
Partner Spotlight: How Kelli Segretto Transforms Property Management Companies with Process Street

solutions consulting partner spotlight k segretto consulting

Join us as we take a closer look at the success story of Kelli Segretto of K Segretto Consulting, a leading Property Management Consulting business.

In this partner spotlight, we will explore how the strategic integration of the Solutions Partners program has played a crucial role in driving K Segretto Consulting and her clients to new heights of success. 

You will discover how Kelli leverages the power of Process Street to create customized workflows, setting a new standard in property management consulting.

Learn how Kelli leverages the Solutions Partners program to grow her own consultancy, along with fun facts about her personally and the workflows that have brought her the most joy.

The scoop with Kelli’s process management consulting company

K Segretto Consulting is a property management consulting business specializing in property management operations (PropOps) with a focus on process development, business strategy, teams, and technology.

Our Process Solutions department is focused on helping many different business types create the SOPs that will help them maximize efficiency through increased collaboration, automation, and integration.
We recognize that every business is unique, and we are passionate about helping businesses build a firm foundation tailored to their organizational needs. 

We pride ourselves in meeting people where they are at and helping them dream bigger for their future.

“Kelli is an amazing partner; I love working with her. I have seen her work with clients and am always impressed by how she thinks of solutions from all angles. The quality of her work is stellar!”

– Anne Perry, Director, Solutions Consulting at Process Street

What Kelli loves most about the work she does as a Solutions Partner

Being a Solutions Partner for a property management consulting firm provides me with amazing opportunities to work with all different types of businesses and their complex problems. 

I am endlessly curious, which means diving into the complexities of different organizations is fascinating. 

Partnering with Process Street has allowed me to learn best practices from various industries, increasing the tools in my toolkit when I build. It has expanded my thinking and allowed me to unlock my strategic creativity across the board!

I also love the opportunity I have to share product ideas and input with the team at Process Street. I take great pride in producing processes my clients will love. 

Process Street is fueled by innovation, and I love watching the tools at our fingertips continue to improve. It allows me the flexibility to create something amazing, meaningful, and full of value for the clients who entrust me with their business processes.

The most fulfilling workflow Kelli has built for a client

Oh man, this is a tough question to answer. My processes become my babies, which makes it tough to pick a favorite!

I’d say one of my more impactful workflows was for a national franchise organization. 

The greatest challenge was creating a process that was useful and highlighted the company’s best practices but could be easily modified for over 400 different office locations, which had differing laws, community expectations, and team skill levels.

The package of 12 processes I created included custom instructions on how to customize each process for the individually owned and operated office. 

There was also a feature I designed where the workflow runners could identify themselves as needing “training wheels” or if they were “a pro”. 

If they selected Training Wheels, the process was full of detailed instructions, perfect for a new hire or a brand new business owner. 

If they chose “I’m a Pro”, the instructions would be hidden, providing a more streamlined process for an experienced user.

Needless to say, the client was thrilled – bringing us on to complete more processes for their organization. I’ve even had the pleasure of building and customizing processes for several of their franchisees!

“Kelli is fantastic; she’s full of great ideas and incredibly personable.”

– Jordan Michaelis, Account Executive at Process Street

What Kelli does when she’s not building workflows

I absolutely love to travel and all things outdoors. If the weather is nice (or nice enough), you can typically find me hiking, jogging, road biking, adventure seeking, taking a city night walk, kayaking, or rock climbing.

My guy and I spent two weeks in Norway over the summer – hiking every single day at midnight and enjoying the midnight sun. It was breathtaking, and even now, we look back and wonder if it was a dream.

If I can’t be outside, I’m not the kind of girl that needs to be entertained. I love to read, sew, cook, bake, watch movies, write stories and poetry, work out in the gym, play games, or learn something new. 

I love being creative, and my curiosity knows no bounds! I will always be learning and doing my best to find balance in all things.

Most of all, I love to spend time with the people that matter most to me. 

My adventures are typically with my guy. He’s the best partner a girl could ask for. Weekdays at home are typically with one or more of my four amazing kids. Even though they are mostly grown, they keep me on my toes!

What else makes Kelli tick?

I mentioned that I love to learn, but I also love to teach! Any opportunity to give presentations, keynote addresses, lead workshops, be interviewed on podcasts, join panels, or be part of webinars – I’m in! I love the opportunity to share what I know with others. Collaboration and sharing ideas are ways we all learn how to be the best version of ourselves.

I love spending time with people, even if they are complete strangers. I love networking, attending conferences, and sharing hallway ideas with others.

I currently serve on two different national boards and a state board in my industry. I believe that being part of the solution and getting involved in your local organizations is a great way to do that!

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Anna Hase

Anna is a coffee-loving content writer with a master's in psychology, specializing in employee psychology. When she's not crafting engaging content, you’ll find her either immersed in a good book or powering through a workout at the gym.

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