
All posts in Document Management

Best Process Documentation Software Compared: Office 365 vs Process Street

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You might think that I’m going to say that Process Street is the only bit of process documentation software you’ll need, but you’re wrong.

A craftsman is only as good as their toolkit allows them to be, and thus a consultant can only create business systems effectivel and increase their clients’ efficiency if they know the limits of their tools. Microsoft Word, for example, is good for creating detailed formal documents, but it’s a nightmare to document and track your processes with it.

Hence why today I’ll be going over how to use Process Street with the basics of your toolkit – Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. I’ll also be comparing them a little, as some tasks can be better and more easily achieved by using Process Street, such as:

Basically, we don’t think you have to be some elite business process management hacker to see massive improvements – you just need to know how to use it with the rest of your stack.
process documentation software - elite hacker

Let’s get started.
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21 Excel Tips and Tricks to Become a Spreadsheet Sensei


In 2013, 90% of businesses reported using Microsoft Excel in their business operations.

In 2016, 1 in 5 companies report using Excel as their primary mode of communicating data internally.

However, the world is catching up and Excel is wandering into a future of SaaS apps and automation. If you have Excel deep within the structures of your business, this article will show you two key things:

  1. How to get the most out of Excel. Learn how to do more than the basic calculations and how to bring automation into your Excel operations.
  2. The other automation tools on the market which you can begin to integrate into your operations as you move forward.

What we’re going to do is lay out a series of steps by which you can get more from Excel. We’re going to start off super simple with our Excel for dummies, and move gradually up to complex tasks which can really demonstrate the power of Excel.

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How and Why to Document Your Workflows

Workflows are the building blocks of your business.

Whatever business you’re in, workflows are your business.

They act as representations of your whole operation. They can be used to smash inefficiencies and increase profits.

…But what are workflows, and why do they really matter?

Why should they be documented, and how can Process Street help you optimize them?

Let’s find out.

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6 Top Document Management Systems Compared


You might not know it by its formal title, but if you’re a Google Drive user, you’re already using a document management system.

The good news is that there are other solutions out there with a ton of various features.

Document management systems can be as simple as a shared version of Windows Explorer and as complicated as a fully functional platform with workflows, versioning, and live collaboration.

With so many out there, how do you know which to choose?

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