
All posts in Inspections

How to Conduct a Safety Inspection (With Over 40 Free Checklists)

Safety Inspection

All businesses need a safety inspection.

And the humble safety inspector is one of the forgotten heroes of our modern age.

I know, I know, you get it all the time. People must be buying you drinks non-stop.

In the UK, for instance, there has been an 84% decrease in the number of fatal injuries by employees at work.

In 1974, Britain saw almost 700 people die at work. Now only around 100 die each year at work. That’s about 600 fewer deaths.

Map that back to 1974 and account for a fairly consistent downward trend and we can determine that about 13,500 people didn’t die thanks to improved workplace safety. And that’s just the UK!

safety inspection fatal injuries to employees

Those lives are on you, safety inspectors.

To show our appreciation, we’re providing a whole bunch of safety inspection checklists – from the ones you expect to the ones you don’t.

In this Process Street article, we’re gonna cover:

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How to Perform a Fire Extinguisher Inspection (Free Template!)

Fire Extinguisher Inspection

Lunch was over.

I was walking back to our senior common room with my friends. When we reached Foundation House, we found all of the students and teachers standing outside while the fire brigade trailed in.

There was no smoke or visible flames but I saw three friends that we’d left in the common room off to one side of the car park looking sheepish.

Turns out that they’d managed to make a pseudo-napalm launcher out of a tube of Pringles, a rubber band, spray deodorant, a lighter, and a supply of biro casings.

My friends were smart but, as you might’ve guessed, had no common sense.

Whether you have students setting off fire alarms with molten flaming plastic or have a much larger accident, it’s important to know that your safety measures are up to standard.

$25 billion in damages were caused by fire in 2018 in the US alone, which should tell you how vital it is to catch fires and deal with them early before they need additional help to contain.

That’s why fire extinguisher inspections are so important.

In this post I’ll cover:

You’ll also get access to Process Street’s free Fire Extinguisher Inspection Checklist in the very next section of this article!

Let’s get started.
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Quality Control: How to Get It Right With 19 Free Templates

Quality control

As I stood, staring at my big toe which had somehow poked its way through a layer of polyester, it occurred to me that:

    1. These 2-month-old running shoes definitely needed to be disposed of.
    2. I will not be buying from this poor quality brand again.

In this scenario, I had fallen victim to poor quality control measures.

Purchasing a pair of running shoes not robust enough to meet my needs meant I, as a consumer, was not satisfied and did not repeat my custom with the given brand.

This reaction is to be expected.

A study by Psomas et al, detailed on Emerald Insights, concluded that effective quality control measures, in the form of Quality Management Systems (QMS systems), directly improve employee benefits, business performance, and customer satisfaction.

Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives” – William A Foster, Forbes Quotes

In this Process Street article, we take a look at what quality control is, and how you can implement effective quality control processes in your business today.

You will be presented with 19 free templates, ready and waiting to be used right away. These templates will help you build and audit your QMS systems, to meet the needs of key stakeholders in your business.

  1. ISO 9001:2015 Internal Audit Checklist for Quality Management Systems
  2. Financial Audit Checklist
  3. Environmental Accounting Internal Audit
  4. Environmental Management Self Audit Checklist
  5. Management Systems Audit Checklist
  6. ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Integrated Management System (IMS) Checklist
  7. PPC Audit Checklist
  8. Google Analytics Audit
  9. Technical SEO Audit
  10. UX Audit
  11. ISO 27001 Information Security Management System (ISO27K ISMS) Audit Checklist
  12. SQL Server Audit Checklist
  13. Firewall Audit Checklist
  14. Network Security Audit Checklist
  15. ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Audit Checklist
  16. Diversity Management Monthly Audit
  17. Hotel Sustainability Audit
  18. Laboratory Safety Procedure Audit
  19. Retail Store Audit Checklist

Sound good?

Click on the relevant subheader below to jump to that section, alternatively, scroll down to read all I have to say.

Let’s begin!
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Gemba Walk: How to Strive Forward by Taking a Step Back

Gemba Walk

You’ve heard of the moonwalk. But have you heard of the Gemba Walk?

From a business standpoint, the Gemba Walk is infinitely more useful (though the moonwalk is pretty cool).

Specifically, the Gemba Walk allows businesses to continuously improve how they do things by remedying their processes, procedures, and workflows for recurring tasks. The continual process improvements that Gemba Walking brings helps businesses exponentially – 1 in 4 improvements save time, and 1 in 10 improvements save money.

And this is all achieved by simply stepping back, rather than blindly pushing forward.

Want to know more?

I thought so.

In this post, I’ll tell you what Gemba Walk means, the origins of it, its benefits, and how Process Street can help both remote and physical businesses do the Gemba Walk.

Just read through the following sections to get clued up:

Now, let’s sprint through the rest of the post! ‍♂️

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Audit Process: 5 Expert Steps for You to Get Your Audit Right

Audit-Process$22 trillion.

That was the cost of the financial crisis to the U.S. economy. This created a less than ideal environment for any business to survive in. The period saw 200,000 small businesses vanish into a black hole of recession, engulfing 3 million jobs down with them.

I have said it before, and I will say it again: The 2008 U.S. financial crisis and the devastation it brought was the result of audit process failures. This has been concluded by The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC).

Like the FCIC, we at Process Street understand the importance of following a set audit process. Not doing so can bring devastating consequences on all scales. To country economics, right down to small businesses.

In this article, we will:

  • Define the term audit process
  • Explain why it is important to follow a set audit process
  • Outline an audit process followed by professional auditors
  • Show how you can implement this set audit process into your business for free

Read this article and action the advice we give. By doing so you will be protected from common audit process pitfalls and the resulting cataclysmic consequences. You can click on the relevant links below to jump the section of your choosing:

Alternatively, take the time to read all we, at Process Street, have to say.

Shall we get started?

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Operational Audit: Best Practices Used by the Experts

Operational Audit, Best Practices Used by the Experts

70% of all businesses fail within the first 10 years.

Business owners reading this: for every ten of you, 7 will fold.

Despite that morbid start, I begin this Process Street article looking at the operational audit. I will demonstrate how using an operational audit can refine, improve, and evolve your business operations, setting you up for business prosperity. Wouldn’t it be nice to alter the above stat to 100% business success?

A tall order but, as the Westlife song goes, Nothing is impossible – apologies if you are not a Westlife fan. I believe that optimized operational audits play a significant role in driving business success. In this article, I will explain why. You will also find out:

  1. What an operational audit is
  2. The benefits operational audits bring to Business
  3. Operational audit best practices
  4. How you can implement internal operational audits with Process Street. These will be recurring processes within your business

To jump to the relevant section, click on the links below. Alternatively, scroll down and read all to become an expert in the auditing world.

Let’s get started!

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