
All posts by Anna Hase

Recession Survival Toolkit: Business Software to Stay Afloat

Anna Hase
February 17, 2023

Are you worried the upcoming recession will turn your business to dust? Then you might find this recession survival toolkit of some use.

With global growth predicted to slow down by 70%, millions of people are anxious about what’s to come.

But I’m here to offer a solution to your concerns: technology. 

This article will explore the best tools to use during a recession.

“Yeah, right! I don’t wanna be spending more during a recession!”

Well, if your goal is to retain your employees, satisfy customers, and improve business outcomes, you will have to spend some money. At first.

Once you’ve acquired the tools needed to scale, you’ll be able to put your feet up and reap the benefits for years to come.

So are you ready to find out how tech can help during a recession?

Then follow me as I take you through all you need to know to succeed during the economic downturn.

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Employee Motivation 101: 5 HR Tips for Management

Anna Hase
September 23, 2022
employee motivation management

Employee motivation is a complex thing and something most HR professionals have struggled with at some point. 

If you’re wondering how to increase employee satisfaction, productivity, and, in turn, business outcomes, you’re not alone.

Psychologists have long debated this topic, and their findings provide a gateway to effective employee management.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the psychology behind employee motivation and dive into the solutions that will make your employees thrive.

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