
All posts in Onboarding

12 Useful HR Management Tips to Run an Effective Business

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Effective HR management tips prevents company-wide anarchy.

From solving internal disputes, to presenting a united front to customers, to just plain abiding by the law, HR is a vital discipline which is all too often generalized and pushed out of mind.

That’s why today I’ll be going through 12 HR management tips to help you keep your employees engaged and your company running smoothly. From the utter basics such as being open to hearing feedback on techniques like using social media to grow your network, keep reading to learn everything you need to know to avoid being another Michael Scott.

hr management tips - best boss gif

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6 Templates for Each Stage of the Employee Life Cycle for Long-Term Retention

A company is only as good as the employees it hires. We all know this, but let’s take it a step further.

The employee life cycle is the bloodline for any organization. You need to take proper care of your employees to reap success. To do this, you need to understand each stage of the employee life cycle and where your employee stands in it. 

When implemented correctly, effective employee life cycle management boosts long-term retention. Your employees are happy, so they remain longer and continue adding value to your business. 

That doesn’t mean this management is easy, though. That’s why, in this Process Street article, I’m taking you through each stage with a free template. 

Let’s dive right into it!

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10 Ways You Can Make Employee Onboarding Improvements

Businesses have been fighting to win the war for top talent since the Great Resignation. To do this, they’re revamping their recruiting strategies to grab the migrating workforce’s attention. 

All this repolishing to recruiting processes means nothing if companies can’t keep this top talent in their workforce. McKinsey found that the biggest problem a CEO faces is holding on to company talent after these employees have been hired. 

This isn’t the case. Poor onboarding can lead to your new hire walking out of your company as quickly as they entered – sometimes even faster. 17% of new hires leave before their first 90 days. 

Effective onboarding is needed to integrate new employees into the existing company culture, ultimately helping to retain them. 

Onboarding isn’t a new company practice. However, believing employee loyalty is guaranteed once they’ve signed their contract is only fake news. 

We’re talking all things onboarding improvements in this Process Street article to ensure you’re keeping the top talent you’re working so hard to attract to your company.  

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10 Remote Onboarding Best Practices to Skyrocket Productivity and Retention

20% of your total staff turnover happens during the first 6 weeks of employment. If you’re not onboarding well, you’re increasing costs. 

Onboarding is an intense process with a new hire needing to complete around 54 tasks. Remote onboarding comes with a unique set of challenges when compared with its in-office counterpart. 

New remote hires need the right tools, resources, and technology to integrate into a company’s culture. They also need to build a rapport with their managers and colleagues. If your HR management can’t help them achieve this, you risk losing top talent and racking up expenses to do so – upwards of $30,000 to $45,000 for each replacement. 

Creating a refined onboarding process can prevent this from happening and rather boost employee productivity and retention. In this Process Street post, we’re giving you 10 remote onboarding best practices to help you get started. 

Get ready to onboard!

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The HR Manager’s Complete Guide to Virtual Onboarding

Employees are 18 times more likely to feel committed to a company when they have a good onboarding experience. Yet, 93% of employers refuse to admit that onboarding experience affects employee retention at all.

What does that mean? 

Employers can’t accept that their onboarding plays a massive role in retaining top talent. In not accepting this, they aren’t investing enough in the onboarding process to see real benefits

Don’t want to fall into that staggering 93%? I’ve got you covered. 

In today’s Process Street article, I’m taking you through everything an HR manager needs to know to offer the best virtual onboarding experience: 

Let’s get crack-a-lackin’! 

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How The Onboarding Revolution Can Prevent The Great Resignation Regret

The Great Resignation has sent top talent searching for a better work-life balance. The Remote Takeover has made the job market exciting because the talent pool is the widest it’s ever been. 

If you can’t give this migrating workforce the flexibility they want, you’re going to miss out on better productivity, improved well-being, and charged organizational performance: The Great Resignation Regret. 

It’s easy to see why you don’t want this opportunity passing you by. So, how can embracing the Onboarding Revolution help prevent this from happening? That’s what we’re looking at in this Process Street article: 

Let’s get down to business!

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Everything You Need to Know About Onboarding Remote Employees

What was once the exception has now become a common workplace model throughout the world. Since 2005, remote working has increased by 159%. Without a doubt, those numbers saw a massive jump with the 2020 COVID-19 outbreak. 

This new way of working (and living) is here to stay. Why? Remote work can offer increased employee productivity, reduced churn, and decreased absenteeism, and much more. But these benefits are only within reach when you’ve set up a good remote workplace. 

One way of enforcing an effective remote workplace is during the onboarding phase. You can familiarize new hires with the correct resources and processes from the get-go. Just as onboarding is a good way to integrate your employees into a remote working environment, it can also be your biggest downfall if not conducted properly. 

That’s why, in this Process Street article, I’m taking you through everything you need to know about onboarding employees in a remote environment. 

Let’s get ready to onboard! 

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3 Ways Onboarding Documentation Can Help Your New Hire (+ Free Template to Get You Started)

onboarding documentation

Detailing the exact steps needed in a recurring process – AKA process documentation – seems time-consuming and unnecessarily complicated. After all, it’s something that’s repeated frequently enough that people should know how it’s done, right? WRONG! Take onboarding documentation, for example.

Considering you could be losing anywhere between 20 to 30% of your annual revenue because of inefficiencies, you want your processes to be as lean as possible. Having detailed documentation of a process helps you work more efficiently. 

A good onboarding process ensures you can support your new hire through their transition into the company’s culture. That’s how you’re going to build a loyal and productive workforce. 

So, in this Process Street article, let’s dive into the 3 ways onboarding documentation can help your new hire. Don’t worry – I’m not just dangling the benefits of onboarding documentation in your face. I’m also walking you through some best practices to reap the benefits. 

Here’s what we’re looking at: 

Pen and paper at the ready – let’s start documenting! 

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Southport Technology Group Use Process Street to Optimize Onboarding Processes

Southport Technology Group strives to offer affordable services to smaller businesses who don’t have an in-house tech team. 

To do this, the team at Southport Technology Group needs to have lean standard operating procedures to ensure they can meet demand efficiently while keeping costs low.  

In this article, I’m taking you through how the team at Southport Technology Group uses Process Street to optimize their onboarding programs for clients, developers, and employees. 

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