
Connect Process Street with over 1,000+ Apps – Announcing our Zapier Integration!

Process Street and Zapier


We’re pleased to announce yet another integration for Process Street. This time it’s a big one — Zapier. It connects us with over 400 different services including Salesforce, Mailchimp, Wufoo and the whole suite of Google Apps.

If Zapier was a physical object, it would look a bit like a universal remote connected to an unmanageable tangle of wires with ends that slot into every different kind of machine. Thankfully, it’s a clean-cut, user-friendly and genius SaaS app that has huge potential for creativity and workflow streamlining. It makes it easy for non-developers to connect their web services together, saving time and improving productivity.

If you’re already familiar with integrations and want to get stuck in straight away, click here for 50 ways to automate your workflow with Process Street.

To learn more about Process Street (what it does and how it works) check out our help site. For the help document on our Zapier integration, click here.

Let’s take a look at how Process Street and Zapier can work together.

Using Process Street Forms with Zapier Intro

Customer Success Integraton Explained

Download our FREE 111 Page Ebook

Ever wished you could automate the stuff you hate doing at work? Then you need to check out The Ultimate Guide To Business Process Automation with Zapier!
business process automation zapier - cover

We’ve created the perfect resource to get you saving time and money by automating your business’ processes.

From basic tasks such as saving Gmail attachments into Dropbox to shipping your Salesforce leads into MailChimp, the Ultimate Guide will guide you through setting up the perfect Zaps to automatically handle the tasks that clog up your schedule.

Plus, with Zapier’s 1,000+ integrated apps, chances are that your favorite programs are just waiting to be linked!

Better yet, it’s completely free!
Download the Ebook CTA

What’s in the Ebook?

How can you use Process Street and Zapier?

Connecting two services together is done with a recipe called a ‘Zap’. To connect Process Street and Zapier you can either create a new Zap from scratch or choose from our pre-made ones.

Here are a few you can get started with right now:

The basics (Triggers and Actions)

The most basic components of a Zap are the trigger and the action.

Triggers and actions are simply events. They can be things like a “new email” or a “new contact”. A Zap combines triggers and actions — whenever the trigger event occurs, Zapier automatically completes the action for you!

Every time the Zap is triggered, Zapier automatically prompts the linked app to do something. Here are the triggers and actions you can use to create Zaps with Process Street.

Process Street Triggers

There are 4 triggers currently available. Process Street Triggers:

New Attachment ( Instant ) – Triggers when someone posts a new attachment. New Checklist ( Instant ) – Triggers when a new checklist is created. New Task Checked ( Instant ) – Triggers when a checklist task is checked off. New Comment ( Instant ) – Triggers when someone posts a comment.

Zapier’s in-depth configuration allows you to specify everything. Which template, which user, who it will be assigned to, when it’s due, and more. So when you see ‘Create a new checklist’, it means run a particular checklist from a template of your choice, and even more besides.

Process Street Actions

There is only one action currently available, the “create checklist” trigger. Process Street Actions:

Create checklist – Creates a new checklist.

The create checklist action is fully configurable. Here you can set the checklist name and due date, plus add comments and attachments. You can use these options to map data from the triggering app. This automatic data transfer is one of the most powerful features of Zapier. See in the example below I am mapping the data from the Zap “Add a card to Trello when a new checklist is created in Process Streetprocess street zapier data mapping


Let’s take a look at an example Zap to get started, screenshotted from the Make a Zap page of Zapier.

Send Activity to Slack


Process Street and Zapier + Slack

If your team uses Slack as a way to keep your notifications tidy, this Zap would cut down the amount of places you have to check up on. In this example I’ve fed Process Street comments to a Slack channel called #customer-success, where we’d have a team for onboarding new users and dealing with support tickets. The Zap only triggers for comments made in specific checklists and come to a dedicated channel, cutting the notification noise down to a bare minimum. Comments inside the onboarding checklist I specified in Zapier come through to Slack automatically, saving time and keeping everyone in the loop. Try it out:

Launch Checklists from Salesforce

Salesforce and Process Street Integrating with Salesforce with Process Street is simple because of Zapier’s clean, self-explanatory user interface and ability to call data from your connected Salesforce account to customize the automated checklist. Zaps can be configured in a lot of different ways — even though you specify the event as just ‘create checklist’, you get to name which checklist will be created, specify a due date, who will be assigned to it, whether any attachments will be uploaded or comments made automatically, etc. Creating a new checklist when a new contact is added to Salesforce allows customer success and sales teams to run recurring workflows and make sure onboarding, product demonstrations or follow-ups go as smoothly as possible. Try it out:

Save Attachments to Dropbox

Process Street and Zapier + Dropbox

Keep your attachments accessible and shareable by integrating Process Street with Dropbox. Automatically copy all Process Street attachments to any connected Dropbox (or Google Drive, Box, OneDrive etc) account and even configure the folder structure from inside Zapier. Teams working with documents such as invoices and contracts can upload their attachments to the right Process Street checklist and task, then view anywhere with Dropbox for desktop, browser, Android or iOS. Try it out:

Send an Email to Launch a Checklist

Email by Zapier + Process Street

Triggering checklists by email is just as simple as forwarding to your custom email and letting Zapier’s email parser do the rest. Forward client requests to Zapier to run a new checklist populated with the email information, such as name, email address and body text.

Zapier can even automatically assign the checklist to certain Process Street users so you don’t have to do anything more than hit ‘forward’ and monitor your team’s activity as it happens via the Process Street dashboard.

Try it out:


More integrations

Process Street and Zapier Integration

Integrate with Google Sheets to create databases or Gmail to automate checklist creation via email. Control CRM activity with a checklist instead of manually updating information by integrating with Zoho, HubSpot and plenty of others. Remember, it integrates with over 400 of the most commonly used apps, so you can connect almost anything together.

See this guide if you need more help setting up a custom Zap.

Setting up your own Zaps

If you’re wondering how you could use this exciting new functionality with your favorite apps, head over to Zapier’s integration directory, the Zapbook, to see the apps you already use that now support Process Street integrations. Creating an account is free but you’re limited to 5 Zaps and 100 tasks per month. The basic plan allows 20 Zaps and 3,000 tasks per month. For more information about pricing, see their plans.

Sign up to Zapier here ⇒

Now access 50 ways to automate your workflow with Process Street to start saving time and money today.

Don’t forget to Download our FREE 111 Page Ebook

Ever wished you could automate the stuff you hate doing at work? Then you need to check out The Ultimate Guide To Business Process Automation with Zapier!
business process automation zapier - cover

We’ve created the perfect resource to get you saving time and money by automating your business’ processes.

From basic tasks such as saving Gmail attachments into Dropbox to shipping your Salesforce leads into MailChimp, the Ultimate Guide will guide you through setting up the perfect Zaps to automatically handle the tasks that clog up your schedule.

Plus, with Zapier’s 1,000+ integrated apps, chances are that your favorite programs are just waiting to be linked!

Better yet, it’s completely free!
Download the Ebook CTA

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Vinay Patankar

CEO and Co-Founder of Process Street. Find him on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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