
All posts in Content Creation

Why & How We Focus on Co-Marketing in Our Content Marketing Team

Why and How We Focus on Co-Marketing in Our Content Marketing Team-01Content marketing is definitely in the top 3 spammiest areas of marketing.

Not a day goes by where someone isn’t trying to get me to link to their dodgy looking website or sending me nonsense.

In some cases you just have to respect the hustle. I know the article I was pitched yesterday wasn’t written by “John Smith” because the use of English in the title didn’t make sense. If you’re a non-native English speaker though, you often need to take those risks. I’d do the same.

But content marketing isn’t all spam and nonsense.

Lots of places do great content that’s high quality and produces loads of value for their audience. Outreach, relationship building, and collaborations aren’t always tacky either – they can be great ways to co-create content; media content being a really useful avenue for this.

We’ve created the best process management content on the web for a good while, and people come to us as a trusted source on other areas like onboarding, HR, operations, ISO, and customer success. That stuff, we’re good at.

The second part, though, is something we’ve been working on doing better.

In this Process Street article, I’ll explain how and why we moved to a co-marketing focus to support our SEO and business goals, including:

  • Why not just backlink build and guest post?
  • How is our relationship management system set up?
  • We’re seeing results and our flow is much smoother

Let’s jump right in!
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How Co-Marketing Can Heavily Increase Your Backlinking Game

How Co-Marketing Can Heavily Increase Your Backlinking Game

David Campbell is a digital marketing specialist at Ramp Ventures. He helps manage the content marketing team at Right Inbox. When he’s not working, he enjoys traveling and trying to learn Spanish.

Co-marketing involves connecting with like-minded brands to achieve similar marketing goals. When you collaborate with another brand’s marketing team, you can reach more potential customers with your products, and create highly engaging creative campaigns, too.

Products are not the only things you can promote through co-marketing. You can promote your content, and by extension, your brand. One of the ways you can do this is by building strong co-marketing relations with other marketing teams with the goal of sourcing valuable content & backlinks that will strengthen the quality of your blog or content offering.

In this article for Process Street, we’ll look at how co-marketing can heavily increase your backlinking game.

Let’s get to work!
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How to Scale Content Marketing: Building a System for Growth

how to scale content marketing

Brad Smith is the CEO at Wordable and the founder of Codeless (a content production agency). His content has been highlighted by The New York Times, Business Insider, The Next Web, and thousands more.

So, you’re ready to scale your marketing efforts, eh?

You’re not the only one: 70% of marketers are taking content marketing seriously — and sooner or later, they start scaling up, increasing competition in the process.

With all the marketing noise out there, it can be difficult to position yourself as an industry leader. But don’t worry, we’re here to help.

In this Process Street post, we’ll cover:

Let’s jump right in!
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Building a Content Marketing Strategy: Tips to Get Your Team Excited

building a content marketing strategy

Ovi Negrean is the CEO and Co-Founder of, one of the most user-friendly social media management tools on the market. He and his team help startups, small businesses, freelancers, and entrepreneurs reach their marketing goals through keyword-informed and customer-driven articles, as well as innovative social media content.

We all have a list of things we want to try out. And in the case of digital marketing, that list usually focuses on new technologies and strategies.

This Process Street article will provide you with the tips you need to apply as a marketing enthusiast in order to get your team excited. Whether you’re a fan of digital marketing, content marketing, influencer marketing, or social media marketing, you will most definitely find something of interest for any of these fields.

We’ll be covering:

Alright, let’s get started!
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Beyond Enlightenment – How to Make an Impact With Data Storytelling

Beyond Enlightenment – How to Make an Impact With Data Storytelling

This is a guest post by Brian Skewes, a technologist into deconstruction. Over two decades of self-employment, he has accumulated a wealth of inadvertent real-world lessons related to building, running, and preserving a small company.

There’s a phrase that’s become popular in web analytics, digital marketing, and business consultancy in the last few years: data is everything.

There’s a lot to recommend it. It’s short, snappy, and captures the importance of data to the way in which we do business today. Whether you are building organic links or in the process of drafting an employee development plan, the path to success runs right through a big ‘ol pile of numbers.

Unfortunately, there’s more to numbers than just numbers.

This is due to the nature of data itself. The problem with relying on numbers and nothing else is that no matter how impressive it is, it also remains inscrutable, incomprehensible, or simply boring for the majority of people. Unless your audience is composed entirely of the type of person who can instantly visualize columns of figures, you are going to need to provide some context for the ever-so-impressive stats.

This is where the concept of storytelling comes in.

In this Process Street article, we’ll look at how you can go beyond data acquisition, compilation, and presentation. We’ll show you how to make your data come alive through the magic of storytelling.

Once upon a time…
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12 Checklists for Bloggers to Implement Content Marketing Best Practices

checklists for bloggers

77% of internet users read blogs – like this one produced by us at Process Street. To pique the interest of this large audience you’ll need to be following optimized, efficient processes so your blog is the best it can be.

And guess what? If you’re looking to better your blog content and stand out from the competition, then you’ve come to the right place. In this article, you’ll learn how to get your blog right with Process Street’s tried and tested checklists for bloggers.

Once more, we’re giving you these checklists for free (our gift to you for being a woautomanderful readership).

These checklists have been specifically selected and ordered for you to implement best practices from the start to the end of the blog creation process.

Right then, no more dill-dallying, let’s get straight to it.

Click on the relevant subheader to jump to your section of choice. Alternatively, scroll down to read all we have to say so you’re fully prepared to implement our checklists for bloggers.

Let the blogging commence!
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5 Essential Lessons I Learned From GitLab’s Marketing Playbook

5 Essential Lessons I Learned From GitLab's Marketing Playbook

Writers are inherently nosy curious. Here at Process Street, we’re no different. So when I was given the opportunity to check out GitLab’s marketing playbook, I jumped at it.

GitLab itself is an interesting company. Completely remote and open source, GitLab’s evolution comes not only from its own development teams, but also contributions from a community of over 3,000 contributors and two million users. Plus it promotes total transparency; all of GitLab’s documentation is freely accessible on their website.

Like I said, interesting place.

There are enough similarities between our two companies, that their approach is particularly valuable in terms of what procedures we might steal learn from to improve our own processes.

And we love improving processes.

In this article, I’ll list the five most important lessons I learned from GitLab’s marketing playbook:

So, let’s get started.
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AI and Fake News: How Technology Has Changed Modern Propaganda

AI and Fake News How Technology Has Changed Modern Propagandamodern propaganda

“The misinformation crisis is a symptom of the enormously significant ways that the internet has changed our information ecosystem, which I don’t think anybody, least of all governments and traditional media, has fully got to grips with.” Al Baker, Managing Editor at Logically

If you’ve been on social media at all in the past decade, you’ve likely spoken to at least one synthetic person without even realizing it.

To be honest, probably more than one. In the early months of 2020, Twitter purged 174,000 bots it claimed were being used by the Chinese government.

This is what propaganda looks like today. But no, you say, propaganda is kitschy, cartoonish posters from the 1940s, and, once upon a time, you’d be right. The truth is, though, modern propaganda is almost completely digital – and not nearly as easy to spot.

Dictators use bots to stifle uprisings. Political candidates use bots to promote their platforms. Civil rights advocates use bots to schedule protests and share information. That new startup has bots to raise its brand profile, and if you’ve ever scheduled an automated post, you’ve used one, too.

Like most technology, bots aren’t malevolent by nature; how they’re used, however, is another matter entirely.

This article is going to examine the methods and origins of modern propaganda and what’s been done to combat it.

Onward, we go:
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