
Career Coach: How Ari Meisel Does Career Coaching (5 Free Checklists)

Career Coach

In this article we’ll be looking at career coaching and, more specifically, how career coach Ari Meisel does it.

It does feel a disservice, however, to say Meisel is only a career coach. He’s also an author, speaker, podcast creator, productivity coach, leadership coach, business coach, and entrepreneurial strategist. He’s been featured in The Wall Street Journal, TechCrunch, Refinery29, TEDxEast, and has gained rave reviews from industry leaders.

I asked Ari Meisel for consultancy because my business was phenomenally successful, but the systems and processes we had, we could not keep up with our growth. He not only sorted us out but inspired us to venture into uncharted territory.” – Michael Hyatt, Founder of Michael Hyatt and Company

Basically, Ari Meisel is the authority figure on getting work done effectively so that your business efficiency, personal productivity, and creativity can thrive. To boot, he advocates for processes as much as we do at Process Street!

If you’re interested in making the most of your career – in addition to getting your hands on 5 of Ari Meisel’s processes – all you have to do is read through the following sections:

Let’s get started.

Career coaches provide essential guidance

I myself have experience with career coaches. In fact, if it wasn’t for one particular coach’s sage guidance, I wouldn’t have this job.

At university, I was a mediocre student. Whenever I got feedback from my tutors, they’d say: “Thom has the ability to do better, but for now, he’s simply breezing along.” And they were right. I completed the classes, the exams, and the coursework. But I didn’t put in as much effort as I should’ve.


Because I had no idea of what I wanted to do upon leaving the education system.

That all changed when I was introduced to a friend-of-a-friend, who was a practicing coach.

Before stepping into our meeting, I knew I enjoyed writing. But I didn’t know of a profession that managed to combine being able to write with financial stability (unless you’re J.K. Rowling, of course). And with the coach’s guidance, I tried their suggestion of marketing writing.

After I took up an internship as a content writer, I knew I’d found the career I wanted to settle in. I had creative freedom, I could engage with interesting audiences, and I felt satisfied knowing I was truly contributing to a business’ success.

Who did I have to thank for guiding me in the right direction?

The career coach.

It was that external, impartial figure who helped me figure out my own inefficiencies, suggest alternative routes I hadn’t considered myself, and also introduced me to best practices that will serve me for years to come. And this is what makes having a coach so beneficial.

What are the benefits of career coaching?

Why Career Coaching is important


If you’re new to career coaching, let’s begin with a definition of coaching itself:

“Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.” The International Coach Federation, definition of coaching

Essentially, coaches help their clients or “students” do and be better.

Although some people may have perceptions that coaches – and the coaching industry as a whole – is subjective, airy, and perhaps even a waste of resources, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

There’s a surplus of hard data to prove coaching is more than important: It’s necessary.

Findings from an International Coaching Federation survey show that coaching has multiple deep, positive impacts. Post-coaching, clients said they benefited from:

  • 62.4% smarter goal setting
  • 60.5% better work-life balance
  • 57.1% lower stress levels
  • 52.4% more self-confidence
  • 43.3% improvement in quality of life

Although each coach has their respective field and different coaching styles, coaching as a method of teaching, instructing, and providing education is, as we’ve seen, unparalleled.

To summarize, coaches are there to help their clients truly succeed.

Who is Ari Meisel?

Helping others succeed is exactly what Ari Meisel specializes in. He’s championed by the likes of Michael Hyatt and Tony Robbins, and that’s for good reason.

But how did he become such a prominent coach and influencer?

Through failure.


While building his many entrepreneurial ventures from the ground up, he found himself in a precarious position. Not only did he rack up over 3 million dollars in debt, but he was also diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. And all at 23 years old.

Through trial and error, he eventually turned time-consuming daily duties into automated processes. By spending less time doing work and more time living, he prioritized his body and health.

Meisel beat his Crohn’s disease, and got his life, his businesses, and his time back – quite literally – in the process.

In fact, Ari Meisel struck important tasks off his todo list and saved so much time by automating tasks that he’s now the author of multiple books – Less Doing, More Living,  The Art of Doing Less, and The Replaceable Founder, as only three examples – on top of helping his entrepreneurial clients excel in their careers.

Ari Meisel’s coaching leadership style for helping people in their careers

Meisel’s main method of teaching is via training programs.

Let’s take the 9-week masterclass, “Optimized Operator Course“, otherwise known as “The Replaceable Founder Course”, as an example of his coaching strategy. It can be completed remotely, and makes use of videos, worksheets, and coaching calls to help clients foster success.

This program is split into three separate modules:

  1. The first module is all about mastering the art of internal and external communications, ensuring that communicative bottlenecks never happen so your business can keep progressing forward.
  2. The second module focuses on project management so tasks are completed and objectives are always reached.
  3. The third and final module is concerned with process automation and optimization, meaning precious hours in the workday can be clinched back.

The other way Meisel teaches is through his books and eBooks. Just as his courses emphasize how automation can save us time, effort, and money, his books do too.

One of these books is The Process Playbook, an anthology of processes – some of which have been posted on Medium.

From streamlining the hiring process to developing better lead generation, developing a content distribution machine to automating a process in the absence of a trigger, this anthology provides readers with actionable, easy-to-implement business processes.

And all the processes are applicable to people in a whole range of roles across all industries.

So, to help get you ahead of the curve, we’re offering you the 5 processes featured in The Process Playbook. These 5 essential processes are used by Ari Meisel himself, and have helped him to bolster his own career and life exponentially.

Ari Meisel’s “Process Playbook” quicklinks

We know you’re raring to streamline your career, your life, and well, everything, with these processes. To access them immediately, click on the quicklinks below. To understand the processes in far greater detail however, keep scrolling.

Ari Meisel’s how to streamline the hiring process guide

How to hire employees faster

As technology evolves, processes should become easier, simpler, and faster.

However, this hasn’t been the case with regard to hiring.

Only 30% of companies fill a vacant position within a month, while 50% of companies take 1-2 months, and 17% take over 3 months.

This is particularly worrisome considering that 70% of job seekers lose interest if they don’t hear back from the company in question after a week of being interviewed.

If your organization is struggling to reduce its time-to-hire, then follow Ari Meisel’s guide to streamlining the hiring process. Meisel uses process automation to his advantage – and so can you.

The first time you follow Ari Meisel’s how to streamline the hiring process guide, you will create all the necessary automations. Then, if you need to hire for other positions, run a new checklist from this template and complete the manual steps. All the automations should’ve been set up the first time around, meaning you can dive straight into recruiting qualified candidates again!

Click here to get Ari Meisel’s How to Streamline the Hiring Process Guide

Ari Meisel’s how to develop a content distribution machine guide

How to repurpose content

From blog posts to newsletters, videos to podcasts, your company’s content marketing plays a massively important role in your business’ success. Not only will it establish your business as credible and trustworthy, as the Content Marketing Insitute discovered, but it also costs less than other forms of marketing, and generates 3 times more leads.

However, content creation and content distribution can often be lengthy processes – if you’re not automating and using simple digital tools to labor-save, that is.

By following Ari Meisel’s how to develop a content distribution machine guide, you’ll be shown how one Facebook Live broadcast can be turned into marketing podcasts, blog posts, social videos – and more – all by setting up a handful of easy-to-implement automations.

Follow Meisel’s guide once, build the automations (which are mainly in, and you’ll be on your way to creating and distributing stellar digital content across the web.

It’s time to feel content with your content.

Click here to get Ari Meisel’s How to Develop a Content Distribution Machine Guide

Ari Meisel’s how to automate podcast production process

How to make podcasts quickly

The internet has helped foster the growth of new forms and formats, such as blogging, vlogging, and podcasts.

The popularity of podcasts, in particular, shows no sign of slowing down.

In fact, at the 2018 WWDC (Worldwide Developers Conference), Apple said there were over 5550,000 podcasts available, and on Apple Podcasts alone, there have been over 50 billion episode downloads since the platform launched in 2005.

Ari Meisel is the creator and host of The Less Doing Podcast, a podcast about life hacks, automations, and productivity (and more!). Meisel understands the intrinsic benefits of podcast marketing, and so should you.

With Ari Meisel’s how to automate podcast production process, you can create, build, and most importantly help automate podcast production. By optimizing, automating, and outsourcing tasks that would otherwise take precious time away from you, you can not only save yourself time and effort, but you can also create amazing content far more rapidly.

We’ve added stop tasks to this process, ensuring that important tasks aren’t skipped over, helping you to set up the process as easily and quickly as possible.

Ready to put the ‘pro’ in ‘production’?

Click here to get Ari Meisel’s How to Automate Podcast Production Process

Ari Meisel’s how to develop better lead generation checklist

Improving lead generation

With your podcast production being automated and your content machine in place, the result should be more leads.

But how is your lead generation overall? And could it be bettered by using machine learning and automations?

If the answer is yes, Ari Meisel has the answer for developing better lead generation.

By following this checklist, you will utilize marketing tools ClearBit and MonkeyLearn, then build a Zap which notifies your team once a new email newsletter signup is tagged as a customer. From that point on, your sales team can go in and do what they do best.

Ari Meisel’s how to develop better lead generation checklist is a potent example of using digital tools to maximize productivity and minimize wasted time.

Are you ready to start developing better lead generation yourself? After all, more leads mean more customers. And more customers mean higher profits.

Click here to get Ari Meisel’s How to Develop Better Lead Generation Checklist

Ari Meisel’s how to automate a process in the absence of a trigger guide

Automation with absent trigger

If you’re interested in business process automation and creating Zaps to take care of recurring tasks for you, then perhaps you’ve asked yourself the question “is it possible to trigger an automation when something doesn’t happen?”

Ari Meisel found himself in a conundrum after he was asked this question by one of his clients.

However, after trial and error, Meisel figured out how to automate a process in the absence of a trigger.

All that’s needed is to integrate a few pieces of business software, and, via Zapier, build specific automations and rules.

The use case Meisel presents in this guide is for an owner of a small restaurant chain who wants their restaurant managers to give weekly updates on the status of their restaurants. If the managers report back on time, a certain action takes place. If they don’t report back in due time – and there’s an absence of a trigger – a different action occurs.

This automation works for a wide variety of scenarios. All you need to do is edit the appropriate informational fields in the web-form, Google Sheet, and Zap you’ll be using, and apply the automation to a situation relevant to you.

To help you complete Ari Meisel’s how to automate a process in the absence of a trigger guide properly and efficiently, stop tasks have been added, making sure you don’t miss important steps.

Click here to get Ari Meisel’s How to Automate a Process in the Absence of a Trigger Guide

Additional resources for streamlining your career and life

There you have it – 5 free career-changing processes from Ari Meisel himself. And to help you strive further, we’re offering more essential processes and related resources which you can use right away!

The next 3 checklists are inspired by work and life coaches Tony Robbins, Lisa A. Romano, and Brian Tracy. From hacking your morning routine to overcoming that negative, critical inner voice we all put up with, these processes have been carefully created so you can apply the wisdom of industry experts yourself.

Tony Robbins: Morning routine

Lisa A. Romano: Overcoming negative self-talk

Brian Tracy: Public speech preparation

Want more free, actionable resources? We’ve got you covered.

Read through the below 5 blog posts, take note, and apply their lessons to help you be organized, productive, and the best version of yourself in your career and wider life.

Who are your favorite coaches? What advice have they given that’s been particularly useful for both your career and wider life? Leave a comment below. I’d love to know your thoughts.

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Thom James Carter

Thom is one of Process Street’s content writers. He’s also contributed tech-related writing to The New Statesman, Insider, Atlassian, G2, The Content Marketing Institute, and more. Follow him on Twitter @thomjamescarter.

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