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Typeform + Process Street Integration

Typeform + Process Street Integration

Updated March 7, 2024

Typeform has everything you need to build beautiful, interactive forms with absolutely no coding needed. You can supercharge your forms by integrating Typeform with Process Street via Webhooks or Zapier. For example, when your form is submitted in Typeform, that could trigger a workflow in Process Street.

Connect Typeform with Process Street via Webhook

A Webhook integration can bring information from Typeform that would trigger a new workflow run in your Process Street account. Webhooks are automated messages or payloads sent from apps as a trigger to cause an action in a receiving app.

In this example, we will create a Webhook trigger that runs the Cold Calling Process workflow when a Lead Capture Form is submitted in Typeform.

Process overview:

  • We will create a Cold Calling Process workflow in Process Street
  • We will create a Lead Capture Form in Typeform and then submit a response. When this form is filled and submitted, this will act as our trigger
  • We will create a webhook that listens for our desired trigger in Typeform and runs the Cold Calling Process workflow in Process Street

Now, let’s jump into the integration.

1. Preparations in Process Street

First, create a Workflow in Process Street and ensure to add form fields that are relevant to the data fields in Typeform. This will help you to map the relevant information from Typeform to Process Street.

This information is stored in Typeform when a form was submitted. So, we need to create relevant form fields in our workflow to push that information through to Process Street. For our example, these form fields should include the lead’s name (short text fields), phone number (number field), email address (email field), company website (website field), and so on.

This will mean that whoever is initiating the cold calling process won’t have to look up their information in Typeform, but can instead see all their details in Process Street.

2. Preparations in Typeform

Log into your Typeform account or create a new account. Since we want to trigger a new run in Process Street when a form is submitted, we first need to create a form. To set this up, click the + Create typeform in your workspace. If you have an existing form, you can use that to create your trigger as well.

3. Create a Webhook trigger to run your workflow in Process Street

To get the webhook URL from Process Street, when you’re editing your workflow, click the + icon above your task list on the left. Here, you can look for Typeform as a Trigger to Run this workflow.

You can name your webhook as the app name or any phrase that helps you identify the Trigger. Then copy your Webhook URL.

4. Set up the Webhook Trigger in Typeform

To set up webhooks in your Typeform, while editing your form, click on Connect. Then switch to the Webhooks tab and click Add a webhook. In the pop-up box, paste the webhook URL and click Save webhook. Remember to turn your webhook On once you’ve saved it.

5. Finish the setup in Process Street

Now come back to Process Street, select the event as Form submitted and test your trigger. Your payload should return as a success but if it doesn’t, you might want to go back to Typeform and submit a form response.

When your test returns successful, you can proceed to map your fields from Typeform properties to your Process Street form fields.

Lastly, turn your webhook On and Save it. Then Publish your workflow and you’re all set!

Connect Typeform to Process Street via Zapier

Zapier connects over 1,000 apps together. It’s an “if this, then that” tool, meaning that once a trigger has occurred, an action will then take place. This helps to save you time and effort by automating processes.

In this example, we look at the survey tool Typeform which provides a clean and simplified way to launch survey campaigns that are easy and enjoyable for your audience to take.

Use case:

  • A small company wants to use a Typeform survey to assess customer satisfaction
  • The company wants to reach out to the respondents who consented to be contacted

Users: In order to create an API key for integrations, you must be an Administrator.

Process overview:

  • You will send a Typeform feedback survey to clients
  • You will configure this survey to launch a workflow run inside Process Street when someone submits their completed survey
  • You will only launch workflow runs for respondents who consented to be contacted by providing their email.
  • You will allocate the workflow run to a member of your customer success team
  • You will auto-populate the workflow run with the client’s responses so they can be acted upon

Let’s look at how you can do this.

Typeform survey – you can get started by using a template in Typeform and then edit it.

Process Street workflow – you can use this in your account by clicking “Edit checklist“.

Zapier is structured so that you pick a trigger and then an action. In our integration, submitting a Typeform survey is going to trigger the zap. The zap will then take the data and give that to Process Street where it will perform the action of launching a workflow run.

Now that you have your workflow and your form set up you can go and login to Zapier.

Connecting Typeform as your trigger

Click “Make a Zap” to get started.

This will take you to the zap building screen where you can select the trigger app which is Typeform and the trigger event is “New Entry“.

Click “Continue” and sign in to your Typeform account. Click “Continue” again to move onto set up your trigger.

Here you need to choose the name of your for in Typeform. In this case, it’s a customer feedback survey.

At this point, you’ll need to fill out your Typeform survey so that you have sample data to pull into the next few steps.

Once you’ve done that, click “Continue” and test your trigger.

Add a filter by Zapier

Click the plus icon to add a filter.

This will show you the parameters you can filter by.

In the survey, we ask the client if they consent to be contacted about their response. If they consent, they enter their email in the section provided. Choose the parameters as seen in the image below.

Click continue to test this step and move on to setting up your Process Street action step.

Setting Process Street as your action

Select Process Street as your action app and the trigger option “Run Workflow“.

Connect your Process Street account with Zapier.

You can find the API key in your organization manager under your Integrations tab (you will need to be an admin in Process Street to access this).

Click “Continue” to set up your action. Select the Process Street workflow you want to run when the form is submitted.

In the workflow section, click the dropdown to find your customer success workflow. For the workflow run’s name, you can choose any of the fields from your Typeform submission.

Decide the due date for your employee to complete the workflow run and then who in your team will be assigned when the workflow runs.

Use the “Submit date”+ 24h which gives your workflow run a due day 1 day after the form was submitted.

You can find a number of Zapier help articles about general help with field types or specific articles for modifying dates and times.

Add your clients’ responses to your workflow run fields

Next, you can map more data from your client’s responses into the form fields of your new workflow run.

You can use a mix of static text and variable fields from your Typeform fields, as shown above.

Click “Continue” and test your action.

Nex head to your Process Street account and check that your workflow run was created, with all the data filled out in your form fields.

If everything looks OK, turn on your Zap and you’re all set!

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