
Managers, Users and Admins – How Roles and Permissions Work with Process Street

You can now control the permissions of users in your Process Street teams.

Watch the below video for details:

Below is an outline of the different roles inside Process Street and what permissions they have.


A user has the following permissions:

  • Start Jobs (checklists)
  • Complete Jobs
  • Leave comments

Users are the default state of a newly invited team member. If you want new Users to have more control, you will need to promote them to a Manager or Admin.


A manager has the following permissions:

  • Create new templates
  • Edit templates
  • Invite Users
  • Promote Users to Managers
  • Everything Users can do

Promote to Manager

To promote a User to a Manager, you will need to select the Manager checkbox in the Manage Team menu.


  • Admins have all permissions in an organization

To promote a User or Manager to an Admin, you will need to select the Admin checkbox in the Manage Organization menu.

Collaborative Teams

We have also added a setting so you can choose if you want your team to be collaborative or not. You can find this checkbox in the manage team section.

Collaborative Permissions

This checkbox essentially allows users to see other users activity in a team.

If this checkbox is ticked users will be able to:

  • See other users in the team
  • See other users jobs in team
  • See all archived jobs and templates from all users in the team

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Vinay Patankar

CEO and Co-Founder of Process Street. Find him on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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