Reporting and analytics capabilities: Bloomerang stands out with its robust reporting and analytics capabilities, offering organizations valuable insights into volunteer engagement and performance. This analytical feature allows organizations to identify trends, measure impact, and recognize top-performing volunteers, facilitating data-driven decision-making.
  • User-friendly interface: Bloomerang is designed with a user-friendly interface, ensuring that both volunteer managers and volunteers can navigate the platform effortlessly. This user-centric design contributes to a positive and engaging experience for all users involved in the volunteer management process.
  • Positive volunteer experience: With its comprehensive set of features, Bloomerang is dedicated to ensuring a positive and engaging experience for both volunteers and organizations. The customizable profiles, efficient scheduling tools, and communication features collectively contribute to creating an environment that fosters collaboration and satisfaction among volunteers.


SignUpGenius is a versatile and user-friendly volunteer management tool that simplifies the process of organizing and coordinating volunteers for events, fundraisers, and various projects. The platform allows users to create custom sign-up forms, send invitations, and track volunteer hours, making it an indispensable tool for organizations of all sizes.

Key features: 

  • Personalized sign-up sheets: SignUpGenius excels in creating personalized sign-up sheets, allowing organizations to offer a range of options such as different time slots, tasks, and locations. This feature enhances the volunteer experience by enabling individuals to choose roles that align with their preferences and availability.
  • Flexibility in role selection: The platform’s capability to provide varied options within sign-up sheets offers volunteers flexibility in choosing roles, ensuring that they can contribute in ways that suit their skills and schedules.
  • Automated reminders and notifications: SignUpGenius simplifies volunteer management by offering automated reminders and notifications. These features help keep volunteers informed about their commitments, reducing the likelihood of missed assignments and enhancing overall volunteer engagement.
  • Reporting and tracking tools: SignUpGenius includes robust reporting and tracking tools, allowing organizations to monitor volunteer participation and hours effectively. This data-driven approach aids in assessing the success of volunteer programs and identifying areas for improvement.
  • Built-in communication features: The platform provides built-in communication features, facilitating seamless and direct communication between organizers and volunteers. This ensures that updates, important information, and messages can be efficiently shared, contributing to transparent and effective collaboration.
  • Comprehensive volunteer management: SignUpGenius is positioned as a comprehensive volunteer management software, addressing key aspects of recruitment, organization, and management. Its features cater to the diverse needs of events or projects, making it a versatile tool for organizations with varying volunteer requirements.
  • User-friendly interface: SignUpGenius is designed with a user-friendly interface, ensuring that both organizers and volunteers can navigate the platform with ease. This intuitive design contributes to a positive user experience, making it accessible to users with varying levels of technical proficiency.


POINT is an excellent volunteer management software that provides a comprehensive platform for organizing and coordinating volunteers and their activities. The tool allows organizations to easily recruit, schedule, and communicate with volunteers, as well as track their hours and overall impact.

Key features: 

  • User-friendly volunteer sign-up portal: POINT stands out with its user-friendly volunteer sign-up portal, providing an accessible and intuitive platform for volunteers to easily register for opportunities. This simplicity contributes to a positive volunteer experience and encourages engagement.
  • Customizable event and shift management: The platform offers customizable event and shift management features, allowing organizations to tailor volunteer opportunities based on specific needs, schedules, and tasks. This flexibility ensures that volunteer programs can be efficiently organized and adapted to different requirements.
  • Automated communication and reminder features: POINT includes automated communication and reminder features, streamlining the process of keeping volunteers informed about upcoming events, shifts, or important updates. This automation enhances overall communication efficiency, reducing the likelihood of miscommunication or missed commitments.
  • Volunteer hour tracking: The software provides robust volunteer hour tracking capabilities, allowing organizations to accurately record and monitor the time contributed by volunteers. This feature is essential for tracking progress, ensuring accountability, and generating reports for various purposes.
  • Reporting capabilities: POINT offers reporting capabilities that enable organizations to measure and analyze the impact of volunteer efforts. These reports provide valuable insights into volunteer performance, engagement levels, and the overall success of volunteer programs.
  • Secure volunteer data storage: Organizations can securely store volunteer data within POINT, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive information. This feature is crucial for compliance with data protection regulations and maintaining the trust of volunteers.


VolunteerMark is a comprehensive volunteer management software that helps organizations streamline their volunteer management processes. The tool offers a user-friendly interface that allows organizations to easily create and manage volunteer opportunities, track volunteer hours, and communicate with volunteers.

Key features: 

  • Custom volunteer sign-up forms: VolunteerMark empowers organizations with the ability to create custom volunteer sign-up forms. This feature allows for the collection of specific information from volunteers tailored to the unique requirements of each opportunity. By customizing sign-up forms, organizations can efficiently match volunteers with roles that align with their skills and preferences, optimizing the overall volunteer experience.
  • Efficient volunteer matching: The custom sign-up forms play a crucial role in ensuring that organizations have the right volunteers for each role. This efficiency in volunteer matching not only saves time but also maximizes resources by ensuring that volunteers are well-suited for the tasks they undertake.
  • Robust communication tools: VolunteerMark offers robust communication tools, including email and text messaging functionalities. These tools enable organizations to keep volunteers informed and engaged by providing timely updates, event details, and important information. Effective communication enhances volunteer participation and satisfaction.
  • Reporting and analytics features: The software provides reporting and analytics features, allowing organizations to track volunteer impact and measure the success of their volunteer programs. These insights provide valuable data for assessing program effectiveness, identifying trends, and making informed decisions for program improvement.
  • Integration capabilities: VolunteerMark stands out with its ability to integrate seamlessly with popular CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and volunteer management platforms, such as Salesforce and Google Calendar. This integration ensures efficient data sharing, streamlining processes, and creating a unified ecosystem for managing volunteers.
  • Tailored information collection: Custom sign-up forms allow organizations to tailor the information collected from volunteers based on the unique needs of each opportunity. This tailored approach ensures that organizations gather pertinent details to effectively coordinate and manage volunteer activities.

Golden Volunteer

Golden Volunteer is a comprehensive volunteer management software that is perfect for organizations of any size. This easy-to-use tool streamlines the volunteer management process, allowing organizations to effectively recruit, schedule, and communicate with volunteers.

Key features: 

  • Comprehensive volunteer database: Golden Volunteer features a robust volunteer database that enables organizations to efficiently track key volunteer information, including contact details, availability, and skills. This centralized database streamlines the management of volunteer data, facilitating easy access and providing a comprehensive view of each volunteer’s profile.
  • Effective volunteer matching: The volunteer database empowers organizations to match volunteers with the right opportunities by considering factors such as availability and skills. This feature ensures that organizations can strategically deploy volunteers, maximizing their impact and contribution to specific tasks or projects.
  • Volunteer scheduling: Golden Volunteer offers a volunteer scheduling feature, allowing organizations to create and share volunteer schedules. Volunteers can then sign up for specific shifts, providing transparency and flexibility. This feature not only saves time for volunteer coordinators but also ensures that all shifts are adequately staffed, contributing to a well-organized and efficient volunteer program.
  • Shift sign-up functionality: The ability for volunteers to sign up for specific shifts streamlines the scheduling process. This feature ensures that volunteers can actively participate in shaping their commitment, fostering a sense of ownership and flexibility in their volunteer engagements.
  • Time-saving coordination: The volunteer scheduling feature not only enhances the volunteer experience but also saves time for coordinators by automating and simplifying the scheduling process. This time efficiency is crucial for volunteer managers handling complex scheduling tasks.

SignUp Zone

SignUp Zone is a comprehensive volunteer management software that offers a wide range of features to streamline the process of recruiting, coordinating, and communicating with volunteers. The tool can be used to create customized volunteer signup forms, manage volunteer schedules, track volunteer hours, and send out automated reminders and communication to volunteers.

Key features: 

  • Role-specific information: The customizable signup forms allow organizations to gather role-specific information from volunteers, ensuring that individuals signing up are well-matched to the requirements of each opportunity. This feature enhances the efficiency of volunteer placement and contributes to a more positive and effective volunteer experience.
  • Easy schedule management: SignUp Zone simplifies volunteer schedule management by providing tools to easily view and adjust schedules as needed. This flexibility is crucial for organizations coordinating various events or projects with dynamic volunteer requirements, ensuring optimal coverage and resource allocation.
  • Efficient volunteer scheduling: The software’s tools for managing volunteer schedules contribute to an efficient scheduling process. Volunteer coordinators can easily organize, adjust, and optimize schedules, saving time and resources in the coordination of volunteer activities.
  • Volunteer hour tracking: SignUp Zone includes tools for tracking volunteer hours, providing organizations with a streamlined method for monitoring and recording volunteer contributions. This feature is essential for maintaining accurate records and ensuring compliance with reporting requirements.
  • Comprehensive reporting tools: The software offers comprehensive reporting tools, allowing organizations to generate reports that summarize volunteer hours and contributions. These reports provide valuable insights into program impact, aiding organizations in assessing effectiveness and making informed decisions for improvement.
  • Automated communication features: SignUp Zone incorporates automated communication features, including email and text message reminders. This functionality streamlines communication between organizers and volunteers, ensuring that volunteers receive timely reminders and updates about their commitments.


Giveffect is a volunteer management software that provides a comprehensive suite of tools for organizations to effectively manage their volunteer programs. The platform is designed to streamline the volunteer management process, from recruitment and onboarding to scheduling and reporting.

Key features: 

  • Volunteer recruitment and onboarding: Giveffect facilitates volunteer recruitment and onboarding processes, allowing organizations to attract and efficiently onboard volunteers. Customizable features enable organizations to tailor the recruitment process to their specific needs.
  • Scheduling and shift management: The platform offers robust scheduling and shift management tools, enabling organizations to organize volunteer shifts seamlessly. This feature ensures that organizations can optimize volunteer resources and maintain an organized volunteer schedule.
  • Communication and engagement tools: Giveffect provides communication and engagement tools, including automated emails and messaging features. These tools foster effective communication between organizers and volunteers, keeping volunteers engaged and informed about upcoming opportunities, events, and any relevant updates.
  • Reporting and analytics: Giveffect includes reporting and analytics tools, offering organizations insights into volunteer performance and impact. This data-driven approach allows organizations to assess the success of their volunteer programs, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions based on real-time data.
  • Integration with organizational systems: Giveffect supports integration with other organizational systems, such as donor management and event management platforms. This integration creates a holistic approach to volunteer management, streamlining data flow across different facets of organizational operations.
  • Customizable volunteer opportunities: Organizations can create and customize volunteer opportunities within Giveffect, tailoring them to specific needs and requirements. This flexibility ensures that volunteer opportunities align with organizational goals and meet the unique demands of different projects or events.

Better Impact

Better Impact is an excellent volunteer management software that is user-friendly and versatile. It allows organizations to effectively recruit, manage, and communicate with volunteers. The platform’s user-friendly interface and extensive features make it a valuable tool for any organization looking to effectively and efficiently manage their volunteers.

Key features: 

  • Volunteer recruitment and onboarding: Better Impact facilitates volunteer recruitment and onboarding processes, allowing organizations to attract and efficiently onboard volunteers. This feature streamlines the process of bringing in new volunteers and ensures a smooth transition into their roles.
  • Volunteer scheduling and shift management: The software provides robust scheduling and shift management tools, enabling organizations to organize and optimize volunteer shifts effectively. This feature ensures that organizations can efficiently allocate volunteers based on their availability and skill sets.
  • Volunteer communication tools: Better Impact includes communication tools designed to enhance interaction between organizers and volunteers. These tools, such as messaging features, contribute to effective communication, keeping volunteers engaged and informed about upcoming opportunities or events.
  • Tracking volunteer hours and impact: The software allows organizations to track volunteer hours and measure the impact of volunteer contributions. This feature is essential for maintaining accurate records, assessing the value of volunteer work, and demonstrating the positive impact on the organization.
  • Robust reporting and analytics: Better Impact offers robust reporting and analytics tools, providing organizations with insights into volunteer engagement and impact. This data-driven approach allows organizations to assess the effectiveness of their volunteer programs, identify trends, and make informed decisions for program improvement.
  • Streamlined volunteer management processes: Better Impact aims to streamline volunteer management processes, saving time and reducing administrative burden for organizations. This efficiency is achieved through features that automate tasks and centralize information, improving the overall management of volunteer programs.

Helper Helper

Helper Helper is a versatile volunteer management software that offers an array of features to streamline and enhance the volunteer management process. The platform allows organizations to easily recruit, coordinate, and track volunteer activities, making it an essential tool for nonprofits, schools, and businesses alike.

Key features: 

  • Shift scheduling: The software offers shift scheduling tools, allowing organizations to organize and manage volunteer shifts effectively. This feature ensures that volunteer coordinators can efficiently allocate resources based on availability and skill sets, optimizing the overall volunteer experience.
  • Communication rools: Helper Helper includes communication tools designed to enhance interaction between organizers and volunteers. These tools contribute to effective communication, ensuring that volunteers stay informed about upcoming opportunities, events, and any important updates.
  • Reporting capabilities: The platform provides reporting capabilities, allowing organizations to generate reports that summarize volunteer hours, contributions, and other relevant data. These reports offer valuable insights for program assessment, strategic decision-making, and continuous improvement.
  • Intuitive mobile app: Helper Helper offers an intuitive mobile app, providing volunteers with the flexibility to sign up for opportunities, track their hours, and communicate with team members while on the go. This mobile accessibility enhances the overall convenience and accessibility of the volunteer experience.
  • Centralized volunteer management: Helper Helper stands out by centralizing volunteer management tasks, creating a unified platform for organizations to collaborate and communicate with volunteers. This centralization streamlines administrative processes and ensures consistency in data management.
  • Community and engagement focus: One of the standout aspects of Helper Helper is its emphasis on fostering a sense of community and engagement among volunteers. This focus contributes to increased participation and satisfaction by creating a supportive and connected environment for volunteers.

Get Connected

Get Connected is an excellent volunteer management software that streamlines the process of recruiting, managing, and communicating with volunteers. The software offers a user-friendly platform that allows organizations to easily post volunteer opportunities, track volunteer hours, and communicate with volunteers.

Key features: 

  • Volunteer registration and management: Get Connected features robust volunteer registration and management tools, streamlining the onboarding process for new volunteers. These tools enable organizations to efficiently capture and track essential information about volunteers, ensuring a smooth integration into the volunteer program.
  • Involvement tracking: The software includes tools for tracking volunteer involvement and contributions over time. This feature allows organizations to maintain accurate records of each volunteer’s activities, facilitating recognition and providing valuable insights into the impact of their contributions.
  • Calendar feature: Get Connected offers a calendar feature for scheduling and managing volunteer opportunities. This tool enables organizations to coordinate events and activities more effectively, providing a centralized view of available opportunities and ensuring efficient resource allocation.
  • Efficient event coordination: The calendar feature enhances event coordination by providing a visual representation of volunteer opportunities. Organizers can easily schedule, manage, and optimize events, ensuring that volunteers are allocated appropriately based on their skills and availability.
  • Communication tools: Get Connected provides communication tools, including email and messaging features, to facilitate seamless communication between organizations and volunteers. These tools contribute to effective and timely information dissemination, keeping volunteers informed about opportunities, updates, and important announcements.
  • Reporting and analytics: The software includes reporting and analytics capabilities, allowing organizations to generate reports summarizing volunteer engagement and impact. These insights provide valuable data for assessing program effectiveness, identifying trends, and making informed decisions for program improvement.

Your Volunteers

Your Volunteers is a top-notch volunteer management software that makes organizing and managing volunteer programs effortless. This user-friendly tool offers a wide range of features to streamline the volunteer management process.

Key features: 

  • Volunteer tracking: Your Volunteers offers robust volunteer tracking capabilities, allowing organizations to easily monitor and record volunteer hours, activities, and attendance. This feature provides a comprehensive overview of each volunteer’s contributions, facilitating accurate recognition and reward programs for dedicated volunteers.
  • Scheduling feature: The scheduling feature simplifies the process of creating and managing volunteer shifts and assignments. Organizations can efficiently coordinate volunteer activities, ensuring that events and projects are adequately staffed and organized.
  • Communication tools: Your Volunteers includes communication tools that enable organizations to send announcements, updates, and notifications to volunteers. This ensures effective communication, keeping volunteers informed about important details and fostering a sense of community and engagement.
  • Recognition and rewards: The volunteer tracking feature facilitates the recognition and rewarding of dedicated volunteers. By easily tracking volunteer hours and activities, organizations can identify and acknowledge the efforts of volunteers, contributing to a positive volunteer experience and encouraging continued engagement.
  • Effortless volunteer management: Your Volunteers streamlines volunteer management tasks, making it easy for organizations to oversee and coordinate volunteer activities. The software simplifies administrative processes, allowing volunteer coordinators to focus on creating a positive and efficient experience for volunteers.
  • Insightful reporting feature: Your Volunteers stands out with its reporting feature, providing valuable insights into volunteer productivity, engagement, and impact. Organizations can leverage data-driven reports to assess the success of their volunteer programs and identify areas for improvement.


Timecounts is a comprehensive volunteer management software that streamlines the process of managing volunteers for organizations. It offers a wide range of features to help organizations effectively recruit, engage, and retain volunteers.

Key features: 

  • Customized volunteer opportunities: Timecounts allows organizations to create customized volunteer opportunities tailored to their specific needs. This feature enables organizers to define roles, requirements, and details for each opportunity, ensuring a personalized and efficient volunteer experience.
  • Volunteer scheduling: The software provides volunteer scheduling tools, allowing organizations to manage and optimize volunteer shifts with ease. This feature ensures that events and projects are adequately staffed and organized, contributing to a seamless volunteer coordination process.
  • Communication tools: Timecounts offers communication tools, including email and text messaging features. These tools facilitate effective and timely communication between organizers and volunteers, ensuring that volunteers are well-informed about upcoming opportunities, events, and any relevant updates.
  • Volunteer screening: Timecounts includes volunteer screening features, allowing organizations to assess and vet potential volunteers. This ensures that volunteers align with the organization’s requirements and values, contributing to a secure and reliable volunteer pool.
  • Volunteer hour tracking: The software allows organizations to track volunteer hours accurately. This feature is essential for maintaining precise records, complying with reporting requirements, and recognizing volunteers for their contributions.
  • Reporting and analytics: Timecounts provides reporting and analytics capabilities, offering organizations insights into volunteer impact and program effectiveness. These data-driven tools support program assessment, strategic decision-making, and continuous improvement.

Volunteer Schedule Pro

Volunteer Schedule Pro is an excellent volunteer management software that provides comprehensive tools for organizing and managing volunteers effectively. The software offers easy scheduling, communication, and tracking features to streamline volunteer management.

Key features: 

  • Automated communication tools: The software includes automated communication tools for sending reminders and updates to volunteers. This feature ensures that volunteers stay informed about their commitments, reducing the likelihood of scheduling conflicts and promoting overall engagement.
  • Central database for volunteer information: Volunteer Schedule Pro provides a central database for storing volunteer information. This centralized approach streamlines data management, making it easy for organizers to access and update volunteer details efficiently.
  • Easy volunteer sign-up process: Volunteers can easily sign up for specific shifts using Volunteer Schedule Pro. This feature enhances the volunteer experience by providing a convenient and straightforward process for expressing interest in and committing to available opportunities.
  • Reporting and analytics tools: The software offers reporting and analytics tools, allowing organizations to track volunteer hours and engagement. These insights provide valuable data for assessing program effectiveness, recognizing high-performing volunteers, and making informed decisions for program improvement.
  • Efficient volunteer coordination: Volunteer Schedule Pro enables organizations to coordinate and manage their volunteers efficiently. The software’s scheduling and communication tools contribute to a well-organized volunteer program, ensuring that the right volunteers are in the right place at the right time.
  • Time-saving scheduling process: The intuitive scheduling interface and automation features save organizations time in the scheduling process. Volunteer coordinators can create and manage shifts more efficiently, freeing up time for other essential aspects of volunteer program management.
  • Smooth communication with volunteers: The automated communication tools facilitate smooth communication with volunteers. By sending reminders and updates, organizations can ensure that volunteers are well-prepared and informed about their roles and responsibilities.


CERVIS is a comprehensive volunteer management software that offers a wide range of features to efficiently manage volunteers for nonprofits and organizations. The tool allows organizations to create and customize volunteer opportunities, manage volunteer schedules, track volunteer hours, communicate with volunteers, and have access to detailed volunteer profiles.

Key features:

  • Volunteer opportunity creation: CERVIS offers a key feature for creating and managing various volunteer roles and projects. This capability allows organizations to define and structure volunteer opportunities according to their specific needs and requirements.
  • Easy volunteer sign-up and registration: The software provides a seamless process for volunteer sign-up and registration. This feature makes it convenient for volunteers to find opportunities that align with their skills and interests, fostering a positive and personalized volunteer experience.
  • Robust reporting and tracking capabilities: CERVIS includes robust reporting and tracking capabilities, allowing organizations to manage and monitor volunteer hours effectively. This feature facilitates accurate record-keeping, enabling organizations to assess volunteer participation and measure the impact of volunteer contributions.
  • Volunteer hour management: The software allows organizations to track and manage volunteer hours efficiently. This feature is essential for organizations to keep accurate records of volunteer contributions, comply with reporting requirements, and recognize volunteers for their dedicated service.
  • Communication tools: CERVIS incorporates communication tools such as email and messaging systems. These tools enable organizations to keep volunteers informed and engaged by providing updates, event details, and important announcements in a timely and efficient manner.
  • User-friendly interface: CERVIS is designed with a user-friendly interface, ensuring that both volunteer coordinators and volunteers can navigate the platform with ease. An intuitive design contributes to a positive user experience, encouraging active participation.


Mobilize is a comprehensive volunteer management software that streamlines the process of recruiting, organizing, and communicating with volunteers. The tool can be used to create, promote, and manage volunteer opportunities, as well as to track volunteer hours and engagement. Mobilize offers a user-friendly platform for volunteers to sign up for shifts, communicate with organizers, and stay informed about upcoming opportunities.

Key features: 

  • Customizable event pages: Mobilize offers customizable event pages, allowing organizers to tailor the presentation of events to their specific needs. This feature ensures that event details, branding, and messaging align with the organization’s goals and standards.
  • Automated communications: The software includes automated communication tools, streamlining the process of keeping volunteers informed. Organizers can automatically communicate with volunteers through email and SMS, ensuring that important updates and reminders are delivered in a timely manner.
  • Volunteer scheduling: Mobilize facilitates volunteer scheduling, making it easy for organizers to create and manage volunteer shifts. This feature ensures efficient allocation of resources, helping organizers coordinate volunteers for different roles and responsibilities.
  • Reporting and analytics: Mobilize provides reporting and analytics tools, allowing organizers to track volunteer participation and assess the overall impact of volunteer efforts. These insights support data-driven decision-making, program evaluation, and strategic planning.
  • Event management: Organizers can easily create and manage events using Mobilize. The software streamlines the event organization process, from initial planning to volunteer coordination, providing a comprehensive solution for effective event management.
  • Communication with volunteers: Mobilize facilitates communication with volunteers through email and SMS. This feature enhances engagement by keeping volunteers informed about event details, updates, and any relevant information, fostering a strong and connected volunteer community.


ClickTime is an intuitive and user-friendly volunteer management software that offers a wide range of features to effectively manage and coordinate volunteers for various events and activities. The tool allows organizations to easily schedule volunteers, track their hours, and communicate important information.

Key features: 

  • User-friendly interface: The software is designed with a user-friendly interface, making it accessible for both organizers and volunteers. An intuitive design enhances the overall user experience, encouraging active participation and engagement with the platform.
  • Efficient resource allocation: The combination of shift scheduling, time tracking, and task assignment features contributes to efficient resource allocation. Organizers can optimize volunteer efforts, ensuring that tasks are appropriately distributed, and volunteers are engaged in meaningful activities.
  • Automated reminders: ClickTime’s automated reminder feature helps organizers keep volunteers on track and informed about their commitments. This automation reduces the likelihood of scheduling conflicts and enhances overall communication efficiency.
  • Accurate record-keeping: Time tracking and reporting capabilities support accurate record-keeping of volunteer hours and activities. This feature is essential for organizations to maintain precise records, assess program effectiveness, and recognize volunteer contributions.
  • Optimized volunteer management: ClickTime enables organizations to optimize their volunteer management processes. The platform’s features contribute to efficient coordination, communication, and reporting, saving time and resources for organizers.
  • Convenient volunteer engagement: The volunteer sign-up feature makes it convenient for volunteers to engage with opportunities. This ease of engagement encourages volunteers to actively participate and commit to various activities, contributing to a positive volunteer experience.


VOMO is a comprehensive volunteer management software that streamlines the entire process of managing volunteers. The software offers a wide range of features and functionalities that make it easy to recruit, schedule, communicate with, and track volunteers.

Key features:

  • Intuitive dashboard: VOMO’s dashboard is user-friendly and provides a central hub for volunteer coordinators to manage and oversee volunteer activities. The intuitive design makes it easy to navigate and access key functionalities.
  • Customizable volunteer opportunities: The software allows organizations to create and customize volunteer opportunities based on their specific needs. This flexibility ensures that volunteer roles align with organizational goals and that volunteers can find opportunities tailored to their skills and interests.
  • Shift scheduling: VOMO facilitates efficient shift scheduling, enabling organizers to create and manage volunteer shifts. This feature streamlines the process of assigning tasks and ensures that events or projects are adequately staffed.
  • Mobile-friendly platform: VOMO is accessible through mobile devices, offering volunteers and organizers the flexibility to manage and engage in volunteer activities on the go. The mobile-friendly platform enhances convenience and accessibility.
  • Real-time communication: The software includes communication tools for real-time updates and announcements. Organizers can easily communicate with volunteers through notifications, ensuring that everyone is informed about changes or important details.
  • Automated reminders: VOMO automates reminder notifications, reducing the likelihood of no-shows and helping volunteers stay on track with their commitments. This feature contributes to better attendance and overall volunteer engagement.

Hero Plan

Hero Plan is a comprehensive volunteer management software that facilitates the process of organizing and coordinating volunteers for various events and projects. The tool offers a user-friendly interface and a range of features that make it an essential tool for non-profit organizations, event planners, and volunteer coordinators.

Key features: 

  • Volunteer scheduling: Hero Plan provides a user-friendly platform for creating and managing volunteer shifts. This feature enables organizers to efficiently allocate volunteers to different tasks and roles, ensuring that events or projects are adequately staffed.
  • Communication tools: The software includes communication tools that facilitate personalized messages, reminders, and notifications. This feature enhances volunteer engagement by keeping volunteers informed about upcoming opportunities, changes, or important announcements.
  • Check-in and check-out: Hero Plan offers volunteer check-in and check-out features, allowing organizers to track volunteer hours and manage attendance. This functionality is crucial for accurate record-keeping, compliance with reporting requirements, and recognizing volunteers for their contributions.
  • Volunteer database management: The software serves as a central repository for volunteer information, including contact details, availability, skills, and interests. This database management feature enables organizations to create targeted volunteer recruitment campaigns and ensures a streamlined approach to matching volunteers with suitable roles.
  • Reporting and analytics: Hero Plan provides reporting and analytics tools that offer insights into volunteer engagement, performance, and impact. Organizations can leverage these tools to assess the success of volunteer programs, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions.
  • Volunteer orientations and training: Hero Plan can be utilized for organizing volunteer orientations and training sessions. This feature supports the onboarding process, ensuring that volunteers are well-prepared for their roles and contribute effectively to organizational goals.

Volunteer Hub

Volunteer Hub is a comprehensive volunteer management software that offers an array of features to efficiently organize and coordinate volunteer programs. The tool provides user-friendly dashboards for both administrators and volunteers, making it easy for organizations to manage their volunteers effectively.

Key features: 

  • Matching volunteers with opportunities: Organizations can easily match volunteers with relevant opportunities using Volunteer Hub. The platform’s capabilities assist in aligning volunteers with roles that match their skills, interests, and availability, fostering a positive and meaningful volunteer experience.
  • Communication of important information: The communication tools in Volunteer Hub support the dissemination of important information to volunteers. Whether through announcements, notifications, or direct messaging, organizers can keep volunteers informed about updates, changes, or upcoming opportunities.
  • Simplifying volunteer management: Volunteer Hub simplifies the overall volunteer management process by providing a centralized platform for various tasks, from scheduling to communication. This streamlining enhances efficiency and organization in managing volunteer programs.
  • Flexibility and scalability: Volunteer Hub is flexible and scalable, catering to the needs of both small non-profits and large organizations with complex volunteer programs. This adaptability ensures that the software can grow with the organization and accommodate diverse volunteer management requirements.
  • Impactful volunteer programs: The reporting and analytics tools contribute to the creation of impactful volunteer programs. Organizations can assess the impact of volunteer contributions, measure engagement, and identify areas for improvement, leading to more effective programs.
  • User-friendly interface: The platform is designed with a user-friendly interface, making it accessible for both volunteer coordinators and volunteers. An intuitive design enhances the overall user experience, promoting active participation and engagement.

Key features of volunteer management software

Volunteer management software is designed to streamline and enhance the process of recruiting, organizing, and communicating with volunteers. The specific features of such software can vary, but here are key features that are commonly found in effective volunteer management solutions:

Volunteer database management

Volunteer management software facilitates the creation and maintenance of volunteer profiles. This includes essential information such as contact details, skills, interests, and availability. The software often includes search and filtering capabilities, allowing administrators to identify and match volunteers with specific criteria and opportunities.

Scheduling and shift management

These solutions integrate with calendars to help organizers efficiently schedule volunteer shifts and events. By considering volunteers’ availability and preferences, the software assists in creating organized and effective schedules. Automated reminders are often included to reduce the likelihood of volunteers missing their commitments.

Communication tools

Volunteer management software provides a communication platform for administrators to interact with volunteers. This can include messaging and notification features through email, SMS, or in-app alerts. Announcements can be made to the entire volunteer community, ensuring that important information is disseminated efficiently.

Reporting and analytics

The software tracks and compiles data on volunteer hours, activities, and achievements. This information is crucial for administrators to gain insights into volunteer engagement and program effectiveness. Customizable reports allow organizations to tailor data analysis to specific metrics, aiding in informed decision-making.

Integration with other systems

To provide a comprehensive view of volunteer engagement, volunteer management software often integrates with CRM and HR systems. This integration ensures that data is synchronized across platforms. Additionally, for organizations offering compensation or reimbursements to volunteers, integration with payment systems simplifies financial transactions.

Training and onboarding

Volunteer management software supports training initiatives by offering modules for creating and delivering training materials to volunteers. This ensures that volunteers are adequately prepared for their roles. The software may also include features to streamline the onboarding process, encompassing paperwork, orientation materials, and background checks.

Frequently asked questions: Volunteer management software

What is volunteer management software?

Volunteer management software is a specialized tool designed to streamline and optimize the process of recruiting, organizing, and communicating with volunteers. It typically includes features for volunteer database management, scheduling, communication tools, reporting and analytics, and integration with other systems to enhance the overall efficiency of volunteer programs.

How can I keep track of my volunteers?

Volunteer management software provides a centralized platform for keeping track of volunteers. It allows you to create and maintain volunteer profiles with details such as contact information, skills, interests, and availability. The software often includes search and filtering capabilities, making it easy to identify and match volunteers with specific criteria and opportunities. Additionally, features like automated reminders and reporting tools help in tracking volunteer hours, activities, and achievements.

How do you create a volunteer management plan?

Creating a volunteer management plan involves several key steps:

  • Assessment: Identify your organization’s volunteer needs and goals.
  • Roles and responsibilities: Clearly define volunteer roles and responsibilities.
  • Recruitment: Develop strategies for recruiting volunteers, considering skills and interests.
  • Training: Implement a training program to prepare volunteers for their roles.
  • Scheduling: Use scheduling tools to efficiently assign and manage volunteer shifts.
  • Communication: Establish effective communication channels using the software to keep volunteers informed.
  • Recognition: Develop a recognition program to acknowledge and appreciate volunteers’ contributions.
  • Evaluation: Regularly assess and evaluate the effectiveness of the volunteer management plan, making adjustments as needed.

What is volunteer program management?

Volunteer program management involves overseeing and coordinating all aspects of a volunteer program within an organization. This includes recruiting and onboarding volunteers, scheduling and assigning tasks, providing training and support, and recognizing volunteers for their contributions. Volunteer management software plays a crucial role in facilitating program management by providing tools to streamline these processes, track volunteer engagement, and assess the overall impact of the program on organizational goals.

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