Workflow software Process Street vs. Bizagi
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Process Street vs. Bizagi: Which Tool Is Right For You?

When it comes to managing business processes, selecting the appropriate software is paramount. In this blog post, we delve into the comparison between Process Street and Bizagi, two leading solutions in the realm of business process management (BPM).

Choosing the right business process software is not just a matter of preference; it’s a strategic decision with significant implications for organizational efficiency and effectiveness. The software you choose can streamline workflows, improve collaboration, and ultimately drive better business outcomes. 

However, navigating the myriad options available can be daunting, especially considering the investment required and the potential impact on day-to-day operations. With so much at stake, it’s essential to thoroughly evaluate your options and choose a solution that aligns with your company’s unique needs and objectives. 

Process Street and Bizagi are both powerful tools with distinct features and capabilities, making them popular choices for businesses of all sizes. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each platform, you can make an informed decision that sets your organization up for success.

We’ll cover: 

  • Executive Summary of the Software Tools 
  • Background of Process Street and Bizagi
  • Process Street’s Core Features
  • Bizagi’s Core Features
  • User Interface and Ease of Use
  • Integration and Compatibility
  • Customization & Scalability
  • Security and Compliance
  • Implementation & Onboarding
  • Pricing & Total Cost of Ownership
  • Pros & Cons
  • Conclusion
  • Additional Resources to Help You Make a Decision

Executive Summary of the Software Tools

Process Street and Bizagi provide distinct solutions for business process management needs.

Process Street is tailored for creating, managing, and optimizing recurring workflows and processes. The tool is best suited for small to medium businesses seeking simplicity and ease of use, particularly in industries with standardized procedures such as compliance-heavy sectors like Asset Management and Fintech. It excels in streamlining compliance processes and optimizing workflows through checklist-based approaches.

On the other hand, Bizagi offers a comprehensive BPM suite encompassing process modeling, automation, and optimization capabilities. It caters to large enterprises requiring sophisticated BPM solutions to streamline complex workflows and improve operational efficiency. Bizagi provides advanced process automation, integration with enterprise systems, and extensive analytics and reporting.

Key Takeaways:

  • Purpose and Focus: Process Street specializes in simplifying recurring workflows and processes through checklist-based approaches, making it ideal for compliance management and process optimization. Bizagi provides a comprehensive BPM suite for large enterprises seeking sophisticated process automation and optimization capabilities.
  • Target Audience: Process Street targets small to medium businesses (SMBs) with standardized procedures, particularly in compliance-heavy industries. Bizagi caters to large enterprises requiring advanced BPM solutions to optimize complex workflows and drive operational efficiency.
  • Strengths: Process Street excels in simplicity and ease of use, offering customizable checklists and a user-friendly interface. Bizagi provides advanced process automation, integration with enterprise systems, and extensive analytics and reporting capabilities.
  • Use Cases: Process Street is best suited for specific use cases such as compliance audits, quality assurance/control, and employee onboarding. Bizagi covers a wide range of use cases including business process modeling, automation, and optimization across various industries.
  • Bottom Line: Choose Process Street for small to medium businesses needing streamlined compliance processes and standardized workflows. Opt for Bizagi if you require advanced BPM capabilities and process automation for complex enterprise workflows.

Executive Summary of Process Street

  • Purpose: Process Street specializes in creating, managing, and optimizing recurring workflows and processes through a checklist-based approach, aiding organizations in streamlining and standardizing procedures.
  • Best for: It is well-suited for Small to Medium Businesses (SMBs) seeking operational systematization, teams reliant on standardized procedures, and organizations aiming for process optimization and compliance management, especially in compliance-heavy industries like asset management and fintech.
  • Key Features: Process Street offers powerful features such as a no-code workflow builder, customizable checklists, and controls to streamline compliance processes effectively.
  • Use Cases: Its applications span various areas including employee onboarding, quality assurance/control, compliance audits, content creation workflows, project management, customer onboarding, and compliance management for industries like asset management and fintech.

Executive Summary of Bizagi

  • Purpose: Bizagi is a comprehensive software tool designed to serve as a versatile work operating system, offering customizable boards and workflows to facilitate various team activities and projects. It provides a flexible platform for collaborative task, project, and process management.
  • Best for: Bizagi caters to teams of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises, seeking a centralized platform for managing their work. It’s particularly suitable for cross-functional teams requiring customizable workflows and agile methodologies.
  • Key Features: Bizagi excels in project management, task management, team collaboration, and agility, offering a centralized workspace for planning, tracking progress, assigning tasks, and adapting to changing project requirements.
  • Use Cases: Its applications cover a wide range of areas including project planning and tracking, task management, team collaboration, sales pipeline management, and product development, making it a comprehensive solution for diverse team activities.

Background of Process Street and Bizagi.

Process Street’s Background

Process Street was founded in 2013 by Vinay Patankar and Cameron McKay. The idea originated from their frustrations with managing recurring tasks and processes in their previous ventures. They envisioned a platform that could simplify and streamline workflow management for businesses of all sizes.

The company launched its beta version in 2014, focusing on providing a user-friendly interface for creating and managing checklists. Over the years, Process Street has evolved into a comprehensive business process management (BPM) platform, offering features such as process documentation, task automation, and collaboration tools.

Market Positioning and Target Audience:

Process Street is positioned as a user-friendly and intuitive BPM solution tailored for small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs). It targets organizations seeking simplicity and ease of use in managing their workflows and processes. With a focus on standardized procedures and compliance management, Process Street is particularly appealing to industries such as asset management, fintech, healthcare, and legal services.

Bizagi’s Background

Bizagi was founded in 1989 in the United Kingdom by Gustavo Gomez and has since grown into a global leader in digital process automation (DPA) and intelligent process automation (IPA) solutions. Initially focusing on business process management (BPM) consultancy services, Bizagi later developed its own BPM software platform to address the growing demand for digital transformation solutions.

The company’s platform, Bizagi Modeler, was launched in 2007, followed by the release of Bizagi Studio in 2009, targeting business users and developers, respectively. In subsequent years, Bizagi expanded its product offerings to include advanced process automation capabilities, integration with enterprise systems, and analytics tools.

Market Positioning and Target Audience:

Bizagi is positioned as a comprehensive BPM suite catering to large enterprises and organizations with complex workflow requirements. It targets businesses seeking sophisticated process automation and optimization solutions to drive operational efficiency and digital transformation initiatives. With its focus on agility, adaptability, and integration capabilities, Bizagi serves a diverse range of industries including financial services, manufacturing, healthcare, government, and telecommunications.

Process Street’s Core Features

Checklist-based Workflows

Process Street revolves around the concept of creating and managing workflows through checklists. Users can easily design and customize checklists to represent their specific processes, tasks, and procedures.

No-code Workflow Builder

The tool offers a no-code interface for building workflows, allowing users to design and automate processes without requiring any programming knowledge. This feature empowers business users to create and optimize workflows independently.

Task Automation

Process Street enables task automation within workflows, automating repetitive tasks and reducing manual effort. Users can set up conditional logic, due dates, and notifications to streamline task execution and improve efficiency.

Collaboration Tools

The software provides collaboration features that facilitate teamwork and communication among users. Team members can collaborate on checklists, leave comments, attach files, and track changes in real-time, promoting transparency and accountability.

Compliance Management

Process Street is equipped with tools to help organizations ensure compliance with regulations and standards. Users can incorporate compliance checks, approval processes, and audit trails into their workflows, making it easier to adhere to industry requirements and internal policies.

Bizagi’s Core Features

Process Modeling

Bizagi offers powerful process modeling tools that allow users to visually design and map out their business processes. With drag-and-drop functionality and intuitive interface, users can create detailed process diagrams to visualize workflows and identify areas for optimization.

Process Automation

The software enables organizations to automate their business processes to improve efficiency and reduce manual effort. It offers advanced automation capabilities, including workflow orchestration, decision automation, and integration with existing systems, allowing for seamless execution of processes across departments and systems.


Bizagi provides robust integration capabilities, allowing organizations to connect their BPM platform with other enterprise systems and applications. This enables data exchange, synchronization, and automation across different systems, ensuring a seamless flow of information throughout the organization.

Analytics and Reporting

The platform offers comprehensive analytics and reporting tools that provide insights into process performance, bottlenecks, and trends. Users can generate customizable reports, dashboards, and KPIs to monitor key metrics and make data-driven decisions to optimize processes and improve business outcomes.

Collaboration and Communication

Bizagi facilitates collaboration and communication among team members involved in process management and execution. It offers features such as task assignment, notifications, and real-time collaboration tools, allowing users to work together effectively and ensure alignment across teams and departments.

User Interface and Ease of Use

Process Street’s UI & UX (video walkthrough)

Process Street offers a user-friendly interface and a seamless user experience to facilitate efficient process management. 

  • Intuitive Design: Process Street’s interface is designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate. The platform utilizes a clean and organized layout, allowing users to quickly find and access the features they need.
  • Drag-and-Drop Functionality: The software incorporates drag-and-drop functionality, enabling users to easily create and customize their workflows. This feature simplifies the process of designing process flows and makes it convenient to modify and rearrange tasks as needed.
  • Visual Workflow Visualization: Process Street provides a visual representation of workflows, allowing users to see the entire process at a glance. This visual approach helps users understand the flow of tasks and ensures clarity in process execution.
  • Collaboration and Communication: Process Street emphasizes collaboration by enabling team members to work together on processes. Users can assign tasks, leave comments, and communicate within the platform, fostering effective teamwork and streamlined communication.
  • Mobile Accessibility: Process Street is accessible on mobile devices, allowing users to manage their processes on the go. The mobile interface is designed to provide a seamless experience, ensuring that users can stay connected and productive from anywhere.

Process Street’s UI and UX aim to provide users with a user-friendly and efficient platform for managing their workflows and processes. The intuitive design, drag-and-drop functionality, visual workflow visualization, collaboration features, and mobile accessibility contribute to a smooth and productive user experience.

Bizagi’s UI & UX (video walkthrough)

Bizagi offers a user-friendly interface and a seamless user experience to support organizations in optimizing their business processes.

  • Intuitive Process Modeling: Bizagi provides a visual and intuitive interface for modeling business processes. Users can easily create, customize, and visualize process flows using drag-and-drop functionality. This intuitive design simplifies the process modeling experience.
  • Automation Design: Bizagi offers a user-friendly environment for designing process automation. Users can define rules, conditions, and actions to automate various tasks and decision-making processes. The platform provides a visual representation of automation logic, making it easy to configure and manage.
  • Collaboration and Communication: Bizagi emphasizes collaboration among team members by allowing them to work together on process design and improvement. Users can share process models, leave comments, and collaborate within the platform, fostering effective teamwork.
  • Integration Capabilities: Bizagi seamlessly integrates with other business systems, enabling users to manage their automations and data in a unified platform. This integration capability streamlines operations and ensures data consistency across different systems.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Bizagi provides built-in reporting tools and analytics capabilities to gain insights from process data. Users can track process performance, identify bottlenecks, and make data-driven decisions for process optimization.

Bizagi’s UI and UX prioritize user-friendliness, intuitive process modeling, collaboration features, integration capabilities, and analytics. These aspects contribute to a seamless user experience, allowing organizations to optimize their operations and streamline their workflows effectively.

Integration & Compatibility

Process Street’s Integration & Compatibility

Process Street offers robust integration capabilities, allowing users to connect the platform with a variety of existing systems and tools commonly used in business environments. Some key integration options include:

  • Zapier: Process Street integrates seamlessly with Zapier, a popular automation platform, enabling users to connect Process Street with over 2,000 other apps and services. This allows for automated workflows and data exchange between Process Street and various third-party applications.
  • Slack: Process Street integrates with Slack, a leading team communication and collaboration platform. Users can receive notifications, updates, and alerts from Process Street directly within their Slack channels, facilitating real-time communication and collaboration.
  • Google Suite: Process Street is compatible with Google Suite, including Google Drive, Google Calendar, and Gmail. Users can easily import documents from Google Drive, sync tasks with Google Calendar, and send emails directly from Process Street using Gmail integration.
  • Microsoft Office: Process Street supports integration with Microsoft Office applications, such as Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Outlook. Users can import and export data from Excel spreadsheets, as well as send emails and calendar invites directly from Process Street using Outlook integration.

Bizagi’s Integration & Compatibility

Bizagi offers extensive integration capabilities, allowing organizations to seamlessly connect the platform with a wide range of existing systems and applications. Some key integration options include:

  • Enterprise Systems: Bizagi integrates with enterprise systems such as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), CRM (Customer Relationship Management), and HRIS (Human Resources Information System) platforms. This enables organizations to streamline data exchange and business processes across different systems.
  • Database Integration: Bizagi supports integration with databases such as SQL Server, Oracle, and MySQL, allowing organizations to access and manipulate data stored in external databases within their BPM processes.
  • REST and SOAP APIs: Bizagi provides REST and SOAP APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) for seamless integration with third-party applications and services. This enables organizations to automate workflows, exchange data, and trigger actions across different systems and platforms.
  • Cloud Services: Bizagi offers integration with cloud services such as Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS). This allows organizations to leverage cloud-based infrastructure and services for scalability, reliability, and performance.

Customization & Scalability

Process Street’s Customization & Scalability

Process Street offers a high degree of customization to fit specific business needs, enabling organizations to tailor workflows, checklists, and processes to their unique requirements. 

Some key customization options include:

  • Customizable Templates: Process Street provides a library of pre-built templates for common business processes such as employee onboarding, compliance audits, and project management. Users can customize these templates to align with their specific workflows and procedures.
  • No-Code Workflow Builder: Process Street’s no-code interface allows users to create and modify workflows without any programming knowledge. Users can drag-and-drop elements, customize checklist items, and set up automation rules to adapt workflows to their business processes.
  • Conditional Logic: Process Street supports conditional logic, allowing users to create dynamic workflows that adapt based on specific conditions or criteria. This enables organizations to automate decision-making and customize workflows to handle different scenarios.
  • Branding and White-Labeling: Process Street offers branding and white-labeling options, allowing organizations to customize the platform with their logo, colors, and branding elements. This provides a professional and cohesive user experience for employees and clients.

In terms of scalability, Process Street is designed to accommodate the needs of growing businesses. The platform offers flexible pricing plans and scalable features, allowing organizations to easily upgrade their subscription and add additional users, workflows, and features as their business expands.

Bigazi’s Customization & Scalability

Bizagi provides extensive customization options to meet specific business needs, enabling organizations to tailor processes, forms, and workflows to their unique requirements. 

Some key customization options include:

  • Process Modeling: Bizagi’s drag-and-drop process designer allows users to visually model and map out their business processes using BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) elements. Users can customize process properties, define business rules, and create dynamic forms to adapt workflows to their business processes.
  • Dynamic Forms and Data Models: Bizagi supports dynamic forms and data models, allowing organizations to capture and manage structured data within their processes. Users can customize forms with conditional logic, validation rules, and calculations to collect relevant information and automate data entry.
  • Integration and Extension: Bizagi offers integration and extension capabilities, allowing organizations to connect the platform with external systems and applications. Users can integrate with enterprise systems, databases, and cloud services to exchange data and trigger actions across different systems and platforms.
  • Scalability and Performance: Bizagi is designed to scale with the needs of growing businesses, offering flexible deployment options and scalable infrastructure. Organizations can deploy Bizagi on-premises or in the cloud, and the platform is built to handle large volumes of processes, users, and data with high performance and reliability.

Security and Compliance

Process Street’s Security and Compliance

Process Street places a strong emphasis on security and compliance to ensure the protection of sensitive data and adherence to relevant regulations. 

Here are some key aspects of Process Street’s security and compliance features:

  • Data Protection and Privacy: Process Street prioritizes the protection of personal and sensitive data. It implements robust security measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data. This includes encryption, access controls, and audit trails to track data access and modifications.
  • GDPR Compliance: Process Street is designed to help organizations comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is a comprehensive data protection regulation in the European Union. It provides features and functionalities that support GDPR requirements, such as data subject rights, consent management, and data breach notifications.
  • HIPAA Compliance: For organizations operating in the healthcare industry, Process Street offers features that align with the requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). This includes safeguards for protected health information (PHI), access controls, audit trails, and secure transmission of data.
  • Integration and Compatibility: Process Street is compatible with various systems and platforms commonly used in organizations. It offers integration capabilities to connect with existing systems, such as CRM, ERP, and document management systems, allowing for seamless data exchange and process automation.
  • Audit and Compliance Monitoring: Process Street provides tools for monitoring and auditing processes to ensure compliance with internal policies and external regulations. It enables organizations to track process execution, identify bottlenecks, and generate reports for compliance purposes.

Bizagi’s Security and Compliance

Bizagi places a strong emphasis on security and compliance to ensure the protection of sensitive data and adherence to relevant regulations. 

Here are some key aspects of Bizagi’s security and compliance features:

  • Data Protection and Privacy: Bizagi prioritizes the protection of personal and sensitive data. It implements robust security measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data. This includes encryption, access controls, and audit trails to track data access and modifications.
  • GDPR Compliance: Bizagi is designed to help organizations comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is a comprehensive data protection regulation in the European Union. It provides features and functionalities that support GDPR requirements, such as data subject rights, consent management, and data breach notifications.
  • HIPAA Compliance: For organizations operating in the healthcare industry, Bizagi offers features that align with the requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). This includes safeguards for protected health information (PHI), access controls, audit trails, and secure transmission of data. Independent reviews have concluded that Bizagi Cloud meets the requirements of the HIPAA/HITECH regulations.
  • ISO 27001 Certification: Bizagi is ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified, which demonstrates its commitment to information security management. This certification ensures that Bizagi follows industry best practices for managing security risks and protecting customer data.
  • FedRAMP Compliance: Bizagi Cloud for US Government is compliant with the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) at the Moderate Level. This certification ensures that Bizagi meets the security requirements set by the U.S. government for cloud services. Details can be found on the FedRAMP Marketplace.

Implementation & Onboarding

Process Street’s Implementation & Onboarding

Process Street offers a streamlined implementation and onboarding process to help users get started quickly and effectively. Here are some insights into the implementation and onboarding resources available:

Implementation Process:

  • Process Street provides a user-friendly interface that allows users to easily create and manage workflows and checklists for their specific needs.
  • The implementation process typically involves defining the workflows and checklists that align with the organization’s requirements and goals.
  • Users can leverage pre-built templates and customize them to suit their specific processes.
  • The platform allows for collaboration and sharing of workflows with team members, ensuring seamless implementation across the organization.
  • Process Street offers integrations with various tools and platforms, allowing users to connect their existing systems and enhance their workflow automation capabilities.

Onboarding Resources and Training:

  • Process Street provides comprehensive onboarding resources, including documentation, tutorials, and guides, to help new users navigate the platform and understand its features and functionalities.
  • Users can access a knowledge base that offers step-by-step instructions and best practices for using Process Street effectively.
  • Users can take advantage of the community forum called Workflow Wizards to connect with other Process Street users, share experiences, and learn from each other.
  • Process Street’s customer support team is available to assist users with any questions or issues they may encounter during the onboarding process.

Bizagi’s Implementation & Onboarding

Bizagi offers a comprehensive implementation and onboarding process to ensure a smooth transition for new users. Here are some insights into Bizagi’s implementation and onboarding:

Implementation Process:

  • Bizagi provides a cloud-based platform that simplifies the implementation process. Users can quickly set up their accounts and start using the platform.
  • The implementation process typically involves defining the organization’s processes and workflows, configuring the platform to meet specific requirements, and integrating with existing systems if necessary.
  • Bizagi offers a visual modeling environment that allows users to design and simulate their processes before deploying them.
  • The platform provides tools for collaboration and communication, enabling teams to work together on process design and implementation.

Onboarding Resources and Training:

  • Bizagi offers comprehensive onboarding resources, including documentation, tutorials, and guides, to help new users understand the platform’s features and functionalities.
  • Users can access training materials, such as videos and webinars, to learn how to effectively use Bizagi for process automation and management.
  • Bizagi provides customer support to assist users during the onboarding process and address any questions or issues they may have.

Pricing Plans Available

Process Street’s Pricing

Check out more about Process Street’s pricing here

Bigazi’s Pricing

For specific pricing details and a quote tailored to your organization’s needs, reach out to Bizagi directly.

Pros & Cons

Process Street’s Pros & Cons


  • Process Street offers a simple and intuitive interface, making it easy for users to create, manage, and execute workflows without extensive training.
  • The checklist-based approach simplifies process management and ensures consistency and compliance in executing recurring tasks and procedures.
  • Process Street provides customizable templates, no-code workflow builder, and conditional logic, allowing users to tailor workflows to their specific business needs.
  • The platform offers robust collaboration features, including task assignments, comments, and notifications, facilitating teamwork and communication among team members.
  • Process Street includes tools for compliance management, enabling organizations to streamline compliance processes, audits, and regulatory requirements.


  • With Process Street’s advanced features, users might require training to get the most out of the platform. 
  • Process Street’s pricing structure may be prohibitive for small businesses or startups with limited budgets, as it is based on the number of users and workflows.

Bizagi’s Pros & Cons


  • Bizagi offers a comprehensive BPM suite with advanced features for process modeling, automation, integration, analytics, and collaboration, providing a complete solution for digital transformation initiatives.
  • The platform provides extensive customization options and scalability, allowing organizations to tailor processes to their specific needs and scale their operations as they grow.
  • Bizagi offers robust integration capabilities, allowing seamless integration with enterprise systems, databases, and cloud services, enabling organizations to connect and automate processes across different systems and platforms.
  • Bizagi provides advanced process automation capabilities, including workflow orchestration, decision automation, and adaptive case management, enabling organizations to automate complex business processes and adapt to changing requirements.


  • Bizagi may have a steeper learning curve compared to simpler BPM solutions like Process Street, requiring training and expertise to fully leverage its advanced features and capabilities.
  • The comprehensive nature of Bizagi’s BPM suite may be overwhelming for small businesses or startups with limited resources, as they may not require all of its features and functionalities.
  • Bizagi’s pricing may be prohibitive for small businesses or organizations with limited budgets, as it is typically priced based on the number of users and features required, which can add up quickly for larger deployments.


Conclusion: Process Street

Process Street offers a user-friendly and intuitive solution for small to medium businesses (SMBs) seeking streamlined compliance processes and standardized workflows. Its checklist-based approach simplifies process management and ensures consistency in executing recurring tasks. 

With customizable templates, no-code workflow builder, and collaboration features, Process Street provides a comprehensive solution for organizations looking to optimize their processes. However, potential users should be aware of the learning curve associated with mastering the platform’s advanced features and the pricing structure based on the number of users and workflows.

Conclusion: Bizagi

Bizagi provides a comprehensive BPM suite tailored for large enterprises seeking sophisticated process automation and optimization capabilities. With its advanced features for process modeling, automation, integration, and analytics, Bizagi offers a complete solution for digital transformation initiatives. 

The platform’s extensive customization options, scalability, and integration capabilities make it suitable for organizations with complex workflow requirements. However, users should be prepared for the learning curve associated with leveraging its advanced functionalities and consider the pricing implications based on the number of users and features required.


For SMBs with standardized procedures and compliance-heavy workflows, Process Street is an excellent choice due to its simplicity, ease of use, and focus on checklist-based approaches. It’s ideal for industries like asset management and fintech where compliance and process optimization are paramount.

For large enterprises requiring sophisticated process automation and optimization capabilities, Bizagi is the preferred solution. Its comprehensive BPM suite offers advanced features for process modeling, automation, integration, and analytics, making it suitable for organizations with complex workflow requirements across various industries.

Additional Resources to Help You Make a Decision

Additional Process Street Resources

Additional Bizagi Resources

Take control of your workflows today