
All posts in Automation

9 Task Automation Tools You Should Be Using Right Now

Task Automation Tools You Should Be Using

Overlooking task automation is losing you money

According to Harvard Business Review, marketing executives are losing 10-15% of their time due to not automating simple tasks.

Task automation should already be saving you huge amounts of time and effort.

If it’s not, I can only assume that’s because you’re not using it!

If you’re a heavy user of different SaaS platforms, you’ve probably grown tired of having to jump back and forth from one to another to perform simple tasks.

Would it not be easier if you could click one button and the different platforms just spoke to each other and got the job done for you?

Yes, it obviously would be.

In fact, according to Chui, Manyika, and Miremadi writing in the Harvard Business Review, not only could a marketing executive be automating activities which account for between 10-15% of their current time using existing technology, but for 60% of existing US jobs, 30% of their time could be reduced by automation.

You can read the full report, Four Fundamentals of Workplace Automation, at McKinsey.

Note, that this important study is already over a year old, and the speed of technological advancements in available automation software has likely caused those given percentages to rise even further.

Task automation is where you doing one task results in multiple tasks being done. Bit of a mouthful, but let me give an example…

Or, if you want to watch a step by step example, check out this Process Street video about automating client onboarding.

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Business Process Optimization: What, How, Why? (Free Templates)

business process optimization

At Process Street, we’re all about process optimization: creating, implementing, analyzing, mapping, improving, and automating.

There are a lot of layers to processes and it’s easy to get caught up in the complexities.

But really, it’s quite simple.

You need to document your workflow and then follow it, making improvements where necessary over time; continuous improvement.

All of this can be summed up by the concept of process optimization.

In this Process Street article, we’ll give you a quick actionable overview of how to optimize your processes with some tips and tricks of what to look for and how to do it.

We’ll cover:

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How HR Automation Can Streamline Your Important Workflows

hr automation

Hanson Cheng is the founder of Freedom to Ascend. He empowers online entrepreneurs and business owners to put the HR automation systems in place for growth and 10x their business.

Despite being responsible for managing human resources, the HR department is usually one of the most understaffed and overworked departments in many companies. This is because HR involves many manual, repetitive, and monotonous tasks—these range from recruitment to pay and benefits to everything else in-between.

Automating your HR processes will help you:

  • Streamline workflows
  • Ensure all your processes are consistent
  • Reduce errors

Ultimately, HR automation saves you time and money — valuable resources you could better spend on other pressing HR tasks. Research shows that automation can help decrease administrative tasks by 49 percent for HR employers and 30 percent for HR professionals. The same study also revealed that up to 34 percent of HR departments said their organizations were slow in adopting HR automation.

In this Process Street post, we’ll be covering:

Let’s jump right in!

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OKR Management from a Slack HQ with Weekdone + Process Street


Setting OKRs is a great way to improve performance by rallying your team around clear, action-oriented goals.

The best OKRs are ambitious, but realistically achievable, within reasonable deadlines.

In this post, we’ll look at how to set and manage your own company OKRs using an integration between OKR management software Weekdone and workflow management software Process Street.

We’ll cover:

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How We Use Automations for Marketing Operations Reporting

How We Use Automations for Marketing Operations Reporting

As your marketing team’s content manager, you want to be able to know your content engine is working for you at maximum efficiency, and have a clear overview of the important work being done.

This is perhaps easier said than done, when there can be countless systems and processes to keep track of, from marketing operations, onsite content, offsite comarketing relations, email correspondences, to SEO reporting – it can all become overwhelming.

But it doesn’t have to be!

Wouldn’t it be great if you could benefit from detailed reporting without having to bend over backwards restructuring your meetings and how you collect data?

Well, that’s more or less how we’ve set up reporting in our marketing team at Process Street. In this post I’ll briefly summarize how our marketing team saves time and effort with a nifty workflow that utilizes Automations and native integrations, and allows us to:

  • Coordinate dozens of comarketing relationships while maintaining clear record of communications;
  • Track the number of guest posts we’ve accepted and published;
  • Highlight top priority action items;
  • Quickly & easily analyze referring domains of target pages;
  • Automatically push everything into Google Sheets;
  • Automatically generate graphs and charts;
  • Automatically post a Slack message with key marketing reporting metrics;

Specifically, this post will cover:

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4 Workflows to Get You Started with Automations

Get-the-Most-Out-Of-Your-Work-Apps-with-Automations-4-x-Free-WorkflowsWe’re all using multiple apps for work, and we know how quickly this work becomes inconsistent and messy. You don’t always know what’s been done or what to do next.

For years, Process Street customers have been automating work and showing us first-hand the value of integrating Process Street with other tools to create powerful workflows like updating Salesforce opportunities, filing Jira tickets, and sending DocuSign contracts.

On top of that, a number of our enterprise customers have asked for more visibility, more security and fewer third-party points of failure.

So we took all that great functionality and made it native within Process Street.

Automations allows teams to streamline multi-app workflows into a simple, cohesive process.

Allow me to introduce Process Street’s Automations feature!

Our no-code Automations editor makes connecting and building with different applications as simple as writing a checklist. Always enjoy easy visibility into how your automation is configured and when it’s running.

This post provides a workflow stack packed with all the information you need to get started building your own Automations. Whether you’re a Sales manager trying to onboard a new customer, an HR manager onboarding a new employee, or you want to report a technical error to the development team – we’ve got you covered.

Ready set … automate! ⚡️
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Level Up Your Favorite Work Apps With Automations

Level Up Your Favorite Work Apps With AutomationsToday, we’re excited to announce Automations, a new set of direct integrations helping you create and run custom processes using built-in functionality from some of the world’s most popular software tools.

Anyone who’s ever updated an opportunity in Salesforce or created an issue in Jira knows the power of those applications. It can feel like a world of endless possibilities right at your fingertips. It’s what we love about these tools, and why teams like us use them every day.

But sometimes, instead of endless possibilities, you need a specific set of tasks done quickly and correctly. You need a process. That’s what we’ve helped thousands of companies with, and that’s why we’re so excited to announce our newest feature, Automations.

Automations brings your critical apps together to drive your team’s most important processes. Powering Automations is a new set of native integrations with:

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Create More Time in Your Day with Our New Slack App

slack app

Having everything you need in one single place just makes life easier, doesn’t it?

That’s why Process Street is launching the Slack App.

According to research, the average employee switches between 35 job-critical applications more than 1,100 times every day.

Turn your Slack Workspace into a super-tool for recurring work with our new Slack App. You can receive Process Street notifications, work on tasks, approve or reject decisions or documents, and complete checklists, without ever having to leave Slack !

Open fewer tabs, work from one place, and add more time back into your day with Process Street’s Slack App.

Sounds good, right?

That’s because it is. But, don’t take our word for it, read this post to get a quick overview of:

Ready to make your life easier?
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What is Form Automation Software? How to Pick the Best Form Software

form automation software

I have a riddle for you:

What has four sides, often goes missing, comes from trees, and can be expensive to reproduce?

I’ll give you a hint.

It wastes up to 40% of on-the-job time, and about $120 billion per year in the US alone.

Need another?

Around 7.5% of them will be lost or misplaced each year (about one lost every 12 seconds), and for each that gets lost you’re looking at a loss of between $350 to $700 in employee time.

Did you get it yet?

Condescending sarcasm aside, I am of course talking about paper forms. But this article isn’t about paper forms, per se; it’s about how you can get rid of paper forms in your business with form automation software.

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The Ultimate Guide to Content Creation Automation (by GroverAI)

The Ultimate Guide to Content Creation Automation-03Grover is a state-of-the-art defense against neural fake news, developed in affiliation with the Allen Institute of AI by Rowan Zellers, Ari Holtzman, Hannah Rashkin, Yonatan Bisk, Ali Farhadi, Franziska Roesner, and Yejin Choi from the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering.

Publishing is the future of commerce, and no industry knows this better than the publishing industry. Whether you’re a fine artist like the cast of The Handmaid’s Tale, or a business, no matter your venue, you need to transform your content into a high-quality experience that stands above the competition.

For these noble causes, small and large publishers have joined forces to create the industry’s most powerful collaboration. For years, they’ve developed their own content management systems, (CMS) systems like WordPress, to power their new content. If you’re a writer, you’ve been spending thousands on graphics, forms, and audio equipment, alongside all the other expenses inherent to working with a CMS system. But, now’s the time to update your CMS system and cut out the middleman.
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