Preview allows you to test your workflow edits before publishing changes. This means, no more interruptions for your team working on active workflow runs.
You can also preview your workflows before making them available for your team to ensure you only publish the best version.
Note: This feature is available for customers on our Enterprise plan.
Users: To preview workflows, you must be an Administrator or a Member who has been given ‘edit’ access by your Administrator.
Go to a workflow you want to edit and go into the editor. Make changes by adding or editing any form fields, conditional logic, tasks, or task permissions then click Preview in the top right corner.
The preview workflow run opens in a new tab where you can test it out. Go through the workflow run by filling in form fields and completing tasks, as shown above.
Note: For the preview workflow run to open in a new tab, ensure that you have pop-ups enabled for Process Street.
If you need to edit your workflow, switch to the workflow editor tab and make changes. Then switch back to the preview workflow run and click Refresh in the top right corner to test the new edits, as shown below.
While testing your workflow, you can reset your preview workflow run to test different outcomes. This can be especially helpful if you have dropdowns in your workflow or conditional logic.
To reset your preview workflow run, click Restart in the top right corner, as shown below.
You can preview the workflow as different roles and user types, to test how an active workflow run would look to members in your organization or your external clients.
To test the workflow as different users or roles, first set task permissions so you can distinguish the views for each user type or role.
Once you have set custom permissions on some tasks, go to the preview workflow run. Navigate to the top of your screen and from the ‘preview as’ selector, choose to preview as different users and roles.
You can choose to preview the workflow as any user in your organization, as an external guest in your organization, or as someone with a share link to the workflow, as shown below.
If you have added an email form field or a member field in your workflow, you can choose to preview as one of these roles.
Note: To preview as an email field or member field role, you first need to enter an email address in the email field or select a member in the member field.
Previewing a workflow can also help you to test the advanced features in your workflow.
In your workflow, if you have any approval tasks, ensure they are assigned to a user, a member, or a role. Then click Preview and select the user or role assigned to the approvals task.
Note: If an approver doesn’t have permission to view the task they have to approve, they won’t be able to see the task details in the approval. To ensure you efficiently test this, customize the task permissions for the tasks that need approval, as shown above.
If you have conditional logic in your workflow, you can test the various outcomes by selecting the different dropdown options in your preview workflow run, as shown below.
You can also edit your conditional logic rules as you test to ensure you have set them up correctly.
If you have an email widget in your workflow, you can test how the auto-send email feature triggers the email as soon as that task is completed, as shown below.
If you have AI tasks in your workflow, you can preview a workflow to test their output, as shown below.
Note: In the preview mode, all other automations and integrations apart from AI Tasks are not available.
While previewing a workflow, you will receive all the notifications and emails for task assignments, approvals, custom notifications, and emails sent via the email widget.
If you don’t want to receive these notifications while you’re testing, you can turn the toggle to Receive email notifications off.
Note: When you turn the notifications toggle on or off, the changes will apply only when you enter the preview mode after changing this setting.
If I preview a workflow, will it show in my Reports Dashboard?
No, the preview workflow runs do not show in Reports.
Does the preview workflow run add to the stats in the Workflow Dashboard?
No, the preview workflow runs do not affect the stats in your Workflow Dashboard.
Do the task assignees get notified when I preview a workflow run?
No, when you preview a workflow run, all the notifications meant for the task assignees are sent to you as part of the testing.
While previewing a workflow, will I see my task assignments in My Work?
No, the tasks assigned to you in a preview workflow run are not shown in My Work as this is a test run.
Can I share the preview workflow run with my team?
No, when you preview a workflow, it is private to you and nobody else can access that preview workflow run. However, if your team has edit access to that workflow, they can preview it themselves.
What happens to the workflow if someone else edits it while I’m previewing it?
When two members edit and preview a workflow at the same time, both editors will see the changes being made by one another.
Please contact our support team if you need further assistance or want to provide feedback for this feature.