Workflow software Digital Workflow Solutions

Digital Workflow Solutions: All You Need To Know!

In the constantly evolving business world, digital workflow solutions are quickly becoming the cornerstone of successful and efficient operations. 

But what exactly does this buzzword mean? How does it revolutionize various industries, and why is it so vital for your business?

In this blog post, we’ll demystify the concept of digital workflow solutions, exploring the remarkable ways it transforms industries.

We’ll uncover surprising facts about automation and learn why businesses around the world are embracing digital workflow solutions.

By the end of this article, you’ll see that these solutions aren’t just about improving efficiency or cutting costs. 

They’re about reshaping the way we work, nurturing creativity and innovation, and paving the way for the businesses of the future.

Digital workflow solutions

These solutions, powered by the magic of automation, are a game changer for industries globally. 

Not convinced? Let’s dive into some staggering automation in the workplace statistics that are sure to change your mind.

Imagine the money and time saved when machines take over repetitive tasks, leaving human brains free to innovate and create.

It sounds a little like science fiction, right? 

However, this is the reality many industries are already living in. Research indicates that automation can save companies a staggering amount of money – a crucial factor for businesses in a cut-throat competitive environment.

Let’s pull out some industrial automation statistics to illustrate this. 

Consider this: according to Statista, the global market for industrial automation is projected to grow to around $351.9 billion by 2024 source.

It’s clear that the rise of digital workflow solutions isn’t a fleeting trend; it’s a dynamic wave poised to revolutionize the industry.

Why such a sweeping shift? The answer is simple. Many employers claim that workplace automation is synonymous with efficiency and effectiveness. 

For instance, McKinsey reported that over 60% of all work activities could be automated by adopting current technology

And when it comes to automation growth statistics, they speak for themselves.

So, how much money does automation save, you might ask? Well, the proof is in the pudding. 

A recent survey by Accenture found that companies embracing digital workflow solutions could cut business process costs by up to 60%

And there’s more!

In terms of workflow automation statistics, the benefits of these solutions are multifaceted. 

A Deloitte study found that 86% of companies reported increased productivity due to automation, while 64% stated that it has led to improvement in product/service quality.

That’s two major ticks in the win column, showing us just how valuable these solutions are.

Digital workflow solutions examples

In the following examples, you’ll see digital workflow solutions in action and discover how they can help all sorts of businesses to thrive.

First, consider the bustling world of finance. With a digital workflow, approval processes for expense reports become a breeze. 

Once the report is filed, notifications zip through cyberspace, alerting the right personnel for validation. 

No more piles of paperwork or hunting down managers for approval. Just the swift, efficient magic of digital workflow software.

Let’s hop over to another scenario – an editorial team working on the next big story. 

Instead of shuffling through endless email threads, everything, from assigning tasks to approving edits, happens in one place. 

Deadlines are no longer dreaded monsters, and the wheels of creativity never stop turning.

What about graphic designers wrestling with feedback revisions? Digital workflow to the rescue! 

These workflows simplify the feedback process, making viewing, sharing, and implementing changes easier. It’s like having a virtual conference room where brilliant ideas come to life.

The benefits of digital workflow span across industries, making work processes a well-oiled machine. 

Regardless of the field you’re in, digital workflow solutions have the potential to streamline your processes, boost productivity, and put a smile on the faces of your team members.

And did you know that Process Street is a leader in workflow solution tools? 

That’s right, from HR and marketing, to customer service and banking – Process Street has got you covered!

How? By providing a no-code, simple platform with robust, powerful features, such as:

  • 1000’s of integrations with all the software and apps you need
  • AI-powered workflow builder that creates workflows in a flash
  • Conditional logic
  • Forms, perfect for gathering employee and customer feedback
  • Highly customizable workflows
  • A massive gallery of pre-made workflows!

Want to find out more? Schedule a call with our customer reps right now for a comprehensive, personalized tour!

Digital workflow solutions in Dentistry

The image of dentistry may be traditionally analog, but digital workflow solutions are rapidly changing that perception. 

They are transforming every aspect, from patient registration to advanced surgical procedures, proving that no industry is immune to the digital revolution.

Picture this: a patient walks into a dental clinic. Instead of grappling with paperwork, they’re handed a tablet. 

They breeze through the registration process while the dentist has their history, x-rays, and treatment plans at their fingertips on a similar device.

Sounds futuristic, right? Well, that’s the power of digital workflow solutions, making the dental experience less about bureaucracy and more about care.

And it doesn’t stop there! Even complex procedures, like dental implants or orthodontics, are becoming streamlined thanks to 3D imaging and CAD/CAM technology, all integrated into the digital workflow.

So, if you thought dentistry was all about drills and braces, think again. With the infusion of digital workflow solutions, it’s also about advanced technology, precision, and improved patient care. 

Digital workflow solutions in photography

Lights, camera, and… digital workflow solutions? That’s right! In the world of photography, these solutions are taking center stage, revolutionizing everything from shooting to editing. 

First, let’s set the scene. You’re a photographer, your lens focused on capturing a once-in-a-lifetime moment. 

Your shutter clicks, and the magic is captured. But, as any seasoned photographer knows, that’s just half the battle. What follows next is the daunting task of photography post-processing.

Enter the superheroes of efficiency – digital workflow solutions. With a plethora of photo workflow programs, sifting through hundreds of shots, selecting the best ones, and applying the necessary edits become a breeze. 

Your eyes will no longer go blurry from staring at your screen for hours.

Running a photography business workflow can be complex. Client management, project scheduling, billing – the tasks can pile up. 

Thankfully, digital workflow solutions aren’t shy about stepping into the business side of things, streamlining these tasks, and freeing you up to do what you do best – creating stunning visuals.

To sum up, digital workflow solutions are to photographers what a sturdy tripod is to a camera. It brings stability, efficiency, and the promise of a picture-perfect outcome. 

So, say goodbye to chaos and say hello to your new best friend – digital workflow solutions.

Benefits of digital workflows

Digital workflows offer myriad benefits that greatly enhance an organization’s operations and efficiency.

By transitioning from manual and paper-based processes to digital solutions, businesses can reap numerous advantages:


One of the most significant benefits of digital workflows is their contribution to environmental sustainability

Businesses can significantly decrease their paper consumption by reducing reliance on paper files and manual task consumption, leading to a reduced carbon footprint.

This helps protect the environment and aligns with organizations’ commitments to corporate social responsibility.

Elimination of human error

In addition, digital workflows eliminate avenues for human error that are prevalent in manual processes.

Businesses can minimize costly mistakes and streamline their operations by using automated workflows and artificial intelligence.

This leads to improved accuracy, productivity, and overall customer satisfaction.

Improved collaboration

Furthermore, digital workflows enable easy collaboration among team members.

With a single platform for all business processes, the entire team can effortlessly share and access information, facilitating effective communication and swift decision-making.

Common challenges with manual processes

Here are some challenges you’re most likely dealing with right now:

Human error

Errors in manual processes can have a significant impact on business operations.

Commonly occurring in repetitive tasks, it can result in costly mistakes and delays. This is where digital workflows come in to alleviate such issues.

Implementing digital workflows helps reduce human error by automating manual processes.

By utilizing digital labor, organizations can decrease the chances of errors caused by fatigue, distraction, or oversight.

Digital workflows ensure accuracy through standardized processes and automated checks, minimizing the risk of mistakes that can lead to data loss, compliance issues, or dissatisfied customers.

The consequences of human error in business operations can be severe.

It can lead to financial losses, damaged customer relationships, and decreased productivity.

For example, administrative tasks such as customer onboarding and order processing require accuracy to maintain customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Human errors in these areas may result in delays, wrong data entries, or improper documentation.

Repetitive tasks

Repetitive tasks in the manual workflow process pose several challenges and have a negative impact on efficiency and productivity.

These tasks are time-consuming, requiring employees to spend valuable hours on mundane and repetitive activities.

Moreover, they lead to resource wastage as valuable human resources are not fully utilized.

This manual process involves executing the same steps repeatedly, which can lead to human error and inconsistencies in the output.

It also restricts the ability to efficiently scale and handle increased workloads, resulting in delays and missed opportunities.

However, digital workflow solutions can automate and streamline these repetitive tasks, mitigating the associated challenges.

With the help of artificial intelligence and workflow automation, these solutions can intelligently handle a series of tasks, eliminating the need for manual intervention.


Inefficiencies in creating efficient digital workflows are a common challenge faced by companies.

These inefficiencies stem from various factors, such as human error, repetitive tasks, and manual processes.

Manual workflows require employees to perform tasks manually, leading to slower processes and an increased likelihood of errors.

This can result in delays, bottlenecks, and even compliance issues.

Manual tasks also tend to be time-consuming and resource-intensive, wasting valuable resources that could be better utilized elsewhere.

However, implementing digital workflow solutions can significantly reduce these inefficiencies.

By automating processes and eliminating manual tasks, businesses can save time, reduce errors, and improve overall efficiency.

Workflow tools play a crucial role in achieving time savings.

Such solutions enable the recapturing of time per person by automating repetitive tasks, allowing employees to focus on more strategic and value-added activities.

For instance, with a workflow tool, the time spent on searching for status updates can be significantly reduced, as the tool provides real-time visibility into the progress of tasks and projects.

What is digital automation? 

what is digital automation? digital workflow solutions

In a nutshell, digital automation is the symphony that plays when software solutions and business operations dance together, bringing efficiency, accuracy, and cost-saving benefits. 

But before we delve deeper, let’s address an exciting debate setting the tech world ablaze: Digital process automation vs. robotic process automation.

Digital Process Automation (DPA) is a methodology that streamlines business workflows, making them more efficient. 

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) automates repetitive tasks previously performed by humans. 

Both are integral parts of digital workflow solutions, working hand-in-hand to create an orchestra of smooth operations.

Let’s bring digital process automation in Salesforce into the spotlight. 

As a digital automation company, Salesforce has embraced DPA to revolutionize its workflow processes. 

This approach not only saves time but also reduces error and ensures seamless customer experiences.

The beauty of digital automation lies in the diverse range of workflow automation tools available. These tools, each with unique capabilities, can transform various facets of your business operations.

So, that’s digital automation for you! It’s like a master chef who meticulously combines different ingredients – DPA, RPA, digital tools, and processes – to cook the perfect dish of efficient operations!

Interesting facts about automation

interesting facts about automation digital workflow solutions

Let’s bring the curtain down on the buzzwords and shine the spotlight on some interesting facts about automation.

As the backbone of digital workflow solutions, automation is much more than a modern catchphrase. It’s a revolutionary force shaping the world of business.

Here are some facts and statistics about automation you might not have heard before:

Growing automation market

The global automation market is anticipated to reach $326.14 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 8.9% from 2020 to 2027. (Source: Allied Market Research)

Robots in the workforce

By 2025, robots could perform 52% of current work tasks, compared to 29% today. 

AI and job creation

Contrary to popular belief, automation could create more jobs than it eliminates. In fact, automation could create 12 million jobs in the U.S. over the next decade.

Energy sector and automation

Automation in the energy sector could result in savings of $157 billion by 2023

Reduced errors

The use of digital workflow solutions in the healthcare sector has decreased medication errors by 55%

Consumer expectations

67% of consumers worldwide have used a chatbot for customer support in the past year. 

These facts highlight the transformative power of automation, underpinned by digital workflow solutions. 

It’s clear we’re on the cusp of an automation revolution that will reshape how we live and work.

Will you be adding digital workflow solutions to your busines arsenal?

From enhancing efficiency and productivity to reducing operational costs, digital workflow solutions have emerged as the secret sauce for successful business operations.

They’re breaking down complex processes into manageable tasks, freeing human brains to do what they do best – think, innovate, and create.

As we stand on the brink of the digital era, one thing is clear: businesses that embrace digital workflow solutions will lead the charge into the future. 

Whether you’re a startup or an industry giant, it’s time to harness the power of these solutions, bringing about a revolution in how we work, think, and innovate.

So, are you ready to step into the future? Are you ready to embrace the magic of digital workflow solutions and automation?

It’s not just about staying ahead of the curve – it’s about shaping the curve!

Take control of your workflows today