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3 Awesome New Checklists on How to Make a Podcast

How to make a podcast

How to Make a Podcast with Process Street

Strangely enough, I came into the content writing world from a sound engineering degree. While I stuck with it for the full three years, after a while I turned back to what I always enjoyed in college – writing.

When there weren’t enough essays to write, I got whatever writing work I could online, and, after three years of (unrewarding) jobs and about three hours of sleep, I graduated today (applause) with knowledge of two things: writing and audio.

Three years of writing ‘SEO friendly’ (read as: only search engines understand it) articles about waste removal services, and I’m finally where I want to be.

Now I can write about things I like, and that’s what we’re bringing you here. The first checklist I wrote for Process Street – The Podcast Publishing Checklist – along with three more written by the fantastic James Schramko from SuperFastBusiness – a man I can truly say knows his stuff about sound.

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