
All posts by Jane Courtnell

11 Sales Onboarding Templates For Maximum Employee Retention


 Sales Onboarding Processes

Studies show that effective employee onboarding improves employee retention by 82%. And this applies to sales onboarding, as well! When considering the average cost of replacing an employee is ~$30,000, you will recognize how vital good onboarding processes are.

Despite this, 88% of organizations don’t onboard well. This is a major problem burning holes in a lot of pockets and a reason why sales onboarding is so important.

In this Process Street article, you’ll learn what sales onboarding is and the benefits good onboarding brings to a business. You will find out key skills to be identified and nurtured during the sales onboarding process before being granted access to Process Street’s Sales Onboarding Checklist for free. This checklist is uniquely designed to help you develop effective sales onboarding processes.

This article has been written to assist in the creation of a leading sales team. To do that we give you our top 11 template resources. You can click on the links below to be directed to these templates, or scroll down to find out more.

  1. Sales Onboarding Checklist
  2. Diversity Hiring Process
  3. Ari Meisel’s How to Streamline the Hiring Process Guide
  4. Code of Conduct Policy Adherence Process
  5. Employee Background Check
  6. Employee Developmental Plan Template
  7. Employee Satisfaction Survey
  8. Performance Management
  9. Performance Review Template
  10. Training Plan Template
  11. Sales Manager Job Description Template

Click on the relevant subheader below to jump to the section of choice. Or, as recommended, scroll down to read all we have to say regarding sales onboarding.

Let’s get started, shall we?
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Business Risk: The 3 Main Threats to Your Business and How You Can Manage Them

Business Risk - The 3 Main Threats to Business and How You Can Manage Them

Global stock markets post biggest falls since the 2008 financial crisis.”The Guardian, 9th of March 2020

Business risk can come out of no where at any time.

It was a Tuesday morning and my phone buzzed me out of my groggy, lethargic state, flashing open the above notification. The Coronavirus had hit businesses and our economy hard, potentially costing 2.7 trillion globally.

A viral risk, that went viral. Was something like this not foreseeable?

In this Process Street article, we turn our attention to the concept of business risk. As we write this article, the corona crisis is unfolding. We were warned about the risk of a virus outbreak but it appears we weren’t as prepared for it as we could have been.

But viruses are not the only risk we face. The 2020 Global Risk Report from the World Economic Forum (WEF) highlights a host of other risks, which we’ll turn our attention to in this article.

To get started, click on the relevant subheaders below to spring to that section. Alternatively, scroll down to read all we have to say regarding the concept of business risk.

Belts and braces on, let’s jump to it!
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7 Steps To Procurement Management To Optimize Processes Responsible for ~70% of Revenue

procurement management

Procurement management directly impacts an organization’s bottom-line and can be responsible for 70% of revenue. With this in mind, it’s important to get procurement right.

The world of procurement has undergone tremendous changes in the past couple of years. Changes of particular importance when thinking about procurement management include:

  • Digital transformation: With 85% of organizations believing that this digital transformation will change the way they deliver services over the next 3-5 years.
  • Thinking about suppliers beyond price: With a greater focus on supplier synergies. The importance of supplier visibility regarding the procurement steps is realized.
  • Moving to effective change management: Organizations focus on a smooth change management plan, with procurement leaders agreeing change management is the biggest roadblock to achieving procurement goals.
  • Risk management and preparing the unexpected: With transparent procurement systems reducing risk exposure. Only 65% of procurement leaders have little or no visibility in their supply chain.

With this in mind, in this Process Street article, we explain how you can create a procurement management solution that leverages a digital transformation (using Process Street as your procurement management software), thinks about suppliers beyond price, and incorporates effective risk and change management.

Click on the relevant subheader below to jump to your section of choice. Alternatively, scroll down to read all we have to say on procurement management.

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16 Onboarding Best Practices to Improve Employee Retention by 82%

onboarding best practices

Glassdoor reports effective employee onboarding increases retention by 82%.

“Organizations with a strong onboarding process improve new hire retention by 82% and productivity by over 70%”

Now consider the cost of hiring a new employee is between ~6-9 months salary (the average salary for a customer success manager in the U.S. is ~$85,000 annually). When you do the math, it becomes clear how costs start to rack up.

If you’re a SaaS company dedicated to growth and gaining a competitive edge, this is an unnecessary cost that every team, including your customer success team, should avoid.

One of the best ways to improve retention is by focusing on your employee onboarding. That’s what we’re going to look at in this Process Street article.

We’ll explain how we, along with Salesforce, Netflix, and Intercom, onboard our customer success managers.

And if you’re going to invest in onboarding, making sure your customer success managers are onboarded effectively is a good way to effectively hit two birds with one stone. Your CSMs are in charge of customer onboarding, so by providing a solid employee onboarding foundation to orient them, you’re also laying the foundation for a solid system of client onboarding.

By the end of this article, you’ll have learned the 16 employee onboarding best practices used by these top 4 international tech companies. Although these onboarding best practices are specific to a customer success manager role, they’re applicable across most business departments.

Let’s get stuck in!
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How to Run a Security Audit: The Ultimate Guide (+ Free Templates)

Your Ultimate Guide on How to Run a Security Audit (+ Free Templates)

Readers, I’ll let you in on a little secret…

Between you and me, I was hacked; by my best friend no less! Thankfully, it was just an irritating prank, but it served to teach me a lesson.

Despite my grandiose beliefs that I knew everything I needed to know about all things digital, I hadn’t the faintest idea about how to spot a fraudulent message from a legitimate one. And this kind of threat is one of the biggest risks businesses face today.

In 2005, 157 data breaches were reported in the U.S., with 66.9 million records exposed. From 2005-2014 there was a 500% increase in data breach frequency.

That number almost doubled in 3 years to 1,579 reported breaches in 2017.

Although data breaches have since declined (1,506 issues were reported in 2019), IBM’s 2020 Data Breach report filed a 12% rise in data breach costs over 5 years, increasing to ~$3.92 million per incident.

The growing number of breaches and associated costs seems to be consequential of continuously changing hacking methods and an expanding number of entry points (that comes from digitization).

Security audits allow organizations to set up tougher walls of safety, as an adaptive defense against data breach threats.

With this in mind, Process Street created this article as your ultimate security audit guide, with access to our free security audit checklists and processes.

We’ll be covering:

Let’s get started!
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Cut Costs With This Free Strategic Planning Template

 Strategic Planning Template

In the book The Balanced Scorecard, by David Norton and Robert Kaplan, it is noted that 90% of organizations fail to execute their pre-set strategy.

This is a concerning statistic when you consider that, for a majority of companies considered successful, an emphasis is placed on having formal and pre-established systems to inform, manage, and meet their strategic obligations.

In this sense, can we not infer executing business strategy = business success?

To bridge this gap between strategic ambition and business performance, Process Street has created a Strategic Planning Template, which you can use – for free – right away!

By executing the steps given in this template you will not only develop good strategy, but the delivery of this strategy will also prove successful.

Click here to access our free Strategic Planning Template!

But to accommodate this template, you need to have a solid understanding of strategic planning itself.

In this article, I’ll discuss what strategic planning is, the different strategic planning models – with an emphasis on the Cascade Strategic Planning Model -, why strategic planning is important, and more.

Click on the links below to read through:

Let’s jump straight to it!
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The 14 Best Job Description Templates that Your Company Needs Today

The best job description templates

Did you know that job description templates can make your employee hunting 10x more efficient?

With the estimated cost of $4,129 for a new hire, it’s clear that that empty chair is an expensive one to fill. To make this cost more like an investment for your company than an expense, you want to get your hiring process right. You want to hire the ideal candidate, but where do you start?

At Process Street, we say you start your recruitment process by writing a solid job description. This is no easy task: you have around 14 seconds to convince applicants that your job is the perfect job for them.

Get your job description right and you can draw in the most qualified, skilled and well-fitting applicants. But how do you get your job description right?

We’ve covering what you need to know to start crafting the right job description for your needed role in this Process Street article. We’ve also provided you with 14 of the best job description templates for your company.

Let’s dive in!
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Your Quick Guide to Energy Management for Sustainability and Reduced Business Costs

Your Quick Guide to Energy Management, for Sustainability and Reduced Business Costs

This article started with a cold cup of tea.

I was in the middle of a power cut, and the teabag floated despondently in a sad, mottled brew. In the confusion, I’d allowed the beverage to cool for far too long. All of that precious energy transferred to raise the temperature of the kettle to boiling point, gone to waste, and there was nothing I could do about it.

This is an example of poor energy management on my part.

As I sulked over the absence of my morning brew, it did get me thinking, would society ever face these kinds of energy management problems, like I easily had?

Welcome to the energy crisis” – Lawrence J. Becker, Welcome to the Energy Crisis

Some of you may have already experienced, say, aggravating waits in lines for gasoline, or your pocketbooks taking a punch from inflation. But, energy problems – like a cold cup of tea – are not only personal, they permeate into society and our economy.

80% of U.S. energy comes from fossil fuels. According to BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy, we have 115 years of coal and roughly 50 years of oil and natural gas remaining. To compound this, we also need to leave ~80% of current fossil fuel reserves untouched if we stand a chance of meeting IPCC 1.5°C (34.7°F) warming targets.

Energy management is the process of tracking and optimizing energy consumption for your business. It’s a continuous process, easily implemented by following the correct procedure.

In this Process Street article, you’ll learn about best practices for energy management, how you can successfully manage energy in your business (and beyond), as well as how to adopt best energy management practices using a handy free checklist to help you save time and money.

Don’t cry over cold tea. Learn how to manage energy properly, for a healthier business and a healthier planet. Click on the relevant subheader below, or continue reading as you please:

Let’s not waste any more time, and get right into the basics of energy management.
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30+ HR Tools to Build Your Ultimate HR Toolkit

hr toolkit

2/3 of HR managers agree that Human Resources is undergoing a digital transformation. And with this transformation comes a plethora of digital HR tools designed to optimize HR-related operations. These tools improve efficiency, employee experience, regulatory compliance, and save you money.

However, the sheer diversity of HR tools available brings a challenge. The challenge to find the right HR tools for you and your team, to build your ultimate HR toolkit. Your HR toolkit is a set of tools that aid HR-related functions, and it’ll be specialized for you and your business.

How do you choose the right HR tools to optimize your HR toolkit?

The answer to that question lies here. In this Process Street article, you’ll learn what HR tools are and how you can utilize the best HR tools for each specific HR-related function. After vigorous qualitative research and trial-and-error, we’re delighted to present you with our top 30+ HR tools to help you build your ultimate HR toolkit.

Click on the relevant subheader to jump to your section of choice. Alternatively, scroll down to read all we have to say.

Let’s begin!
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9 Free Templates for a Successful Change Management Plan

9 Free Templates for a Successful Change Management Plan

Flicking through articles on my tablet, I came across a study conducted by McKinsey and Company, creating an aha moment when thinking about the term business change.

The study looked at 2000 executives from 900 companies across multiple industries. More than half of respondents stated that, in five years, their change efforts failed to meet business goals and sustained results over time.

We at Process Street wanted to know why?

Trying to navigate business change without a formal process is like plonking an elephant into a china shop…

It can get messy.

What you need is a change management plan, to bring structure and control to the change process. If you ignore change – whether that be external to your business, internal, expected, or unexpected – or fail to respond appropriately, then there can be shattering negative consequences.

With our 9 free change management plan templates, you can effectively guide your business through change. These templates are just what you need to succeed in an ever-changing business landscape.

Scroll down to find out what a change management plan is and why it is needed, before moving onto our top 9 free change management plan templates. Alternatively, you can use the links below to jump to your section of choice.

Let’s get started! Continue Reading

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