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Updated March 7, 2024

You can integrate and Process Street in two key ways.

1. Using Zapier (check out triggers and actions)
2. Using the Workflow Run Link.

Common integration use cases include sales qualification, client onboarding, proposal & invoice generation.

Want to learn more about building a sales team? Listen to the podcast episode between our CEO Vinay and CEO of Steli. Click here to listen.

Users: In order to create an API key for integrations, you must be an Administrator.

How to use and Process Street to manage your sales qualification process

Why use this integration?

  • Using a workflow run for sales qualification means it’s easy to add new SDRs to the team.
  • Train and maintain consistency in your sales process.
  • Keep your CRM data uniform by calculating opportunity value and configuring custom fields with Zapier.
  • Inside, you can now hit one button (run qualification checklist) to instantly launch a BANT qualification workflow run and populate it with the data from your CRM.
  • You can use Process Street’s dropdown menus to categorize leads into use cases.
  • The data you input in Process Street can be fed directly back into the CRM to create your call note.
  • Checkboxes can automatically configure tasks in for your SDRs.
  • Build out notes, opportunities, and tasks while you log information on sales calls. This makes for zero data entry after each sales call and uniformity in your notes.
  • Easily run reports on your structured data (because the data is formatted properly in your CRM and Process Street, not lost on a freeform note somewhere)

Example & Zapier Setup

How to use the Workflow Run Link

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