
All posts in Business Systems Explored

29 Small Business Podcast Interviews with the Experts

After 29 episodes, season one of Business Systems Explored is over. In this episode, we’re looking back over our favorite episodes, and forward to what season two might hold.

From video marketing to building a sales and customer success system, we’ve learned loads about all aspects of business, and improved our interviewing skills! We even have some feedback for you from implementing the systems ourselves.

With guests like Jon Nastor, Michael E. Gerber, Walter Chen and Amy Schmittauer, we’re privileged to have had such such high profile guests in the first season!

If you don’t know where to start with the most valuable wisdom from Business Systems Explored, give this a quick listen (it’s only 12 minutes long), and get recommendations from myself and Tony.

Links to listen to the season one summary:

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Startup SEO: How to Get Traction in Your First Year

In this episode of Business Systems Explored, we talk to Dmitry Dragilev about the systems behind the marketing successes he’s engineered for startups like Polar and

For startups, failure to get traction quickly can mean the difference between a multi-million dollar exit and another Silicon Valley tombstone.

Since it’s so vital to get exposure from the outset, you need to get the press, early adopters, and Google on your side.

This episode is all about how to do that: an interview with the growth hacker and startup PR expert Dmitry Dragilev.

Listen to the episode to find out where to start with an audit of your marketing site, how to write content that will force Google to pay attention, and Dmitry’s best hack for startup SEO.

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How to Build a PR Strategy for Your Business

In this episode of Business Systems Explored, we talk to Doyle Albee, host of PR is Dead and president of PR firm ‎Metzger Albee.


Public relations expert Doyle Albee shares his stories, tips, and processes on building a PR strategy for your business.

We chat about everything from building relationships with reporters to knowing the perfect time to strike with your story. And, the myth that ‘all news is good news’ is debunked!

Get inside the world of reporters and their motivations with these unique insights from the president of Metzger Albee PR firm, and host of the podcast PR is Dead.

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How to Delegate Tasks Successfully Without Wasting Time

In this episode of Business Systems Explored, I explain how to manage your tasks, delegate work, and build systems that help your business keep costs down, and work more productively.


At Process Street, I manage several different teams and assign hundreds of tasks every month.

You’d think that when you have to explain, upload, and send information to so many people so regularly, you’d have no time to do anything else…

You’d be wrong.

Managing a busy startup means you need to take a lot of shortcuts. So, thankfully I’ve found and documented a way to assign tasks to anyone from any device without switching between apps, sending emails, or messing around.

In this episode, I break down the system I use so you can re-create it and start delegating tasks successfully and efficiently.

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How to Be More Efficient at Work

In this episode of Business Systems Explored, we talk to Zachary Sexton, host of The Productivity Show for Asian Efficiency.


Whether you’re a maker or a manager, you could use a little more efficiency at work. It’s not like you’re choosing to goof off and doing a Homer Simpson, but you might be spending way too much time on email or less important work.

But how do you know? What really is the most important task for today?

We’ve looked at this topic a lot on the Process Street blog, but today it’s a focus on improving efficiency at work from the perspective of building a culture of productivity in your workplace.

Zachary tells us the tools, systems and methods he’s learned while running Asian Efficiency’s Productivity Show and the Buckets consultancy.

Listen to this week’s episode to supercharge your productivity, and find out what to do when you have a few bad days in a row.

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Startup Hiring: How to Find the Perfect Candidate Without Going Insane

In this episode of Business Systems Explored, Vinay explains the system he uses to hire at Process Street.


Hiring is the single most important thing any company does.

It’s right at the top of the chain, and the effects filter down to impact revenue, reach, signups, customer satisfaction, and more.

So, instead of settling on someone early because you can’t be bothered to manage relationships with hundreds of candidates, you should try the system described in this podcast.

The system involves ways to automatically reach out to great potential candidates, screen with automation, and use AI to schedule meetings. And, it’s nowhere near as complex as it sounds.

Listen to this episode to learn this semi-automated system for yourself and get it set up in a few hours!

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Quote to tweet:

“People are the ultimate system. It’s all about the team. Your company is how you hire” (tweet this)

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An Expert’s System to Manage Facebook Ad Campaigns

In this episode of Business Systems Explored, we talk to Armando Biondi, CEO of AdEspresso.


If you’ve ever ran a quick Facebook campaign to test the water, you know what a shot in the dark it can be. It’s likely that your first tentative campaign will have a stupidly high CPC, and eventually do nothing…

But that’s why you shouldn’t stop just yet. Facebook’s ad revenue is over $18 billion, so they’re certainly doing something right.
And, whether you’re selling to consumers or businesses, there’s a right and a wrong way to do it.

Listen to this episode — it’s an in-depth interview with a PPC genius ready to show everything he knows about Facebook advertising.

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How to Reduce Churn and Save Your Doomed SaaS Product

In this episode of Business Systems Explored, we talk to Matt Goldman: Churn Buster CEO and co-host of

We’ve looked at how churn can kill your SaaS company before on the Process Street blog…

But today we’ve had the pleasure of talking to someone who works entirely with churn and reducing its effects for tons of major SaaS companies.

Churn is the rate that customers cancel their subscriptions to your software. It can happen either because your product isn’t giving them enough value, or it can happen because of a failed payment method.

In fact, over half of total churn is because of an expired credit card or another technical payment issue…

Matt built Churn Buster to fight this particular type of revenue loss, and today he’s here to tell us all the secrets he’s learned along the way.
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Video Production Tips for Business: How to Create Video Customers Will Actually Watch

In this episode of Business Systems Explored, we learn video production tips from Chris Lavigne, head of video at Wistia.


You’d expect a video startup to have a wealth of wisdom on video creation, production, and editing, but this episode is insane.

We speak to Chris Lavigne, Wistia’s head of video, and learn everything from creating a business video with your iPhone, editing on free software, and the biggest mistakes you can make with lighting and audio recording.

Whether you’ve just got a laptop and an iPhone, or a bit of a budget to afford a mic and camera, there are tips here that will help you create video content that engages your audience, makes emotional connections, and strengthens your brand.

While you’re here, check out an earlier episode we recorded with Wistia CEO Chris Savage.

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How to Systemize Your Business from Scratch

In this episode of Business Systems Explored, we talk to Wendy Tadokoro from Organising Works! a business systems consultancy based in Australia.


You’re not going to be able to scale your business properly if you don’t use systems…

The problem is, businesses think they don’t have enough time to create processes.

What they don’t realize is that every day you go without a process, you’re wasting time and setting yourself up for failure.

Processes help you:

  • Train new employees
  • Assign tasks to anyone
  • Automate tedious jobs
  • Scale your business

So, how do you start systemizing your business from scratch?

If that’s what you want to know, this is the episode for you. Joining me this week is Wendy Tadokoro from Organising Works!, a systems consultancy with years of experience working with enterprises and small businesses. She walks us through everything she does when starting with a new client, revealing how you start making systems from the very beginning.

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